Dawn of a New Era: Inauguration, Executive Orders and Pardons

Listen to the Friday news roundup with Victor Davis Hanson and cohost Sami Winc as they discuss the inauguration speech and happenings, Trump’s executive orders, reflections on MLK, and Biden’s pardons.

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5 thoughts on “Dawn of a New Era: Inauguration, Executive Orders and Pardons”

  1. Michael Campbell

    I like the “new order,” but I also know the House and Senate each hang by perhaps one vote. The Dems will rig the ’26 midterms to take them back. We have two years.

    As for the “Gulf of America,” smarmy Latin intellectuals and arrogant Latins in general are always quick to claim that since there is the United States of Mexico, the United States of Brazil, and all Latin coutries are technically in “America,” that the U.S. is bigoted for claiming exclusive use of “America.” So, re., “Gulf of America” gives them what they want by eliminating exclusivity, LOL.

  2. I am curious if Dr. Hanson has read Nuclear War by Annie Jacobsen. It reviews a possible and most likely scenario of what happens internationally if a nuclear starts. It’s a realistic and sobering look at the end of our civilization.

  3. Charles Carroll

    I love it when people say that we don’t need conventional arms and troops due to technology. At the end of WW II, they said that there would never be another amphibious invasion because no one could assemble an amphibious invasion fleet because of the atomic bomb. Five years later — Inchon!
    You don’t win wars unless you can occupy enemy territory for at least a little while — with little green men and their conventional weapons.

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