Victor Davis Hanson
American Greatness
Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election through a successful tripartite subterfuge.
One, Biden never really campaigned. His handlers rightly assumed that the more the public and the media saw a debilitated Biden in the flesh, the less they would want him as president.
So, the Biden campaign used the COVID lockdowns to ensure that Biden stayed safe in his basement office.
Biden strategically distanced himself from disinterested journalists, using COVID as an excuse to avoid public appearances. It allowed him to run a 19th-century, front-porch sort of virtual campaign.
In his place, the liberal media, Democratic grandees, and the billionaire donor class served as Biden campaign surrogates—vastly outspending, out-advertising, and out-lawyering the underfunded incumbent Trump.
Second, again using COVID as a pretext, well-funded Democratic legal teams altered the voting laws during early 2020 in key swing states to encourage non-Election Day voting.
For the first time, majorities in many key states voted by mail-in/absentee ballots and during weeks of early voting.
We now know why the left was so motivated to push through radical balloting changes that were otherwise impossible prior to 2020 but have been mostly institutionalized since.
Non-Election Day ballots outnumbered Election Day ballots. They were far more likely to be cast by Democrats. And as the number of such ballots soared, the traditional rejection rate of non-Election Day ballots prior to 2020 fell—even as registrars were swamped.
Once obscure terms such as ballot harvesting and ballot curing became mainstream.
Ballot deadlines were extended. There was lax enforcement of incorrect ballot names and addresses or auditing the registrars’ rolls.
Rich liberal entities, such as Mark Zuckerberg and his $419 million in 2020 cash infusions, sought to absorb the work of state registrars. His aim was to “improve” voter turnout through partisan “assistance”—from funding drop boxes to monitoring non-Election Day ballots.
Three, in 2020, the enervated left-wing Joe Biden was reconstructed as a vigorous moderate “ol’ Joe Biden from Scranton.”
Biden’s stealth script was to provide a temperate veneer to the new hard-left Democratic Party.
His 2020 campaign claimed Joe was for “unity” and “moderation”—even as it camouflaged an otherwise extremist neo-socialist agenda to be implemented after November.
Can the Democrats repeat that winning formula for Kamala Harris in 2024?
Only partly.
Even without the excuse of COVID, Harris certainly will not agree to unscripted, ad hoc interviews with non-partisan journalists.
She is unable to speak extemporaneously and off the teleprompter without appearing childish.
Her handlers will ensure few opportunities for Harris to burst into cackling or to stream her puerile musings about yellow school buses or kindergarten geography.
Yet the third element of Biden’s 2020 strategy will be difficult to replicate.
The Bay Area leftist Harris—unlike the Biden of the 1980s and 1990s—never had any reputation, feigned or not, of being a “centrist” or “moderate.”
Her entire political career was one of pandering either to leftist Democrat voters in 2020 or ultra-liberal Californians in her statewide races.
She is on record of opposing fracking and off-shore drilling, private health care, border enforcement, and the traditional close U.S. relationship with Israel.
She proudly promoted the radical new green deal, defunding police forces, mandatory buybacks of private guns, and mass amnesties.
She gratuitously championed the swindler Jussie Smollett and his fraudulent claims of being a victim of systemic racism.
During the horrendous riots of 2020, she sought to raise bail for violent rioters and looters that had been arrested.
On CBS, she egged on the 2020 protests that had already turned violent with deaths, law enforcement injuries, arson, and mass looting—despite the pathetic efforts of partisan fact-checkers to claim otherwise.
Harris gushed of the turmoil: “They’re not going to stop. This is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not going to stop, and everyone beware, because they’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop before Election Day in November and they’re not going to stop after Election Day. They’re not going to let up and they should not, and we should not.”
What did Harris mean by “beware?”
Was the BLM- and Antifa-led mayhem really just a “movement?”
Why boast that the turmoil might be endless—both before and after Election Day?
And why connect the massive disruptions to the upcoming Election Day—unless she believes that unrest in the streets could weaken the election chances of the then incumbent president?
In sum, Harris, like Biden, is certainly capable of running a remote stealth campaign.
She will surely take advantage of 2020’s revolution in non-Election Day balloting.
Yet, unlike Biden, Harris has no credible moderate veneer—only an unapologetic radical past and a corpus of hard-left boasts.
So, 2024 will hinge on whether Republicans will expose Harris’s lifelong, hard-left ideology and extremist agendas.
She is a poor substitute for the successful bait-and-switch 2020 con of “ol’ Joe Biden,” the fake moderate “uniter” from Scranton.
Dr. Hanson, as always, thank you for your clear and concise commentary! Bob and Josef – I agree with you both 100%! I’m afraid the former President won’t be able to reign in the snarky comments. The “possible” debate to be sponsored by Fox News in September could be the defining moment of this campaign. Let’s hope Trump sticks to the facts and doesn’t succumb to the temptation to sink into shallow commentary and questionable accusations. So far, I’m not convinced…
It seems clear come November that one can vote for anarchy in the form of Kamala Harris, any democrat for that matter; for Trump who is promoting law and order.
Professor Hanson details the anti Constitution past agenda of Harris so the question is when Harris will go the way of Biden and be tossed off the democrat ticket? It does become more and more difficult as time nears the November election and with Harris in hiding ala Biden 2020 she may get by democrat elite scrutiny. Only if Trump continues to show her record of failures and poll numbers shift even more to Trump will the Democrats Undemocratically replace her as they did Biden.
If Trump sticks to the issues, he will win. If things end up in a ‘character crap throw’, then Trump will get some on himself no matter how hard he throws it, especially since the mainstream media is controlling the intensity of the ‘blowback fans’.
No surprise they would adopt the Joe Biden campaign model. It worked just fine for Katie Hobbs to make her governor of Arizona. She just refused to engage with the press, and had a bad opponent in Kari Lake. Keep your head down and work through allied support. It’s not really democracy, but hell, it works. It will unless or until she really lets her guard down and speaks extemporare.
The media would not be a threat if it were not for a largely “Uneducated American Public” that is generally disengaged from anything other than the cell phones in their hands. This is where they get their news from if they care to know at all. Whene it comes to the media, people must be able to critically think enough to recognize a pattern of lies and deception. Sadly, public schools are so bad now across the United States pushing equity before educational skills and this has slowly been occuring since 2000. Most people will vore for Harris beciase they think a “woman” would be cool. Her policy record (of which there is none) will not matter
The reality is that if we had, same day voting, paper ballots, and proof of identification, Donal
Trump wins in a landslide.
Unlike the average Republican voter, essentially made up of the entire MAGA movement, who is “fired up”, and will go to the polls on Election Day
The average Democrat voter is very apathetic about there candidate Kamala Harris.
The Democratic turnout on Election Day 2024 would be very low.
Turnout on Election Day, which always matter in the distant past, actually sounds funny.
Trump should be on a short leash and control how he attacks Harris, he should focus on the last 3 years and who Harris really is and her ideology. Don’t use personal attacks that is just food for the legacy media and I see falling into that trap with bad consequences.
Then Y ask for my opinion? Moderation = censor!
It will be stolen/cheat/fraud again! The Dims already know it & have their cards in place!
Democrats must utilize perception tactics to win since their ideas are largely unacceptable if they were broadly known.
1. Hide Kamala Harris from public view to keep voters from knowing her flaws.
2. Indoctrinate the public with a favorable moderate view of Harris.
3. Restructure voting laws to gain advantage in turnout and fraud.
4. Disparage Donald Trump and conservatives.
Republicans must bring to the surface the ideology and policies of Harris and the democrats and show that their own ideas and practices are best for the country. Education is crucial for the conservative movement.
Also, may God have mercy on us and give us reprieve from a world that has gone mad.
To get through the barriers to the dulled populace, the exposure will have to be massive and that will require lots of money.
Never mind there was no proper primary, which she would never have survived anyway. Literally no citizen voted for her to be in this position. Begs the question, what is the democratic party these days exactly? The “anyone but Trump” party perhaps?
I am fearful for my country
Please, please, please…someone tell Donald Trump…….no name calling again, no defaming!
Talk about what has happened to our country from economics, crime, border, especially energy, the world in war now, trade with China, etc. Harris has no idea how to fix those, BUT TRUMP DOES!!! TALK ABOUT IT!!!!!!
Hiding out and avoiding interviews worked for FJB (because they simply created the votes they needed for him to “win”). So, it will work for Harris, too.
On July 13, 2024, the left demonstrated just how far they would go to retain power. Theyre not going to allow an obsticle with ballot counting to deter their agenda. I look for massive pushback at those points this fall.
You gotta be kidding me, Brandon was installed due to a completely criminal and fraudulent electorate; and incomprehensible in its shear magnitude of fraudulent ballots and rigged counting.
President Trump did not resort to personal insults. The question was both stupid and deliberate. POTUS Trump was simply stating what Harris referred to herself as being.
True, “independent” voters are not the informed group but their mindset is only what they see; visual learners. There is no real research into the frauds the dnc polishes and scrubs for their benefit before the country.
I researched the marxist hussein who appeared out of nowhere but the dumb American masses were enthralled with the fraud, racist and anti American biracial vacuous punk so they supported him.
The cackling, marxist, hateful fool is a danger to the USA but there are stupid females who will vote for her because of her sex and leftists will because she hangs with lgbtqxyz and others who don’t know geography will vote for her because of the “green” deal. The dnc, of course, will cheat as usual.
Trump 2024
Fraud. What a fraud. Evil, vile frauds. God, bring Your Holy vengeance to this earth. I call on You Lord, to trample upon the lies and fraud of the Democrat party. I ask in Jesus’ name that You thwart their illegal schemes and expose them for the dangerous, anti-humanity freaks that they are. God, please defend Your Holy and Righteous Name and blot out the heathens who curse You with glee. Give them over to their own depravity and let them stew in the muck of their own sin and perish. Show your glory, oh Lord, to the lost who are blinded by the Devil’s propaganda. Open their eyes that they can see the Truth and might find You, oh Lord. Please, Lord, hear our cries for mercy from these dark forces and the lies they spew so effortlessly. Cut them off from your inheritance and let everyone see them exactly as they are. In Jesus’ Holy Name I pray. If you’re offended, I’m sorry. I was trying to be inclusive.
As usual Victor is on the mark. I fear, however, that the Dems in association with the media and rich elites will transform Kamala to a moderate and therefore she will win. I believe this because the citizenry is clueless let alone uneducated. As Reagan said, “freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction”. We are witnessing the generation that loses freedom.
Victor’s points are too optimistic in my mind. This election will be a true measure of the power of the leftist media.
The re-creation of the Cackle Queen is happening 24/7 on all available platforms.
When one considers that it will be “independent” voters in about 7 states, that scares the hell out of me. How thoroughly informed are these voters? Will they see beyond facade that is the Harris campaign? This is a critical question.
Add to this scenario, the fact that ActBlue is receiving millions of foreign dollars, laundered through fake donors, the integrity of our elections is at an inflection point.
I am a senior (91) “independent” registered as Unaffiliated in NC, Jerry. Is NC 1 of 7 you mention?
“Will they see beyond facade … a critical question?
I am a conservative who never voted for Trump … but I am considering it come November. How can you assure me that Trump will not be the “authoritarian” dictator of the entire Project 2025?
Civil Service, included.
Theron in Raleigh
It is said that once the ballots are harvested and submitted in remote ballot boxes or mailed in, it is very difficult to uncover election fraud. The RNC and pro-Republican PACS should offer substantial rewards for whistleblowers who can provide solid evidence of election fraud (preferably before November). This could be a critical tool in Stopping the Steal… otherwise, Kamala could shoot a white guy in the middle of Fifth Avenue and she would still win the election.
i humbly advise you to have a look at Jay Valentine’s site,
the “ washington generals “ will do everything possible to make sure all ballots are counted, just ask Ms. Laura.
you don’t suppose all those recent non citizens will be dis enfranchised this november. that would be un democratic, no ?
A recycling of the dems 2020 campaign methodology sure seems to be coming our way. Great article showing their plans VDH!
Californians, past and present, know Kamala Harris for what she is – junk yard dog mean, venal, condescending, and lusting for power without limit. She will say anything, do anything (just ask Willie Brown), and be anything in order to gain her unquenchable lust for power. In short, she will slit any throat and walk over the still bleeding body without a second thought, hence, a perfect weapon for the Leftists who threaten us all.
The strange marriage of subterfuge and “decency” could make the Democrats again hard to beat. The Democrats will rely on those same changes in the electoral laws to gin up an advantage. Kamala will seek to convey the enlightened woman of color image, which could exert appeal to people who vote based on aesthetics and social approval. There are a lot of those people. The Republicans will have to present a clear, compelling case.
Joel Kotkin wrote an article recently on how the red states have won economically over blue states. You can find it at Biden, Pelosi, Harris, Newsom and the whole Democratic establishment, possibly excluding Manchin, want to impose the blue state model on the country as a whole. Hobbling red states would be seen as stopping them from racing to the bottom.
It should be easy to defeat Harris on the grounds that the Democrats want to create a poorer society because a poorer society consumes less and that will save the planet. Or phrased another way, their lives will be diminished if they let you live like them.
However, Trump appears to be going down the rabbit hole of personal insults, questioning whether she really is black even though her background is well known, and calling her the DEI candidate. She is, but so what? About 47% of the country wants Trump to lose, and as far as they were concerned bumping Biden for Harris appears to be a Hail Mary pass that is working – whether it was democratic or not. Perhaps 46% of the country will vote for Trump.
She should be beatable on economic arguments, but if they aren’t made she may just win on her economic arguments and on abortion. She won’t be beaten by Trump’s childish insults.
Your post is identical to what I have been saying. Trump needs to stop this nonsense about whether Harris is black or Indian, whether or not she is DEI, or whether or not she did or did not pass her bar exam. Those who love Trump doing that were going to vote for him anyhow. Harris is a totally flawed candidate. Trump needs to point out that Harris raised her hand at a 2020 debate when asked if illegals should have free health care. That will resonate with many voters. He needs to point out her tweet asking for people to contribute to bail out rioters in Minneapolis in 2020, On and on. There are many ways to come at her legitimately, but I am afraid Trump lacks the capability to do that. He seems more interested in talking about minor, minor issues. Trump should win this election, but he really needs to change his message.
I disagree. His are not childish insults. The media’s spin on them is. He makes actual points. One, Biden recklessly put a person without any qualifications, who was wildly unpopular (at least, wildly not popular) in her own party b/c of superficial characteristics – she’s black and she’s a woman. She is a perfect example of why DEI always fails. Two, she has repeatedly said she was Indian (perhaps shunning her black heritage) previously, and they said she was black when she realized the party of racism, of identity over substance would like that.
On the flip side, the childish insults go one way – to Trump. The mantra of “convicted criminal” or “weird,” from the party of lawfare, who brought a bogus indictment against Trump in a Kangaroo court (more than one, as we know – NYC, once the greatest city in the world in my own state, takes political prisoners and has become to some degree fascist) and who has invited an assortment of weird to the WH as guests or staff, should be ashamed. They are not. Almost everything the left says is a lie or misleading, they care not a hoot for justice or fairness, and have no shame.
I doubt she could even answer an economic question except in the high school debate society style, where you give a non-answer response, which she has done before.
I agree. Continually reiterate Harris’ leftist agenda, past & present, and let her speak extemporaneously. Do NOT allow her to refine herself as a Democrat moderate. Focus on Republican policies & a bright future under never-wavering, common sense leadership.
My first concern is whether “Republicans will expose Harris’s lifelong, hard-left ideology and extremist agendas”.
Republicans will try – the media will revise. obfuscate, mythologize, and basically lie their faces off regarding Harris’ past, but also regarding Trump (in reverse).
A 2020 study published by the MIT Sloan School of Management surveying typical voters found that of the three most important news stories of the month :
1. 64% of voters know the most important story
2. the second and third most important stories falls to 37% and 32%, respectively
My secondary concern is whether Democrats will be able to again flood the system with mail-in ballots, which have long been known to be very open to fraud according to bipartisan 2005 report of the Commission on Federal Election Reform, chaired by former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker III, who found:
“Absentee ballots remain the largest source of potential voter fraud”.
Disingenuous 2020 reporting by Politifact on mail-in balloting tried to negate the 2005 report, citing measures like increased security, signature verification, and other measures, all of which were never implemented.