Hume’s Enlightenment v. Modern Gaslighting and Surveilling

In this weekend episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc explore David Hume’s life and role in the Scottish Enlightenment. They discuss the warning to Israel to hold back, Tulsi Gabbard trailed by TSA, Trump-Harris debate will happen, Harris-Walz “vibes-joy” campaign, Walz’s past works against him.

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14 thoughts on “Hume's Enlightenment v. Modern Gaslighting and Surveilling”

    1. …and, not to mention the documented few hundred that tripped across that were on the nation’s terrorist lists.
      Otoh, Biden/Harris/media do not appear overly worried about it.

  1. Professor- I always look forward to your Apple podcasts, which I find both educational and entertaining. However, your consistent misuse of the article “a” prior to words beginning with consonants is troubling to my ears. I distinctly remember the first public figure I heard who similarly misspoke was Barack Obama, who I immediately sensed was a fake intellectual ( his subsequent bungling of “corps” confirmed my suspicions). As my respect for your apparent mental acuity is boundless, kindly endeavor to adjust this small portion of your otherwise outstanding broadcasts. Warmest regards, Larry Feld


      It’s his dialect. He also says, “mericratic” for “meritocratic”-though he says, “meritocracy”.
      He also turns the “-ate” ending to “-ent”. For example, he’ll say someone is “articulent” for “articulate”.
      I just figure it’s how people in his home area speak.

      1. Baron and Larry,

        Victor is a one of the greatest scholars and social commentators of our time. His tireless work to expose the tyranny of the hard left and breakdown complex issues is invaluable to all of us.

        I therefore ask both of you respectfully to stop attacking the way he speaks and writes with your pedantic, nickel and dime criticism.

        1. Ya’ nailed it, Ron.
          Message ‘trumps’ noise.
          We would be lucky to receive VDH’s message even delivered via Ebonics.


          Please explain how I attacked him. I made an observation about his dialect. I studied languages and these things interest me.

  2. As a follow-up to my earlier e-mail, please adjust it to read —- the article “a”prior to words beginning with VOWELS . I apologize for the error.

    1. Whew, now that that’s over, time to relax and enjoy the message.
      Elements of Style by Strunk and then White in 1959 made some of us smile in that first class at CPS that first year there.


    Never let progressives control foreign policy. They have a false idea of human nature, and they make blunder after blunder after blunder because of this.
    The Biden administration hasn’t followed the Middle East policy that it has, because of Muslim voters. It is genuinely anti-Semitic, just as the people pulling its strings are. That it considers how Muslim voters will react is an adjunct, not the root cause.
    These people are ideologues, and therefore, they are fools.

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