Illiberal Immigration ‘Reform’

People who call for “comprehensive immigration reform” seldom mean it.

by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online


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8 thoughts on “Illiberal Immigration ‘Reform'”

  1. Hi Joe,

    This is basically the approach that I have thought would work for several years. Close the border, sort out the felons and deport them, and limit welfare to illegal aliens. I would, however, spend money on the education of every child, legal or illegal. That is a fundamental starting point in helping all of those millions of folks, who are not going back, to assimilate into our culture.

  2. The open boarder crowd have never been about earned opportunity through legal immigration, but rather groups of poorly educated and uninformed voters who do not posses the critical thinking required for good citizenship. What is happening to our great Nation is nothing less than its dismantling by Liberal ideologues. Taxpayer revolt is in order.

  3. I don’t want to get into a pissing match with “Who Killed Homer” (VDH) or anyone for that matter.

    Once LDC university graduate Brain Drain was an anathema. Now it’s economic/political policy/LDC development smart. When professional and farm labor costs can be squeezed: do it. One wonders what the impact in/on LDC/3rd/4th world countries would be, say politically or economically, 50 years on if 80 or 90% of foreign university/college graduates returned “home” (ie) were US labor force persona non grata. I guess musings like this Killed Homer.

  4. Why do you have to specify imply that elites only liberal? There are plenty of conservatives and libertarians in the professions who benefit from not having to compete against skilled foreigners and who employ low-wage nannies and maids and gardeners. When it comes to businessmen, good luck finding a liberal general contractor or subcontractor. California, Arizona, Texas and the rest of the South West is addicted to illegal labor. Also, where are all of these conservatives who want a closed border and merit based immigration?

    Conservatives pound their chests and say how they would close the border if they had power. They say it when they host a radio show, when they have to win a primary or when they don’t control the White House. when they actually are governing, they want the same thing as liberals, cheap labor. The main difference is that conservatives don’t want these laborers to ever get to vote while liberals do. The political difference between the two approaches is vast but the economic implications are virtually identical.

    1. Colin it’s true that many self identified conservatives have been hypocritical on the issue of illegals and their impact on wages paid to the physical labor class in the U.S. I also believe many of these same people who own small businesses have had a “come to jesus” moment with illegal immigration since 1986. Reagan genuinely wanted to fix the problem once and for all by providing amnesty but unfortunately things did not work out for proper security and enforcement of the 1986 Act. So your wrong about conservatives just desiring cheap labor. Conservatives want the borders secure and color blind, merit based legal immigration.

  5. 1. English as the official language.
    2. As of the date of the signing of the billl anyone entering the US illegally would be immediately sent home, no mater where that home is.

  6. Chuck and those thinking alike have got it right. There should be absolutely NO BENEFITS to illegals whether they be children or not . They’ve already broken our laws, why on earth would we reward them for it ? They should be shipped back when they arrive, and those apprehended should be treated likewise. Being a product of a bi-lingual home where America was always praised and loved, I say make foreigners learn the language, as in Israel , and scrap all Hispanic and bi-lingual education in our schools. As a foreign language teacher (Spanish being one of my languages) I can tell you that those programs are a complete farce, just retarding students in their development , and setting them up for a life of ignorance. I’ve had Hispanics who were born here, spoke what they called “Spanish” and had a strong accent and spoke ungrammatical English, and that’s saying nothing of those who came here in the first place. Just the money saved in our schools on those classes would be astounding. I’ve had students coming from other countries, without the benefit of bi-lingual education, who have all not only excelled , but bi-passed most Americans. Furthermore, Spanish should not be allowed as an alternative on signs, forms, in public places unless they are all give in every language spoken in this country for THAT would be equality. For WE did not furnish interpreters for non-English speakers. People were responsible for supplying one themselves. Getting rid of just the Russian interpreters in New York would save millions, and that’s not saying anything about all the other minorities that demand the same . This constant stress on their country of origin has created a whole class of foreigners that have absolutely no allegiance to our beloved country.

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