Mythologies About Musk

Victor Davis Hanson
American Greatness

Here are some of the untruths told about Elon Musk and DOGE.

Musk has no right to cut USAID.” 

Elon Musk and his team are not cutting any federal programs.

They are auditors. They were given legal authority under a presidential executive order creating the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE).

Its mandate is to identify waste, abuse, fraud, and irrelevance in the federal budget at a time when the U.S. is $37 trillion in debt.

The agency will expire on July 4, 2026.

Ultimately, Musk can propose program cuts, but Trump holds the authority to approve or reject them. He may or may not act on all, some, or none of the DOGE recommendations.

No one elected Musk.” 

Like hundreds of government officials, Musk was appointed by an elected president to run an agency that does not require Senate confirmation.

Musk is as legally legitimate as the national security advisor and his National Security Council, none of whom require Senate confirmation.

Does the left believe former national security advisor Jake Sullivan, who made decisions far more pivotal than Musk, had no authority to do so because he too was neither elected nor confirmed by the Senate?

It is a dangerous precedent to give a private citizen billionaire like Musk so much power.”

In fact, Musk has far more legal authority than did FDR’s best friend Harry Hopkins. He moved into the White House and de facto set U.S. foreign assistance policies toward Stalin’s Russia.

Musk’s position is more akin to past captains of industry like Henry Ford, Henry Kaiser, and William Knudson appointed by FDR to run the wartime economy.

None of them were either elected or confirmed by the Senate. All of them helped to save a poorly armed US after the debacle of Pearl Harbor.

Foreign aid is ending.”


Foreign aid, which in all its manifestations in various cabinets and agencies is reaching nearly $80 billion per year, is not ending.

One of its distribution centers, USAID, may be vastly curtailed or bundled into the State Department. But the important bulk grants to allies like Israel or friends like Egypt or aid in times of famine relief and natural disasters to the needy abroad will remain. And these programs will be strengthened and saved precisely because they will be trimmed of skimmers and scammers.

It is illegal to end USAID.”

USAID was created by an executive order in 1961 by then President John F. Kennedy in response to congressional legislation codifying foreign aid and allowing the president to execute the statute at his discretion.

Nearly four decades later, in 1998, Congress passed another law reifying Kennedy’s USAID as a formal agency but still within the executive branch.

But neither law mandates that Trump bundle all or even most foreign aid in USAID. He can disperse money as he sees fit throughout the cabinets. And he can keep whatever funds or programs he chooses under the aegis of USAID should he wish.

Trump cannot impound any USAID money legislated by Congress.”

That legal question apparently depends on whose ox is gored.

Neither Congress nor the courts have ever, in blanket fashion, either approved and sustained a line-item presidential veto or outright banned any form of presential impoundment.

But recently Joe Biden, as both vice president in 2016 and president in 2021, set a precedent that an administration most certainly can impound or delay congressionally passed funding as it pleases.

Infamously, Biden publicly bragged that on a trip to Ukraine, he had threatened that government by withholding $1 billion in approved US foreign aid unless it immediately fired Biden enemy prosecutor Viktor Shokin.

That condition was never discussed in any congressional aid authorization (and was the sort of act the left would impeach Trump for in 2020).

More flagrantly in 2021, Biden abruptly and permanently stopped all construction on the border wall. And he impounded those congressionally approved construction funds through a variety of gimmicks.

Biden, remember, without Congressional approval, gratuitously canceled student loan obligations, issued blanket loan amnesties, and promised to ignore or work around court prohibitions of his illegal acts.

China will be delighted by USAID cuts.”

False. China will be likely upset by the Trump cuts.

Beijing finds its own concrete development projects far more effective than USAID imposing American cultural agendas abroad. Beijing likes self-destructive American aid like LGBTQ activism, transgender chauvinism, and anti-conservative American media.

Does anyone believe China was angry that the USAID created a vast gender studies program at the University of Kabul or had the U.S. embassy there advertise its pride activism, or itself snagged $40 million to engineer deadly viruses?

So, China will be quite unhappy that organs like the New York Times and the BBC are having their USAID subsidies ended. After all, they, along with China, so often vilified their shared existential nemesis—Donald J. Trump.


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41 thoughts on “Mythologies About Musk”

  1. First, thank you Dr Hanson for your synopsis of criticism of Mr Musk and explanations of same.

    In my opinion, Elon Musk and those helping him within DOGE should be commended for digging into USAID (among other entities) and uncovering what, at first blush, appears to be the grotesque misuse of our hard-earned tax dollars. However, in my view, it doesn’t seem to far of a stretch to suggest that some portion of the $ supposedly ear-marked for any given project (especially those that appear to be most outrageous) in reality represent graft of those tax dollars by politicians and those of consequence involved in that particular venality.

    Frankly, anyone in opposition to auditing the government’s use of the tax revenue derived from the work of the US taxpayer and subsequently making the results of those audits available for any US citizen to view, are complicit (at least figuratively) in the misappropriation/ theft of that money and their morality (or lack thereof), character and agenda for doing so deserves to be questioned.

    The egregious and grotesque arrogance of those individuals involved in the nefarious use of our taxes as exemplified by what’s being exposed, is absolutely disgusting. Those responsible for the misdeeds coming to light must be held to account for what they’ve done and the harm they’ve caused (not the least of which is further erosion of US citizens’ trust in the federal government).

    Trump will be recognized as 1 of greatest presidents in US history

  2. Jake Sullivan, Biden’s National Security Advisor was not confirmed by the Senate because the congressionally created (in the 1950s) office of National Security Advisor, which only has advisory power, never required confirmation. Was NSA Kissinger approved?

    DOGE is stopping mandated spending by itself–I dare to you to find one instance where Trump made the order (legal or otherwise).

    Also, there was significant border wall construction under Biden, despite his stupid immigration policies.

    Hanson’s reasoning is shoddy, as usual. He aims to please, not to educate.

  3. Carol wrote above: “Who ever would have dreamed make our government more effective and efficient who be protested by the left . Well maybe it’s not so astonishing.”

    Carol, your point is incorrect, with all due respect. ”Making the government more efficient” has zero to do with the left protesting Trump’s actions. The donks are only against Trump’s actions because he is FOR them. All you have to do is look at Biden’s first day in office.

  4. I was present when Mr Hanson spoke to supporters at the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara a few years ago. Brilliant man with a great sense of humor and a firm grip on facts. He is a farmer from the central valley of ca., so he sees the damage every day exacted on agriculture by the unbelievably stupid and cruel policy of diverting water from Northern Ca. into the ocean to pander to the left wing environmentalists instead of to the farmers and ranchers in that area. This to “supply water” to a already extinct tiny fish that is already extinct. A lot of them have quit completely, or scaled back operations to the point of hardship. we need more men with the common sense and perspective of VDH.

  5. Keep these great articles and podcasts with Sami and Jack coming VDH! You are a light at the end of the political tunnel for us!! All the lemmings are heading for the cliff now and it is no longer a matter of draining the swamp. We are now facing a ‘draining of the ocean’ which is long overdue for the American people. Frankly speaking, I love watching these left-wing, pseudo-intellectuals rant and rave their disgust over Elon and potus as it is just another glowing example of them putting another nail in their coffins. God bless America, our military our Veterans and everyone in the Trump administration.

    1. I’m pretty sure that Elon Musk has many government contracts with many of his businesses that could be a conflict of interest that could be abused very easily. I think these people are used to doing that.

  6. “Rules for Radicals” by Saul Alinsky, Rule 12 is what the Democrat Party is engaging in with willing participation by the Democrat Party, USAID tainted, “media” to fight Musk’s DOGE efforts. President Trump is employing Musk’s proven strategies of forensic accounting(like he used on Twitter)to uncover the fakes, phonies and malfeasance of the Management of USAID. All of them Democrat Party partisan grifters, thieves and obfuscators. Mad Maxine and Sourpuss Schumer et al aren’t helping their side win the argument.

  7. VICTOR! An addendum: Within the interior United States and its possessions, the vast majority of issues actions & policies are determined by the administrative law judges- ALJ. There needs to be a focused program on these ALJs making sure they tow the party line within the bounds of presidential executive power. The President can fire an ALJ, But the ACTION IS subject to labor board review. In any case if ALJ’s don’t tow-the-line, he can make it very, very hot for them in the majority of circumstances. Which he should.

  8. Why were NY Times and BBC getting money from USAID?
    IMHO, shouldn’t money from USAID be going for vaccinations in the poorer countries; teaching people how to grow their own food under their own conditions (i.e. such as keyhole gardens); how proper disposal helps the environment; medical/surgical aid to help people live a valuable life?

  9. When Trump asked, “Who will bell the bureaucratic cat”? Musk is one of two people who volunteered to do it. Both people knew that ‘belling the cat’ would be a dangerous job. But they volunteered anyway. In the end, Musk was the last man standing.

  10. If the Left crybabies were not screeching and hollering then Musk would not be doing his job.

    The louder they complain, the more effective he is. Apparently.

    I wonder how many Democrats, current and past, will be unmasked as crooks.

    If I thought I were in jeopardy, I would probably make a big hubbub as well.

    There is much more to come. Only at the beginning.

    SCOTUS will need to put guardrails around the local judges who are trying to gum up the works. If it is a national issue then only the highest courts should be involved. Otherwise we get Barney Fife involved with every contentious major issue.

    That is inefficient.

  11. Christine Lonsbury

    I shared your response to those objecting to DOGE and Elon Musk. I captioned my sharing of your rebuttal to Musk objectors by saying “If the Left’s objections to Elon Musk puts you on the defensive, here is a well-informed and judicious response.”

    Thank you.

  12. “Make it make sense.” I Love that expression. DOGE’s work makes sense, but the handwringing from the left does not, ergo, Elon is on the correct path.

  13. Livonian for Liberty

    The Line Item Veto Act Pub. L. 104–130 (text) (PDF) was a federal law of the United States that granted the president the power to line-item veto budget bills passed by Congress. It was signed into law on April 9, 1996, but its effect was brief it was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court just over two years later, in Clinton v. City of New York.

  14. Mr. Musk is a man. Those that belittle him are wussified males…jealous males. Males must become men. It’s the scheme of nature.

  15. I really appreciate the articles Victor Davis Hanson writes…he is a voice for truth and reason in a sea of lies and deception from the democrats and their media.

  16. Mr Hanson…… Thank you for sharing the facts with a slice of wisdom on the side . A community that is sorely absent this days from the journalists . Your gift of both intellect and understanding it a joy to read . Paul Greenberg of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette wrote similar columns for years in our local paper . You might enjoy reading some of his columns . Like you Mr Greenberg would tuck in some humor to keep us readers above the fray of the news in a crazy world .

    Who ever would have dreamed make our government more effective and efficient who be protested by the left . Well maybe it’s not so astonishing.

    Thank you for taking time to continue to write regularly. Love the hat by the way! We watch classic movies and I told my husband just wish men would start wearing hats again this week !

    Most sincerely , Carol A Furr ( born on Christmas 1951)

    1. The reason he left are all in a tizzy is because they are mortified that Toto, er, squeeze me, Elon, has managed to pull back the curtain and reveal the left’s minions, crookedy old geezers that they are, pulling the levers and strings to reshape America into their own likeness.

      We are seeing history repeat itself one more. Consider the Pilgrims who left their homeland to escape a rotten king who was trying o control them. (the book (Of Plymouth Plantation” is the definitive history of this group, William Bradford, author, who was part of the group). It only took England’s kings an hundred fifty years to bring thing once again to the same kindling point. . George Three, in essence a petulant child, issued orders to bring those rebellious colonials to heel, ordering their disarmament, prohibiting meetings/gatherings, imposing taxes and fees, quartering his hated troops in private homes, like it or not. The definitive work on that period is David Hackett fisher’s work, Paul Revere’s Ride.

      I’d suggest taking out your copy of the US Constitution (you DO have one, right? If not GET ONE) and reading the Declaration of Independence. The list of grievances certainly sounds like it was written last week, based upon their complaints!!

      Mr. Musk is the perect one to be biting the cord and pulling the curtain back, revealing what is going on behind it for all to see. . Those with their hands deep into the cookie jar are the ones screaming and protesting. Let them.

  17. Little X is a beautiful icon for the future of the USA. The last time there were children in the Oval Office was with JFK. Very nice to see little kids, again.

    1. Yes, I oo love that photograph of Elon with his fine young man. That photograph is a real prize, on so many levels. It is also obvious that Mr. Trump likes that young chap as well.

      And I am certain that image of the three of them has many pair of knickers all beknotted…….

  18. It appears that Musk is leveraging talent plus extremely hard effort yet again. A large portion of the US population does not comprehend that Musk’s accomplishments are results of this simple and powerful formula.


    It doesn’t matter, to outline these lies. Because truth is not a value to the Left. Advancing their agenda is.

    1. “… truth is not a value to the left.” Nope, it isn’t. But, truth IS a value that many of us understand as critically important. There’s a percentage of leftists who are seemingly beyond reach, but Trump wouldn’t have a mandate for change if the majority of U.S. voters, which includes both Indies and Dems, didn’t recognize and disapprove of the lies they’ve been told.

    2. Sadly, yes. They’ve managed, through their lies and lack of values, to achieve enriching themselves while controlling so much of our government, which Elon and his team have exposed. The labyrinth of working through the courts will draw out for years because the left, using comrades in the judicial system, is what they believe is how to override the executive branch; not so!

  20. He continues as an amazing and informed voice of hope and light! What a brilliant mind in a very humble and kind man~

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