In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler discuss Trump’s political picks, how 95% of Republicans loyal to Trump, Trump’s anti-establishment rhetoric welcomed by the people, McConnell refusing to help Republican candidates, the strange lucidity of Biden’s recent speech, Sotomayor losing favor with the Democrats, Harris campaign paying celebrities, the Left clinging to transitioning minors, and how the Democrats manipulated race and lost.
Willie Brown is a Cheapskate – rewarding Kamala Harris with taxpayer funded jobs.
Barack Obama is Schizo – spouting anti-white rhetoric while 50% white.
Victor – Trump received 74 million votes in two elections while picking up new voters in 2024.
How many voters voted for him in 2020 and not in 2024? Why did they not vote for him again?
Haley threw away my primary vote for PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP.
She had her husband go outside and tell me he was going to be david and PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP was Goliath, and demanded I shake his hand in approval. I wouldn’t let him touch me.
I didn’t know that Mike was trying to run against him.