
The Glue Holding America Together

As it fragments into various camps, the country is being held together by a common popular culture. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online By a.d. 200, the Roman Republic was a distant memory. Few citizens of the global Roman Empire even knew of their illustrious ancestors like Scipio or Cicero. Millions no longer spoke Latin. Italian emperors were a […]

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America’s Two-Front War

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media America has the slows. Sometime about mid-2009 America began changing psychologically. True, to the naked eye, America retained the old hustle and bustle, but in an insidious fashion it began to think a bit differently. Share This

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Wall Street’s Disgruntles Utopians

by Bruce S. Thornton FrontPage Magazine The Occupy Wall Street protesters are looking more and more like the shock troops of the Democratic Party’s electoral tactic of class warfare. Responding to a question about the protesters, the President gave an oblique endorsement when he said, “The American people understand that not everybody has been following

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The False WWII Analogy

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Since 2009, the example of the economic boom following World War II has been used by Keynesians to justify their record “peacetime” levels of borrowing intended to lift the US out of the doldrums. Share This

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Obama’s Paradoxes

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Consider the myriad paradoxes of the Obama age. Unprecedented government borrowing is out of control, unsustainable, and finally causing financial markets to panic. Share This

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