Martha’s Vineyard

Young Westerners–Deprives or Decadent?

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services A once civil and orderly England was recently torn apart by rioting and looting — at first by mostly minority youth, but eventually also by young Brits in general. Share This

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What If the President Liked Businesspeople?

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services The US stock market has nose-dived. Congress just approved the highest debt ceiling in American history, allowing the government to carry over $16 trillion in national debt, and prompting the credit-rating agency Standard & Poor’s to downgrade America’s multitrillion-dollar debt for the first time in 70 years. Share …

What If the President Liked Businesspeople? Read More »

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The Politics of Liberals Bashing Obama

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Progressive Angst This week the president’s positive ratings are hovering around 40-42%; in some polls there is a 10% gap or more between negative and positive appraisals. I expect that they will go back up, and then even lower as the year wears on. Share This

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