From Ancient Greece to California

In this episode, Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Jack Fowler discuss the Greek Dark Ages and ancient Greek agriculture, the hard decision to leave California, and an appraisal of non-fiction, especially histories.

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7 thoughts on “From Ancient Greece to California”

  1. Victor,

    For good sleep you need a cool, dark, and quiet environment. Someone I work with recommended wearing cold socks as it can lower your body temperature. She said to place a pair of socks in the fridge for a few hours and then wear them at bedtime. It may help.

    I would also try Motrin PM if you have to get a good night’s sleep before a big event. It will zonk you out but you will feel groggy the next morning.

    N.B.: I’m not a doctor, although I do have an associate degree in nursing. So please consult with your doctor before trying any of these suggestions.

  2. Try Brad Yates emotional freedom tapping theme of insomnia on you tube and talk with Brad and then sleep like a baby


    Rescue remedy melatonin sleep gummies…. Flower remedies support unsettled emotions

    Insomnia in Chinese medicine
    Is often viewed as disturbed heart shen (heart spirit) mind racing ….unsetttled issues

    Incorporate weekly massage to relax nervous system

    Good luck

  3. A multimineral supplement mix of taurine with magnesium bisglicinate and zinc
    Around a couple of hours before bed
    And a banana for good measure

  4. I listen to VDH podcast on Audible. I pay my $5 a month here but do not see where to listen. Help please

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