Dmitry Medvedev

Ukraine and the Malevolent Legacy of the Obama-Biden Administration

Ukraine and the Malevolent Legacy of the Obama-Biden Administration

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness During the current Ukrainian war, the media has created a mythology that the Left was tough on Vladimir Putin’s Russia. And thus, now it simply continues its hard-nosed efforts in Ukraine. But nothing could be further from the truth. Aside from Biden’s original panic of evacuating American diplomatic personnel from […]

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The New Disinformationists

Victor Davis Hanson American Greatness The Biden Administration feels that it must now use federal resources to attack “disinformation.” So the Department of Homeland Security recently announced the creation of a “disinformation governance board.” The board’s executive director, Nina Jankowicz, at least has clear qualifications for the post. She previously had spread false rumors on social

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