Hillsdale, one of the last great bastions of liberty. I am grateful that you continue to share the unique perspective of the development of our great nation and the conservative values that laid the foundation for our founding and one of the finest political documents ever designed to guide the formation of our government, our Constitution. I look forward to attending some of your courses online as time permits and learning from some of the lectures that find their way to YouTube. Welcome, Professor Hanson, I would sure like to participate in your leadership course.
Congrats and happy teaching,
Thank you. A poignant reminder of 9/11 from one of the few standing colleges, that represent those values of our founding fathers, and our Constitutional Republic, America. DM
“”” We can’t take any more German daily mail.””” Hell in pictures. Merkel’s European-Union LEADERSHIP –Merkel needs to resign.
Hillsdale, one of the last great bastions of liberty. I am grateful that you continue to share the unique perspective of the development of our great nation and the conservative values that laid the foundation for our founding and one of the finest political documents ever designed to guide the formation of our government, our Constitution. I look forward to attending some of your courses online as time permits and learning from some of the lectures that find their way to YouTube. Welcome, Professor Hanson, I would sure like to participate in your leadership course.
Congrats and happy teaching,
Well done.
Amen, thank you, and Amen.
Thank you. A poignant reminder of 9/11 from one of the few standing colleges, that represent those values of our founding fathers, and our Constitutional Republic, America. DM
Never forget! Never allow this to happen again – we must stay strong and vigilant in our war against terrorism and barbarism.