Russia Then and Now

Listen to Victor Davis Hanson discuss 20th-century Russia and the Soviet Union and reflect on events in the Ukraine today with his cohost Sami Winc.

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2 thoughts on “Russia Then and Now”

  1. Professor Hanson, once again thank you for sharing your abundance of knowledge. I am a senior citizen and have posed a question regarding World War Two in the past which unfortunately has gone unanswered. In 1940, Britain was left with a single armored division to protect Egypt and the Suez Canal. Had Germany continued on to The Levant and seized the Soviet oil fields in the Caucasus what would have been the consequences for Allies and would Germany have been ultimately victorious?

  2. Professor Hanson, thank you once again for sharing your abundance of knowledge. I am a senior citizen and have posed one question to you in the past which unfortunately has gone unanswered regarding World War Two. In 1940, Britain was left with a single armored division to protect Egypt and the Suez Canal. Germany at that time had 20 armored divisions. Had they used a fraction of that power to seize the Suez Canal and continued on to overrun The Levant, seize the Soviet oil fields in the Caucasus, what would have been the consequences for the Allies and would Germany have been ultimately victorious?

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