Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler as they discuss the DEI culture destroying military academies, Jill Stein and others as third party candidates, the West Coast elite’s censorship efforts and their patina of respectability, and the US debt.
VDH– Thanks for highlighting the diminution of academic rigor at the AF Academy, at universities in general, including UC Berkeley and Stanford. As an undergrad in 1963 from a rather rigorous Jesuit university, I’ve noticed and experienced that decline beginning in 1965 when professors, even at my alma mater, introduced grade inflation to protect students from the draft during the Vietnam War. And academia became increasingly diluted from that point. Returning rigorous standards seems possible only when progressivism diminishes its dominance.
I am an admirer of the writings and podcasts. On the 10/15/23 discussion with Sami, it was opined that Xi met with Biden to see for himself why the CCP aims are met without push back. I would add that the meeting occurred, in the USA , at Biden’s request as the administration believes this would bolster Biden’s standings in the polls. Xi has an investment to protect!
The Air Force Academy is more technical than the Naval Academy? Really? The first American to win a Nobel Prize in science (physics) was Albert A. Michelson (USNA 1892) who performed his initial experiments on measuring the speed of light while serving as an instructor at Navy. Then there was Thomas Stafford (USNA ’52) who was called “the best mind in space”. Lets look at who produced astronauts:
United States Naval Academy: 54
United States Air Force Academy: 41
United States Military Academy: 21
Purdue University—West Lafayette: 15
Massachusetts Institute of Technology: 14
Stanford University: 8
University of Colorado—Boulder: 8
Auburn University: 6
University of Illinois—Urbana-Champaign: 6
University of Texas—Austin: 6
University of California—Berkeley: 5
University of California—Los Angeles: 5
University of Washington: 5
Ever hear of nuclear power and nuclear submarines? It’s not just the propulsion plant. These machines dive to scary depths, surfaced through the ice at the North Pole, can send ICBM’s thousands of miles around the world and hit within meters. The Navy developed the F-4 Phantom II and most of the ordinance U.S. military aircraft employed during Vietnam. Then there is the Talos, Tartar, and Terrier missiles. USNA’s cyber programs are considered to be among America’s best.
Brilliant analysis, as usual. I am a big fan of yours & I look forward to every podcast that is posted on X. I have read several of your books & recently read The Dying Citizen. The Second World Wars & A War Like No Other are now in my reading rotation for the future ( I have a srtrict rule to read, alternate, non fiction & fiction in my reading list or they would already have been read. ) I have a degree in history, but am now an RN, go figure. But without a doubt I am a history junkie and your books are among the best. Thank you so much for your wisdom & your insight.
Thank you, Dr. Hanson, for discussing and publicizing this important topic. I wrote the article that appeared in AMAC out of deep concern for USAFA, where I graduated and still serve as president of my class., a group of retired military officers, was formed 3 years ago to educate the public about the pervasiveness of DEI and the minimization of merit at the institution. Coincidently, I practiced medicine in Fresno for 35 years and was a partner of your good friend Dr. Lou F. You came to our book club at the Manhattan Restaurant to talk about The Second World Wars. Many thanks for that, as well.
Will anyone ever look at the US Debt Clock at the “unfunded liabilities”? $211 + TRILLION!
That’s what the US Gov’t has promised to pay in the future. $33 trillion is just looking at the immediate situation, not down the road. When gov’ts or schools want to sell bonds for levies, Moody’s uses the “unfunded liabilities” figure.
Hi Victor,
As always a pleasure to listen to your wisdom. Sorry to hear of your impending retirement.
Other than that I think you missed the idea behind Theranos and it’s one drop blood test. The wealthy elite wanted to believe it because her one drop blood test fit their goal of enforcing the old one drop rule
That was my idea of connecting the dots in a humorous way. Just joking.
Take care