Exclusive: Victor Davis Hanson on the Assault on Meritocracy, Politicization of the Virus, and the ‘Platonic Noble Lie’

VDH Talks on Post-Truth World

There will be “no safe space, no sanctuary from wokeism until the system starts to erode the safety and the security of the elite that created it,” says classicist and historian Victor Davis Hanson.

In this episode, Hanson breaks down the problems he sees plaguing American society today, from the assault on meritocracy to the “Frankenstein monster” of moral relativism.

Throughout society today, elites justify their control of or manipulation of information as for the good of the people, Hanson says. It’s the “noble lie”: “I’m smarter than you. I’m your platonic guardian. I can lie for your own good…Just don’t dare suggest I’m lying,” Hanson says.

Watch the full video here

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3 thoughts on “Exclusive: Victor Davis Hanson on the Assault on Meritocracy, Politicization of the Virus, and the ‘Platonic Noble Lie’”

  1. The French Revolution revisited. Americans must decide to become grown-ups and mature to better values and respect for history. To develop WISDOM is to reject ignorance NOT FOLLOW blindly poor leadership and it’s never ending ponzi schemes with Tax Payer dollars. Reagan said it best ” Are you better off today than yesterday? Does the future look brighter?
    Just say “NO” from Nancy Reagan

  2. Mr. Hanson
    Thank you for the demonstration of your complete lack of self-awareness.
    And special thanks for yet another one of your discussions of COVID-19 science, alway good for a laugh.
    I eagerly await your insights into quantum mechanics, a field you understand even better than medicine.
    A complete lack of understanding should never be a bar to developing a firmly held opinion.

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