Steven Chu

A Gasoline Nightmare

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Obama is barnstorming the west — blasting oil companies, trying to convince voters that he supports an “all of the above” policy, and reminding them that drilling has increased since his tenure. But that won’t work for five reasons. Share This

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America’s Two-Front War

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media America has the slows. Sometime about mid-2009 America began changing psychologically. True, to the naked eye, America retained the old hustle and bustle, but in an insidious fashion it began to think a bit differently. Share This

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Obama’s Economic Quackery

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Sometimes the wrong medicine can make a struggling patient far sicker than he would have been had he been allowed to recover naturally. Western medicine began with the premise that the physician either must know how to cure the patient or simply leave him alone — but above

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