Obama’s America

After Obama

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services We can imagine what lies ahead in 2017 — no matter the result of either the 2014 midterm elections or the 2016 presidential outcome. Share This

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America in the Age of Myth

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media We live in a mythic age — but mythic in the sense of made-up. The Coastal Aristocrat In the last thirty years, I have probably spoken 200 times at a coastal university of some sort, most of which were on the Eastern seaboard. Share This

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Obama’s Non-Triangulation

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online After the election, dozens of op-eds — I wrote one myself — cautioned the president about second-term overreach, focusing on how either hubris or simple fate has seemed to do in most modern second presidential terms. Share This

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The Orientalism of Barack Obama

by Terry Scambray New Oxford Review Of course the documentary movie, 2016: Obama’s America, was timed by the conservative, Dinesh D’Souza, to discredit the president. Nonetheless, there can’t be much doubt that the president’s vision of America is driven by his attitude toward the perceived sins of European colonialism and his fear that America has now

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2012: Crisis and Opportunity Await

by Bruce S. Thornton FrontPage Magazine This year will be a time of crisis and opportunity. The incompetence of President Obama is now manifest to all but his most devoted followers, who remain trapped in their progressive Jonestown, chanting the bankrupt mantra of “hope and change” as they stir the vats of government Kool-Aid. Share

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