Statues, Budgets, and Open Wounds

Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc this weekend for VDH’s thoughts on the Colossus of Rhodes, leaking from the Biden White House, the House funding bill, Newsom claims he has been DOGEing in California, Fani Willis off the case, and a never-again Never-Trumper.

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6 thoughts on “Statues, Budgets, and Open Wounds”

  1. Sandsgrandmother

    So instead of impeaching Biden, allow him to retire, making the United Citizens reward him with a hefty yearly retirement plan that equals well over a million dollars yearly, including security, secretary, etc., for him and the family. Not prosecuting allows him and his family members not to be prosecuted for their crimes and to carry on the family crimes. Our government as a whole is failing the American citizen.

  2. If the Trump administration is able to put together an Organizational Flow Chart of all the Departments, Agencies, Divisions, Bureaus, and Committees, and get rid of the obsolete and duplicates, then we could see which ones belong to the Fourth Branch of Government and if they are worth the money allocated to them.

    1. Since the mid-70s, the private sector can no longer afford the public sector. You can layoff half of these federal employees with little affect in the delivery of essential government services. It’s called workfare as opposed to welfare.

      1. Craig,

        You say that half of the federal workforce could be laid off without affecting essential services. This number seems arbitrary as you have failed to provide any supporting evidence to justify it. Are you saying, for example, that we could close half of all of the post offices and nobody would notice a severe disruption in service?

        I’m all for reasonable efficiency measures as long as people are treated fairly and humanely. What you’re proposing sounds more like vendetta.

        1. Ron,
          Historically, the public sector is notorious for lagging the private sector in instituting efficiences. A number of people that work for federal/NYS govt. have told me there are 4-5 people doing the job of 1 person. Often times, the manager’s even compensated in part on the basis of how many people work for him or her.
          Meanwhile, a private company goes out of business, if it doesn’t modernizes its sytems and incentivize its employees to better serve their customers.
          It used to be that people worked for government for the guaranteed income & good benefits. Now, government employees are often paid more than their counterparts in the private sector along with better benefits, which are disincentives for the private sector. Plenty of articles have been written about the situation over the years.
          To me, streamlining the delivery of government services, implementing back office efficiencies & eliminating positions is long over due; instead, government just keeps going in size. And, no one expects government to operate like a private business in providing essential social services, particulary to the elderly & infirm.
          The question is can the private sector provide enough jobs for all these unemployed people? The answer is no, so the cutbacks have to been done on a graduated basis to take into consideration the human factor, as you well point out.
          I apologize for the lengthy, boring response.

  3. Victor, your stories of family get-togethers remind me of spending time with cousins growing up. My mother grew up on a cotton plantation in Aitken County, SC, heart of the cotton industry. When our cousins, mostly girls, visited us in Upstate NY, they’d run around with their tongues out trying to catch snowflakes. We boys would take off our shirts, roll around in the snow & throw snowballs for the girls to squeal in horror & delight. We liked their deep southern accents, mostly gone now with younger generations & the homogenizing affect of national television.

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