
‘Muslim’ Jesus Demands Sharia Law and Jizya Tribute

by Raymond Ibrahim //  Time and again, Muslims, especially those in Egypt, project Islamic thinking onto Christians: thus the Coptic church has been accused of smuggling and storing weapons in its churches to take over the nation (when in fact mosques are regularly exposed housing illegal weapons for the jihad); of kidnapping and torturing Coptic girls who convert …

‘Muslim’ Jesus Demands Sharia Law and Jizya Tribute Read More »

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Fidelity and the Presidency

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services The news media seem obsessed with the serial affairs of a younger Newt Gingrich back in the last century. Share This

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Rationalizing Pedophilia in Islam

by Raymond Ibrahim Jihad Watch Earlier this month we saw — or rather, were once again reminded — that Islam permits pedophilia in the guise of “marriage”: Share This

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