Dreams From My Father

Obama, Storyteller

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online A sign of an undisciplined mind is serial lapses into self-contradiction, or blurting out a thought only to refute it entirely on a later occasion. For a president to do that is to erode public confidence and eventually render all his public statements irrelevant. Share This

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The Obama-Romney Doggy Wars

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Last week the Washington Post ran a piece on presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney’s high-school years, in which he supposedly was cruel to a shy, perhaps gay fellow student. Share This

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Chameleon Nation

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Sometimes a trivial embarrassment can become a teachable moment. It was recently revealed that Harvard professor and US Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren had self-identified as a Native American for nearly a decade — apparently to enhance her academic career by claiming minority status. Share This

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The Politics of Liberals Bashing Obama

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Progressive Angst This week the president’s positive ratings are hovering around 40-42%; in some polls there is a 10% gap or more between negative and positive appraisals. I expect that they will go back up, and then even lower as the year wears on. Share This

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