Fake Media and Senatorial Races

Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc for a look at the week’s news: Bret Baier interviews Harris, media coverup of so many things left, the theater of Kamala, close Senate races, and Gallup poll on Republican newcomers.

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2 thoughts on “Fake Media and Senatorial Races”

  1. Harris just might become our 47th president, because the republicans have neither the will nor the money to beat her. Democrats are better organized. They have 95% of the media on their side. They have all of the colleges & universities on their side. And all of Hollywood is also with them. The brainwashing begins in preschool & continues thru graduate school. Kids from conservative homes get caught up in woke ideology, & wokeness rubs off onto their parents who want to appease them by being open-minded to woke ideals.

    Why don’t I see MAGA hats? Because DJT supporters do not have the courage to wear them. The don’t want to appear political. Harris’ people don’t need to wear any hats, because their message is bolstered by a plethora of ads; ads that are everywhere–TV, radio, junk mail, billboards, etc. Furthermore, Harris has an endless supply of money & supporters (such as rinos like Dick Cheney, Mittens Romney, Liz Cheney, & even George Bush!).

    If Donald Trump loses the election, it will be because of mediocrity on the part of republicans. I know what I’m talking about, because I see what’s going on with my own eyes. Even when I’m at the shooting range, I find that I’m the only one wearing a MAGA hat, and most of the people I talk to refuse to vote early. And when I ask why they haven’t donated to DJT, I’m told that he’s a billionaire…

    1. Luckily here in Tennessee I see them everywhere. In Alabama last week during fall break Trump flags, hats and signs were again everywhere – flags on boats to! Don’t give up/ bitch to all your friends.

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