Kevin Clinesmith

The Strangest Thing About ‘Semi-Fascist’ Trump

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness For the Left, Donald Trump is synonymous with “fascism” (or “semi-fascism,” as Joe Biden put it the other day). And for Liz Cheney and most of the NeverTrumpers, he remains an existential threat to democracy. But to quantify those charges, what exactly has Trump done extralegally—as opposed to his bombast …

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FBI, R.I.P.?

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness The FBI is dissolving before our eyes into a rogue security service akin to those in Eastern Europe during the Cold War. Take the FBI’s deliberately asymmetrical application of the law. This week the bureau surprise-raided the home of former President Donald Trump—an historical first. A massive phalanx of FBI …

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Who Are the Real Insurrectionists?

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness For 120 days in summer 2020, violent protesters destroyed some $2 billion in property and injured 1,500 police officers in riots that led to over 35 deaths. Because blue-state mayors and governors saw BLM and Antifa instigators as useful street soldiers, most of those arrested were never tried in court. …

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The New Disinformationists

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness The Biden Administration feels that it must now use federal resources to attack “disinformation.” So the Department of Homeland Security recently announced the creation of a “disinformation governance board.” The board’s executive director, Nina Jankowicz, at least has clear qualifications for the post. She previously had spread false rumors on social …

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