Obama’s America

Obama’s Paradoxes

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Consider the myriad paradoxes of the Obama age. Unprecedented government borrowing is out of control, unsustainable, and finally causing financial markets to panic. Share This

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The Inexplicables

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media There are a number of things I don’t fathom about contemporary American popular culture and politics. Here is a small sample. Share This

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Our Ten-Trillion-Dollar Man

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Borrowing Is No Longer Stimulus? The Congressional Budget Office not long ago forecast that Barack Obama’s $1 trillion-plus annual deficits — scheduled over the next decade — would result in almost another $10 trillion in aggregate debt. Share This

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Reelecting Obama

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online We are beginning to see the contours of the upcoming 2012 reelection campaign of Barack Obama. Whether always officially sanctioned or not, Obama’s campaign will focus on three general themes: a) the 2008 meltdown of the economy on Bush’s watch; b) conservative heartlessness in gutting cherished entitlement programs;

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Our Reactionary President

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Barack Obama is the most reactionary president in the recent history of the United States. Obama seems intent on turning back the clock to the good old days of the 1960s and 1970s, when rigid political orthodoxy, not an open mind, once guided government. Share This

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