
Pick Your Scandal

Violating Americans’ privacy while failing to identify the terrorists among us. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online All can agree that the Obama administration is mired in myriads of scandals, but as yet no one can quite figure out what they all mean and where they will lead. Share This

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Western Cultural Suicide

We are blind to the contradictions in welcoming an immigrant but not making him one of us. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Multiculturalism — as opposed to the notion of a multiracial society united by a single culture — has become an abject contradiction in the modern Western world. Share This

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It Can Happen Here

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Shortly before the second-term inauguration of Barack Obama this January, I wrote [1] the following of my worries over the Obama way of doing business: Share This

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Terrorism as Therapy

The Obama administration is intent on downplaying the Islamic roots of contemporary terrorism. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online One common theme emerges from the hearings over the Benghazi disaster: The Obama administration is intent on downplaying the Islamic roots of terrorists who harbor an existential hatred of the West. Share This

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Why Read Old Books?

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media We all know the usual reasons why we are prodded to read the classics — moving characters, seminal ideas, blueprints of our culture, and paradigms of sterling prose and poetry. Then we nod and snooze. Share This

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Presidential Rhetoric

by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner If only the president might show the same audacity to weigh in on the murderous Tsarnaev brothers as he did when he expressed his displeasure during the ongoing Henry Louis Gates or Trayvon Martin matters Share This

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Obama’s Psychodramas

Unlike Sandy Hook and gun control, the Tsarnaev case teaches real lessons about immigration. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Barack Obama has a habit of trying to energize his legislative agenda by stoking the fires of emotionally charged current events — and in ways usually illogical and incoherent. Share This

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