
Israel on Its Own and Our “Expert” Liars

In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler discuss Israel in the face of know-nothing, do-nothing policy of the Biden-Harris admin, unelected Jill Biden presides at cabinet meeting, our “experts” and their letters of warning, how right-wing turncoats turn to socialism, and should one join the military.

Hezbollah, Oprah and the Phoney War

Join the weekend episode. Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc discuss Israel takes on and out Hezbollah leadership, Oprah interviews Harris, Rich Lowry canceled, and a discussion of the five-month Phoney War, or Sitzkrieg, in World War II.

Routh, Violent Rhetoric, and Israel’s New Tactics

Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc for the Friday news roundup: Ryan Routh’s peculiarity, violent campaign rhetoric in the spot light, Harris interview by NABJ, and pagers and walkie-talkies blow up on Hezbollah operatives.

Biden’s Latest Israel Proposal and a second Trump Assassination Attempt

On this episode, Jack Fowler and Victor Davis Hanson delve into the recent assassination attempts on Donald Trump, the Biden administration’s controversial proposal for Israel to cede land to Hezbollah, and the integrity of the Supreme Court amidst internal leaks. They discuss the broader implications of these events on national security, media bias, and political rhetoric.

In the Combat Zone

Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler for the recent news: debate commentary is twisting in the wind, Harris does another softball interview the Left refuses to acknowledge, the Left hiding their Jacobin ways, our service men and women are in combat zones, how Venezuelan gangs made it to Aurora, and man shoots pro-Hamas attacker.

The News, Thomas Wolfe, and 1939 Poland

In this weekend episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc explore news about independent voter trends, revelations of Kamala’s radical leftism, Biden in a Trump hat, and Vance’s childless cat ladies. VDH’s middle-segment is on Thomas Wolfe’s works and the invasion of Poland in WWII.

Analysis of the Trump-Harris Debate

Listen in to Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc analyze Tuesday’s debate and Kamala mid-debate-prep trip to Penzey’s.

Grades, Military Technology, and the Left’s Ick and Shtick

Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler to examine the usefulness of college grades, the cost-benefit analysis of military weapons, origins of Houthi rebels, Obama’s presidential library, Walz the worst VP-pick in history, JD Vance on school shootings, and Newsom’s veto on housing loans for illegals.

Trump’s Plans and Taking Sides: Techies, Technology, and Neo-Democrats

This episode has Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler at their best on Trump’s speech on policy to strengthen the US, the truth about the trouble and expense of illegal immigration, who says the economy will be better under Harris, Amazon’s Alexa is on Harris’ side, our Silicon Valley censors, and the faux unity message of Democrats.

Episode 59 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

The madness at America’s open southern border, media legendizing, the left’s “Imaginarium,” Biden first national address –a truth-free zone, the international consequences of domestic unrest, and the gauging the likelihood of a Newsom recall in California – all that and more get the VDH treatment.

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New Episode of The Classicist: Print the Legend

Victor Davis Hanson looks at how many of the most important stories of the last several years — from the Russian collusion charges to the COVID epidemic to the Capital riot to the Biden Administration’s handling of immigration — have been distorted by progressives in government and media until the public can barely decipher the truth anymore.

Listen to this episode now.

Episode 58 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

Victor discusses an incoherent presidency, whether America has gained sufficient antibodies to fight the WOKE pandemic, lefty journalists who reject “free speech,” and Never Trumpers now championing Never Conservatism.

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New Episode of The Classicist: Post-Trump or Trump Redux?: The Future of the GOP

Victor Davis Hanson considers the Republican Party’s future as it deals with the long shadow cast by the presidency of Donald Trump. Should the GOP embrace a Trump comeback? Or should it attempt to find a new standard-bearer who can blend the Trump agenda with a different sensibility? And what’s the one issue to which VDH thinks the GOP hasn’t paid nearly enough attention? Tune in to find out.

Listen to this episode now.

Episode 57 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

Victor discusses the neutron bomb effect of COVID, Biden and 2022, lefty Stanford profs and their Hoover Hate, Trump wows CPAC, Cancel Culture bites Dr. Seuss on Mulberry Street while Democratic congressman try to de-cable the Right.

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New Episode of The Classicist: War and Peace — From Thucydides to Joe Biden

Victor Davis Hanson explores how military history can illuminate current foreign policy challenges, delineates which nations pose the greatest threats to the United States, explores the role that human rights should play in international affairs, looks at the changing shape of America’s alliances, and provides a reading list for future commanders-in-chief.

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Episode 56 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

Amazon disappears Ryan Anderson’s important 2018 book, When Harry Met Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, amigo Rush Limbaugh remembered, Joe Biden’s into-war stumbling, and the race card played quickly against Senate foes of a nasty lefty nominee. Today’s episode is sponsored by the new documentary, The Dissident, and by the Bradley Foundation’s “We the People” speaker series.

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New Episode of The Classicist: Remembering Rush

Victor Davis Hanson diagnoses the biggest challenges facing America in the years ahead, from debt to immigration to Chinese aggression — and pauses for a special remembrance of his friend Rush Limbaugh.

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Episode 55 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

Victor takes on the Lincoln Project’s muddied moralists, Andrew Cuomo’s gubernatorial lethality, Big Tech’s Trump-hate, the reemerged Parler and its fight to survive, the lies about Officer Brian Sicknick’s death, and their role in the Trump impeachment follies.

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Episode 54 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On this episode, Victor discusses his friend Thomas Sowell; the campaign to recall California governor Gavin Newson; the second Trump impeachment and its long-term consequences; and his essay on the Left’s agenda to help friends, punish enemies, and keep and expand power.

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New Episode of The Classicist: The Lidless Eye: How Progressivism Conquered American Institutions

In a sweeping new installment of The Classicist, Victor Davis Hanson looks at how the Left has moved from a countercultural movement in the 1960s to the commanding heights of American culture in the 2020s.

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Episode 53 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

Victor discusses the new issue of Strategika and its theme of U.S.-Russian relations, progressive illiberalism, and the first days of the Biden administration.

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Episode 52 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

Victor discusses the Left’s call for reprogramming, attacks on the the 1776 Commission report, the Biden administration’s executive order kyboshing girls’ sports, and recall-targeted Governor Gavin Newsom’s newfound desire to loosen lockdowns. 

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New Episode of The Classicist: The 1776 Commission and the Relearning of American History

Victor Davis Hanson explains the work of President Trump’s 1776 Commission (a body on which he served), describes the decline of history as an academic discipline, and explains why humility is an essential ingredient when judging figures from the past.

Listen to this episode now.

New Episode of The Classicist: The Unity Presidency Gets Divisive

Victor Davis Hanson analyzes how Joe Biden’s early policy moves contrast with his campaign-trail rhetoric, reflects on the last days of Donald Trump, and explains how a fractured Republican Party can move forward.

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Episode 51 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

Victor discusses President Biden’s first day, President Trump’s final ones, the Trump Administration’s 1776 Commission’s just-released important report, calls to ban Fox and Newsmax from cable systems, stabbing Hector’s corpse, GOP wishful thinking, and much more.

The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast is produced by Sarah Schutte and hosted by Jack Fowler.

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New Episode of The Classicist: An Exhausted Civilization

Victor Davis Hanson examines the confluence of trends — a contempt for American history; the decline of the rule of law; the intellectual rot of the academy; the rise of ingratitude and cultural contempt — that are weakening the foundations of American society.

Listen to this episode now.

Episode 50 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

Victor discusses the fallout from the riots at the U.S. Capitol, the impact on the legacy of Donald Trump, the media’s relentless double standards, Joe Biden’s “healing” rhetoric, and the recall effort against California Governor Gavin Newsom. The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast is co-hosted by Jack Fowler and produced by Sarah Schutte.

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Episode 49 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

Victor discusses the ramifications of the Georgia senate special elections, just how horribilis was the annus 2020, the sneaky ways used by college administrators to suppress politically incorrect professors, the achievements of Devin Nunes, and wrestling far above your weight class.

The Victor Davis Hanson podcast is hosted by Jack Fowler and produced by Sarah Schuette.

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Episode 48 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

Victor ends 2020 discussing the vocabulary of Wokespeak, America’s “Animal Farm” media and its post-election flipping of political good and bad, President Trump’s proclamation on the 850th anniversary of Saint Thomas Beckett’s martyrdom, Red China’s global social-media propaganda campaign to promote lockdowns, and the effort by school progressives to ban Homer and other dead white male authors. 

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Episode 47 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

Today Victor looks at Joe Biden, alleged Healer of the Nation, and also the man (and his enabling media) whose hubris have dates with comeuppance, plus Red China’s on-all-fronts efforts to weaken America, John Kerry’s looming Climate Czarship, the MSM’s strange lack of interest in spy/love ties of Congressman Erik Swalwell, and some reflections on youthful Christmases with BB guns under the tree.

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Episode 46 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On today’s episode Victor discusses the root causes of the new mad Left, the “Hydroxy Effect” facing Joe Biden, the Hoover Institution’s Strategika journal and its new discussion on the pandemic’s impact on Red China, and the immigration / amnesty threat that a Biden administration may unleash on the American people and economy. Today’s episode is produced by Sarah Schuette.

This episode of the Victor Davis Hanson Podcast is sponsored by the new book, Philip and Alexander: Kings and Conquerors, CaucusRoom.com, and Black Rifle Coffee.

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Episode 45 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

Victor discusses Joe Biden’s brave new world, the disdain of free speech by America’s journalists, fed-up small-business owners in California, the late Walter Williams, and on this, the 79th Anniversary of America’s Declaration of War against Japan, his thoughts on why the Empire believed it could defeat America and control the Pacific. Today’s episode is sponsored by CaucusRoom.com, Black Rifle Coffee, and the Second Amendment Manifesto, and is produced by Sarah Schuette.

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New Episode of The Classicist: The Case For A Cynical Biden Foreign Policy

Victor Davis Hanson describes the foreign policy challenges facing the incoming Biden Administration, analyzes the makeup of the incoming national security team, and prescribes a formula for the new president’s success in international affairs: change the rhetoric, not the policies.

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Episode 44 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

Victor analyzes Donald Trump’s political future, the rural/urban divide and the Republic’s dependence on the self-reliant, the likelihood of a Biden administration building on Trump’s strategic foreign-policy gains, Scott Atlas and the COVID jihadists, and an upcoming VDH tour of Israel.

The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast is produced by Sarah Schutte.

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Episode 43 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On today’s episode, Victor and special guest Shelby Steele discuss his important new documentary film, What Killed Michael Brown? and the central role of white guilt in American liberalism.

The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast is produced by Sarah Schuette.

Today’s episode is sponsored by The American Story Podcast and CaucusRoom.com.

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Episode 42 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On today’s episode, Victor discusses what’s at stake for America in the forthcoming special U.S. Senate elections in Georgia, Donald Trump meets The Searchers, powerful claims about massive security deficiencies in America’s election and ballot-counting systems, Senator Josh Hawley levelling anti-trust charges at Big Tech’s Big Brothers, renewed Democratic yearning student-loan debt forgiveness, and California’s lockdown-loving Governor Newson caught in yet another incident of do as I say, not as I do.

The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast is produced by the Sarah Schutte.

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Episode 41 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On this episode, Victor discusses 2020 as the Year of Disinformation; how Election Day has become an abstraction (and how that threatens the Republic); the history of contested national elections; Andrew Cuomo, vaccine truther; Pfizer’s partisan game-playing; America’s third-world vote-counting; how some conservative elites spin the elections; the Mayflower Compact at 400; and a reflection on Veterans Day.

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New Episode of The Classicist: The Election And Its Aftermath

Victor Davis Hanson looks at Donald Trump’s transformation of the Republican Party, the shifting of the conservative coalition, the implications of sharply divided federal government, and the foreign policy challenges ahead.

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New Episode of The Classicist: Trump And The Future Of The GOP

Victor Davis Hanson describes the transformative effect Donald Trump has had on the Republican Party — and explains how it will shape the party in the years to come, regardless of the outcome of the 2020 election.

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Episode 40 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On today’s episode, Victor discusses his new essay, “Vote No on 1984”; President Trump’s executive order establishing a 1776 Commission; what happens when college professors and officials claim they’re racists; plans to turn San Francisco into a homeless camp; and Joe Biden, the godfather of partisanship.

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Episode 39 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On today’s episode, Victor discusses the consequences of the final presidential debate, his new National Review essay comparing Trump and Biden, Anthony Boboluski exposing the business practices of The Big Guy and his family, Trump and the polls, the black vote, the possible political impact of the riots in Philadelphia, and “Never Trump” handwringing.

This episode is produced by Sarah Schuette and is sponsored by the Bradley Foundation and its popular new video series, We the People.

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Episode 38 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On this episode, Victor discusses the ongoing Biden scandals, the media’s Biden protection racket, the tightening polls, Amazon’s Steele shut-down, the destruction of inherited institutions, the forthcoming presidential debate, advice to Candidate Trump, Rush Limbaugh’s discussion of his health, and the mindset of the elites who found themselves on Toobin’s smut-Zooming.

Today’s episode is produced by Sarah Schutte and is sponsored by the Bradley Foundation’s We the People Speaker Series.

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Episode 37 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On today’s episode, Victor discusses the emerging Joe/Hunter Biden “Burisma” scandal, his latest NR column, “The Fragments of a Civilization,” California’s push to consider slavery reparations, the woke, disastrous, and just-completed NBA season, Kamala Harris’s Veep debate and SCOTUS hearings performances, a new CDC study that finds a vast majority of COVID-afflicted are hard-core mask wearers, how Donald Trump himself might better make the case for Trump.

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Episode 36 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

Making good on a promise to devote an episode to generals foreign and ancient, America’s premier military historian discusses the merits of Caesar, Hannibal, Napoleon, Suleiman, Themistocles, Bolivar, Epaminondas, and many more who may or may not deserve their reputations as battlefield geniuses. This episode is produced by Sarah Schutte and is sponsored by the American Federation for Children and its new website, FundMyChildNow.Com.

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Episode 35 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On today’s episode, Victor gives his take on the first Trump–Biden debate, Chris Wallace’s moderating tilt, vaccine scare tactics, Amy Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court, new charges that Hillary Clinton orchestrated the Russia collusion hoax, the 490 B.C. Project, and Joe Biden’s strange campaign. This episode is produced by Sarah Schutte and sponsored by the American Federation for Children and FundMyChildNow.Com.

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Episode 34 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On today’s broadcast, special guest Lt. Gen H. R. McMaster (ret.) joins Victor to discuss his new book, Battlegrounds: The Fight to Defend the Free World. VDH also explains his new NRO essay on the dangers of conventional wisdom. This episode is sponsored by Wyoming Catholic College and FundMyChildNow.Com, and is produced by Sarah Schutte.

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Episode 33 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On today’s episode, Victor discusses California aflame (and the close call of his home), the “un-news” media, President Trump’s Middle East foreign-policy wins, the presidential horserace 47 days out, the big-money Left planning and bankrolling post-election violence, and tensions between Greece and Turkey. This episode is produced by the Sarah Schuette, and sponsored by Wyoming Catholic College and Fatima, the Movie.

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New Episode of The Classicist: The Embers Of California

Victor Davis Hanson describes the myriad dysfunctions besetting state government in California, a state once known as a national pacesetter.

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New Episode of The Classicist: Descent Into Tribalism

Victor Davis Hanson explains how the social unrest unleashed in 2020 threatens urban decline, increasing political animosity, and the erosion of Americans’ common identity.

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Episode 32 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On today’s episode, Victor discusses Joe Biden’s paradoxes, Donald Trump’s appeal to minority voters, America’s hamstrung police, the wild and much-repeated claims by The Atlantic that Donald Trump insulted America’s war dead, California’s continuing descent, and the mistake that was (and remains) the lockdowns. Today’s episode is sponsored by Claremont Institute’s The American Story podcast series and the new book by Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Speaking for Myself.

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Episode 31 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On today’s episode, Victor discusses silence about violence, Joe Biden’s 4

New Episode of The Classicist: Trump’s Jacksonian Realism

Victor Davis Hanson explains the philosophical underpinnings of the Trump Administration’s foreign policy — and explains how it’s affected America’s relationships with China, Iran, Russia, and North Korea.

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Episode 27 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

People have to take vacations, even eminent military historians. So in this episode, recorded in late July as we anticipated a lapse, Victor discussed some of America’s premier generals, and what made them great — or, not so great. Among those discussed: George Washington, U.S. Grant, Dwight Eisenhower, William Sherman, George Patton, Douglas MacArthur, Matthew Ridgway, and some of the more prominent Native American chiefs: Cochise, Geronimo, and Sitting Bull. And a little shade is thrown at Benedict Arnold.

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Episode 26 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On today’s episode, Victor discusses the reasons and consequences of keeping America’s classrooms locked, free speech on campus, the NFL and NBA prioritizing woke, Donald Trump’s interview with Chris Wallace, and what 2021 might look like in Joe Biden’s America.

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New Episode of The Classicist: A Winning Agenda For 2020

Victor Davis Hanson proposes a policy agenda — and a strategic posture — for the Trump campaign to take up in the presidential election.

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Episode 25 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On today’s episode, Victor discusses his syndicated column on the schizophrenic woke rioters, his new NR essay on Jacobin Leftists getting edgy, the boomerang heading towards NBA and NFL virtue-mongerers, Bastille Day-generated reflections on the French Revolution’s enduring influence, Gavin Newsom’s dis-openings for the Golden State, the meaning of contender Kanye West, and the Trump / Fauci contretemps.

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Episode 24 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On this episode, Victor discusses how Joe Biden has fared having emerged from his basement, President Trump’s Mount Rushmore speech and his executive orders on monuments, universities hell-bent for obsolescence, and the Cultural Revolution’s Year Zero.

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New Episode of The Classicist: Triumph Of The Country Mouse

Victor Davis Hanson explores the historical, political, and economic aspects of the rural-urban divide — and its implications for American culture.

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New Episode of The Classicist: The Revolution Eats Its Own

Victor Davis Hanson looks at how the protest movement inspired by the death of George Floyd has morphed from a legitimate lament of tragedy into a dangerous, revolutionary crusade.

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New Episode of The Classicist: Revolution, Overreach, And American History

Victor Davis Hanson puts the efforts to uproot confederate iconography into historical perspective, examines the revolutionary zeal currently in fashion amongst progressive activists, and compares & contrasts this moment of American instability with others in the nation’s past.

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Episode 23 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On today’s program Victor discusses the cognitive challenges of Joe Biden; the former Veep’s basement strategy – and how Trump needs to get Biden up through the bilco doors; how November will be about the Angry Voter; Blue State leaders “neo-confederate” approach to mayhem; John Roberts, the intimidated jurist; a Trump Second-Term agenda; recalling California Governor Gavin Newsom; and reflections on the Fall of France on the 80th anniversary. The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast is produced by Sarah Schutte.

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Episode 22 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On this week’s episode, Victor discusses statue-toppling; the self-cannibalizing appetite of cultural revolutions; Juneteenth; President Trump’s new immigration order; chaos; John Bolton’s book; favorable winds that Donald Trump needs to harness to prevail in November; an attack of his criticism of retired generals; and how in the era of pandemics and riots, the city mouse is envious of his country cousin.

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Episode 21 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On today’s episode, Victor discusses his forthcoming NR piece on the emerging, partisan Military-Intelligence Complex; statue-toppling and base-renaming; the ironies and paradoxes of revolutions; Senator Graham’s planned Judiciary hearings on Flynn and collusion; BLM being a Marxist front; media madness; and the Seattle CHAZ scene.

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Episode 20 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On this week’s episode, Victor discusses the media coming out unabashedly Left, the nexus of riots and coronavirus, the generals versus Trump, China—No More Mr. Nice Commie, and much more. This episode is sponsored Hoover Institution, publisher of Michael Auslin’s new book Asia’s New Geopolitics: Essays on Reshaping the Indo-Pacific.

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Episode 19 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On this week’s edition, Victor shares his thoughts on Donald Trump’s announcement of military force to counter riots, the President’s lack of focus, the paradox that is Joe Biden, Andrew Cuomo’s latest failures, Tucker Carlson’s clobbering of conservative lecturers, America’s standing in the world, and lefty media sanctimony.

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Episode 18 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On this week’s episode, Victor discusses the emptiness and diminished legacy of the Obama administration, and gilded-Socialism cashed-in post-presidency, the ACLU’s foray into fighting due process on campus, Stanford colleague Michael Levitt’s told-you-so warnings about pandemic predictions and the deadly impact of lockdowns, India’s standing as a U.S. ally, and Joe Biden’s expectations of Black Americans.

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Episode 17 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

Today on The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast, Rich Lowry takes over hosting duties to interview Victor on this special Memorial Day weekend episode.

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New Episode of The Classicist: Dark Days Ahead

Victor Davis Hanson takes listeners on a tour of the chaos emerging in the wake of COVID-19: increased political polarization, a tidal wave of debt, and an emboldened China.

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Episode 16 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On this week’s episode, as Memorial Day approaches, Victor discusses how the “best and brightest” have destroyed evidence, altered documents, lied, leaked, and pled amnesia, the inspirational lessons an America emerging from a pandemic lockdown might take from World War 2, woke billionaires lecturing, how America cares for the remains of those who made the ultimate sacrifice, and about his dad and his namesake – two WW2 warriors who endured hell, one of whom lost his life on Okinawa.

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Episode 15 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

Victor talks about the truth behind the Brothers Cuomo (and the alleged competency of the one ruling from Albany); Joe Biden’s imitation of an albatross; Obama in the discomfort of the collusion spotlight; Devin Nunes proven-rightness; and — given the recent marking of the 75th Anniversary of VE Day — the idea that victory, for the Allies, was not all so inevitable.

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Episode 14 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On the new episode, Victor discusses the war between the credentialed class and the folks with practical experience, the love affair between America businesses and Communist China, the free-speech angle to college undergrads opting for victimhood status, the misguided panacea of coronavirus testing, and putting Joe Biden’s veepstakes in historical context.

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Episode 13 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On today’s episode, Victor discusses his new NRO piece, “Our Corona Project,” the continuing media effort to belittle theories that the virus may have come to the U.S. earlier than believed, press conference advice for Donald Trump, the value of Stanford University colleague John Ioannidis, and explosive news about the FBI’s look-pretty-corrupt actions in investigating General Michael Flynn.

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Episode 12 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

This week, VDH takes on a slew of topics, making the case for the pushback by fed-up Americans intent on protecting their rights from oats-feeling authoritarian officials (and experts!), discussing an important H. R. McMaster essay on China, waxing on Donald Trump’s political standing and his executive-order plan to suspend immigration, and reflecting on the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Berlin.

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New Episode of The Classicist: When The Tide Recedes

Victor Davis Hanson looks at the social, political, economic, and international hurdles the US will face as we attempt to bounce back from the coronavirus.

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Episode 11 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

This week with his tongue-tied cohost, not-a-doc Victor discusses a Slate reporting hit job, Donald Trump’s political standing, the two distinct options a post-viral America faces, the political elevation of Andrew Cuomo, and the quickly forgotten comments (and role) of Anthony Fauci. Plus there’s reference to a Devil’s Dictionary of political correctness.

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Episode 10 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On today’s episode, Victor discusses the gloomy Eeyore-channeling prognosticators and the strategic upside of their being always pessimistic; the sheer amount of deaths from other diseases — and how they prompt no America shut-down; South Dakota governor Kristi Noem’s bucking the one-size-fits-all epidemic-policy response; how COVID-19 has achieved Advantaged Disease status; the EU’s failure to bear its rightful burden for global safety and security; and President Trump’s favorable/unfavorable numbers.

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New Episode of The Classicist: From Selma To Shanghai: Coronavirus Around The Globe

Victor Davis Hanson considers the coronavirus’s effects on California, the United States, and America’s enemies abroad.

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Episode 9 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

March is out like a lion, and on today’s episode discusses the coronavirus anomaly/mystery of California, how Donald Trump’s reelection hinges on the strategic foresight he will bring to bear in battling the pathogen, Red China’s hegemony plans through its global logistics and infrastructure investments, liberal Rhode Island’s realization that borders do exist (and hoping that virus-fleeing New Yorkers won’t cross them), and the upper hand held by virtue-panic mongers.

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Episode 8 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

Midway through America’s effort at social distancing, Victor discusses his first-hand experience with the economics of panics, about Capitol Hill Democrats loading up coronavirus relief legislation with an ideological wish list, and the geographically, socially, and ideologically driven coverage of the Wuhan virus.

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New Episode of The Classicist: Plagues, Ancient And Modern

Victor Davis Hanson looks at the impact of the COVID-19 virus on American life; explains why panic will eventually have to give way to cost-benefit analysis; describes what the illness might mean for many of America’s adversaries; and takes a look back at other mass contagions that have shaped history.

Listen to this episode now.

Episode 7 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On the Saint Patrick’s Day episode, Victor predicts that China’s Communists rue what they begat, talks about the new (paperback) updated and expanded edition of The Case for Trump, scopes out the reelection chances of POTUS, and heralds the American men and women who sweat, strain, and keep us alive.

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Episode 6 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On this week’s episode, Victor and Jack discuss the forthcoming updated edition of The Case for Trump, Joe Biden’s potty-mouth voter-threatening march to the nomination, the fear behind Coronavirus reactions, Iran’s descent in pariah state status courtesy of the administration’s “maximum pressure,” Elizabeth Warren’s descent into victim-mongering ex-candidacy, and papal kow-towing to Chinese Communists.

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Episode 5 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On this week’s episode, Victor and Jack spend the morning of Super Tuesday discussing the history of plagues and their non-biological consequences, the cost of globalization, the state of Trump’s reelection chances after a wild week, and whether Joe Biden will pass Bernie Sanders on the road to Milwaukee. Oh yeah, and there’s a requiem for a leg-thrilled journalist, and another saint history lesson.

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Episode 4 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On this week’s episode, Victor and Jack again discuss the insecurity that underlies farming instructor Mike Bloomberg’s “gray matter” theology, the Orwellian practices of Red China’s regime (and the question of the regime’s durability in the face of the ongoing coronavirus crisis), the political durability of attacks on Bernie Sanders’ decades-long love for Commie henchmen, European anti-Semitic-themed fun and frolic, and a lesson on a patron saint.

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Episode 3 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On this week’s episode, Victor and Jack discuss city boy Mike Bloomberg’s farming knowledge and what that says about his views of the yokels; the rip-roaring Democrat debate in Nevada, where the billionaire took his lumps, and then some more; and VDH’s proposal to save higher education by putting colleges and universities on the hook for what they’re charging, and the product they’re delivering.

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Episode 2 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

In this episode, taped the morning of the New Hampshire Democratic primary, VDH and Jack discuss the rise of Pete Buttigieg, the successful unorthodoxy of Donald Trump, California’s embrace of corporate socialism, and the consequence of Rush Limbaugh.

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Episode 1 of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast

On the inaugural episode of The Victor Davis Hanson Podcast, the great historian and writer discusses election manipulators, West-hating progressive cowards, the lessons of Yalta, Bernie Sanders, and so much more (including reaction to Rush Limbaugh’s shocking health announcement).

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New Episode of The Classicist: In Defense Of Farmers

Victor Davis Hanson uses Mike Bloomberg’s dismissive remarks about farmers to defend the virtues of agrarian life, explain the urban-rural divide, and examine how politics influences life on the farm.

Listen to this episode now.

New Episode of The Classicist: Israel and America: Parallel Success Stories

Victor Davis Hanson looks at how Israel under Benjamin Netanyahu and the U.S. under Donald Trump have employed similar approaches to cultivating prosperity at home and security abroad.

Listen to this episode now.

New Episode of The Classicist: Time To Leave The Middle East?

Victor Davis Hanson examines whether widespread American involvement in the Middle East still passes a meaningful cost-benefit analysis.

Listen to this episode now.

New Episode of The Classicist: The Trump Advantage

Victor Davis Hanson makes his case for why Donald Trump is more likely to be reelected in 2020 than many critics imagine.

Listen to this episode now.

New Episode of The Classicist: Iran: Contours Of Conflict

Victor Davis Hanson analyses the recent escalation of tensions between the United States and Iran, grades the Trump Administration’s performance, and predicts what’s to come.

Listen to this episode now.

New Episode of The Classicist: Versailles At 100

One Hundred years after the Treaty of Versailles ended World War I, Victor Davis Hanson argues that the effects of the agreement are widely misunderstood. In this episode, we look at Versailles in the context of the wider war (and the wartime diplomacy of the era), examine the American role in World War I, parse the claim that the First World War was little more than a tragic mistake, and scrutinize claims that modern geopolitical tensions have parallels to those of 1914.

Listen to this episode now.

New Episode of The Classicist: Germany, The Soviet Union, And The Pact That Shaped World War II

On the 80th anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Victor Davis Hanson reflects on how the short-lived German-Soviet treaty shaped the course of World War II — and what it revealed about the leadership styles of both Hitler and Stalin.

Listen to this episode now.

New Episode of The Classicist: Thinking Strategically About Iran

Victor Davis Hanson explains why a change in circumstances since the Bush years necessitate a changed approach to the U.S. relationship with Iran.

Listen to this episode now.

New Episode of The Classicist: Defending The West … From The West

With a new wave of congressional progressives claiming America is insufficiently committed to social justice, Victor Davis Hanson defends the country’s history of progress — and explains why it was dependent on traditions of western civilization that the critics now denounce.

Listen to this episode now.

New Episode of The Classicist: Understanding Chinese Strategy

Victor Davis Hanson examines the strategic calculations behind China’s economic, political, military, and cultural initiatives.

Listen to this episode now.

RobertRinger.com: Interview with Victor Davis Hanson

Click here to listen to the information-packed interview Robert Ringer did with the great Victor Davis Hanson, professor emeritus of classics at California State University, Fresno, and a Senior Fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution.

New Episode of The Classicist: Can Higher Education be Saved?

Victor Davis Hanson chronicles the factors that have led to the decline of American higher education and considers the prospects for recovery.

Listen to this episode now.

New Episode of The Classicist: Immigration, Assimilation, And The Wall

Victor Davis Hanson looks at the current debate over immigration and the border wall, arguing that illegal immigration from Latin America actually subverts the goal of a more diverse country.

Listen to this episode now.

New Episode of The Classicist: The Things That Divide Us

With the midterm elections underscoring the deep divides in American politics, Victor Davis Hanson gives his diagnosis of the factors driving political polarization.

Listen to this episode now.

New Episode of The Classicist: The Future of NATO

Victor Davis Hanson tracks the historical trajectory of NATO — and explains the factors that threaten its future viability.

Listen to this episode now.

Whiskey Politics Ep. 128

Ep. 128 – Victor Davis Hanson joins Dave Sussman at the Whiskey Politics “Malibu Studio” where they discuss whether America is in a new civil war, illegal immigration, Mexico, NAFTA, Europe, the FBI, cronyism, the Left going Lefter, California splitting, and the increasingly overwhelming news cycle. VDH answers questions from Ricochet Members and Whiskey Politics Facebook fans in this long form interview.

Watch the interview here.

New Episode of The Classicist: Trump And The Gordian Knot

Victor Davis Hanson describes how President Trump’s unconventional approach to foreign policy has often proved to be more effective than the conventional wisdom proffered by the Washington establishment.

Listen to this episode now.

New Episode of The Classicist: The Ideology of Illegal Immigration

Victor Davis Hanson describes the philosophical conceits employed by defenders of illegal immigration — and explains how they’re undermining American society.

Listen to this episode now.

Strategika Issue 50: Pakistan’s Partnership with the United States

For much of its short seventy-year history, Pakistan has managed to thoroughly mismanage its strategic relationships with great power patrons, regional competitors, and non-state clients. It has waged and lost four wars with a larger and more powerful India, supported terrorist organizations that have destabilized Afghanistan and conducted deadly attacks in neighboring India, and alienated its long-time American ally.

Read more here.

Strategika Issue 49: The Value of Economic Sanctions

Why are sanctions so popular? Because “there is nothing else between words and military action to bring pressure upon a government,” explains Jeremy Greenstock, Britain’s long-term ambassador at the UN. It is bloodless—warfare on the cheap. Nonlethal means are the main attraction for democracies loath to go to war in remote places against states that do not pose an existential threat.

Read more here.