
How Marxism Killed Keystone

by Bruce S. Thornton FrontPage Magazine The global warming apocalypse and its Elmer Gantry, Al Gore, may have faded from public view lately, but that old-time green religion is still making mischief. President Obama has just delayed until after November’s election a decision on the Canadian Keystone XL pipeline. Share This

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South Carolina Debate: A Perfect Distraction

by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner The Race Going into South Carolina The primary race that has just started and should still be wide open is already supposedly almost over — but still isn’t quite. Share This

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Defense Spending Is a ‘Shovel Ready’ Investment

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services President Obama has just ordered massive cutbacks in defense spending, eventually to total some $500 billion. There is plenty of fat in a Pentagon budget that grew after 9/11, but such slashing goes way too far. Share This

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America’s Two-Front War

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media America has the slows. Sometime about mid-2009 America began changing psychologically. True, to the naked eye, America retained the old hustle and bustle, but in an insidious fashion it began to think a bit differently. Share This

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‘When the Legend Becomes Fact, Print the Legend’

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Obama Mythologos Barack Obama is a myth, our modern version of Pecos Bill or Paul Bunyan. What we were told is true, never had much basis in fact — a fact now increasingly clear as hype gives way to reality. Share This

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Obama 101

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online In the last three years, the president has taught us a great deal about America, the world, and himself. Share This

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Occupy What?

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Playing With Fire Occupy Wall Street follows three years of sloppy presidential name-calling — “millionaires and billionaires,” slurs about Las Vegas and the Super Bowl, profit-mad, limb-lopping doctors, introspection that now is not the time for profits [1] and at some point we should cease making money, spread the wealth, punish …

Occupy What? Read More »

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Global Warming–RIP?

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Not long ago, candidate Obama promised to cool the planet and lower the rising seas. Share This

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Ten Lessons from Obama

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online The election of Barack Obama brought all sorts of contradictions. A man with about the least prior executive experience in presidential history was suddenly acclaimed a “god” and the smartest man ever to assume the office. Share This

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