higher education

Victor Davis Hanson Show

Movies, Novels, and the Death of Classics: Listeners’ Questions

Listen in to Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler talk about Shane, The Searchers, Lonesome Dove, The Longest Day, Saving Private Ryan, The Bridge on the River Kwai and more movies, Robert Graves’s I Claudius, Mary Renault’s series on Alexander the Great and other novels, and Classics in education. Share This

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The West Is Sick of the New Woke Jihadism

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatnes What are the mobs in Washington defiling iconic federal statues with impunity and pelting policemen really protesting? What are the students at Stanford University vandalizing the president’s office really demonstrating against? What are the throngs in London brazenly swarming parks and rampaging in the streets really angry about? Occupations? They could care less that the Islamist …

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Can The Current Universities Be Saved?

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness Elite higher education in America—long unquestioned as globally preeminent—is facing a perfect storm. Fewer applicants, higher costs, impoverished students, collapsing standards, and increasingly politicized and mediocre faculty reflect a collapse of the university system. The country is waking up to the reality that a bachelor’s degree no longer equates with …

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

No One Worries about the Tlaxcalans and Other Ironies

In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler examine whether China will invade Taiwan, reparatory admissions degenerate the culture and standards of the university, Tlaxcalans marginalized by the Aztecs, Google-AI as good as its programmers, and rebuilding a barn. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

War, Scores and the Last Tragedian

In this weekend episode, Victor Davis Hanson talks with cohost Sami Winc about the Ukraine War two years later, Trump settlement and the NY business community, S.A.T. scores return to university admissions, new non-science in CDC and Health Department decisions, and the last tragedian Euripides. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

Envisioning a Better Nation: Musk and Mega-Donors

Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler discuss Elon Musk’s compensation denied and ideas of a new university, reforming entrenched DEI, financing illegals and fiscal responsibility, mega-donors begin to see the downside to elite universities, and Trump’s case postponed. Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

The GOP Nominee Race Takes Shape After New Hampshire and Other News

Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc to discuss the news of the week: campaign trail notes and questions, Supreme Court ruling allows federal agents subvert border defenses, our universities plagued by anti-Semitism and greedy professors, and are we at war with Iran? Share This

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Victor Davis Hanson Show

Left Ideology and Post-Civilizational World

In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler explain the reasons elites approve of Biden’s record, Davos elites’ selective criminalization, university reputations in the balance, Rice University offering “Afro-chemistry”, and “insurrection,” Oct. 7, and Left ideology. Share This

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Can We Save our Universities?

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness It took the widely reported, repellent, and exempt wave of anti-Semitism and violent pro-Hamas protestors harassing Jews, finally to convince Americans that their own hallmark universities are illiberal centers of mediocrity and intolerance—and increasingly unsafe. Of course, Americans had long known that something had gone wrong at their colleges. They had increasingly …

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Hamas and Amoral Clarity

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness One unexpected blowback from the medieval Hamas’s barbaric murdering of hundreds of Israeli civilians is the revelation of current global amorality. More than 20 Harvard university identity politics groups pledged their support to the Hamas murderers—to the utter silence for days of Harvard President Claudine Gay. Americans knew higher education …

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