Social Services

Beware of Beautifully Misnamed Laws

Who would oppose “affordable care” and “farm security”? by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  Washington has a bad habit of naming laws by what they are not. These euphemisms usually win temporary public support. After all, who wants to be against anything “affordable”? But on examination, such idealistically named legislation usually turns out to […]

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The End of the Old Order

The well-intentioned social programs of the 1960s make no sense today. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Ideas of the 1960s have grown reactionary in our world, which is vastly different from the America of a half-century ago. Share This

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Patient Obama

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Last week the president gave a speech on the deficit [1], rightly trying to convince Americans that it is now beyond unsustainable. Yet his theme was that the Republicans’ attempts to reduce it were cold-hearted, endangering the most vulnerable among us, such as those with Down’s Syndrome, while protecting the proverbial

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