Hundreds of thousands of deaths averted because of COVID vaccines

An article by my Hoover colleague Dr. Paul Gregory in The Hill

Recall the desperate early days of the COVID-19 pandemic in early Spring 2020. Researchers worried that the Spanish flu of 1918 that cost millions of American lives could be a possible model. The Imperial College of London released a projection of over 2 million deaths in the U.S. alone if government failed to take action. The government’s top advisor, Anthony Faucirecommended a strategy of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPI) to “bend the curve.” However, the highly infectious nature of the disease meant that they could offer only a temporary respite.

Adding to the gloom was the scientific community’s pessimism concerning the prospects for an early vaccine. Past history suggested that vaccines required years to get through regulatory approval — and then an additional year or more to scale-up for the millions of doses needed. Four months into the pandemic in the Spring of 2020, the most optimistic observers projected that we were well more than a year away from a viable vaccination program.

Contrary to earlier expectations, two vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) were approved in December 2020, and the first doses were administered less than a week later. These advances occurred under the auspices of Operation Warp Speed, a joint government, business, and military venture. Its unique feature was to guarantee purchases of experimental vaccines as they proceeded through regulatory approval in order to scale-up quickly the successful ones.

Read the full article here

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3 thoughts on “Hundreds of thousands of deaths averted because of COVID vaccines”

  1. This question is about an earlier issue but I needed to ask:

    Why doesn’t it take an amendment to the Constitution (66.6 % approval) for the govt. to take control of election regulations rather than HR1 (50 % approval) by the Congress?

    Garry Bandel

  2. “See all comments” – Not one comment to be seen.
    Prof. hanson is too intelligent to endorse pro-COVID-vaccine delirium.
    Please scan the Web for many contrary articles from medical and epidemiological professionals.

  3. Thank you for publishing this, Dr. Hanson. It’s a tragic irony that the noisome left, which lobbied hard to keep what may someday be recognized as President Trump’s greatest achievement away from the public, fought and even cheated to be first in line for vaccination, while so many of President Trump’s supporters avoid the vaccine and dismiss the disease.

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