
Oh, We Forgot to Tell You . . .

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services The second-term curse goes like this: A president (e.g., Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, etc.) wins re-election, but then his presidency implodes over the next four years — mired in scandals or disasters such as Watergate, Iran-Contra, Monica Lewinsky, the Iraqi insurgency and Hurricane […]

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Oh What a Tangled Web

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Supporters of President Obama have dubbed those who question administration statements about Libya as either partisans or conspiracy theorists, on the premise that the administration had no reason to dissimulate. But in fact, it had plenty of political reasons not to be candid, as the following questions make

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Down from Olympus

by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner David Petraeus’s resignation marks the end of one of the great postwar military and government careers — his successful surge in Iraq being analogous to and as impressive as Matthew Ridgway’s salvation of Korea or Sherman’s sudden taking of Atlanta that saved Lincoln’s and the Union cause before the

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A Country Unhinged

by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner In the last week, it is almost as if the entire American moral landscape has been turned upside down in eerie fashion — in matters that vastly transcend fornication and adultery. The Petraeus-gate matter is the stuff of tabloids now; but soon the real issues relating to when and

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Anatomies of Electoral Madness

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media “Gonna be some hard times coming down.” —Kris Kristofferson, Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid One way of making sense out of nonsense in this new age is simply to believe the opposite of what you read. I have been doing that and it often works. Share This

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The Wages of Libya

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online We have had ambassadors murdered abroad before, but we have never seen anything quite like the tragic fate of Chris Stevens. Amid all the controversy over Libya, we have lost sight of the human — and often horrific — story of Benghazi: a US ambassador attacked, cut off

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The Stakes in Tonight’s Foreign Policy Debate

by Bruce Thornton FrontPage Magazine Foreign policy, the topic of tonight’s debate, was suddenly thrust into the voters’ consciousness by the murder of 4 Americans, including our ambassador, in Benghazi on the anniversary of 9/11. Intensifying the fallout of this event has been the Obama administration’s incoherent, clumsy, duplicitous, and rapidly unraveling attempt to blame

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