Victor Davis Hanson
American Greatness
The Good News
The good news for the Trump campaign is that the sure Democratic nominee Kamala Harris is a lifelong California hard leftist at a time when the state is emblematic of progressive nihilism. Her extremist advocacies as a San Francisco county and city attorney, state Attorney General, and senator are on record. And they are consistent with what has virtually destroyed the state.
Harris was also a driving force as vice president for Joe Biden’s unpopular and unworkable progressive policies—whether open borders, massive illegal immigration, hyperinflation, fanning woke divisiveness, arguing for lax criminal prosecution, or defunding the police. She was far closer to the mindset of the unhinged Squad than Joe Biden himself.
None of the Biden-Harris administration’s main policy initiatives ever polled 50 percent approval. Abroad, the world blew up under their tenure with an unbridled Putin invading Ukraine, an unbound Iran brazenly using its proxies to attack Israel, and China all but warning the West of its impending absorption of Taiwan—now not a question of if but only when.
So, it should be easy for Trump to win the key midwestern swing states. All he needs to do is repeatedly remind voters that Harris is the most far-left presidential candidate in modern history. He can drive home that she is not only on record endorsing these extreme positions but has been doing so emphatically for years to energize her exclusively left-wing constituents and audiences.
If Trump heeds the lessons of late Lee Atwater, then he need only follow the 1988 Republican campaign script, when hard-left Democratic nominee Michael Dukakis’s 17-point lead in late July melted through nonstop reminders that Dukakis was and always would be far to the left of the American voter.
Dukakis’s efforts to claim that the election was only about his “competence,” not his liberal ideology, evaporated after a devastating series of ads—exposing the “technocrat” Dukakis as an extremist and a hypocrite desperate to disown and hide his prior unapologetically left-wing record from the voters. And Dukakis was a far better candidate than Harris.
The Bad News
However, the bad news for Trump is that there are only roughly 90 days left to expose Harris’s extremist record. And like cognitively challenged Joe Biden in 2020, her handlers will not allow her to speak extemporaneously or to give interviews to real journalists.
She will hide her innate silliness and her extreme record and instead teleprompt a scripted persona and pseudo-centrist agenda to the nation.
There is, then, almost no time to redefine the reclusive Harris, given she was never a candidate for 2024 nomination. She stuck by the hard lie that Joe Biden was “fit as a fiddle” until he wasn’t and was selected by party bosses and billionaires at a historically late stage of the campaign. That was not a drawback given her hard-left vulnerabilities, but an advantage given that it was always much easier to hide the real Harris in three months than for over two years.
In addition, she will vastly outspend the Trump campaign—given that her youth, gender, and race contrast positively with the admittedly enfeebled octogenarian Biden and his increasing snark, crankiness, and off-putting incoherence.
And finally, she is a tempting personal target that naturally irks Trump. So, he has risen to the bait to respond in kind to the sort of personal vitriol that has long been directed at him and now running mate J.D. Vance. When politicos, like the governor of Illinois, stoop to lie that Vance had sexual intercourse with a couch, then there are now no limits on anything.
Harris is certainly a “DEI” candidate. In the hysteria following the death of George Floyd and the months-long riots of 2020, Joe Biden pandered to his hard-left base that had orchestrated his nomination by forcing the withdrawal of his non-electable primary rivals by promising that he would select a black vice president who would likely be a woman.
Those racial and gender fixations explained why Biden selected Harris, who otherwise had a dismal and brief senate career. As a candidate herself, she had failed to win a single primary or a single delegate and withdrew in humiliation from the 2019-20 race without even entering a primary or caucus.
During the violent days of the summer of 2020’s rioting, arson, and looting, Harris virtue signaled her eagerness to get on the presidential ticket in ways that would have proved impossible on her own merits, apparently by pandering to the hard-left BLM/Antifa base.
So, she loudly helped to raise money to bail out Minnesota rioters and looters. She bragged on CBS that protests (that had long proved violent and had led to deaths and hundreds of injured law enforcement officers) would and should not cease. And thus, we, the American people, she boasted, should “beware” that the unrest would continue up to and beyond Election Day. That warning is about as provocatively left-wing as it gets in American politics and was far more reckless than anything Trump said on January 6. Yet apparently her radical incitement either helped, or was excused, in her appointment as Biden’s running mate
Moreover, Harris has indeed played the race card, sometimes presenting herself as the “first” California Indian-American senator, sometimes altering her accent to a black patois to emphasize her supposedly authentic black credentials—as the child of an immigrant, Jamaican, and Stanford professor father.
There are other tempting but dead-end Trump targets.
Given that his lead over Biden had been growing weekly and given the president’s exponential rate of cognitive decline, it was natural to keep harping on Biden as the “worst” president in U.S. history. As Trump put it, the entire Biden tenure really was a “disaster”—and thus, logically and by extension, so was Harris’s role in that calamity of an administration.
So, all these ad hominem, name-calling targets are naturally attractive. But in the few weeks left (early voting in some states is scheduled to begin in mere days), they remain dead-ends, distractions, and time-wasters.
Proving Harris is a DEI selection, a woke opportunist, a hypocrite, an utter incompetent, childlike, and indistinguishable from Joe Biden won’t win Trump a single additional MAGA vote in the swing states or one new Trump-hating Democrat.
But these ad hominem distractions will bore or even bother independent voters as they hear endless media-ginned-up controversies and psychodramas that Trump is “cruel,” “mean,” and “racist.” At best, Trump will achieve a draw with the Trump-hating media and, at worst, sacrifice precious time and opportunities better spent warning Americans of the Harris record.
Trump, again, must force Harris to come clean by either reemphasizing her lifelong extreme positions or be exposed as a flip-flopping opportunist, scrambling to reinvent herself in the fashion of a losing George McGovern, Mike Dukakis, or Jimmy Carter.
Getting tangled up in Harris’s woke and racial contortions, her opportunistically amorous past, and her bouts of cacklerhea will only suggest that Trump is desperate and playing into the hands of the woke victimization narratives.
Trump must instead hammer away that Biden-Harris has left us with a $1.2 trillion yearly interest bill on the debt, higher interest rates, 10 million unaudited illegal and often dangerous aliens, a nonexistent border, and prices on staples essential to life—key foods, fuels, power, housing, insurance, and health care—20 to 30 percent higher than when Biden took office.
He should ask Harris, “You own these policies, so why are you suddenly ashamed rather than proud of what you did?” Harris bragged that she was “proud” to have been the last person in the room with Biden on the decision to flee in disgrace from Afghanistan.
So, Trump should ask, “Then why did both of you abandon to the Taliban terrorists over 70,000 American trucks, armored vehicles, and Humvees, as well over a half-million heavy machine guns, automatic pistols, and assault weapons, along with over 100 planes and helicopters and nearly 200,000 assorted night-vision goggles, sophisticated radios, and artillery pieces?”
In our dangerous world, with an explosive Middle East, a belligerent Russia, and an oil-thirsty China, the best way to protect American energy interests and independence is not to ban fracking and horizontal drilling, stop the development of natural gas production, or mandate electric vehicles and implement the Green New Deal.
Once upon a time, the Republicans revealed to the country just how far left a nice enough George McGovern was, just how out of touch and hard leftist gentleman Mike Dukakis was, and just how unstable and unsustainable the world was that an upright Jimmy Carter had left America. Landslide rejections of those leftist agendas followed.
So, show all the clips of a word salad Harris struggling to achieve minimum coherence—but always in the context of her espousal of agendas that no one today wants.
Let the left talk of her “diversity” and being “the first female and black vice president” and the pathbreaking “black and Indian nominee” until the American people are weary of cheap woke pandering.
And let Trump simply answer, “She is the diversity candidate; I am the unity candidate. I want to help all Americans recover from the recent nightmare by offering them policies that improve their livelihoods, their freedoms, their security, and their unity with one another.”
A final note. As long as Joe Biden selfishly deceived the American people about his mental decline, as long as the president barked and snarked out his divisive Phantom-of-the-Opera, semi-fascist, and anti-MAGA speeches, as long as he demagogued to win a midterm or reelection by draining the strategic petroleum reserve, cancelling student debt, or offering amnesties, the more the people were sick of him and wanted him out.
But Biden now?
Our president is an isolated, crushed figure. He was cruelly ambushed by the very forces that had fixed his nomination in 2020 by forcing out his rivals and employing him as a ceremonial veneer for their otherwise unpalatable hard-left agendas. So just as Joe lived by the 2020 coup, so his career perished by the 2024 sequel.
Thus, Trump need not constantly pound a now impotent and increasingly irrelevant Biden with the self-evident and obvious: that he was a “horrible “president” and a “disaster.”
America knows that. It is relieved that Biden has only six months left to endanger us.
But given Biden’s diminished capacity, his visible frailty, and his seclusion, how does Trump beat Harris by beating a proverbial dead horse?
For the first time in his life, the now-neutered Biden may even gain public sympathy for his feebleness—especially as the Orwellian left narrative factory churns out new pretexts that a “courageous” Joe Biden “voluntarily” stepped down “for the good of the country” and is now a “George Washington figure.”
A Way Forward?
Again, focus on the disastrous Biden governance of the last four years. Make Harris own it. And contrast it with 2017-21 and what will follow in 2025.
But cease with the invective that he was demented, his already old debate as the worst in history, and his tenure an utter disaster.
Trump is no longer running against a has-been caretaker, whose implosion appeals to the innate sympathy of the swing voter (but not to the extent of wanting another four years of him).
Finally, in the next debate(s), Trump must not only use characteristic broad adjectives for Biden and Harris, such as “disaster,” “terrible,” or “horrible,” but simply pepper Harris with what Biden actually did and her role in it. Don’t describe Harris as a disaster, but communicate in exactly what way and precisely how in her own words. And there are 30 years of her extreme advocacies to make that case.
Do all that, and Trump will win decisively in the fashion that Republicans did in 1972, 1980, and 1988 by avoiding the personal and simply demonstrating why McGovern, Carter, and Dukakis were not what they professed to be but entirely at odds with the majority of Americans.
The left wants Trump to spend the next three months harping on Biden’s dementia, the farce of its coverup, the Democrat coup to remove him, and the off-putting record of Kamala Harris.
Yet if Trump falls for all that, he will allow the hardest-left candidate in American history to do to the United States what she and her fellow leftists did to California.
VDH, great as always but surprised that you have fallen for the China taking Taiwan fallacy like the rest of the media. Again, S Korea, Japan and Taiwan have formally agreed on a pact to defend the other if China strikes. This goes for the US as well. Also, Japan, S Korea and Taiwan have significantly increased their military budgets; Japan will be doubling in only 5 years. Lastly, China has watched closely the disastrous Russian invasion of Ukraine. It would be a wipe out of China militarily and most likely lead to a collapse politically…will never happen in our lifetimes, way too large of a risk in an already politically weak society.
UGA OLDTIMER is right on. This other old timer is so disappointed in Trump for not altering his Reality Show style that I will not vote for him in November unless he does adjust very soon. My abstention may not matter here in my Mississippi, but I am betting that many in swing states share my disgust that Trump is risking our future with his foolishness.
Trump was sounding Presidential in many of his statements while up against Biden. The best being, “My success will be my revenge.” He is now weakening his position by being dragged down into racial identity politics. Can’t his campaign advisers control him better than this?
It would be such a great help for President Trump to have Victor Davis Hanson as his advisor. If Trump would stop saying words like stupid, worse ever, disaster, etc. he would be more popular with everyone. It’s high school way of talking and it gets him no where; in fact it makes he look petty! What we the people want to hear is what he will do to correct all the damage that has been done and yes, “make American great again.”
Trump needs to apply this advice in his own style. Be should create a label like “Left Coast Kamala” and use his colorful rhetoric to define it. Unlike Dukakis, he cannot expect the media to broadcast Kamala’s record of leftism.
Trump should repeat THIS: “When Kamala was D.A. of San Francisco, she and Mayor Newsom released a known violent illegal alien from custody. He immediately slaughtered an entire innocent family for kicks. She didn’t even ask for the death penalty! That’s the real Kamala and San Francisco Values! Is that what you want for your family?
Wow, yes! Critical months ahead.
Trump is not really running against KH as much as he is running against malignant Marxism. Marxism has an undeniable record of failure, misery and death. KH is a Marxist. If she wins our nation will cease to exist. Where I live we are bombarded by Harris the leftist failure ads. Keep it up.
In his rallies I think he needs to pound her foolish and stupid personality. Mock her with increasing derision AND point out her Marxism and attendant failures.
The enemy is Marxism and its advocates need to be obliterated.
President Trump is already lambasting the disastrous record of the Biden-Harris administration, and constantly reiterating his prescriptions for the American Revival. But he also has to make clear to the ‘personality’ voters that Kalamity Harris is a vicious, lightweight phony, who not only cannot manage the complex responsibilities of the Presidency, but cannot keep from alienating her staff in every position she’s held. A President has to be able to handle himself on the international stage; President Trump has proven he can do so, while Kalamity cannot even handle a press conference without looking silly.
What finished Dukakis was the Willie Horton ads, and Dukakis in the tank, looking like a 10-year old. Just keep an eye out for Kalamity’s first cackling outing with the military.
Trump came down to Georgia and campaigned against himself. I do not believe he can win talking about 2020.
Excellent advice for DJT; question is will he use it or even can his personality change to the point he will accept it. The stake of a Nation is at risk on him making such a change. If he truly loves the USA, he better.
Now that Biden is out, he has become a ‘historical’ and ‘influential’ statesman who should not be the 5th face on Mt. Rushmore. At least according to Nancy Pelosi. Why bother trying to curry favor with Joe Biden now, he won’t remember how you cajoled him into quitting his reelection run.
Typo on Mt. Rushmore, Pelosi says he should NOW be the 5th face. Sometimes my fingers automatically type common words and I miss proofing! Wish VDH had a way to correct posts.
I’ve always wondered, does Trump read VDH? Does anyone know-besides Trump and VDH-to what extent Trump does? Trump should have this piece put into a teleprompter for him to read. He should call out Harris with these points if they ever debate. I sometimes wonder if Trump knows, he doesn’t have to get the MAGA votes; he’s got them! He needs many of the independents and the even some of the Democrat votes. He can get them if he campaigns on these oh so many great talking points.
Can he get that advice Victor? We all know that’s what he needs to do. My question is will we even see an election?
Dam VDH, you’re saying everything my wife said, but she said it better (just kidding). Our boy Trump needs to stop looking at his reflection, he needs to give you or my wife a call and then he can get the job done.
I do not know who Trumps advisors are but it is clear their current advise is wrong and will certainly cost him the election. He must show her terrible record to all of America. Take Victor Hanson’s advise. If he does he will win.
Absolutely right.
allowed into the country have been shipped to these swing states and registered to vote by NGOs. That’s the extra insurance. None of these registered voters will actually vote. Mail-in ballots will be sent to those non-residential addresses. They will be collected by Democrat operatives from those addresses, or accumulated by the USPS as undeliverable mail and handed off to Democrat operatives. Without signature verification, citizenship verification, or address verification, these ballots will be injected into the vote count in Democrat run precincts to ensure a narrow (D) victory. Of course, they may need to pause the vote count to do the math, but that’s absolutely normal.
The RNC’s election observers will have no way of distinguishing these illegal ballots from genuine ballots, but they will help ensure that they get counted.
At this late stage of the game, it is too late to get those ghost voters off the voter rolls. It is not too late to stop ballots being mailed to the ghost addresses, but the RNC and Trump campaign remain blissfully or willfully blind to addressing the Democrats’ industrial scale ballot fraud operation. Unless they open their eyes, Trump will lose, just as surely as he lost in 2020.
Great points. I hope President Trump reads your essays or at least his staff. Did you hear the story that Nancy Pelosi today suggested Biden be added to Mt. Rushmore?
We are living in a farce, and far worse is coming if Kamela wins.
Trump will lose all the swing states, just as he did in 2020. In 2012, Obama won 69 million votes, 873 counties, 18/19 bellwether counties, and the critical states of FL, OH and IA. In 2020, Trump won 74 million votes, 2497 counties, 18/19 bellwether counties, and FL, OH and IA yet still lost the election. Biden won 81 million votes, 1/19 bellwether counties and lost FL, OH, and IA and won the election. Those bare statistics conflict with the narrative that the 2020 election was clean, fair and honest. Those who question the outcome are election deniers who have been sued, disbarred, fined, bankrupted, or jailed.
The methods that the Democrats used to steal 2020 have never been challenged in a court of law. From SCOTUS on down, courts have ruled that those bringing suit to challenge election results have no standing.
The GOP and RNC have either agreed with the courts or colluded with the Democrats to keep the fraud under wraps. Here’s looking at Kemp and Raffensperger. So, why wouldn’t the Democrats use exactly the same methods to steal 2024? The answer, of course, is that Democrats will do it again, and will add extra insurance.
Omega4America has compared voter rolls against other publicly available databases, such as property tax records. They have found, and can prove, that there are upwards of 500,000 voters registered at non-residential addresses. They live at 7/11s, gas stations, strip malls, NGO locations, empty lots, and homeless shelters. The millions of illegals
The MOST EFFECTIVE and DIRECT way for Trump to expose Kamala is to SHOW HER VIDEO CLIPS AT HIS RALLIES and after he shows each one, proceed to TEAR IT TO SHREDS. He and his team will certainly be able to script EXTREMELY CLEVER, DEVESTATING RESPONSES. If done well, clips of the rallies will undoubtedly go viral, AND IT WON’T COST A DIME IN ADVERTISING.
If Trump loses this election, perhaps we will still garner the Senate and House, and he could become speaker of the House. I can’t see him retiring to the golf course.
Right now our best hope is that the Republicans increase their majority in the House of Representatives and gain a majority in the Senate.
Dr Hansen I sure would like to think that if you reached out to the Trump team and articulate your thoughts about this election as you do for all of us, that as a country we would survive the election season and save our country from what is clearly available for the deceiving. You have been put here for just such a time as this.
Realistic assessment and advice from VDH. I voted for President Trump in 2016 and 2020 and certainly plan to do so again in 2024. If President Trump can control his emotions and simply point out the dismal Biden-Harris record he should easily win another term and our great nation will benefit. Please, please run on the issues!
This is such a great article. I hope someone can convey this to President Trump.
Amen. I hope Trump and his acolytes read and apply this wisdom! I support Trump, but feel embarrassed and betrayed by all too frequent personal attacks. Stick to policy and past performance specifics.
I wish this article would be read aloud to President Trump by Lara Trump in the privacy of Mar-a-Lago. And let them discuss how to do exactly what VDH has outlined.
Victor Davis Hanson’s advice to Trump is on the mark – but Trump may need an example paragraph or two that say, in his own style, what she actually DID, the precise list of things she favored and when, using simple examples everybody can understand and tell others about.
Mr. Trump should study Lee Atwater’s handling of Mike Dukakis and get good at hitting Harris with things she can’t answer.
Somehow, some way, someone like you, Victor, needs to relay the above talking points to Trump’s team. Not sure if they know this already or this is “butting in” with Trump’s team. One possibility would be for you and Trump to go on Mark Levin’s Life, Liberty and Levin and give Trump these suggestions off screen and talk about a few of these strategies on camera. Trump also needs to act “Presidential” and quit flying off the handle instead of shouting.
Great advice, but I don’t think Mr. Trump will follow this recipe for victory.
He’s his own worst enemy.
I don’t think he’s a details oriented person. He doesn’t have the patience to prepare for a debate. He’ll just wing it again and over state or incorrectly recall facts & figures. Then the media will obsess over fact checking and report that he lied because his i’s weren’t dotted and his t’s weren’t crossed correctly.
It’ll be his own fault if he loses. He’s become the “lightning rod” that Ms. Clinton was that helped him win in 2016, then lose in 2020; and a good chance repeating the loss.
Colin Powell used to say, perfection is the enemy of good enough.
I think Ms. Halley had the self discipline to be on point & not be a lightning rod. I would have rather had a “good enough“ President Halley that carried on Mr. Trump’s policies than a President Harris carrying on the Obama/Biden policies and will create some bad of her own.
Pundits, columnists, editorial writers, etc. all write about how Trump could win if only he would do as they say. I’ve done it myself in comments I’ve posted. But Trump will do what Trump will do, and it may well cost him.
It’s really up to others to point out that Harris and the Democratic party is really quite proud of what they’ve done to California and can be pretty forthright in their assertions that this is what they want to do to the country as a whole. Gov Newsom was positive gleeful at Chevron’s announcement that it was pulling out of CA. They want a poorer society dependent upon what they might feed the population as a whole (dare I say trickle down), and we really are dependent upon a handful of voters in just a few states to see whether they’ll achieve it or not.
Do you think Trump will listen ? I hope he is taking heed to the wisdom given to him. I pray he reads and listens to the common sense of people like VDH and others. Trump cannot take this election on with his own “gut feelings”. He has to win this with JD Vance at his side. If Trump loses this election because of his own egotistical tendencies, then I burn his book and thrown his mug through the window. It was his to win!
Thank you for these words, Prof. Hanson! I hope all like minded folks who read the essay share on their social media and with Lara Trump via her link on the Republican Party website. There is a lot more grassroots work to do in light of the far left change in Dems campaign plans. You laid it out perfectly!!
Thank you Dr. Hanson” I hope and pray that Ex-President Trump takes your advice, quits shooting himself in the foot and show the public that he is above name-calling and has logical-rational ways of dealing with the dilemma this country finds itself going forward the next four years..
Do you think Trump should skip California all together? Let Kamala battle it out with RFK jr.
I’m hoping that the Trump campaign reads your article. You are right on as usual. Thank you VDH.
Polling shows that Americans would really like to regain their autonomy and decision-making about health health and about the food they eat and about where they buy the food they eat, including small farms. These are classic populist issues and themes and Trump can exploit them by promising simple measures to ensure food, freedom, health freedom, and etc.. He has already started moving in that direction.
As a senior unaffiliated registered voter in NC, I have never voted for Trump, but I just might in November. Frankly, I dispised his street-level lying and attempts to prevent Biden’s win in 2020.
I still can’t get over his omissions as President on January 6, 2021 or his coddling of authoritarian leaders. History, if not current judgement on the 2017 tax bill, shows his favors to the rich and to corporations. Need I go further.
The option, voting for Harris, leaves me no choice, as I succumbed for Biden in 2020. Never again.
Why is Trump and his daughter trying to distance themselves from Project 2025? Why isn’t he yielding to those who wrote it as least his choices of parts that (1) dismantle the administrative state and (2) stop Congress from deficit spending in the 25-29 term? Even if he has to use his veto! America is “gambling” it’s future and the value of our dollar allowing further debt and no plan to “pay-as-we-go” in the ’30’s. Deficit spending should be a high-level issue in this election.
How sad, even tragic, that our two-party system cannot offer at least one proven “statesman” for the highest office in the land. If I do vote for Trump this time, I will probably “hold my nose”. Voting for the lessor of two evils is not in the best interest of our Republic, “IF we (some how) can keep it”!
Theron Few
Raleigh NC
Aug 5, 2024
I hope he reads this, takes the advice seriously, and acts accordingly.
Victor, we have many problems here.
Unlike the media in 1988, no nonstop reminders that “Harris was and always would be far to the left coming from the Main Stream Media in 2024.. Big Problem.
No Matter what Donald Trump says, the media will always make up lies or take out of context Trump’s words, and avoid talking about the real issues. The perfect example is George Stephanopoulos interview with Byron Donalds, did you watch that? Big Problem
Every negative issue about Kamala Harris that you mentioned, should be known by every American voter by now, but there not, and they will not in the future, and we no why. Big Problem.
If I have to comment on Joe Biden all I will say is, he was not going to get the Democratic nomination for President in 2020, he won nothing. Then South Carolina 2020 happens, and get this, Kamala Harris who dropped out before the first Democratic primary is picked as his running mate, where talking about two losers here, who potentially might run the country for 12 years. Obama using any means necessary, a Big Problem.
So what you are saying is, for Donald Trump it will come down to one opportunity, a Presidential Debate on Fox News September 4th, moderated by Bret Baier and Martha Maccallum, and if Kamala Harris gets anyway near close to a draw, remember she is not Joe Biden.the Democratic and main stream media spin room will be out of control, and that will be Kamala’s only debate. I don’t like those odds. Of course then the cheating will kick in. VD
Dr. Hanson, once again I pray that President Trump has you on speed dial. He needs the wisdom of your counsel. I do hope at least someone in his circle is listening.
Wow! VDH, you have taken a high harmonically distorted input and provided a virtually clean output path for POTUS DJTrump to follow. For our nations sake, I hope he hears you.
As a US citizen and voter, thank you for your wisdom and guidance.
If you get a chance to speak personally please ask him to not attack fellow Republicans as he attacked Gov. Kemp during the Atlanta rally. That makes no sense.
Gov. Brian Kemp is one of the reasons we are in the mess we are in. He has done absolutely nothing to secure Ga elections. He could have and should have called for a special session of the Ga legislature in 2020. Instead he lied to the people of Ga and said he didn’t have to power to do so. He lied!
I am in agreement. I pray President Trump heeds and embraces this decision and messages to America the disastrous consequences of far left. We must take action to ensure our country is safe.
Is there a single human being on planet Earth that hasn’t made up their mind about Donald Trump at this point? And is there a human around that will vacillate between the cackling Jamaican from California and the New York billionaire?
Barring aliens arriving in their spacecraft … the election will be decided by how many millions of votes Clyburn’s minions can fabricate in the 17 key precincts in the swing states.
I do hope you have President Trump’s ear- this is truly the path forward in my opinion. I voted Trump 2016 and 2020. He needs to do a better job of making his case in 2024 or I may stay at home 11/4. Thank you for your insights.
I read all I can of you write and listen to every podcast of yours that I can. I became a DoD employee after the Carter disaster and during the Reagan first term. The military went from having no fuel to fly and bullets to shoot to defeating the USSR peacefully. Sadly, as you know, our military is in the sad shape it was during Carter.
You are correct on all counts! Please find a way to counsel the man, get through to him.
I didn’t vote for him in 2016, I voted Independent, but I am forever thankful that he won. we can not repeat the last term for I fear our country will never be the same. Please counsel the man.
I was a Ron DeSantis guy. I like Trump and support him now, but I think DeSantis’ cooler, smarter approach would have put this race away by now.
When Trump attacks his opponents or tries to make a critical point he uses a meat cleaver. Whereas DeSantis uses a scalpel to carefully define his opponents and give voters a coherent contrast.
Trump looks at the broad picture, whereas DeSantis hones in like a laser beam on an issue. Trump’s policies are good in the general sense, and together form an appealing picture. This is fine when you’re running against a demented, corrupted old white guy that is naked and has no Woke armor (ie. gender and race). But that approach doesn’t work well against a female BIPOC candidate with the mainstream media on her side.
We were told that Ron DeSantis was a traitor, a “Keebler Elf” who had stabbed his mentor in the back (figuratively speaking) by daring to run for president. Now we have less than 90 days to go and the race is a toss up.
God helps us if Trump (blank) this up.
Just make everyone fill their gas tanks and buy a dozen of eggs before voting..
Well said
Good article, and a friend and I have been saying the same thing. Trump SHOULD easily win this election, but he is not going about it at all the right way. He seems intent on emphasizing silly stuff, such as Kamala’s changing race identification, did she or did she not pass the bar, and calling her “stupid”. I would think Trump’s two sons, who clearly are more articulate than he, could set him straight, but maybe no one can. It almost has the appearance that Trump is trying to lose the election.
Mr. Hanson,
Please send this to Mr. Trump and post on X.
Thank you for all you do.
Fellow Californian
I fear there are to many who lack the brains and intellectual honesty to consider the devastating consequences of the Biden/Harris policies.
That would require Trump to have some verbal and mental discipline. Good luck with that.
Simply put, Trump is his own worst enemy.
Excellent summary of the potential path to victory and pitfalls to avoid for Trump. I have zero confidence in him, however. The country, in the net, seems to be leaning to the “historic opportunity” to elect the first female president. Most of the country is to the left now because of generations of mal-educated products of government schools. Surely, there are many good, God-fearing folks in the country, but the majority has shifted to the left, and Donald Trump is too undisciplined to fathom the narrow window he must navigate to achieve victory. Focus on the policies needed to restore economic success, the defense of the USA, and the justice system.
I agree completely with you on this strategy. I pray that Trump and his advisors are listening as well.
As always Victor you crush it with the synthesized knowledge and wisdom of the ages. If only I could break into the stunted mentality of my Family in California hypnotized
by the left poor us…’s a dilemma. I need a set of flash cards, short facts. Links to evidence on the back. All the better in an electronic pack downloadable for anyone. Thank you Victor, so very much. This 75 year old woman has studied history and sees the coming generations as possibly never free again. It’s horrifying.
I don’t understand why the politics are even being discussed when the ability to control the voting machines has never been fixed.
Add to that the amount of fraud ballots being coounted (multiple votes, dead people voting, and of course, illegals voting), it would seem that the actual political position of a person is a moot point.
Whoever controls the vote wins.
I totally agree! My sentiments exactly. I love Trump and will be voting a 3rd time for him! We need to bring people in and not push them out. I hope his team sees this and gives it a true ponder! Love your articles VDH, they are always on point! You would also make a great politician bc of how eloquent and straight forward your thoughts and words are!
Right on!
Thank you.
To have harris win the election will cause the progressives a pick in the election to be burdened by the elections that could have been unburdened by past election voted on by progressive that were burdened by election of future past.
Exactly DB.If Mr. Hanson or anyone that can possibly get T to Pres. Trump. Tell him not spend time attacking and stay on message on energy, economy and immigration, or we are going to lose. I am from a republican county in NC and he is going to lose NC if he doesn’t heed this warning. Thank you.
And stay off the “low IQ” comments. Yes, I believe Trump has the high IQ necessary to understand economics, foreign policy, and the art of the deal in many spheres. But if people perceive you look down upon lesser lights in general, they’ll keep their distance, and maybe their votes.
I’m 100% Trump
I also agree with Victor David Hanson 100%
I pray that President Trump will listen to V.D. Hanson for his benefit but more importantly for the countries benefit
President Trumps return to office is our countries last chance at this point!
I so hope that the Trump campaign and Donald Trump will hear and listen to these wise words. I fear the fact that the left owns most of the media and all we have are podcasts, although excellent, that must be subscribed to, and paid for, in order to hear. Also, left-leaning Republicans are forming together to fight against Trump. Will we effectively be able to get the word out where our uninformed voters and especially the youth will see and hear? I am living these days in dreaded fear of what may become of our country and my posterity.
I wonder if President Trump has the presence of mind to follow your prescription. I think the Trump of 2024 is a more seasoned man than the figure in 2020. If he conveys a confidence and forthrightness in the effectiveness of his policies and direction, as you advise, that could square the circle – eliminating all the distortion and institutional barricades placed against him. He needs to follow your sound advice.
He is incapable to do that. Picture last weekend spent attacking Bryan Kemp? Really?
He is popular and cleaned the floor with Stacy Abrams. Seems like he would have been happier wwith her as Georgia’s governor. We have two Georgia Democratic Senators because of Mr.Trump. I see us loosing again…
Brian Kemp is not popular among the people of Ga that have seen his true character.
Very good advice Mr Hanson!
Why does Putin get or need a bridle?
I think the most cogent assessment of Kamala Harris extemporaneously speaking on some topic is that of “a 3rd grader giving a book report on a book she has not read.”
Yes, even to me, a very staunch supporter in a dreadfully blue state, this thought begins to creep in: maybe Haley was right. I hope someone gets to DJT.
I am there. I have watched DJT waste the best gift (a near miss assassination attempt on live television) any modern politician has ever received. Instead of saying he was Saul on the road to Damascus and is now St. Paul, DJT doubled down on his personality disorders and is losing to two of the least competent persons ever to run for higher office.
100% Everyday I feel like screaming at him. Isn’t his team better than this ? Please talk to him !!! Maybe he will listen to you !!!
Quite simply, will there be even one debate? At this point, the stand-off looks locked in. Much to the detriment of US voters.
Possibly not. And if the standoff continues past Sep 16, Merchan will put Trump in prison, and he might not get out before the election.