Hosni Mubarak

The Middle East: All Bad Choices

From Libya to Iran, our past actions have drastically limited our current choices. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online Survey the Middle East, and there is nothing about which to be optimistic. Iran is either fueling violence in Syria or racing toward a bomb, or both. Share This

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Murbarak’s Muslim Brotherhood Prophecy

by Raymond Ibrahim // Gatestone Institute In a video of Hosni Mubarak when he was still Egypt’s president, the strategies of which he accuses the Muslim Brotherhood have come to pass.  What follows are Mubarak’s words from a conference in Egypt (date unknown; author’s translation): Share This

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Egyptians Enraged by U.S. Outreach to Muslim Brotherhood

by Raymond Ibrahim // PJ Media In the eyes of tens of millions of Egyptians, Senators John McCain’s and Lindsey Graham’s recent words and deeds in Egypt—which have the “blessing” of President Obama—have unequivocally proven that U.S. leadership is aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood. Share This

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Obama to Egyptian Christians: Don’t Protest the Brotherhood

by Raymond Ibrahim FrontPage Magazine As Egyptians of all factions prepare to demonstrate  in mass against the Muslim Brotherhood and President Morsi’s rule on June 30, the latter has been trying to reduce their numbers, which some predict will be in the millions and eclipse the Tahrir protests that earlier ousted Mubarak. Share This

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Why Some Wars Are So Savage

by Victor Davis Hanson Wall Street Journal A prominent Syrian rebel commander with the nom de guerre Abu Sakkar recently appeared on YouTube cutting open the chest of a dead government soldier, pulling something out of it—the heart or perhaps a lung—and taking a bite. Share This

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Middle East Madness

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Last week, Muslim mobs took to the streets to murder the American ambassador in Libya and three of his staffers. American embassies were attacked from Egypt to Yemen. Share This

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Decline or Decadence?

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Almost daily we read of America’s “waning power” and “inevitable decline,” as observers argue over the consequences of defense cuts and budget crises. Share This

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We Give Up

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Americans — left, right, Democrats, and Republicans — are all sick of thankless nation-building in the Middle East. Yet democratization was not our first choice, but rather a last resort after other methods failed. Share This

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Obama’s Assault on America’s Prestige

by Bruce S. Thornton FrontPage Magazine In 1868, a British army led by Sir Robert Napier sailed from India to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) to rescue several English and European hostages from the mentally unstable, sadistic King Theodore. Share This

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