Eric Ciaramella

We Are Well Beyond Hypocrisy

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness The abject narcissism of the insular Left is startling. They apparently believe the American public is amnesiac enough to forget what leftists once did, now that they’re doing the utter opposite. And they assume we are to discount their hypocrisy and self-absorption simply because they self-identify as erudite and moral […]

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The Ukraine-American Gordian Knot

Most Americans sympathize with Ukraine and were and are willing to supply it with defensive weapons to repel Russian aggression. Proof of that goodwill is the virtual draining of U.S. weapon stocks—from stockpiles of anti-tank weapons and large-caliber artillery shells to anti-aircraft and surface-to-surface missiles. Yet the more the United States gives, the more Volodymyr

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