Ending the End of Everything

Join Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc to discuss the lessons of the cities annihilated in warfare and the relevance to modern society.

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1 thought on “Ending the End of Everything”

  1. Robert Stewart

    Churchill’s role in Britain’s decision to ally with Poland is misunderstood. He was not a cabinet minister until his appointment on 3 September 1939 as First Sea Lord. This was the date that Britain declared war on Germany as a result of the German invasion of Poland on 1 September. He had warned about the folly of speaking loudly while neglecting defense for the previous 8 years. He advocated the formation of a national coalition focused on improving Britain’s defenses as Germany absorbed more and more neighboring countries, but he was still just one voice in the wilderness. I’m sure he understood that Britain was far too weak to do anything about the invasion of Poland at the time of his appointment. The decision to ally with Poland was due entirely to the incompetence and delusions of his predecessors. It is a mistake to presume that Churchill was the author of this policy, although he did support it.

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