North Korea

Will Iran Really Start a War?

by Victor Davis Hanson Defining Ideas For much of last December, Iran seemed schizophrenic. Share This

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Did We Give Up on Libya?

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services President Obama has announced that America would stop attacking Col. Muammar Gadhafi’s forces in Libya. He instead hopes that others can force out Gadhafi — or that the dictator will leave through economic and diplomatic pressure. Share This

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America’s Sorta Rescue?

by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner What a No-Fly Zone Means Now that we are committed to a no-fly zone (an unwise idea, I think, given the absence of consistent aims or defined objectives), we must support it and ensure its success. Share This

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Signs of the Times

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Trimalchio’s Bowl Sometime during the reign of the emperor Nero, the novelist and imperial confidant Petronius wrote a novel about life among the Roman nouveau richein the Bay of Naples. Share This

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Why America Must Defend South Korea

by Victor Davis Hanson The Cold War is over.  Why on earth should we expend American blood and treasure to defend South Korea? George Washington warned us about this kind of entanglement. Why should we expend American blood and treasure to defend South Korea? (Ricochet member Kenneth) Share This

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