Fire, Trump’s New, and The Temple to Artemis

Listen in to Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc as they discuss the 4th of the wonder of the ancient world, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus. They also look at the California fires, ‘newsy’ news on Trump, Honduras, and the presidential panorama at Carter’s funeral.

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8 thoughts on “Fire, Trump's New, and The Temple to Artemis”

  1. Great episode, Victor!
    I’m wondering if you might dedicate one of these segments to the Parthenon? What I find online and via book snippets all seem to accuse Lord Elgin of stealing the marbles. I can’t tell if this is simply proto-woke or if there’s truth to it.

  2. Hello Victor and Sami, a very good podcast as usual! However once in a while Victor makes a blunder (as I would if I had to talk for a living at my age, and Victor is older than me!). I think that Sami should correct Victor in “real-time”. In this podcast around 6:40, Victor mentions Judge Merchan, and says that the judge’s “wife” had contracts with the Democratic Party. It was in fact his daughter. Rather than letting these blunders go, I think that Sami should correct it immediately. These kind of things happen about every few podcasts. What you think?

  3. As usual, a phenomenal summary of so many important issues — epic takedowns of DEI, Newsom, Biden, and Zuckerberg.

  4. The pink fire retardant is a concentrated ammonium phosphate powder. It may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment.


      So, which is worse, adverse effects in the aquatic environment, or, apocalyptic destruction and burning to death?


    I prefer the Jedi reference for Trump, over the Nietzsche reference: “If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can imagine.”

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