Dear Mr. Hanson,
I want you to know that I found your podcast during the darkest days of 2020. It seemed that our country was lost. I had no experience with fearing the government and so felt like the rug had been pulled from beneath my feet in one quick Marxist movement. I simply could not, and still cannot, believe that the country I grew up in had flipped so suddenly and completely. There was a point when I walked my neighborhood near Olympia, WA and talked with men about the possible need to defend our neighborhood. It felt surreal and, frankly, I felt a little foolish. But it seemed wise to have a plan in place. If it had not been for your perspective and your knowledge of history I would have sank into despair. But slowly I began to see that others felt like me and I began to renew my faith. I fear we have more dark days ahead of us; but, I believe the old America, the America full of strong, responsible men and women will prevail. You’re right – this woke movement will crumble under it’s own weight. Hopefully we are witnessing the demise of progressivism and pseudo Marxism as we watch these people drown in their own madness.
Thank you for being the voice of reason when I needed it most.
Scott Walker
Your letter describes my frame of mind perfectly. I fight depression when I look around and see what destruction has been wrought on our country and civilization. I have been reading VDH on Rip McIntosh’s Newsletter but felt I had to reach out further to VDH’s website for reassurance that there are others out there who feel as I do. His is a voice crying in the wilderness and I am listening.
2020 democrats changed the way we vote. Very little media attention is focuses on how corrupted mail in ballots are. No matter how many Americans hate the left and vote if all they have to do is sign up illegals they will win. Mail in ballots they interpret signature verification and can throw our ballots or counterfiet from China who has our election data.
Professor Hanson, your geopolitical analysis from the perspective of a military classicist and Inductive reasoning has revealed the current state of affairs starting with a former President of the United States. It would appear that a bevy of politicians, bipartisan to a lesser degree but most assuredly partisan, and are being compelled to act in a manner favorable to another country, or countries.
I joined this website purely out of respect for VDH and his scholarly tone/tomes & a conservative viwepoint I could identfy with – along with his astonishingly wide grasp of History both BC and AD. Growing up somewhat bookish, I too beame obsessed with Eurpean History facts & figures. The Crusades were one of my favorite subjects, from the knights & nobility who led & fought in them. But the story of Alexander the Great & Roman Empire vs Carthage(North African/Tunisian tie-backs). My parents were French Algerian pied-noirs who emigrated to the USA in 1955 & and our family heritage consisted of Italian, French, Spanish & Basque colonists who came early on to French Algeria in the 1870 thru 1890s. So I also became fascinated with the colonial periods in Europe & Africa/Asia, and how our ancestors came to be thrown out of Africa and southeast Asia. Both mon pere & grandpere, served in the French Army, my grandfather in WWI & my father was stationed in a post in Algerie Francaise. He became friends with an officer in La Legion Etrangere who later fought at Dien Bien Phu, the last shameful betrayal of the Legion by an increasingly liberal (aka anti-colonial) French govt & citizenry. So I had a colorful background – mostly told to me by my now long deceased family members as a young man. Looking fwd to my newly acquired VDH Blade of Perseus mbrship, & to listen to, share & swap stories about times now long since shadowed in antiquity.
“I simply could not, and still cannot, believe that the country I grew up in had flipped so suddenly and completely.”
As the character Mike Campbell said in The Sun Also Rises, “gradually and then suddenly.”
Our decline as a nation didn’t happen overnight. It began in earnest in 1910. The risk that all mature “free” societies face is the threat posed by those who will abuse that freedom for corrupt purposes. The Roman Empire wasn’t destroyed by the Goths, it was destroyed by corruption.
The real force behind all that has been wrong in America for the last 110 years is “The Fed,” The Federal Reserve System. Excellent branding job there, makes it sound so official but actually it is a private for profit corporation which was granted a franchise in 1913 to create the nation’s currency and charge interest on national debt.
The idea of creating The Fed was so onerous at the time that in 1910 the group of globalists (yes, they were around back then) that intended to create this crime syndicate purchased the 22 largest newspapers in the country and placed another 4000 editors at smaller papers on their payroll with strict instructions not to carry any stories regarding pending “Fed” legislation that had not previously appeared in one of the papers they directly controlled.
The American people are just copper-tops living in The Matrix ever since.
Over the ensuing three years they used their control of the media to drive off legislators who opposed their plan and ensure tha
“Mega dittoes” as the Great Rush used to say. Accurate and intense and positively true article by VDH. I would like to add that we nearly lost the House of Representatives and the Senate through Democrat cheating and fraud. In my opinion–and I assume in hundreds of thousands of others if not tens of millions–without honest, fair and safe elections NOTHING ELSE REALLY MATTERS because democrat cheating is now a cause and not a crime. The same goes for thousands of 501(3)c NGO’s that assist the Democrat Party in rigging elections. We lost four Senate seats in November (including in Wisconsin) that easily should have gone Republican. And dozens of Representative seats especially in California. Unless we rectify this immediately–and it CAN be done–we are going to lose our majority in the House in 2026 which means the end of any economic or financial reforms. Cleaning up our state voter records must be an immediate priority. Democrats are not “searching for who they are,” they are searching for answers why their massive cheat wasn’t effective enough. As we celebrate and breathe sighs of relief, democrats are conspiring stealthily while we sleep. Major Republican donors are stupefied how NGOs can raise more money then they did. This is all explained on and Common Sense Elections in order to know, learn and act upon how the “steal” is in effect and has been for decades.
Thank you very much for your time and attention.
Albert l. Smith, Ph.D.
(Reagan Ranch Member
Hi Dr Hanson,
I recall some years ago you drawing a comparison between the collapse of empires, Rome and Constantinople. It went something like this. If you lived in Rome in such-in-such year it doesn’t exist anymore, you just don’t know it yet and you went on to describe Constantinople in a similar way.
I think I must have heard this particular talk around the start of Obama’s Presidency.
Shelby Steele, in an interview with Peter Robinson around the time A Bound Man was published, commented that “…too many horses have been let out of the barn” as a way of describing America’s decline.
So, I’ve been wondering for the longest, if you’re ready to describe the U.S. in the way you did with Rome and Constantinople? If you lived in America in 2021, it doesn’t exist any more you just don’t know it yet.
Hi Eric,
I agree with the collapse of empires, Rome and Constantinople. The world I lived in 2000 in the bay area somehow died. I moved to Maui to get away from the traffic, politics, regulations (building contractor) taxes all the California requirements.
I ended up in Alaska for 6 winters and there were no regulations. I could build any structure I so desired up to a 4 plex. Then some basic electrical and mechanical permits were required. The contrast was amazing. It slowly became like California an when I returned to California in 2013, and renewed my ID as required, I was hit with a tax levy for some gas from 97 of all things. Welcome home. California is not the place to be, hope to move to Mexico to live out my retirement and leave my grandchildren behind. Just not the same place..
Thanks just my rant,
Thank you providing such a great resource. Your research is so accurate, extensive, and first-rate. It has provided me with the facts, perspectives, and intellectual firepower to navigate through the sea of troubles we find ourselves in.
As a teacher I’m sure you are aware of the following three different learning styles: (1) Cognitive: (2) Psychomotor; and (3) Affected. I would say that I am definitely a cognitive learner. I love reading and self-study, but I don’t do well with my hands and I can’t fix much, as much as this pains me to admit. You seemed to have mastered both worlds. What do you think are the reasons for this? I sense from everything you have said and written about in the past that growing up on a farm required a lot of practical knowledge in order to survive. It also sounds as if you had a stable family structure which is essential to a child’s growth and development. You have mentioned that your mother was a Stanford Law School grad and an appellate court judge. She must have been a very bright person. Perhaps the dichotomy between nature and nurture is what ultimately defines us?
N.B. Was your mother at Stanford Law School at the same time as Justice Sandra Day O’Connor? I read O’Connor say she had a difficult time finding a job despite her impressive credentials. I hope your mother didn’t suffer the same sort of discrimination. BTW, my great, great grandmother, Julia Waldrip Kerr, was the first female judge in Washington state.
Correction: My great, great grandmother was Julia Waldrip Ker (one R) and was the first female magistrate/police court judge in Thurston county and the city of Olympia’s first female lawyer.
I was writing previously from memory and got a few details wrong.
In 2021 Atlas not only stumbled, he fell on his face and may have incurred a hernia.
Victor, you have provided him with full resolve. Thanks to your clarity of thought, comprehensive selection of topics, and cogent expression, although his face is still in the mud, he is now showing motion and emotion.
Let’s all hope for a better 2022 for ourselves, our children and our grandchildren.
Dear Mr. Hanson, I love your work and I agree with you 95% of the time. However, as Prof. John Mearsheimer points out (here:, Putin is not Hitler or Stalln, he does not want to recreate the USSR, and his invasion of Ukraine is not a dominoes-style 1939 attack which will lead to further aggression, but an attempt by Putin to recreate his sphere of influence. Just like the US would not allow Chinese or Russian missiles in Mexico (Monroe Doctrine), Putin won’t allow US missiles in Ukraine. You seem to ignore this legitimate concern of his. Putin had 20 years, for example, to “take the Baltics,” but did nothing. Also, Zelensky is not a great democrat. He is funded by an oligarch and is more like the Trudeau of Ukraine. And he is good at PR and playing Americans.
If you read and believe anything in The New Yorker, you are a sucker, subject to Leftist propaganda. Putin is the equivalent of Stalin, whose armies shelled and destroyed all of Berlin in 1945, not a building left standing. Compare that to the artillery and missile damage in Ukraine.
Putin was tricked into invading Ukraine by Biden leaking that Ukraine was about to join NATO. This was Putin’s Cuban Missile Crisis, so he felt he had to act now, or be utterly surrounded, with no buffer country. Once Putin secured the eastern separatist regions, twice he offered a truce. Biden and Zelensky refused. Zelensky is likely a $Billionaire now, thanks to taxpayer money and munitions he’s sold. I don’t think Putin is the bad guy that he is made out to be. No saint, to be sure, but he was provoked into this war.
Agreed 100%. Putin is no Stalin, he actually wants to be liked. He can be ruthless at times, to be sure, but nothing like the twisted paranoid mentality of Stalin! If this was not true, the path to Stalin-like practices would be quite simple. Don’t forget that Stalin & some of his hand picked successors/henchmen ruled without once a widespread popular rebellion. (except Ukrainian Cossacks in the gr8 wheat famine). Stalin was a very complex megalomaniac(driven by fears & hate/suspicion). And the Russian ppl are not producing(IMHO nor will they) a George Washington like figure, an ex-military leader to lead a wave of democratic fervor, demanding popular elections. Putin is a showboat, and anyone who has read about Stalin’s life in detail can tell you that he was secretive, manipulative, a seething cauldron of hate, jealousy & FEAR. This is not Putin. He wants to bseen & liked, if not admired by his citizens. And of course an ex-KGB man such as Putin knows the techniques of fear & banishment or torture – that is a certainty as well. But still no Stalin, no Katyn massacre has he masterminded. Stalin, who wanted to be liked, but was too deathly afraid of rejection, so he settled for fear. But he manipulated other greedy evil men, puppets hungry for favor or power or just to survive Stalin’s many purges. It was almost a certainty that a country with such a history of brutality oft exercised, would shy away from ousting an entrenched leader like Putin. But maybe 1 day such a man..
Hi Professor. We love your podcasts and are happy subscribers. I have trained my wonderful 14-year-old daughter to be a great reader and a good student. We have started her on classics like Antigone based on your most recent podcast. My daughter is going to be a sophomore in high school but has a reading level of a senior in college. She wishes to be a lawyer someday. Could you give me a reading list for her and me to grow to love the classics? We can read these during the summer and discuss them. I know you referenced that you cannot read everything but a good starting list of classics to be a reference point is appreciated. Personally, I have an engineering and business background with a great love of history. So, everything you recommend I will read as well, unless we already read it. Thank you kindly for your time.
Yes Sir. I am 55 I went to Clement Jr. High . Remember the Explore Scouts , Remember the Hitch hiker who lost her Arms .If God was going to Cleanse the world he would stick the hose in San Bernardino.
Dr. Hanson,
I’d like to read your opinion on renaming the Fresno State Library. Do you believe that
the recent revelations of this person’s pro-Nazi positions is sufficient to make the current name an embarrassment to the university (and the state of California)?
I have been an admirer of yours for over 20 years. I have fond memories of hearing you speak in libraries in California as well as at events like Restoration weekend. I could go on forever from the books, the two decades at National Review, the Peter Robinson interviews however I want to respect your time so I will get to my point.
You have enlightened, educated, forewarned, & provided direction to myself & so many others for decades. This weeks podcast The Turning Tide episode brought me to tears. When you talked about “your 40 year quest” to remodel & renovate your treasured family homestead I could hear the love in your voice for that place. As you detailed all the renovations, upgrades, & improvements that were needed to resurrect your 150+ year old family home I just pictured your Mother & great great Grandfather looking down at you with such pride. Decades after your mothers passing you allayed her greatest fears & saved her beloved home.
You have often spoken of your uncle Victor that was tragically killed in WW2. Make no mistake Mr. Hanson you have in every possible way honored his name & his legacy. You have lived up to the lofty demands & expectations that were laid at your feet. Lastly, you mentioned casually, almost off the cuff how a future generation will probably just sell the farm. I hope & pray that you are wrong. I do know if you can impart even 5% of your love for that place to your descendants it will remain the Hanson farm forever.
I don’t agree with your recurrently stated optimism for a Repub landslide outcome for this Nov, in the US House and Senate…I fear that our elections and their tabulated results are not secure in the 6-7 swing states that seem to matter most every 2 yrs…
It’s become ‘who counts the votes’ as far more important than who was intended to be voted for…the 2020 results are emblematic of the actual end tabulation and legal validation problem that exists in our dark and unrepresentative electoral processes in these key swing states.
Since 2016, Dems and their “Soros funded DAs”, have become despotically dangerous, desperate adversaries of free and open elections. They now cannot afford to be otherwise as they would likely forfeit their own freedoms – indicted, convicted and jailed – for their many and obvious crimes committed the last 6 yrs!
Department of Disinformation?
Dr. Hanson,
Did Orwell get the year wrong? Straight from George Orwell’s masterpiece, the Ministry of Truth is the propaganda and censorship department of Oceania, the fictional setting for Orwell’s dystopia. The Ministry of Truth symbolizes the Party’s belief that power is the most important commodity that they have access to. And the power over what people believe (which includes power over the past) is part of that equation (project 1619?) The Ministry of Truth controls the media; the Ministry of Peace oversees war, the Ministry of Plenty suppresses the distribution of resources (supply chain, sound familiar?) and the Ministry of Love tortures political dissidents. I am looking forward to joining the Ministry of Love!
I have enjoyed your opinions for many years going back to Thursday nights on the John Batchelor Show. Since then, I have been listening to your podcasts through Just the News and then directly from your website. All of what you share is relatable common sense and you always come up with these enlightening and unique details that I never seem to find anywhere else. There is always a dictionary tab open for when you break out the big words! I also wanted to write you to tell how much I enjoy your remodeling updates before the serious analysis of national and world affairs. I have been a remodeling carpenter (with six employees) since 1986. Thank you for spreading the truth from from Selma CA! Diesel just hit $6.49 in spots today near Albany NY. I filled up every diesel canister and vehicle I had last Sunday at $5.29 as it was clear the price was going to spike. 87 Octane is very near $4.50 today. If this surge continues, that will lock the economy down faster than Powell’s timid half point measures. So much of the construction economy runs on diesel! My company is up 69% YTD for fuel.
Anyway thank you for your gifted perspective and I look forward to catching up on this week’s podcasts over the weekend!
Mr. Hanson.
In my pantheon of heroes who might be called “thought leaders” or “public intellectuals”, two elicited in me what I would refer to as epiphanies. The first was Charles Krauthammer, specifically his written response to the 9/11 attacks (in Time magazine, I think–back when it was sane), and the second was VDH’s syndicated column which ran in our AJC (Atlanta Journal Constitution) in the early aughts.
I became an instant devotee and remain so to this day.
I was trained in science and had little interest in history until more recent years. VDH is to blame for most of this.
On a side note, you mentioned Richard Boone (“have gun, will travel”) in your last podcast. My father was an anesthesiologist in Orlando, Fl who treated Mr. Boone late in his life. He said Boone was an alcoholic bum living on a Florida beach by this time–tragic.
Lastly, I cast my vote for you for President in the 2016 election as I knew Hillary would be disastrous and didn’t believe Trump would advance any conservative, small (er) government policies. At the time I said: “I will enjoy 15 minutes of schadenfreude and then drink poison”. That went better than anyone could have known (Trump, not the poison part).
It is a great blessing that fate called you into this career, from which we all learn and benefit. Thanks for everything,
Russ Bozeman
Did building the wall, energy independence, $3.2 trillion in tax relief and a massive amount of deregulation slip by you? Trump campaigned on all four.
Scott Walker, your comment was great. Change the neighborhood and state and it’s me! One of the topics that lifted my spirits (among every one) was Victor’s favorite movies. I got sentimental when I was reminded of some of the classics from a long ago America (The Searchers et al), and it made me remember when my 7th grade NYC classmates and I would pass around Puzo’s “The Godfather”, because in an early chapter Sonny and a woman are having a hurried encounter, and we were rocked back on our heels. It’s hard to believe that even in late 60’s Manhattan we were still so relatively innocent. I think I strayed off topic but it somehow relates.
Dr. Hanson,
Are you familiar with the memoirs of Ralph Moody collected in a series called Little Britches? There’s also a wonderful audiobook edition — must be about 50 CDs all told, and I bet they’d get you through quite a few drives to Stanford. The books were published in the 1950s, and Moody himself lived 1898-1982.
I’ve just discovered Moody’s memoirs with my own children, and think of your works and the life experiences you share in your podcast while I read. I think you and Mr. Moody would have been great friends with so many remarkable, poignant stories between you and a shared appreciation of hard work and gratitude.
We’ve followed Ralph Moody from 8 years old through to his early 20s and have laughed and wept along the way. Just in case you haven’t encountered these works, I think they’d be balm for your spirit. Thank you for everything you do.
Dear Mr. Hanson,
Just finished listening to the recent podcast about your favorite movies and books. I’m about your age (70 in November) and my wife and I are also lovers of movies, TV, and books. I wanted to give you a heads up about two westerns that we thought were excellent. The first is only available on blu-ray as a french edition (but has an english soundtrack option). You can find it on eBay or Amazon. Don’t get the DVD as the picture quality is lacking. It is Open Range (2003) with Kevin Costner and Robert Duvall. It may be my favorite Western. The second is Hostiles (2018) with Rosamund Pike, Wes Studi, and Christian Bale. It is also terrific. If you can handle the horrific profanity Deadwood (2004) is the best TV Western series ever. If you ever find yourself in Utah we would love to treat you to dinner and a movie at our home theater. It is known as the Sparta Theater; we even have a little neon sign above the door entering the ten seat theater. Long story as to the name. Thanks for your podcasts and website, don’t know what we would do without them. Lee and Cindy Cheney
I saw a Doc with long Covid who treats Covid patients. Her and all her colleagues had symptoms of Long Covid because of constant exposure. She tried HCQ and Ivermectin which helped. She then tried CDP Choline. Much better after 4 or 5 days. Over the counter supplement.
Your accounts of the ongoing renovations to your family’s homestead and the way you lift up the skills of the journeymen who are doing the work is a real spiritual lift to us common men. 22 years on destroyers sailing in 6 of the 7 seas makes me think of the daily briefs on Operations Intelligence Status of Engineering and the Navigation picture.
What you cover in a superb and granular way is a well calibrated summary of where we actually are and where we are going
I especially like the mental image of a shrieking woke Democratic lady lashed to the railway of an evil capitalist railroad with the ropes of her own inflexible ideology and a diesel train (like the one in Atlas shrugged) barreling down the tracks with Donald J Trump Et Al in the cabin carrying cars loaded with 10,000 tons of facts and common sense
And off in the grass embankment a great debate over the wisdom of cutting a few ropes goes on
As a retired US cavalryman, my spirits lift every time I hear ‘Garry Owen’ (even though it sounds odd played at 1.5-1.8x). And, having grown up in a farm family, certainly those tales are nostalgic, too.
But your lectures tying history to today are most enlightening. You have encouraged me in my own history project of the hidden history of modern Japan as seen through the life and times of Kanō Jigorō, the polymath, multilingual educator who chose the language spoken today as “Japanese”, founded Japan’s amateur sports organization, and joined the International Olympic Committee as its first Asian member where he hatched a successful plot to enlist Mussolini’s support for the 1940 Tokyo Olympics (later canceled as combat in China spun out of control). His exploits in inventing jūdō were noted by both Hitler, who he met in the 1936 Berlin Olympics, and by Mao. His education of over 7000 Chinese students at the request of the Q’ing Dynasty helped establish China’s modern education system. Many of those students became leaders in the Communist, Nationalist, and puppet Wang Jingwei regimes (Wang himself was a Kanō favorite).
Just before his 1938 death, Kanō warned that Japan had entered the most dangerous period in its 2400 year history as fighting in China spread.
I find the parallels with today’s situation in the Far East stunning.
I enjoyed your latest podcast episode (as I enjoy all of them) wherein you told the story of your father giving it to the Japanese mother who called the American acts in WWII “barbaric.”
I say, by way of background, that I am half-Japanese. My mother was born in the Poston Arizona internment camp where my maternal grandparents were interned. That said, I fully agree with your father’s view of the matter and attitude with respect to fighting the Japanese in WWII. A Japanese national calling the U.S.’s actions in the pacific “barbaric” while not clarifying that Japanese’s conduct during and before the war was orders of magnitude worse is, at best, ignorant. Indeed, the conduct of the Japanese was unsettlingly close to the actions of the Nazis. Was the fire-bombing of Tokyo (or Dresden) “barbaric” in a sense? Yes. But it was a nothing relative to what those countries did. She was out of line.
Internment was a great wrong, obviously. But it should not be used to whitewash the actions of the nation of Japan during WWII. So, while I probably wouldn’t publicly confront a mother at her son’s graduation regardless of what she said, on content, he was spot on. I have nothing but respect and gratitude for him and the men he fought with.
From a fellow Banana Slug (Stevenson, class of ’00).
Professor Hanson:
I just listened to “Current and Past Military Strategies”. Your story of your father confronting a Japanese lady about WWII had me spitting out my coffee. As much as I enjoy your podcasts, you usually don’t make me bust my gut laughing.
I have been a paid subscriber for several months and it has been well worth it. You were actually the first online resource that I subscribed too.
I enjoyed deeply Current and Past Military Strategies, especially anecdotes from his Dad’s banquet participation. We may never see a generation like that again. Too bad for us.
(not changing the subject) I have read articles pertaining to the possible resignation of Pope Francis, for which I am hopeful. I believe Frances has “Bidened” the Church, which has been historically and should be currently the strongest bulwark against Islam and Abortion. But like Biden, he is weak and compromised.
The church is considering a “conclave” to consider Francis’ replacement. The thought has occurred to me that such a conclave might be convened by conservatives to hand select the Republican candidate for President and avoid bloody debates and smear campaigns by the media on those they THINK are being considered. Yep, a non-tobacco “smoke filled room” on a larger scale.
Those who would interest me are Fla Governor Ron DeSantis, SC Senator Tim Scott, Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Rep Jim Jordan of Ohio. The conclave could be convened and possible candidates be individually interviewed on selected issues with no open debate. And a vote of the conclave would select the candidate with zero leaks to the MSM.
I am very much a Trump MAGA guy, bit I think it’s time to hand the baton forward.
I’m just now listening to today’s podcast, “Equal Protection of the Law?” In the middle of this podcast Jack and you respond to a comment re Trump’s demeanor and statements of the obviously fraudulent Jan 6 Dem narrative, and you still tend to decry Trump in harsher tones and terms than the true insurrectionists in our midst of the immediate Left, most of their supportive and supplicant Academy (Stanford Univ included) and the totally corrupted MSM!
I know you two are walking on tightropes of tolerance for your continued ability to express your far more accurate narratives of our national nightmare but jeez, lay off President Trump’s ways and means of expression and communication. He is not a politician but is an active, innovative and accomplished doer, a developer executive of and for what needs to be done. Stand with him for once and stop apologizing for his long term sometimes brash but always honest manners. He’s not going to change into a partial lying hypocrit trying to keep their gigs relevant and remunerated.
Staying true to himself and his promises are why we achieved so much in his first 3 yrs of his Presidency for far more of us than any prior POTUS, while losing significant amounts of personal wealth – and all those accomplishments were done under a constant set of seditious activity by the Swamp and all its evolved mutants of the Admin State and DOJ-FBI, the latter a gestapo poisonous org. Trump should not change his tactics. They’re not why he “lost” in 2020!
I hear all about the lengths the Dems will go to keep Trump out of the next election but I never hear why they don’t want him in. What is it about Trump that drives them with such zeal to keep him from running and possibly winning in 2024?
hate, that’s all it is. they absolutely hate him. he circumvented their ongoing (and going well!!) agenda, which will ultimately bring them power, control, and globalism. they care not for any of us. unfortunately, most politicians of any party, care not as well. We The People must rise against this onslaught and fight for America. start at the local level and get involved in the elections; run for office or work campaigns. go to county, city and school board mtgs regularly. and pray!
I’m listening to this AM’s podcast on “…Blueprint for the Future” and you still pull your punches on everyone politically but their victim, President Trump, who near daily states his “blueprint” and deployed it successfully like no otrher pol or POTUS in our history…why the asymmetry, still
as “2000 Mules” clearly reveals, very, very conservatively, Trump did overwhelmingly beat creepy basement un-campaigner Joe, yet you continue the propaganda PC ‘approved’ narrative that his tweets defeated himself…no, just the opposite! …his tweets and tweeting succeeded, they did not defeat him!
since he got his first twitter acct in March of 2009, until he was unlawfully silenced and cancelled in Jan 2021, that account was his very successful, unprecedented ways and means to bypass the MSM and partially cowering commentators like you still choose to be, so that his very clear agenda, ‘a blueprint’, was told over and over again (MAGA to KAG), and implemented very successfully from 2017 to 2020 against vicious and seditious attacks from the entire bipartisan funded, weaponized swamp and all its embedded un-redressible bureaucratic parts, and foreign brought and bought onslaughts of slander, lies and biologic viral mayhem!
“Why Elites Dislike the Middle Class”
Victor frequently mentions the dislike the elites have for the middle class, voicing as a reason that they are simply unlike the elites, and the elites tend to gravitate to those like themselves. But below is a quote from an article by Paul Craig Roberts in which he states the following:
“But as Madeline Albright would say, our rulers think that the price–the destruction of the middle class which serves as a constraint on government– is ‘worth it’.”
I thought this made a great deal of sense, but was unable to independently confirm it.
Below is the link to the article. The quote, if I counted correctly, is in the 19th paragraph.
The entire covid fiasco is about two things; money and control.
Did you ever think that Americans would follow exactly what the government said with questioning it?
Masks for example have NEVER been proven to have any effect but people like sheep would wear them. I have spoken to people in the mask business and they have told me that the virus is so small (.1 microns) that those phony paper and cloth masks offer no protection at all. And he even told me that they put a disclaimer on every package that says the masks offer no protection against covid and other viruses. Yet people wear them like fools.
Same for the jab. People would spend weeks researching the purchase of a new car or tv, yet would stick their arms out for a jab that was rushed to market in 9 months (normally takes 5-8 YEARS!) and took the government’s word for it where they skipped proper protocols for safety, animal testing, placebo groups and limited human trials.
We knew from the beginning that covid affected the elderly and people with comorbidities with the top 3 being obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease. These are the people we should have protected. Not children or otherwise healthy people.
By the way, (Pfizer still says their vax is a “prototype”)
It will be interesting to see how gullible America will be when the next pandemic happens (which Biden has already said WILL happen).
Again control and money are the watchwords. God help us.
Dear Doctor Hansen. I first found you quite a while back from one of your appearances on Tucker or Laura fell in love with you like so many of your fans.
I didn’t think I could like you any.more than I did, but now you have gotten quite “grouchy” since your affliction with long Covid. Sorry about the long Covid but I love the “grouchy” VDH even more. More great humor. More great “knifing”.
God bless you and hope your good farmer health comes back to you soon.
Listening to the podcast with Jack broadcast 7 July 2022. Jack criticized that the Army is lowering the standards to accept those without a high school diploma.
Jack ignores the fact that many dropping out of high school do so for many reasons other than lack of intelligence. If an individual has high entrace test scores, previously called the ASVAB scores they can excell in the military.
During every US conflict many serving in battles did not have HS diplomas.
We have numerous accounts of HS graduates unable to read or write above the 8th grade level yet have been awarded the diploma. A travesty to be sure but having a HS diploma means very little today. I know many college graduates who would have trouble passing the exams to enter military service.
Bottom line is the standard must be the tests one must pass to enter the military rather than completing 12 years of high school.
Dear Dr. Hanson,
I am a big fan of yours and look forward to reading your articles and podcasts. I have never disagreed with you, until you passed judgement on a woman wanting to abort a fetus who will develop into a disabled child.
We have a 37 year old son the the autism spectrum. He is relatively high functioning but has extremely limited executive functioning skills. As we approach 70, my husband and I are tortured daily thinking about how he is going to navigate live without us.
David lives in a group home and received government entitlements. We are constantly on top of staff to make sure he and his room are clean, he has fresh linens and towels, eating balanced meals, and his medications are in order. But once we are dead, who is going to step into our place? He has two very good sisters, one of whom lives out of town, one of whom lives out of the country. They each have their own careers and families. They will be his guardians but will not be able to manage his daily affairs. Truth be told, growing up was not easy for them. Who knows what resentment they harbor toward David, and us.
Do not be so quick to criticize those parents who do not want to go through what we have. There is an underlying sadness in our lives: not because of the son we never had, but because of his not being able to have his own family, a satisfying career, and friends. We are haunted daily, and sadly, would encourage anyone to have an abortion in this situation.
Dear Dr. Hanson,
The corporate media, making their fortunes on our partisan divisions, continues to distract us so we fail to notice the increasing degree to which all our elected officials, Rep or Dem, are marionettes. As you have ably demonstrated, self-appointed, non-elected, corporate-affiliated and media-enabled elites are pulling the strings in political theatres all around the world. Where that leaves “we the people” will remain to be seen, but the political class in the West has completely and totally failed, and I think it’s up to us, somehow, to tell them that. But I don’t see how that can be done with an election. The only thing an election can say is that we are unhappy with the current government. But we have to communicate somehow that we’re sheep without shepherds, and that the lot of them are failing to defend us against the wolves’ playbook: create a crisis, and then put forth their carefully calculated solution as the only one, mandate it with severe financial and social penalties for all who refuse to comply. (Forgive my pessimism, I’m Canadian.) Build Back Better is just the current name for this kind of utopian vision, and you know as well as anyone, no utopian vision exists that isn’t accompanied by mass graves. I’d love to see you interact with this piece by Jordan Peterson: It is a long form essay at DW, but I’m glad he made it available in this format, not behind the paywall. Resonant with your analysis.
Dear Dr. Hanson,
After listening to your podcast “The Real Insurrectionists” as usual your have a special talent for absorbing and articulating through thoughtful analysis. Very good explaination of the adverse path our “Beloved County” is taking. You perked my interest when talking about the problems you have working on your 100 plus year old ranch house. Stating how difficult it has been to get workers to perform the trade tasks, there are many factors at play here. I certainly agree with the items you went over regarding the absence of workers available at this time.
I recently closed my business after 46 years working as a Ceramic Tile & Stone Contractor in San Diego County. A quick explanation let me say, I attended USC School of Business with a Finance major. I dropped out with only one semester left, so never completed my studies required for a degree. (That’s a story for another time). I started working for a Tile Contractor as an apprentice helper . That was 1973, when I worked for $3.00 per hour. Became a Tile Contractor at a young age, so off I went embarking on my career. After starting with repair tile work, my wife and I grew into a major company specializing in commercial and industrial tile applications. There were many years our company employed 50 to a 100 people. My point is that during that long career the problems with labor went from adequate to difficult to challenging to unworkable. The labor market changed greatly before Covid.
Just in case you aren’t aware, the docs at are having great success treating long haul COVID patients. (
Hope you feel better soon, love your work.
The world is way too polarized, and the bad actors in the current world are doing that to all of us. I can tune into any MSM or thousands of SM outlets to make me angry at the other side.
Your gift is your education in history and classics. And giving us an analogy of that to what we are living through today.
I know at some point, when the shit hits the fan, you have to pick a team, and I am there as well. But I still look to folks like you to give me historical perspective.
Victor, fascinating comments on Japan/state control against the US/innovation. I’m sure you know about The Battle of Milne Bay (mid 1942) where the Japanese invasion force were totally defeated (for the first time in WWII on land) because the Japanese lost the initiative against a coordinated and innovative air and land defence.
Dear Mr. Hanson
With all of the gnashing of teeth by the left on eliminating fossil fuels from use in America, almost all of their focus seems to be on getting rid of all of the gas guzzling SUV’s and pickups. (Both of Which I proudly own) and replacing them with electric vehicles and at that point all of our problems will be over.
This naivety they are selling is foolish and doesn’t resonate with the working middle class and I expect the message will be sent to them this November.
My comment is about all of the other uses and materials we depend on everyday and year that is directly and indirectly produced from fossil fuels.
Fuel oil for heating all of those homes and businesses, especially in the NE.
Plastics, asphalt and many other construction material?
If you have covered this already in an article or podcast about please forgive me for over looking it.
It’s summer right now and nobody is thinking about heating your home but as we continue down this track Biden has us on I suspect this winter that fuel cost is going to start getting a lot more attention.
Will that be a Putins fault too?
Although I have sympathy with Mr Hanson’s ‘long covid’ ordeal, I cannot fathom why the thought has not reached Mr Hanson that maybe, just maybe, his symptoms might be ongoing adverse effects due to the novel vaccine.
Every single aspect of the corona response was a disaster of collateral damage: lockdowns, masks, ventilators, business closures, putting covid patients in nursing homes, suppression of contrary views on social media. Why would the novel, untested vaccine roll out (with mandates, mind you) be any different?
The pathophysiologies of many of these adverse effects (including recurrent Infection with every subsequent Sars CoV2 variant) have been proposed if one cares to look for it.
However, I suppose once one considers the vaccine collateral damage possibility, a big can of worms is opened, putting not just the likes of Fauchi, Bourla and Collins in the middle of a possible genocide, but Trump as well.
Anyway, I sincerely wish Mr Hanson well. Thanks for a good show.
Victor I enjoy hearing about farming and military history. Recently read Brian Kilmeades book about Barbary Pirates and the first US Naval activity under President Thomas Jefferson, very interesting, love to learn more about that. And anything other than the madness of todays politics. One thing I have to add, I have been a Ford 4X4 F-250 owner since 1978, every truck I owned got oversized tires when replacement was needed. I Highly recommend it when the time comes with your Dodge diesel, by oversized If LT265 is stock go with up two sizes to LT285…. Recently I put on very aggressive Good Year Wrangler Dura Track and my mileage went from 12 to 15 mpg around town and 15 to 18 highway powered by a 6.2L V8 gas. Just be sure to rotate them every 3-4 thousand miles for even tread wear. PS my every day driver gets 28 mpg- 2021 BMW X5. Also, You Sound like the stupid Covid is behind you. Keep getting stronger.
As I just finished relistening to several VDH podcasts from the previous week, it occurred to me how both Jack and Sami are never remiss in praising the accomplishments, well deserved no doubt, of Dr. Hanson. I also realized we know much about Jack in his role of the Civil Society and other associations but we know very little about Sami Winc. Her pointed questions are vital to Dr. Hanson’s discussions, in particular regarding history. I get the impression Sami is extremely knowledgeable on history and stays current on todays topics.
Okay Sami, before introducing the Professor, tells us a little about yourself!
Hi Dr. Hanson
You and some others have expressed support for the dispersing of the D.C. bureaucracies due to their “incestuous” nature. This would be a huge undertaking, but worthwhile if it can be done.
I have a recommendation of another huge undertaking that will have an equally or even greater profound positive effect. (VDH you have said that you read all the comments at your website. I surely hope you read this, and believe in its merit.)
My recommendation is simply this: We legally ban all political contributions to candidates except from people with a pulse, and then only those people eligible to vote for that candidate. Such contributions should be limited to some reasonable amount. For this to happen it would probably take a constitutional amendment because I believe it would violate what the SCOTUS has ruled is free speech. Such an amendment is justified. I believe true anti-establishment MAGA politicians would agree.
Just what would it mean if my idea was actually implemented? For one thing “Goodbye George Soros money” . We would still have lobbyists (we need them), but they would be *WITHOUT* check books. No more corporate or union money. A lobbyist’s impact on a politician would be determined by voters they represent, not the money they contribute. U.S. senators and representatives would be more focused on the interests of their constituents, not the out of state big money donors as in the past. They would cease to exist.
Re the rhetorical question posed in this week’s Sami Winc podcast with Prof Hanson on what was Nancy Pelosi’s purpose in going to Taiwan, consider that it was on the behest of the CCP, knowing her politically incorrect ‘trespass’ to Taiwan, without the Biden administration’s approval, was not really a personal threat against her by China, but a false flag sort of misdirection so that a prominent Dem, pre-midterms, gets to look bold and almost patriotic and might help the internationally weak and corrupted Dems, but also that China would really not harm her personally but use her faked proTaiwan ruseas a provocation to escalate and test the globe’s response to their heightened aggression that appears to be following her visit. As Peter Schweiser’s research proves, Nancy’s husband and son have earned $millions thru investments with CCP investment firms for yrs, so that Nancy and the CCP have a colluded wink-wink, win-win posturing act that gets both nefarious and favorable results……this explanation makes the most sense to me!
Prof Hanson, you mentioned in favorable terms comments on AG Bill Barr who has recently rec’d a special prosecutor to investigate Hunter Biden’s laptop(s), which of course Bill Barr’s DOJ and FBI sat on by his considerable ‘good repubican’ ass! He’s corrupt, and clearly seemed to be protecting his 7 figure book deal that ensued following Trump’s ‘defeat’. Of course, that sort of lucrative deal would have been totally gone if he’d done his sworn AG job in late 2019-20!
Your comment was direct and on target.
Prof. Hanson is a giftd classicist and historian. A a man of the highest civility and character. A man who battleground would never be the gutter.
But, in Demennber of 2022 the narrative of coconservative pundits points to our current situation as being dire. The time for intellects is passed. It’s time for Republican hardball players.
It’s difficult to overcome the growing tyrannical acts of our government.
When the New House convenes, and begins investigating, what government agency will enforce referrals for contempt or crimes?
The Republicans better fix their unity issues before they’re wept side by democrats. Cut out the bs and get behind Kevin McCarthy. Fight him and lose.
The main chance of overthrowing this Democrat yoke, I’s through a case in SCOTUS now for certiorari which calls to reverse the 2020 election and kick 385 members of Ongress ot of power.
Brunson v. Adams is the case. Set for Court conference on 1/6/23.
Dear Victor: High educated, math, well traveled, on death bed. I fully enjoy all of your presentations, but stay away from the civil war, 20 years of research. I agree with everything else, so great to converse with smart people again. My advice, rent that farm, go to another country, maybe South America, or like me, Asia. Life here is sweet, unlike what the US has turned into. I can go on, and on, like the prof I was, but let’s see if I get a response from you. EP.
Victor, I find most famous and successful people are basically nice. Sorry if I did not peak interest. Your interview about Muslims was very informative, something I missed. Mathematicians like me, are mostly artistic, sad you are not.
As obvious, VDH does not read the back seat’s query, even the dying ones, I address any and all who actually read these comments. VDH is a real Californian, i.e. only money and appearance count, so I will ignore him. Here is the truth, if you can take it. US people lost most of their freedoms, in 1865. Ironically, the same people fought. The people won the first one, the people lost the second one. Any who doubt, read the real ‘reconstruction’, if you can find it. Reformed history at it’s best. So, the civil war was the reclamation of the US, by the totalitarians, now referred to, as the ‘Woke’. What can you do? I spent my 8 decades, fighting them, and had a few wins. When I said ‘follow me’, I forged ahead, only to see a host do it, some very virulent. You can do the same. 20 years ago, Doctors told me, you got 2 years, so I ran to my cave. Now, as I lay dying, with nothing to lose, I again rise to speak. You, the USA, can either do as the 1930’s Jews did, ignore, and deny reality, or rise as Israel has, and fight. Compare the two. If you want, get advice from (Nerahu?), 4 term Israel’s PM. The call for peace gets you nothing but death, and no peace. You must take action, and don’t be surprised, as a host rises behind you. Action varies, if you are lame, do not try to run, if you are ignorant, read. If you take action, if only to rise at a meeting, you are winning. BUT, when in the course of human events, ETC, a real tea party may become a ’cause de celebrity’. Fini.
Just so you know.
You are not alone in having wanted to be heard and perhaps a personal response from Victor.
My query was: That given his conclusion from writing “The End of Everything” that the last thing a civilization does before it is annihilated is to hold onto the hope that someone or something will come to save them, would he contend or conclude that as we wait for the next presidential election to save this country, won’t this be our whimsical HOPE that will doom us?
I believe you are correct. If people don’t rise up to defend the Constitution which they are both entrusted and obligated to do, then what?
I wish you well and peace.
Dear DR. V.D.Hansen,
With all due respect, Sir:
Kick the habit of saying “could care less” when gauging your take after an opposing argument.
Try “couldn’t care less” it is as low to caring as it gets. Sorry, but I’m ate up that way.
I listen to every one of your podcasts and interviews so much so I purchased a years subscription. You are my leveler against insanity
and I thank God for your voice.
sincerely 🙂
Joey MC.
I enjoy your articles and podcasts a great deal. You tend to reflect what the majority of us conservatives are thinking out here in real America. I was listening to your recent podcast “The Eclipse of the Rule of Law and Universities” and wanted to challenge you a bit on your observation that Trump doesn’t hold grudges. It’s my observation that he does when it comes to the 2020 election/Jan. 6. His actions toward Pence reveal this. Pence is one of the few politicians in this whole fiasco the last two years who did the right thing and prevented total chaos by upholding the Constitution. The idea that a single current office holder, on the election ticket, could decertify any states electoral votes is not in the spirit of our Founders. Trump may give the appearance publicly that he and Pence are fine, but he always has to throw in a dig here or there about Jan. 6. Then there is GA Gov. Brian Kemp. He definitely holds a grudge against Kemp, even going so far as to stay that GA would have been better off during the pandemic with Stacey Abrams as governor, which Republicans in GA know is an absurd statement. Trump did some great things for the American people (the TCJA and appointing qualified justices) while he was President; however, his greatest strength, not being a career politician, was also his greatest weakness. That, and not knowing when to stop talking. If he had a little more political savvy, he’d be stronger today. Thanks for the excellent insights.
I’m struck that we’re dealing with a significant portion of the population who lies. That is, dishonesty is rampant and makes it very difficult to have a healthy functioning society. We couldn’t do business with people who regularly lie, and we can’t send our kids to school with teachers and administrators who lie. And so if the media lies then how can we listen to or trust them? In effect lying seems to be the one virtue that we can’t have in citizens. Perhaps it should be the basic qualifier for anybody in politics. And for those who do lie, maybe they should be treated like social pariahs. Or possibly imprisoned?
My take: The US revolutionaries of the ’60s and ’70s who are committed to overthrowing the United States at any cost…they now sit in positions of power. They invented COVID (using China) as a way to destroy conservatives. They funded the BLM. They started the war in Ukraine and use the fake media to act like Russia is doing things that actually the US-funded Nazi section of the Ukrainian army is doing. You may think Mr Putin is a dictator but one thing is that he tells the truth… not like US leaders.
I believe that a Constitutional Republic needs mostly honest people. Mr. Franklin said we might not be able to keep it, and I think we lost it due to lying. RIP.
Could you please do a show based on the immorality-caused-decline in the Greek Empire as documented in Thomas Cahill’s book, Sailing The Wine Dark Sea?
Mr Hanson,
I very much enjoyed your music choices. In 1984 I was in a large hotel bar in Hong Kong listening to the piano player. I asked him if he knew any Bob Wills music. He went straight into “San Antonio Rose”. Check out Mr Wills’ “My Abobe Hacienda” and ‘Deep in the Heart of Texas”, among many.
Thanks. Just went to his 50th year reunion in Turkey, Texas.
You have a great show.
And thank Sami and Jack, too.
Professor Hanson: After hearing snippets of Joe Biden’s screed last night in which he demonized MAGA republicans, it occurred to me that totalitarian regimes always seem to need an adversary to rail against.
Nazis had Jews. Democrats have MAGA’s.
I wonder if you might comment on this phenomenon in an upcoming podcast.
I watched the Biden Philadelphia speech and was perplexed by its optics. Do you think there is anything in the idea that there was a deliberate alignment here with the look of the film ‘V for Vendetta’? Meaning that insurrection and chaos is ok, so long as the ‘good’ people are doing it?
Your comments about Sherman were interesting. You might have mentioned that Sherman respected confederate serial retreater General Joseph Johnson above all other Confederate Generals. Johnson ironically died from pneumonia that he contracted while attending the funeral of Sherman
Dear Victor, I have become a VDH junkie. Everyday I log in to read (1/2 thru the dying citizen) or listen to your insights into todays world. Your breadth of knowledge never ceases to amaze me. I also took your course from Hillsdale on WWII. I hope you can keep sharing your wisdom with the rest of us for many years to come.
Your conclusion that the electorate will say they have had enough of the woke world and “vote the bums out” this fall gives me confidence to keep my chin up, counting the days until our country returns to so some kind of normalcy.
I am from the Midwest and when you talk about the transformation of CA over your lifetime, I too can identify because there are many parallels to my own upbringing.
One suggestion, it maybe because your verbal skills are superior to Sami and Jacks, however I can’t give Sami’s performance any higher than a C-. I am sure Sami is a great person however there is such a contrast in your ability to communicate and hers it’s embarrassing for her. I have found the interviewer for the Tre Gowdy podcast struggles with the same issue as Sami. Its time to find another interviewer. Jack seems to be much more on par with you so he gets a B. You set the bar at A+.
Dear Victor;
I just listened to “Beyond the Blinkered Blueprint”. Brilliant as always. I would like to add my thoughts on the Orange Godzilla. I didn’t like Trump before it was cool. 30 years ago. When he ran in 2016 I thought it was a joke. If a Republican black female LGBTQ+++ would have defeated Hilary, they would have been demonized her just like Trump. It is just easier to believe the bad stuff with Trump because some of it is true. Maybe most of it. His policies were the best since Reagan, maybe better, IMHO.
But what won my admiration and respect was how he stood up to the left. i have never seen anyone stand up and fight back like he did. The shots he took would have destroyed anyone else several times over. He bounced back stronger.
The night of the election in 2020, I sat at the local VFW with 4 friends. 1 Republican, 2 Democrats, and 2 Independents. None of us had ever donated to a political campaign, 2 had NEVER voted. 3 of us, including me, donated to Trump, and all 5 voted for Trump, enthusiastically. This was in an ultra liberal college town in WA State.
I will give Orange Man Bad some slack on the election, and the Congressional Medal of Honor if I had the authority.
Dear Victor;
I just listened to Post-Modern Rhetoric. You are the first person I paid as a subsciber. I have a few more, and feel guilty for not paying for half a dozen others. You are only older than me by 10 years, but the wisdom you impart is decades longer.
Keep putting it out there. You will “throw” your wisdom past your lifetime. Some of your collegues like Thomas Sewell are off the wall as well. I wish I knew of him earlier. Some others like Dr. Scott Atlas should be.
Dear Dr. Hanson
I’m a big fan of yours sir.
I’m a military veteran (Enlisted Man -Army & Air Force), active wartime in-country service, from Vietnam to Iraq (2003-2004), and 5 overseas operations-other-than-war. Retired now, I try to maintain geopolitical situational awareness of national security, defense issues in general, as well as economic dynamics that affect our country. You are a well-vetted, trusted source for me as I attempt to understand our world, and I thank you.
My question involves your candid impression of Dr. Rebecca Grant, FOX News contributor, Defense & National Security expert, previously a civilian employee of the Air Staff of the US Air Force.
I find her knowledge, scholarship & perspective on my areas of interest on-point and thought-provoking.
I’m just wondering if you were aware of her, and if so, what your valued opinion would be.
With respect, thank you.
John Albertson MSG, USAF (ret)
Professor Hanson, I am a huge fan and love listening to your podcasts on Spotify. I recently subscribed on your website. On one of your podcasts over the summer, you commented on how the House could impeach Biden and Harris after the November elections based on their total disregard for enforcing immigrations laws. I believe this to be a very predictable event. That being said, why wouldn’t the Republican party vote Donald Trump to be the Speaker of the House? It is my understanding that there are no rules that state the Speaker must come from within the House. Since the Speaker is third in line with regard to succession of the presidency, doesn’t this make sense? Would love to hear your opinion.
Dear Mr. Hanson, I enjoy very much listening to your analyses of various wars throughout human history, particularly the modern ones. However, I’ve never heard you analyze the Suez Crisis of 1955-1956. I would also be particularly interested in your view on a controversial, in my opinion, Paul Johnson’s short book The Suez Crisis. Looking forward to listening to the subject in one of your upcoming podcasts. Thank you. Isaac
Yes Gary Oldman was phenomenal as Drexel in True Romance. One of his best performances by far. there is a video on YouTube him talking about preparing for the role that’s fantastic. iGoogle Gary Oldman interview true romance And you can’t miss it it’ll come right up 👍
In today’s podcast, “Polling and Podcasts”, early on Victor and Jack profess dismay and disparagement of Pres Trump’s use of “Coco Chow” in referring to “Cocaine Mitch’s” chinese wife. He’s consistent and courageous in his appropriate attack on Sen McConnell and gets likely at why he behaves in inexplicable ways and means when the senator doesn’t fight loudly enough for those things the Trump admin fought for, successfully deployed economically and what his admin bravely revealed about the dark and dirty swamp of DC politics, including Mitch’s wife’s family business found shipping coccaine from China to America, a few yrs back! Hence I believe the nickname “Coco” for Ms Chao, who also stabbed Trump in the back inaccurately describing what happened on Jan 6, as she resigned, loudly with indignancy, Jan 7, over the MSM inaccurate protrayal of what transpired that historic day. Trump is ‘Mother Teresa’ by comparison, and boldly if not too baldly honest. The Dems w/ > $100 million of taxpayer money and 6 yrs searching have yet to find even a rolling stop violation on Mr Trump.
Btw, VDH’s cont’d wish for Trump to talk about the political issues – he does, daily and especially for a non-candidate during his unprecedented, well attended, now weekly rallies!
Such misrepresentations are unbecoming of both of you.
Otherwise, keep up the good work. Such unbecomings don’t dissuade me from tuning in, reading and listening. VDH remains the best political voice in America!
Most people think John Wayne’s first feature length movie was Stagecoach. It was actually The Big Trail in 1930 when John Wayne was only 23 years old. The 108 minute film didn’t play as well domestically as it did internationally. One of the characters in the film was Tyrone Power senior. Although, the acting was mostly one dimensional the film is worth seeing as it paved the way for the westerns that followed.
I can’t begin to tell you how much I enjoy your podcasts. They have truly entertained, enlightened and motivated me. Sammi and Jack are also priceless.
I feel the need to support your efforts financially by subscribing to your website however, the only option I see is PayPal. I do not have PayPal. Is there any other way to join?
Thank you for all that you do.
Followed VDH for awhile. He would say right things until he is talking about Russia (any time period), Putin, Ukraine, etc.
I was watching a documentary film about Patton on Newsmax where RDH was talking about how Americans treated Germans, vs Russians. He declared that 75% of German POWs died in the Russian hands. Which is a blatant lie. Most prisoners returned to Germany and this is millions. They then became a core of the East German army. Only war criminals were executed.
If VDH talks about 90K POWs from Stalingrad, the high number of death there was not the harsh treatment but the simple fact that these POWs were already sick, hungry, with frozen limbs, and they already were on the way of their end. And then somehow they had to be transferred to a non-existent prison or camp, which survivors had to build themselves. Out of this group more have died than survived simply due circumstance under which they became POWs. Had fieldmarshall Paulus surrendered earlier, these prisoners would survive.
Bottom line here, VDH has a lot of work to do in Russian history or WW2 history for that matter.
As usual, your points are very accurate. And while I’m no longer the fans of the folks at The Dispatch that I used to be, was it fair to say that they no longer hold any conservative views? I still listen to their podcasts from time to time as well as reading their free articles and it’s pretty clear that David French is not pro choice. Was that a bit of an overgeneralization?
Please keep up the good work. You help keep me sane.
The US plans to deploy up to six Boeing B-52 Stratofortress bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons at an air base in Northern Australia. This is reported by Reuters with reference to a source familiar with the situation.
This decision was made against the background of complications in relations with the Chinese authorities, Reuters stressed. We are talking about the Tindal base 300 kilometers south of Darwin, the capital of the Northern Territory of Australia.
As the agency reminds, earlier a representative of the Australian Defense Ministry told The Wall Street Journal that the United States is also financing the construction of a parking lot for aircraft near the city of Catherine. It will be able to accommodate up to six such bombers.
In addition, the BBC reported that the United States will build a base in Australia for six of its B-52 strategic bombers, which are capable of carrying nuclear weapons. The publication did not specify whether this is due to the activity of the PRC in Southeast Asia.
Victor, I really do think your take on things is always worth listening to . . . but the discussion on ranked voting was not very sophisticated. In Australia, at both federal and state levels, we have a combination of ranked (preferential) voting and proportional voting. But our elections are not chaotic or confused in the manner you were suggesting. And, I do not believe that our electorate is any more informed than the US electorate.
I’m not arguing that preferential voting is a superior system of voting. There are always swings and roundabouts on these matters. But I am saying that your insight into this was very limited. Perhaps you could interview someone from my country who has some expertise and history with the system?
[For me, Beginning of USA involvement with Vietnam Conflict]
Every February 28th, the National Archieves shows the Telegram
from Ho Chi Minh to President Truman as the Document of the Day.
Ho Chi Minh communication to Truman – February 28, 1946.
Did Truman actually receive telegram?
Could have Vietnam War been prevented if USA hadn’t sided with the French?
Intercepted by CIA or deep state?
[per Email Replies]
Truman Library – no record of Truman receiving telegram from Ho Chi Minh.
National Archieves – no records other than image of telegram.
Dr. Davis-Hanson, the voice of the master:
Tho now visually impaired, I subscribed. “Thank you for your trust,” you say. In God I trust. All others must prove themselves. You have. You’re the American e-oracle I most frequently seek, usually you’re a guest on another’s podcast. I ‘read’ you stuff here with the aid of a text-to-voice app. But its no-hesitancy British drone is weirdly wrong. I miss your voice, your contemplative pauses, at times, to choose well a word. Thoughts expressed such that they engender thinking in the listener. Thank you for sharing your gift.
In general, a reminder. For decades Rush Limbaugh informed us that this mess caused by the Left will not be solved in one election. But will take many, many elections.
Dear Mr. Hanson.
I have been a huge fan for many years and am a subscriber to your web channel. Obviously you have a tremendous grasp of American and world history and I listen to your analysis every day regarding the events surrounding us.
Unfortunately, you seem completely blind to the causes and consequences of events occurring between Russia and Ukraine. I find it very interesting and quite a bit sad because there is so much history leading up to our current crisis yet it’s completely ignored by the Western media and many intellectuals such as yourself included. I am a proud patriotic American and a 20 year veteran of the US Navy who lives in Russia. Say what you will about Vladimir Putin, but what he is doing in Ukraine is absolutely necessary and long overdue.
Please protect your legacy and report the truth about Ukrainian nationalism, the U.S. led Orange Revolution, the Maidon and the U.S. orchestrated Coup of a democratically elected government that led to the open oppression of the historically Russian population of Ukraine that had been effectively enslaved by the Ukrainian majority leading to this current situation that is destroying Ukraine and only benefits the American Military Industrial Complex.
I’m waiting, Sir. Thank you and Godspeed.
Great podcast 11-28-2022, “Scott Atlas: Ordeal and Triumph” It caused me to think of all the causes that led to rejection of clearly superior thinking from Atlas, the Great Barrington Declaration signers, and others. Some contributing causes of such destructive rejections included self-serving #MainstreamMedia, #MobMentality, #USOrganizations (#NIH, #CDC, #DOJ, #FBI, #DNC, #RNC,…). Their biases resulted in destructive pandemic responses and massive damages to US and world economies and populations.
Looking for root causes, two came to mind:
1) With Trump in place and badgering Ds any way he could, they became completely unhinged with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and rejected anything that could possibly look like common sense from the Rs or anyone else. That included any sensible pandemic responses. So Ds’ TDS caused them to support ill-advised pandemic responses no matter how much damage was likely, as their automatic rejections of anything conservative, possibly Trumpian. America and world suffered the consequences.
2) Our broken electoral processes that caused corrupt #MainstreamMedia to give most air time to the two worst 2016 POTUS candidates. Clinton, their D favorite, and Trump their bet for an R loss. But Clinton had loads of well-known negative baggage in previous administrations, so the apparent lesser-of-two-evils Trump won that time.
#2 may be a root cause to be corrected. @Pol_Innovation has solutions. What am I missing?
(First of all, thank you Dr. Hanson. We don’t always see eye-to-eye but I always respect what you have to say.)
Trumps accomplishments came with a lot of collateral damage. Dividing the country benefited no one. Worse, because a lot of Christians supported Trump millions of anti-Trump people are now (often very) anti-Christian. When people talk about the great things Trump did for Christians they generally overlook this.
If Trump is a Tragic Hero then he’s a new brand of Tragic Hero.
Shane only shot the bad guys. Not everyone who annoyed him, including war heroes, Gold Star families and schoolgirls. Shane didn’t goad the local townspeople into gunning for each other like the Hatfields and McCoys. And Shane rode off into the sunset, wounded and bleeding, ignoring cries for him to stay. He didn’t hang about for years whining non-stop about his injuries and feeling sorry for himself.
It’s time for Trump to hang up his guns and ride off into the sunset.
Love your books and the podcasts. You and I are the same age and I am a California native from Richmond. My family is part of the Oklahoma “diaspora” as you put it. It is of great interest to me when you comment on this because it is a piece of American history that doesn’t get much mention other than for John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath. I heard you recently talking about how scorned the okies were. I was not aware that they were such social outcasts. I had inklings of it but did not realize it was so profound. Perhaps you have written about the okies at length in the past, If so I would love to read what you have written. If not, could this perhaps be a topic in the future for a series of essays? It was a migration that was such an important part of the history of California and Oklahoma. It needs to be documented. Love listening to you and Jack. I have something in common with Jack as well. I was a summer intern at National Review in 1979 when WFB was at the helm. God bless you Professor and Jack and Sami as well.
Oh great learned one,
Thank you for sharing you wisdom and knowledge. You have enriched my life beyond measure.
You talk of having long COVID. Have you considered that you might be suffering from long COVID vaccine?
Just a thought,
Phillip Madonia
I have long read your articles and listened to your podcasts. I wanted to get a subscription to your Ultra content but was not willing to pay using Paypal. Occasionally I would check to see if a new payment option was made available. I consider it a Christmas present to me that here on December 24th I was able to get my subscription started.
Merry Christmas and the very best to you and yours!
Cliff Ravenscraft
I have been a subscriber for 1 year and gleaned much from your observations, perspectives and teachings. You have a detailed, nuanced and historically comprehensive approach to many of the most pressing geo-political and economic issues facing the US today.
Having grown up in the Midwest in the 1960s/70s and recently returned from 30 years of living & working in Japan, I am shocked to see the increasing societal, political, and ideological polarization that plagues so much of our country. Citizens’ inability to contemplate alternative perspectives is exacerbated (caused?) by MSM news and information sources that are only considered relevant if consistent with pre-held beliefs (e.g. Fox vs. CNN viewers). The number of programs that feature debate between competing ideologies is limited/absent, resulting in citizens having largely lost their ability to consider and weigh alternatives.
While your interviews with Sami/Jack/Megyn Kelly are great, I wonder if you might consider—in addition to your current programming—a secondary podcast format where you invite a well-known/well-versed Democrat, left-leaning or even Woke thought leader to discuss and debate a range of current or historical topics?
No doubt many invitees (think Katie Hobbs) would decline and be loath to engage you on facts, but perhaps a few brave souls would accept. I imagine many of your listeners—including me!—would find this to be a fascinating addition to your portfolio.
Re the podcast “McCarthy, Trump and Musk…” you and Jack hugely missed (or should that be YUGELY) the real, most important Trump announcement, Dec 15, 2022, which was not the humorous and playful Trump digital card promotion but rather the very serious 2024 campaign promise on reclaiming our 1st A and its guarantee of free speech…you 2 still too easily can’t say anything nice about the guy, precisely because you require him to be a politician, which he is not and can’t be, but missing the primary data of one of his more important releases is unfathomable:
And, you continue to pander to the notion that Trump was defeated in Nov 2020, or that Kari Lake didn’t win the AZ governorship, both just not rational conclusions given UNprecedented vote ct stoppage the early hrs of Nov 4, 2020 and the severely compromised chain of vote tabulation legitimacy in AZ, but, I guess, it’s easy to go along to get along.
I do appreciate though what you do take on that MSM won’t…kudos for that!
I listen to your podcasts every week, really enjoy them.
I wanted to give my opinion on why the media designated the Republicans as red. When you look at a military map, red designates enemy forces, blue friendly forces. I think that was an inside joke on their part. I remember when I first saw those maps that was my first thought.
A Champion for anti-racism.
Wardell Anthony “Ward” Connerly (born June 15, 1939) is an American political and anti-affirmative action activist, businessman, and former University of California Regent (1993–2005). He is also the founder and the chairman of the American Civil Rights Institute, a national non-profit organization in opposition to racial and gender preferences,[1] and is the president of Californians for Equal Rights,[2] a non-profit organization active in the state of California with a similar mission. He is considered to be the man behind California’s Proposition 209 prohibiting race- and gender-based preferences in state hiring, contracting and state university admissions, a program known as affirmative action.[3]
Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are taught falsehoods in school. And the person that dares to tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and fool.
I am my Blue Heeler’s 4th owner. I adopted her from the Humane Society of Utah. She is very much as you described heelers. She is sublime, and I adore her. Side note…I am my German Shorthaired Pointer’s 3rd owner. Another tough breed. She’s sweet and docile. Best regards! -Caroline
I enjoy your podcasts but your comments on yesterday’s show revealed – VDH and Jack – your growing insipient animus toward Donald J Trump and the 20 House members who held up Kevin McCarthy’s House speakership vote success. Those comments were off tune with reality and parroted more the MSM inaccurate narrative; Rep Gaetz tactics, et al. worked and changed the anti-representative House rules for the better for that part of Govt but too, for all of us…and always pro-McCarthy DJT did influence that favorable outcome…I recommend you stop seeing DJT as an expected PC pol – he is not…he’s our developer-in-chief, he has no political handlers (!) and represents what Hamilton and Madison best wanted in our ‘chief magistrate’! We like DJT’s feistiness and pertinent rudeness because it is appropriate and truly ‘politically correct’ about the total crap going on in that swampy mess,
Otherwise, keep up the good work – I don’t miss a podcast!
I’d be interested in your comments regarding the record snowfall in Mammoth Lakes, CA.
On the news – they say 28 feet of snow is a record and will last until July.
Being from Chicago, I do not understand the geography issues here.
Will this bounty of snowfall NOT replenish reservoirs, or will the runoff all be headed to the ocean?
Trying to understand CA insane water policies. I have followed your comments/articles closely on
CA water.
Perused your site and checked the angry reader comments. Only a confident person would allow some of those comments to remain.
Also follow Dan Bongino.
Today he went into an examination of the Biden classified material and gave an in depth explanation of the affair. His commentary was penetrating but seems it left out some substance. If Ukraine is a large pot of gold for the taking, what politicians have their beeks in the pot?
Can you address Ukrainian corruption?
Ukrain is receiving Patriot missile batteries and it’s military is being trained in Germany on operating this system. It would not be a surprise if Russian military gets critical access to Patriot in exchange for DENGI (money)
Dr. Hanson,
You are the master of all in defining the truth. As an American, these facts you expose of the democratic party trouble me immensely.
The problem is the Conservatives (Republicans) do nothing about it. They have ammunition right in front of them but the majority stay cowards and do nothing. Starting with the leader Mr. McConnell.
I ask if you could expose the incompetency of the Republicans to stand up for their party and country in your research and writings. I stand as an Independent leaning right and I fear we may need a new party.
Rush Limbaugh and Victor Hanson like-minded thinker present and accounted for. Just signed up on The Blade of Perseus. Enjoyable.
My suggested future topic. China has been buying property in the USA but have we seen China involved in US infrastructure development? Ecuador, Pakistan, Angola and Uganda have partnered with China on housing and hydroelectric projects respectively. Wouldn’t you know it quality issues are popping up. We need to ensure our politicians do not sell us out to the communists and line their pockets.
Keep up the good work Victor.
When I went to work at Caltrans in 1970, CA had the best roads in USA.
Jerry Brown became governor in 1972 and announce the ”Era of Limits”
and brought in a college classmate Adrianna Gianturco to be Caltrans director.
They caused all kinds of changes for the worst.
Now CA roads are among the worst in nation.
The special road fund drives legislators/politicians nuts that the money is earmarked for transportation.
So Pete Wilson borrowed money from the fund.
There were 28 lawsuits about this that Pete knew he would lose but the time for use of the money was on his side.
Pete also got money from the Trucking Industry and he allowed the truckers to use one more lane to the left.
Note – Highways are built thicker on the right lanes for trucks,
Truckers pay a lot for licenses but nowhere the millions of damage caused by wear and tear.
Truckers with marginal contracts may be tempted to overload,
I’m not sure the weighting stations catch all of them.
Caltrans was proud that all our roads were free.
Exception: the private “17 Mile Drive“ by Carmel.
Pete implemented a toll road in Southern CA.
I ‘m not sure of its status now.
Nixon during the 1973 oil embargo had the national speed limit at 55 mph.
This was overkill.
Drivers started passing on the right to give appearance of not speeding
because passing was only supposed to be on the faster left lanes.
Now we are left with this bad habit.
Dear Dr. Hansen:
When Charles Krauthammer passed away I had to find another commentator to stimulate my synapses or what’s left of them. Then I found you. You are truly a great thinker and a great teacher. It would be an honor to sit in on one of your lectures.
I taught American History for 41 years at the high school level and loved doing it. I developed my own style of teaching history to my students using something I called SYNAPSE PACS stressing the connection between the forces that had to be in place for major events in history to occur much like the way our brains synapses must fire for learning to take place.
I used Thomas Bailey and David Kennedy’s textbook, THE AMERICAN PAGEANT, in my class and thought it a most excellent source. I think they both taught at Stanford and have wondered for a long time if they taught you or were you a colleague.
Finally, I have to ask you this question out of left field: Have you ever seen the film BADLANDS starring Martin Sheen and Sissy Spacek? The sound track coursing through the film is the same soundtrack for your podcast with Sammi Winc. That film, for me at least, is one of my favorites that a lot of folks never seem to talk about? I’m thinking you must appreciate the film if not the haunting music. Thank you for everything you do to keep US from slipping into chaos.
Prof. Hanson: Have you spoken on one of the recent podcasts about the federal government restriction on mining. I saw an article about it last weekend. Maybe compare our regulations and rules compared to the cobalt mining in Africa. Having been in Great Decisions group discussions, I had learned that African nations had taken loans from China and their natural resources were tied to the repayment of the loan. One other is the immigration laws to move to Canada. From what I see, you cannot move to Canda without a language test, medical and financial records. Thank you.
I sense you’re trying to stay in play perhaps but in yesterday’s “VDH: Things a Little Murky in Politics” you and Jack were quick again to misrepresent Pres Trump claiming he doesn’t but rarely about discuss policy issues but dwells on the retaliatory nasty quip, etc. His primary discourse is the most easy to be read or heard. His repeated policy stances are plainly said and read, in every rally, video or ‘TRUTH’ – the most of any candidate ever. Maybe if you reference only CNN or Fox on what he said bombastically – he will do that only in ‘fair play’ retalliation- as their headline grabber but please, his very public and daily missives are replete w/ policies that he advocates and that clearly worked like no prior POTUS – and the world was never more peaceful in his 4 yrs in ofc because of it…just saying…o/w keep up the good work as you’re both braver and more honest than most!
Hi Prof. Hanson:
I’m not a paid member but I just saw your photo and the beginning paragraph of the BS Pinewood Derby. My grandson and his father made the car together last week for my grandson to enter over the past weekend. This is his first year in Boy Scouts. His father was an Eagle (as was my other son-in-law) My grandson’s car came in third in the first race and he now moves along to the next location. My daughter filmed it–the look on his face when his car won was priceless. He was totally surprised and pleased.
Old General – Never Right – Never in Doubt.
[via bribes]
Peter Schweizer: China’s Main Strategy to Win Is ‘Elite Capture’
Jan 29, 2022″They’re not looking for, you know, leaders to be clones.
There’s a strategic concept they use that loosely translated means ‘big help with a little bad mouth,’
and what that basically means is, you know,
if somebody says occasionally things about the Uyghurs or about human rights,
they may get irritated about it, but that’s not a big deal.
Thank you for your comments on the killing of Dr. Mammone. The incident was assumed to be road rage; local newspapers didn’t mention the cries of “white supremacist.” The Daily Mail, Toronto paper and NY Post (far away from Dana Point, California ) reported this, and included rants from the killer’s fb. Road rage made little sense…he smashed his car into Dr. Mammone, got out and knifed him with a machete. There was a news blackout locally, first reports neglected to mention the racial component.
Dear Prof. Hanson,
I am an avid follower of your podcast and have listened to almost all the episodes from the Fall of 2020 until now. I am a naturalized US citizen who emigrated from India in 2000 to pursue my Masters’s degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Since my teenage years, I have always been a keen reader of political news, political strategy, etc.
Of late, I couldn’t help but notice that you often mention India as possibly allying with China, Russia, and Iran against the US. I want to express my reservation against that line of thought. Please bear with me as I lay out some of India’s geopolitical predicaments concerning China and Russia.
India has always viewed the US as an unreliable military partner because of its past military deals with Pakistan, economic ties to China, and previous US posture toward India during the India-Pakistan wars in 1965 and 1971. India also considers the US a force for good in the world and prefers US dominance in world affairs to Chinese hegemony.
Given the above-described ambivalence toward the US, India cannot afford to antagonize Russia and force it into a strong alliance with China. India’s biggest nightmare is a strong Russia-China alliance that moves against Indian interests in the region, especially considering the unreliable nature of the US military and political support to India, should a military confrontation occur. India would rather have Russia in its camp during a confl
Contd.- India would rather have Russia in its camp during a conflict with China than entertain the prospect of taking on both Russia and China militarily. India feels the US will most certainly not ally itself with China, so the real geopolitical danger is only the possibility of Russia aligning with China. Hence, the tacit support from India to Russia in the ongoing Ukraine war. Unfortunately, the Biden administration is making life difficult for India geopolitically and by lecturing the Hindutva right-wing Indian government on human rights when its record on fundamental human rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press can only be charitably described as chequered over the past two years.
India is a big oil importer, which is critical to keep its economy going. If there is a discount or fire sale on oil in the market, it is just good business on India’s part to buy the oil on sale. Also, India’s oil purchase from Russia will help alleviate Russia’s dependence on China for its economic needs. The fact that the US does not mind India importing discounted Russian oil is likely an indication of a wink-and-nod understanding between the Indian and US governments on this issue.
contd. – Indian people view the USA more favorably than China, and that was even before recent border skirmishes with China. Neither the right-wing BJP and its allies nor the centrist/left-of-center Congress and its allies will entertain any alliance with China as long as China keeps supporting Pakistan and building naval/military bases around India in nearby places such as Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Iran.
India has a growing population, with a considerable proportion in the 18 to 30 years age group. India needs to develop its manufacturing base and provide millions of jobs for its youth over the next several years, making India a direct economic competitor to China.
For these reasons, I don’t think India will align itself with China, and any overtures to Russia are solely for maintaining friendly leverage with Russia relative to China.
Dear Dr Hanson
During your last talk with Jack, he mentioned the Amazon series:Clarkson’s Farm.
I too, strongly recommend it if you can find the time in your incredibly busy schedule.
Last week you and Jack referenced a poll “of a 1000 repubs” showing DeSantis leading Trump in the 2024 race, which if credible, is an extremely rare result…I’ve seen dozens of polls of far more credible sources showing DeSantis no closer than 20 % pts. Be balanced.
Just heard DVH interview w/Cleeta Mitchell
….reminded me of a chapter lead Stalin quotation in S. Kotkin’s (1st volume, I think) of his Stalin biography…. paraphrasing, ‘it is of little importance who votes and how but it is extremely important who counts the votes and how.’
First, I have to express my profound gratitude to Professor Hanson. I am so grateful that he is willing to spend hours every day absorbing the news from a broad spectrum of sources and synthesizing it for my benefit. Since I have faith in his intelligence, his judgment and his values, I feel like I can stay abreast of the important things going on the world without the confusion and frustration of sifting through endless and misleading reports. In a very real way, VDH’s podcasts have been a lifeline that keeps me informed and tethered in the world. I do have one question, the answer to which may be of interest to many of his listeners and fans. On numerous occasions, I have heard VDH express optimism about the future of the United States. My question is simply, what is this optimism based upon? The Academy seems poisoned beyond repair, the news and entertainment media seem completely hopeless, our government seems as corrupt as it is incompetent, our economy seems to rest on the precipice of an unprecedented disaster and our military has never been less prepared to defend this nation in my lifetime. Add an energy crisis, a looming food crisis, spiraling crime and a non-existent border and I am hard-pressed to see any hopeful signs on the horizon. If there are empirical bases for optimism, I would love to know what they are and I would trust Professor Hanson to point them out for me. Thank you for reading my comment.
Could the esteemed Professor add the Virality Project (see Matt Taibbi’s Twitter Files) to his ever-expanding list of reasons why Stanford is on a downward trend? Stanford is at the center of government censorship efforts. It would be great to hear his thoughts on this topic.
I’ve enjoyed listening to the VDH podcast daily for some time now. As I was listening to yesterday’s podcast, I was reminded of the time I walked out of my door and saw something puzzling. It was a garter snake with the back half of a small frog in its mouth. The frog, evidently unaware of what was happening to it, didn’t move or try to escape as the small snake struggled to complete its task. I did not intervene or continue to observe the event, but I liken the imagery to folks that do not agree with the direction of the country as driven by the left. We all listen eagerly to reports of our cities being overrun by criminals, our borders being erased, even our lives being taken – yet we, as a group, seem to be paralyzed or hypnotized by it all. I am as bad as most anyone else on this. Other than donate to conservatives’ political campaigns (which I always end up regretting) I have done nothing. The left has successfully intimidated us into inaction. I wonder sometimes if a typical German citizen during the rise of Naziism felt the same way – seeing what’s going on but don’t know how to counter it. Somehow, we’d all better figure it out and quick – the snake’s still swallowing.
Professor, I am delighted I can find a way to communicate with you.. For some time, I have list ended to podcasts where you were a guest or read articles and decided you are the Dean of conservatives thought in this country. Thank you for all you do. Discovering your podcasts and website is a blessing. Yes I know with my law school education, I should have discovered all earlier.
Watching the Final 4 basketball game, I have a thought. If we apply DEI to its logical consequences, why is there such a high percentage of Blacks? Would LeBron James be ok if we only had 20+ % of the NBA for Blacks. You know the answer. You know how to spell hypocrisy. Thank you
I enjoy all your podcasts and the articles on your website. Your total recall abilities are very impressive and I love the way you connect with your fellow conservatives. Please make me feel more comfortable with myself and tell me you have once in awhile forgotten what day of the week it is or what you walked into a room to retrieve. Please stay healthy as we need your voice to speak for us.
I think the best way to describe what is going on in this country is to say that “We are re-arranging chairs on the Titanic”. Ignoring the serious problems and burning cities over nonsense. The captain has left the ship to save himself while the country is headed straight for an iceberg.
People are running for the exits in the Blue states hoping to find a safe harbor in a red state. They are really taking this seriously. Covid and the January 6th situation sent me over the deep end. Trump is the only one that will take action. This is the great reset on steriods.
Wish I knew where this was going to end. I’m your age and wondering if my retirement account is going to be worthless. Anyway, your show makes us feel a bit of comfort knowing there is a voice of reason out there.
thanks, Jan
Ever since the advent of Covid, I’ve stop watching the news because I find it depressing probably a design of Russian propaganda. My one link to sanity is your podcast. It creates an inspirational event. You see, I have an old dog who is on his last legs but when he wants to go out to walk, I put on my headphones and listen to your podcast. I learned and I am inspired. God bless you, Victor Davis, Hanson.
Professor Hanson has often remarked on the common (and perhaps endangered) profile of white rural (often Southern) military tradition. It came to mind when I watched the documentary “Operation Anaconda,” and heard/saw SSGT Vance, US Air Force Combat Controller, soldier on the ground in the battle of Takur Ghar (Roberts Ridge) in Afghanistan. This young, white, likely rural young man (having a distinct “country twang”) was in this grim battle with seven dead and more wounded, and said: “I don’t look at myself as a combat vet or anything like that. I don’t think of myself like that. None of us that were in that battle want it to be a big deal. I’m just out there doing my job. That’s what I signed up for. Other people join the military for college money. I came in because I wanted to fight. I wanted to defend the country“”
Interesting read.
I’m retired and have time to listen to various podcasts.
Each skillful podcast broadcast a sense of impending doom; an America on its last legs; a nation frozen by a faith in our history’s history while ignoring the suicidal natute of the Biden administration.
At what point is enough, enough? Confronted by our current situation, the MINUTEMEN would have marched on CONCORD long ago. WASHINGTON would be apoplectic.
We have a treasonous presidential coward, a marxist administration and time heading rapidly to 1984. When do we get off our asses, or am I missing crucial present facts?
In the weekend show with Sami, you mentioned that Robert Kennedy was involved in the oil business. It is not Robert, it is Joe–
“Citizens Energy Corporation was founded by former U.S. Congressman Joseph P. Kennedy II in 1979 to make life’s basic needs more affordable. In the past 43 years, we have provided over $600 million in charitable benefits through our profits from dozens of successful businesses.”
David I love you but the Russian BS you talk someties realy pisses me off . If you really think More Russians ave died than Ukrainians you ARE DELUSIONAL just listen if you are True TRUTH Seeker you will listen to this if not I am about to Dump you for Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With the study of history seeming to be a dying art, can you comment in one of your podcasts on Edward C. Smith? I just learned about his passing. Thank you.
Robert Hall
Bozeman, Montana
Hope you’re having a good day. Just wanted to know what you think about upcoming presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy – he talks about bringing back meritocracy, increasing energy production, removing the administrative state, and so on, which I think is part and parcel of the solutions that you have previously proposed – compared to the current front-runners and leading figures in the race. Would really appreciate your thoughts, thank you!!
Hi Victor
Greetings from one of your Australian fans. I am a relatively recent devotee, having initially come across your fantastic work in my social feed a few months ago. I have been catching up on all of your previous podcasts and look forward to your new shows each day. I am an avid reader of history, particularly military history, and am very impressed with the depth and breadth of your knowledge and expertise in the subject. The way you can tie contemporary political and military affairs back to similar events in history is remarkable and proves that there really is nothing much new under the sun. I also very much enjoy your commentary and astute insights on all things culture war related (along with Jack and Sami’s as well), as we are grappling with many of the same crazy issues here in Australia. It was great to note your connection to Australia through your dogs and your mention of the film Breaker Morant, which is one of my all-time favourites. I was wondering if you had time on one of your future podcasts to comment on the contributions of the Australian military in the various conflicts of the 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries? Australia has been involved in every major armed conflict from the Boxer Rebellion all the way through to Afghanistan and Iraq. As a matter of interest, I think it is probably a little-known fact that the Australian Army was the first of the allies to inflict defeats on both the German and Japanese Armies in WW2 (Tobruk in April 1941, and Milne Bay New Guinea in September 1942). Even lesser known is that amongst the earliest engagements by units of the US Army in WW1 were fought under Australian command (the Battle of Hamel in July 1918). Thank you Victor for all you are doing in standing up for traditional values against all of the current cultural madness. Hopefully we will have hit as you say “peak woke” and we can start to dispense with all this lunacy and we can all get back to making the Western World “great again”.
All the best, Rick Sinclair
I worried, years ago, if this absurdity can be simply voted in, despite our Constitution, and now see that the answer is in the affirmative. It is clear that a civil war is underway, or a revolution, with our laws, morals, and our Constitution fading away to mere suggestions of yore?
The overarching question is what is going to stop it? Will the Democrats steal yet another election? Will they just intensify the Marxism, pack the Supreme Court, eschew the Constitution, install even more of a police state than we have now? Or will conservatives– and I don’t mean statist RINOs– win the election and restore sanity, integrity, and morals back into our country? If they don’t, what’s left? An armed battle to save the U.S. of A, or quietly retreating into our no-longer-funny sitcoms and iPhones and accepting neo-totalitarianism, a la, Beijing?
Thank you for your leadership on addressing the loss of true American education. I had retired after 15 years of teaching high school US History, US Government, and 7 years of teaching AP History at a formerly solid college preparatory school. I finally left in disgust in 2016. Locally, some who remember what US education USED to be started a classical academy and I am finishing my fifth year teaching middle school and high school US history. Ten families will begin a history tour with many of us to learn more by touring Gettysburg, Antietam, Harpers Ferry, and some chosen places in DC including paying our respects at Arlington. Our founder has a great working relationship with Larry Arnn and we use Hillsdale’s BCSI curriculum even though we are not a charter school (unions still too powerful here). I just wanted you to know that there are many fighting back. Also, after parents found out what is REALLY going on in the classroom after COVID Zoom classes exposed the woke nonsense. It doubled our enrollment in two years.
So, keep the faith. It’s small but growing. Meanwhile, what we MOST need is for traditionalists to WRITE CHECKS. Our founder did not take a salary for most of the existence of our school so that it would succeed. I am tired of people COMPLAINING about education but not opening their checkbook to help us survive. It people want to know who to support, call Larry Arnn’s office. They know of the schools that are using their materials.
Its always great to see you on tv and read your articles.
I haven’t noticed you call out what were seeing/living specifically and wondered why.
You mentioned “… And the Maoist results are often as absurd as they are terrifying.” 5/25.
I may have missed it seems to me that we are living obama’s “fundamental change”.
Seems to me more and more should be calling it that too.
Reference the statements on 2 June podcast on alternate treatments: “For FDA to issue an EUA, there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition.”
If the government said that alternate treatments (HCQ, Ivermectin, etc.) were valid, then, at least to me, the EUA could not have been issued. They wanted, at all costs, to run a mRNA shot test.
And, I believe that the existence of alternate treatments would also be cause for revocation of the EUA: “FDA may revise or revoke an EUA if the circumstance justifying its issuance no longer exist, the criteria for its issuance are no longer met…a material change in the risk/benefit assessment based on evolving understanding of the disease or condition and/or availability of authorized [medical countermeasures]”
My theory on why the left is banging on white supremacy. I believe the elite know that we know how corrupt the system has become. They know we know who they are. So painting whites into being evil is the way for them to be ahead of any dramatic push back against the evil they have brought onto America. When the push back comes the whites will be viewed as supremacy nut cases.
into today’s podcast with Jack, you erred in stating Merrick Garland was AG in 2020 during the BLM true terrorist and true insurrectionist riots – that was your defended buddy, ‘the respected Bill Barr’, the fat ass insider for the Bush/Cheney/Romney/Ryan-ian swamp, and he did nothing to prosecute the 1000s of Antifa/BLM rioters, and sat his ass on the lap top from hell! why? OBVIOUSLY to still have a post Trump remunerative relevance and save his multi-7 figure book deal promised to him for release in 2021!
you missed it, yugely – btw, Trump IS NEVER careless but quite calculated as most successful huge developers are and do!
also, for such a great wordsmith, historian and classicist that you are, you fail to use the MOST appropriate words in describing what’s currently happening and that is that the dems and DOJ and neverTrumpers HAVE already committed treason, multiple times – there are never 2 systems of justice in our old US Constitutional Republic and in that that is the case, now many times against Pres Trump, IS prima facie evidence our Govt WAS overthrown, Nov 4, 2020, early AM, not Jan 6, 2021…accuracy in portrayal of our unprecedented dramas is requested – they have and continue to perpetrate capital crimes and deserve the most severe punishment allowed after military tribunals, not civil – we are already in post overthrow America, which you define and outline daily – CALL IT LIKE IT IS!!!!
we do not have much time left!
Victor I am a new subscriber to your newsletters, and I am right leaning. It is an interesting thought when discussing the failure of all historical great empires that went before the United States great experiment in democracy. When history looks back in 25, 50, or 75 years will the United States even be here; or will be it gone and replaced by two nations with two groups of people with similar thought, now partitioned but getting along. Will there be comments on why the downfall for a country that lived for 250 years. Will the reasons become more clarified in 50-75 years where they are not clear now. If we knew as a nation that we are on the road to failure would the citizens of the US change their behavior. Is a nation’s failure just as assured as its birth? Smart people founded this nation, are we not that smart anymore to maintain.?
Victor, love ya, can you comment on something good? I like listening to your podcast. I’m same age, remember the hula hoop? What and how did this effect our American history? Contemplate THAT! More Sami, less Jack.
Truely yours,
Dave C
Mr. Hanson, appreciate your insight and wisdom on all of the topics covered in your podcasts and articles. Was a mite disappointed, however, in the overview of the Revolution in the June 17th podcast. There was no mention of the role of The Overmountain Men in the decisive battles of Kings Mountain and Cowpens in the overall outcome of the War. Believe these battles generally get overlooked in most appraisals of the efforts of the Patriots as a whole.
Just wanted to bring a little bit of awareness of that portion of the Revolutionary War effort in hopes of honoring those men who helped cut off the British and Tories from gaining control of the backcountry with much blood spilt on both sides in the process.
Dear Mr. Hanson,
Last weekend, I was listening to your podcast with Sami about the American Revolution and the history of your farm tractors. At the same time, I was involved in a texting discussion with my 3 siblings. I have 2 brothers and a sister and our ages range from 59 to 71. We grew up on a farm in Iowa raising corn, soybeans and hogs. Our topic of discussion was recollecting and reminiscing about our dogs throughout our childhoods and how many experienced untimely and often gruesome deaths. The one that is seared into my memory was a dog named Pooch. I was 5 years old when Dad accidently cut Pooch’s hind leg off with a sickle mower while cutting alfalfa. I remember seeing Pooch sitting next to door of our house licking his limb. Dad said just leave him alone and let him tend to his wound. No bandages or anything like that were administered. He never considered taking Pooch to the vet back in those days. (It might have cost $40 or $50!!). Pooch did recover and lived several more years. My older brother’s recollection was when he was riding with Dad on the fender of our 806 Farmall. He parked the tractor in the shed and lowered the rear-mounted V-plow used to move snow on top of another dog and crushed it. Unfortunately, there were numerous other traumatic events we brought up. About 10 minutes after we closed our conversation, you mentioned that one of your dogs got caught in a PTO shaft and broke its neck. I thought that was such a coincidence! Thank you for sharing.
Dear Mr Hanson,
I, as usual, enjoyed todays podcast and Sami did a great job.
Near the end you mentioned possible VP candidates on the republican side. Why shouldn’t they do something different and run a Trump / Tulsi Gabbard ticket? This idea has been on my mind for quite a while. She has so much to offer and I believe would attract many new voters to the party.
Thanks for your consideration.
Victor, I listen to all of your podcasts without exception. I think both Jack and Sami do a terrific job. Sami seems very modest and does not mention her background and education. I would be interested to know her background that supports her perspective/views. Thank you and keep up the excellent podcast.
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I would like to get your take on the two recent Supreme Court Decision on the Colorado Web Firm.
In my view this opinion is yet another case of US Amendments that are extended by default down to the states and then shoved to private individuals.
The first amendment restricts Congress – and only Congress – from making laws establishing religion or abridging the freedom of speech. It says nothing about the States, which is precisely the reason why a number of them instate very similar claims in their own State Constitutions.
Whether the Colorado Constitution protects the freedom of speech or if such amendment should be adopted in the Colorado Constitution is a question for another day, but the main takeaway is that this lawsuit should have not reached the Supreme Court at all, let alone the 9th Circuit or any federal court for the matter.
Hello Dr. Hanson. I’m a big fan of yours and take as gospel your comments and observations.
Recently I listened to an interview with Col. Douglas McGregor that greatly troubled me. Is he a “loose cannon” or does he have some credibility? I would very much appreciate your comments on Col. McGregor’s remarks. Here is the YouTube of his interview. Maybe you could comment on some of it on one of your future blogs.
Realizing I’m mostly writing to the choir, as a mostly liberal, leaning toward early 1900s progressive, it seems important to let others of the left know that, whatever you may think of Dr. Hanson, one must read his books and listen to his podcasts if you hope to have any reasonably complete understanding of what is going on around us.
While I have, of course, a few issues with some of his podcast comments, the information surrounding those questionable (to me) comments is well worth my time. And, those comments help me better understand those on the other side of many issues.
Apart from the podcast, I have no issues with, only praise for, for his books.
Dear Sir
I heard you say, for the second time, on your last podcast “Investigations and Foreign Visits” of 14 July, that only Britain fought in WWII from beginning to end.
Britain declared war 11 am 3 September 1939. PM Menzies declared Australia was at war as a consequence 9.15 pm (Australian time) 3 September 1939 which was 15 minutes after Chamberlain’s declaration. With a population of just 7 mllion and half a world away from the start of the confict in Europe Australians fought in WWII from the beginning to the end.
I was curiousas to why you did not include Australia as a country that fought for the duration of WWII.
Doctor Hanson, I trust you are enjoying your well-deserved vacation.
On your recent podcast, Conservatism, Education, and Small Towns July 25, 2023.
I was reminded of a speech given by Martin Luther King. In Memphis, TN on April 3, 1968 — the day before he was assassinated.…. “We are asking you tonight, to go out and tell your neighbors not to buy Coca-Cola in Memphis…”
We have enormous power of the purse as you have recently stated. That particular speech is very powerful, inspiring words, and is both underrated and not very well-known.
Joe Biden should be impeached in the House even under the assumption that he is likely to skate in the Senate. It’s the right thing for the House to do even if the Senate won’t. Lay down the marker for the sake of American honor and as a precedent if nothing else. Let the chips fall where they may, and pray we have legal and fair elections going forward.
I hope you will give RFK Jr the same fair consideration you gave to DJT in the run up to November 2016. RFK Jr is admittedly an unlikely candidate and he is well aware of that, but all the things you rightly praised about Mr. Trump–in spite of his boorishness, past infidelities, questionable moral character, foolish narcissistic tendencies etc–at great cost to yourself, are equally true of RFK Jr, only he is more disciplined and statesmanlike. He is more knowledgeable than any other candidate on the apparatus of the bureaucratic state, he is courageous, and he genuinely identifies with ordinary Americans in the middle class. Last night I attended a virtual meeting he held with farmers from across the country, listening to their concerns and their insights. There were nearly 7000 people listening to that conversation. His first astonishing book about Fauci has been superceded by his second book, The Wuhan Coverup, which exposes with meticulous documentation how the military industrial complex has been running our medical establishment for decades. I would think that you, both as a military historian and as someone who has suffered a serious vaccine injury (aka “long Covid”), might be more interested in a candidate who not only aligns with so many of your own criticisms of the USG, but is ready to die to defend us. If he combines with a conservative on a No Labels ticket… It seems to me the time is ripe for something like that!
LOVE VDH. And Jack Fowler. LOATHE “sami” (awful name) “wink” (awful name). She interrupts Victor’s art and listener enjoyment EVERYTIME! She has zero tact. Her interruptions and words and sounds destroy Victor’s words & thoughts. She is fingernail on chalkboard. Why oh why do you have her???
Jack Fowler is perfect.
I cannot be the only one who feels this way.
I love hearing your assessments of current events; however, I think you muss a crucial piece of information, which causes your conclusions to be incorrect. For example, the idea of Lawfare in our current political climate. I don’t think the left is very worried about retaliation because the establishment, swamp, deep state… are all of the same mindset. The people being attacked are hated by the deep state, both parties. The swamp has also figured out how to render elections more and more irrelevant through early voting and massive get out the vote organizations. This was proven in 2020 and confirmed in 2022. People seem to think the right is going to come roaring back in 2024, and I simply don’t see that happening. The left has massive organizations in most, if not all states and they know how to take advantage of early voting and all the loopholes to affect outcomes. I see nothing being done on the right to combat this, or to play the game too… I live in CO, and since mail in voting was fully implemented about 10-15 years ago, this state has gone from reddish-purple to deep blue. Republican presence is nowhere to be seen. I’ve even tried to engage with the Republican party here and they are a dysfunctional disorganized mess.
I signed up and find the site to be difficult for me to navigate. Also I don’t know how to change my password to other than the “strong” codes assigned to me. I’m 78 years old and find it to be daunting to use a passcode that is 24 characters long with symbols caps and lowercase. Is it possible to create my own passcode that would be easier for me to remember. A simple suggestion would be to have a comment box at the top of the comment page with all comments following with most recent on top. I have been listening VDH podcasts for several months now and find his clarity and common sense most refreshing. His plain language speaks to me directly. I wish to continue and hope that I can find it easier to use. Thank you.
Hello VDH, Jack, & Sami. I just wanted to let you know how much I ENJOY your podcast! I appreciate Victor’s insight on current events and military history. I look forward to every episode. VDH, you are extremely well read, as well as a SOBER and JUDICIOUS gentleman!
I would like to make a guest recommendation. Prof. Daniel J. Mahoney has recently written a timely book, “Statesman As Thinker”. I think it would be an interesting discussion, especially the chapters on Churchill, DeGaulle, and Lincoln. I have heard Prof. Mahoney on other podcasts and I think he would be a great guest on your podcast. I really think your listeners would enjoy it and make more people aware of this wonderful book.
Keep up the good work and God bless you all! A Loyal Listener.
Newly subscribed! I’ve been listening to VDH podcast for about a year. It is one of the only sane resources available to get some “news” and perspective. I round VDH out with The Wright Report, Dave Rubin, Illinois In Focus, Jordan Harbinger, Verdict, American Thought Leaders, some Peter Zeihan, various Reason outputs, and some satire from Bee Radio! After digesting all this, I feel our country is so far down the wrong path, that it’s nearly hopeless for life as we know it. The cards are stacked too far left and it will take grass roots across the nation to be bold and vote these awful Democrats out of office.
I live in Illinois. Our terrible Governor has signed bills that goes against the very nature of American values, social norms and puts good Illinoisans in jeopardy (No Bail law, “Assault Weapons” ban, amending the ILC allowing more rights to government unions, etc.). We also have sanctuary cites in the area. There appears to be no accountability to the bad things that are happening.
I hope to leave Illinois when I’m closer to retirement (w/in 10 years), as cost of living where I live is super high. I’ll be free and can live a fraction of the cost. Any recommendations? I just travelled to Wyoming; beautiful state!
I am a former history teacher (MA in Ancient History) who very much enjoys your writings and podcasts. I am currently manage 130 acres outside of Lawrence Kansas (mowing…lake upkeep…trail upkeep etc) so I also enjoy all the discussions of your property and life on the farm. 2 hours of my day on the mower are passed listening to you!!!
My question…you mentioned a book by Daniel Greenfield entitled Domestic Enemies…is there a chance that it is under a different title because I can’t find it anywhere.
I was made aware of a funding push by George Soros to financially support the campaigns of revolutionary partisan DA’s several years ago. I instinctively knew at the time that it wasn’t a good thing, but I also knew their only way to inject their radical ideas is through laws that are on the books. The thought that social pressure would moderate their effects.
The goals George Soros is trying to achieve in expending this number of resources (people, money, time) is coming into focus for me.
The first two thoughts I had were that they would use novel legal theories to prosecute crime and they would NOT prosecute crime. We have been seeing these things in abundance the last couple of years such that they are not outliers. And finally, the most insidious observation is that this revolutionary activity is meant to divide the populace and create the conditions in which the union destroys itself from within.
George Soros could never create an army to defeat the US. He knows that it must be destroyed from within. This is his method to do it. And the media is no help in this because they foment the division for the sake of ratings. They are useful idiots and/or willing pawns.
After listening to you and Jack go off on the Oliver Anthony segue, I hadn’t listened to it – then did on youtube and also found this as a follow up. I thought you and Jack would be interested:
After listening to you and Jack go off on the Oliver Anthony segue, I hadn’t listened to it – then did on youtube and also found these as a follow up. I thought you and Jack would be interested:
and then a similar one – connecting ‘chords’ of our US sinew that have been separated and cut apart since O ascended to the WH:
The facial expressions and recognition by both young men during the song was profound and moving – the ‘chords’ are the same ‘US’ all!
Is this song going to be our Attorney Welch moment of “At long last, Senator…have you no sense of decency?” Only Donald J Trump had ever did anything about the “rich man north of Richmond” and raised all economic gender and racial classes, like no other, and why he should be #47!
And DJT should in no way debate these bottom feeder candidates with no following of note – no way that they deserve his elevation of their very weak candidacies. No way! He will debate the Dem candidate, of course!
I’m not sure if this is the correct place to ask this question.
I just read Ilkka Syvanne’s book on Caracalla and am bout to startSyvanne’s his book on Gallienus. I was wondering if you had read any of his works and if so your thoughts on his scholarship. I liked some of the parts on Caracalla as I’ve always thought Dio and Herodian’s accounts needed some rethinking. However, Dr. Syvanne’s work at times seems a bit self motivated and makes huge leaps. I was just wondering if you had read any works and your thoughts.
Was wondering if at some point you could discuss any parallels to the current war in Ukraine and the German/Soviet experience on the same territory during WW2? How was the Wehrmacht able to capture Kiev in September 1941 and the Russians unable to do so in 2022? How did the Soviets defend then conquer Ukraine in 1944 and can the Ukrainians do so in the current conflict?
Regarding Mr. Stahl’s comments about Britain: to paraphrase the great David McCullough: You are “an historical illiterate.” Some of the issues faced back then: very poor communications; lack of readiness and preparedness for war, not only in Britain’s case, but also on the part of the United States; both countries’ economies were recovering from the Great Depression; the armed services were regarded as poor stepchildren by the respective governments. One of the only statesmen who recognized the evils represented by Hitler and his ideologues was Winston Churchill. He saw the issues more clearly than any other leader. One of the most significant events which occurred prior to his reinstatement as Prime Minister, happened on Sept, 3, 1939, when he became First Lord of the Admiralty and a signal was sent out around the world on the Navy’s wireless system:”Winston is back.” Thus began the great adventure known as World War 2. My father served in the Army and was recalled during the Korean Conflict in 1951. He was a Counterintelligence Officer based in Frankfurt-am-Main. My second grade was in Germany; we lived in Offenbach, suburb of Frankfurt across the Main River. Please do not degrade the memory of WWII, especially if you have never seen what I saw and smelled in Germany during that school year abroad. The sights are impressed into my memory.
How I look forward everyday to listen to your podcasts with Jack or Sami. I enjoy listening while I take my dogs for a walk around the neighborhood. You said today that you are a fraternal twin. I am also a twin, and a doctor once asked my twin brother if he and his twin sister were identical!!! Sometimes it is good to laugh when things seem almost hopeless. Listening to you gives me hope.
Dear Proffesor Hansen,
I just finished reading Volume One of the Revolution Trilogy ‘The British are Coming’ by pulitzer prize winner, Rick Atkinson. Reading his in-depth historical account of the Revolutionary years, 1767 thru 1777, I couldn’t help but notice the similarities of the Bostonians and the Colonists struggle i.e. what they referred to as the “Cause” against the British to address the grievances they had about the Coercive Act, the taxes etc. with what is happening today in America.
King George and Parliments entransigents against governing fairly the Colonists as British subjects and rather as revolutionaries and second class British Subjects created ‘The Cause’ (the American Revolution). I wonder if what is now happening in our country, with all of the tyranny now thrust upon us from the progressive ruling class, might be producing ‘American Subjects’ with a new “Cause”… i.e. an overwhelming Peaceful Revolution at the Ballot Box next year. I fear though in order to have a Peaceful Revolution you need most Americans to be united against the Regime, but in Reality we are politicaly divided against one another, and instead of a peaceful revolution at the ballot box there will eventually, instead to be a civil war. A’m I being too pessimistic or is there hope for a good outcome for our country next year?
Could you possibly, In one of your upcoming broadcasts or writings expand on these similarities if any
Thanks for all your writings and broadcasts!
In a hectic and also highly affordable globe, effective communication has ended up being extra critical than ever before. Whether it’s for organization endeavors, academic pursuits, or individual branding, the right words have the power to astound, inform, and motivate. This is where professional creating solutions step in, supplying a wealth of chances to open the possibility of words. read what he said
I’ve been following many sources of information outside of the mainstream media regarding the Ukraine war, such as Col. Anthony Macgregor and Russian oriented blogger Simplicius The Thinker, among many others. It seems to me that the Ukraine war is very similar to the Spanish Civil War, in that it’s a proving ground for new military weapons (drones), tactics, etc. Do you think that the U.S. military will learn the lessons from this war and adapt to them?
I have enjoyed your podcasts and the ability to let you fully clarify your analysis of current events and teach us what history tells us as it relates to current events including politics. I also so much enjoy your writings. When I first became aware of your outstanding scholarly analysis and thoughtfulness, I was frustrated with commentators forcing you to short, bullet like replies without letting you elaborate and clarify. The podcasts are just what I wanted a full, detailed analysis supported by your outstanding scholarship. Thank you so much for offering solutions rather than an endless, noisy shouting of “headlines” to get your emotional attention rather than engaging our intellects and reasoning.
Message to jack fowler
please refrain from long topic set-ups (and interjecting/interrupting with your thoughts). we want to hear vdh express his unique thoughts on current issues. you two are not sitting on bar stools at the local pub having beers with near equal back-and-forths. a straight man in a comedy act doesn’t step all over the talented star attraction. your past comments indicate you are aware of this and it seems you can’t help yourself, but please try to be only the referee keeping track of time and BRIEF topic intros. the fans pay to see michael jordan and tom brady, not the (sincerely no offense intended) third string reserve. william f buckley’s show had a different format, but the moderator was seldom heard.
I’ve been a subscriber since August of 2021. Love the podcast. Really like Sami Wink as your co-host. I’m having a bit of a problem. I have been unable to get to the Ultra content on the website since the last subscription renewal on August 17th. I’ve sent several emails to the website contactus address, but have not gotten any responses and the problem continues. Does anyone monitor that email account? Help!
Professor Hanson:
Your work is a marvel and so are you. I have appreciated you and reveled in your writings for over twenty-five years.
But today’s remarks on J.R.R. Tolkien and his work, while perceptive, are a bit off. Tolkien like you, had a tragic view of life. As you note, his Middle-Earth is a fallen world. But, the victors in the war of the Ring did not use the Ring, as some had wished (consider Boromir). They are not tainted by it: those who lust for the Ring, such as Denethor and Saruman, lose out (they are traitors).
Some of the victors go to the West because the time of the rule of men has arrived with Aragorn, and without the powers of the Elvish rings (their potency had been lost with the destruction of the one ring), the Elves have no place in the world to come. They are the last survivors of the Noldorean return to Middle Earth anyhow. That’s why Galadriel and Elrond leave for the West. Some, like Frodo and Bilbo, need healing from their long travail as ringbearers. Gandalf, being a Maia, is returning to his natural home, from which he was sent as an emissary, to contest the power of Sauron. They all have remained sound morally and spiritually. But the victory was costly to the Elves particularly, but they were willing to bear the consequences because they knew it was right. Sauron had to be brought down.
The victory, though, is providential. To understand all this better, read the Silmarillion.
Tolkien was no antisemite! See:
I love VDH. But he is going eeyore on me about election day voting. I am the same age as VDH. I always loved election day. I remembered going with my parents to vote and watching them go into the booth and the curtain closing in the voting booth. I always wanted to know what was going on in there. But today is today. I live in Virginia close to the WV border. In early November, it can be cold, rainy, or just miserable on election day. I remember voting in 2016 where it was rainy and freezing and they ran out of ballots. So you waited 2 hours while they got more ballots from the registrars office. Glenn Youngkin just established a process that we can sign up for absentee voting. The registrar will send me a ballot a month before the election. I can mail it back in, take it to the polls and put it in the voting container, or vote the traditional way. This way I don’t have to worry about the weather or my health or whatever. This is how you win elections.
I am a long-time listener, new subscriber very interested on what Victor’s take is on the Convention of Sates. (Article 5) I searched the Blade but didn’t get any hits. I see it is promoted on Can you point me to one of Victor’s books where he covers this topic or perhaps consider addressing its viability in a future podcast? Thank you!
I listen to your podcasts and have been a fan of yours since I first saw you on the History Channel years ago.
It’s amazing how many people don’t realize that we’re reliving history but think somehow we’re immune from the mistakes of the past.
My early morning before sunrise walks are enhanced with fresh air and your insights… and by the way… Jack Fowler and Sami Winc are also outstanding and make it a great overall experience when paired with my coffee after my walks.
It’s an insane world out there now and you help bring some peace and sanity to my day.
I am a new member to this website, after first seeing you on TV and then listening to your podcasts for the last 6 months. As a 74 year old retired IT consultant and amateur political scientist I deeply appreciate your knowledge, YOUR FACTS, and most of all your perspective. You must be good at puzzles because you make the bits and pieces of history and today’s events fit into a coherent, although very depressing, picture. THANK YOU.
I recommend you comment in a future podcast on this article from Foreign Policy painting the Republicans as the evil protagonists in the world for the past 50 years.
Alone at the Top
He always endeavored to win alone
And over the years, his methods he honed.
He projected strength and never seemed evil,
But others (to him) were throw-away people.
Most were people he barely knew,
And some were souls whose use was through.
A few were kinfolk that he knew well.
But in the end, they also fell.
People resented his wiles and ways
That he achieved his selfish goals each day.
He lied, cheated, and encroached upon rights,
So that he could win his impossible fights.
Lives were destroyed and futures were lost,
Leaving many with deep emotional costs.
But now he’s alone after merciless toils,
With no one to love and share his spoils.
He is an ostracized soul who won alone,
Now emptily reaping what he has sown.
Written the morning of 01/10/2018.
Victor, you and I were born about a year apart in the United States of America. But we now live in the Disunited States of Anomie. The poem that I just sent you (Alone at the Top), I wrote in 2018. It describes a combination of several people that I have known in my life, not just one person.
But, if you ask an American today who that poem best describes, they will immediately say Donald Trump if they are a Democrat. But, if that person is a Republican, they will say Joseph Biden. That is how far apart we, as a country, have grown.
One word: anomie, best describes our failing country. SAD!
Dear Dr. Hanson,
This is mostly just fanmail. Thank you so much for your media presence and principled stand on so many things. It has done much to give me hope for the possibility that American academia may have some integrity intact.
Just one small comment to consider. In several recent posts about the current abhorrent situation, you have characterized the conduct of Hamas as “pre-civilizational”. I think this does the reputation of our paleolithic and neanderthal forebears a great disservice. There is no evidence in the archaeological record that pre-civilizational peoples behaved with the level of barbarity that we see beginning in the Neolithic. In fact, mass brutality and killing is a defining feature of the arrival of civilization, along with agriculture, division of labor, etc.. These are the important insights brought forward by a fellow of yours from The Farm, my good friend John Zerzan. I think you might like some of his writings if you’re not already aware of them.
Thank you again for being a voice of sanity in these times, you are much appreciated,
Kind Regards,
Jeffrey L. Benjamin
PhD, Archaeology, Columbia University
Recently, there appeared an article describing newly found evidence, described by scientists, that early humans cannibalized one another. If true, is that not pre-civilizational?
Mr. Hansen,
How about a condensed history up to today, of why is there conflict between Palestinians and Jews. over Israel and Gaza? Who is in the right or wrong?
Mr. Curry, please consider purchasing a copy of “From Time Immemorial” by Joan Peters. It is a thorough treatment of the time period at the end of the British mandate of “Palestine” and Transjordan. She includes a respectable bibiography and some informative appendices. Quite an eye-opener.
Agra question for Victor. My wife and I have a concord grapevine approximately 3 years old that is pretty good setting fruit but about 1/3 of the grapes fall off soon after. Over-all not too bad and the grapes that are left are good size without much rot. How can we improve for a better harvest?
My last four-line comment pertains to what the leaders of Communist China were thinking while they were deciding how to handle the Tiananmen Square problem regarding the students demanding more Democratic rule in 1989. (Keep in mind that forty to fifty years earlier, those same communist leaders were young idealistic students who were demanding that Communism replace the Nationalist government regime of General Chaing Hai Chek.) In the end, the CCP trucked in provincial army soldiers who massacred the big city students and squelched the student demonstration at Tiananmen Square, which was fired up mainly by liberal foreign journalists. (Gee, who’d a thunk it?)
History rhymes ironically. What goes around eventually comes back around. Only now, it has a different twist. Radical Left Wingers (Collectivists at best?) are USA Cancel Culture students of 2023 who are cancelling conservative free speech at universities. And they are getting a lot of traction with modern-day liberal journalists. (Again, who’d a thunk it?)
As a classical historian, what do you think of this ironic twist? Is Donald Trump becoming a modern-day Alcibiades? God help us if Trump becomes another Alcibiades who was a Greek rock-star raised by his godfather Pericles in ancient Athens! Alcibiades eventually left the Syracuse battle force to join Sparta. Then he went to Persia to advise them on how to defeat Athens before being called back to Greece. Who is the modern-day equivalent of Socrates in the USA?
I just started listening to the podcast posted today (10/28/23) with Sami. Today is Saturday. The first portion of the podcast was devoted to how bad the Republicans were for not selecting a new speaker of the House when, in fact, they picked him on Wednesday. I understand you have a lot on your plate, but perhaps these segments can be edited out when they no longer speak to the facts as they exist.
Your recent comments criticizing Republicans for failing to have a “plan” for how to deal with Trump if and/or when he is convicted and suggesting he should not be considered or nominated as the presidential candidate are short-sighted. If Trump withdraws or voters fail to consider him because of these corrupt proceedings, then the left simply will continue to do it to every candidate thereafter. At some point, we need to take a stand against it and establish that we will not allow the left to select our candidates. You may not like Trump, and it appears that you would prefer somebody else, but we need to stop it before it becomes an established practice. An analogous situation is the corruption of the Supreme Court nominations by Republican presidents. It began with Clarence Thomas and has crescendoed to the Kavanaugh fiasco. There is never any similar treatment of leftist nominees. No sense in continuing to treat the leftist’s nominees with respect and kid gloves while expecting a different outcome for our nominees. That’s the definition of insanity.
Dear Professor Hanson – I enjoy your podcasts. I do hope you will pass the following information to Jack Fowler and Sami Winc. Here are some synonyms for “wisdom”: judgment, judiciousness, prudence, reason, sense, sagacity, astuteness, discernment, penetration, foresight, comprehension, enlightenment, understanding, knowledge, learning, erudition. In addition to these words, there are other words they could use as a variation of their oft repeated “thank you Victor for your wisdom.”
I have been following your podcasts withe Sami Winc and Mr Fowler, have read many of your books. Your books, interviews and podcasts over the years has helped me understand the changes in the USA from afar. I live in Cape Town South Africa.
The changes Ihorrify me and its unbelievable that my “champion”country is in such trouble. They say that when America sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold.
That the western world is going through another phase like “The Beatles” “Presley” “Woodstock'”- I get it, but “woke” phase, which I hope is temporary, is so destructive eg the Supreme Court, indicting a past president, kangaroo courts, inflation, energy prices etc etc etc.
Could you perhaps explain or comment as to why there are varying phases and how do they start or who starts them and why with special reference to the current woke culture.
From afar I see movies with excessive “fbombs”in the dialogue sometimes in front of kids. Excessive violence and sexuality unrelated to the movie content. I don’t think I am over conservative but enough is enough.
Eelections, both in our country, and USA are going to be crucial.
Here in South Africa we have an administration that tried to broker a peace in the Ukraine/Russia conflict and declared they were neutral in their efforts. Yet they have backed the Palestinian cause with vigor. Being a white Jew in South Africa is scary.
Thank you for your insightful commentary
-Regards Dr Irvine J Eidelman
I would love it if you, Mr. Hanson, could point me to an objective modern history of Israel. The mysterious part to me is what happened in this area in the 19th and 20th centuries. As it is stated in The History of Modern Times by Paul Johnson the state of Israel was drawn up by the United Nations (dominated by Britain, France, the US and Russia) in 1947. At that time, within the borders, as then drawn, there were 50K Jews and 500k Arabs. And, most of the Jews at that time had arrived in the prior 50 or so years. It has been hell ever since. The question for me is what exactly is wrong with the Arab claim that it is their land and was taken over (settled) by the Jews. The Jewish claim that it is their historic land going back two thousand years is not much different than the Indians claiming Manhattan today.
To be perfectly clear I also think any Arab claim at this point is analogous to the IRA’s claim to Northern Ireland. You may have a claim but it is way too late. I am also aware that Hamas, Arafat et al and Iran have never had peace or the two state “solution” in mind at all.
Have you covered this anywhere and can you point me to a correct, unbiased history?
I”ve been a fan for a long long time… been listening to your podcasts after hearing you on Laura Ingraham’s morning radio show back in the day during Trump’s first campaign in 2016… VDH was always a great interview and then I”ve been on your podcasts daily… Thank you IHeart Radio
I’ve learned a lot of history while doing my early morning 2 mile walk here and how much of it is repeating in our time now.
I just learned today after hearing the Podcast from November 11th that you had a relative that fought in the Battle of the Aleutians where my own father also was a bombardier in that war zone… War changes you from what my mother said… that after my dad came back he wasn’t the same guy…
I’m a couple of years older than you and was in the Air Force in 67 along with my dad… his comment about the war between Israel and Egypt was interesting when he said I should have read the bible more because the Jews had never lost a war with the Egyptians..
Anyway… Take care of your bad self… I know the stinking lefties are after you but we’ve got your back…
Oh by the way… I appreciate Jack and Miss Sami too….
Apologies that I simply cannot afford the time to review all 203 comments above in an effort to avoid repetition, but as a medical school professor, having treated over 50 seriously ill hospitalized (ICU) patients with SARS-CoV-2 ARDS patients on ECMO, I was naturally curious to the study referenced in your November 23 New COVID Vaccine Study podcast. I’ve listened twice, went online to Blade of Perseus, and simply cannot find the medical journal reference to any study which supports your allegations of a lack of safety, less efficacy than what was initially published in the NEJM, nor the direct mortality (or even indirect mortality) risks of the vaccine. I do agree completely, and have stated publicly on social media, that the mRNA vaccine is not a vaccine but represents gene therapy in that viable viral mRNA is introduced into and hijacks the cell’s protein synthesis to create unnatural spike proteins (i.e. NOT found in Nature) and receptor binding domains, and the body’s immune response to these proteins are what renders immunization, which HAS been demonstrated in randomized trials to improve the risk of death and severe disease (ventilator, ECMO requirements). Parenthetically, it’s the innocent bystander injury from the body’s immune system on cells which express these spike proteins/RBDs that causes myocarditis, for instance. Please: give us the name of the journal article, authors, publication date, etc. so that we can pass this on. M. A. Wait MD
Dr. Hanson, though I feel you are “Victor” to those of us with like mind who love you so. I have a critical question that I am hoping you might address in a column or piece.
At Thanksgiving, many of us enjoyed deep conversation with our young adult children aged 24- 30 or so. So much has happened to us all in the last year, they are becoming more mature young adults yet seem still addled with the baggage of being raised in the social media era of vast indoctrination. Even Christians schooled in the south. Specifically, many voted strongly against President Trump in 2020, and are still committed to voting against him. They dislike President Biden, say he’s too old and feeble, don’t like the direction of the country, yet they are not willing to consider the issues at all so long as the opponent is President Trump.
I feel this must permeate the vastness of the never Trump movement, but can you help the otherwise rational and productive youth specifically who cannot see past the demon of Trump. They lack historical perspective and remain optimistic for America. They just won’t consider Trump. These seem discordant? How can we move past this? Thank you.
Dear Dr. Hanson,
I am so pleased to read your posts on “X” now. As a supporter I have access to your other writings, podcasts, interviews, etc. Now I look forward to reading your opinions on X. True to form, they are always informative and well thought through.
I’m sure you have noticed that as much as X fosters free speech, it also amplifies the attitudes of the loudest voices in the room. Legacy Media has its approved narratives that to my mind are restrictive for a society. X is full of tricky “influencers” who have figured out how to keep their opinions up front and in your face in order to get the most clicks and followers.
The methods of these influencers may make them valuable to the X platform, but voices like yours are what truly make the platform itself valuable to a thinking person.
I’ve been meaning to write for a long time because I enjoy your podcasts and writing so much. I love hearing stories of your family and the farm. I especially like it when you veer off topic and bring interesting side bars to the conversation. It’s entertaining to see how your co-hosts try to steer you back on track.
You have a rare personality combination that reflects humanity, humility and brilliance. Anyway, that’s how I see it. And I hope you continue to bring your touch of class to X.
Thank you,
Jan K. Vroman
In all honesty, my only interest in becoming an Ultra Member, was to peruse through the “Angry Reader” content. I hope all members will agree the true gold is where VDH responds to those readers. There is even an angry phone caller reply, which put a big smile on my face. Thank you for the pleasant surprise Victor. You mention on your podcast that you write back, but I did not realize you publicly posted it. Thank you also for taking up some public spaces through print, social media/internet, and television. Keep Striving.
Rilie J. Morgan
Fargo, ND
“There’s been more men killed over water than women”
It is a joy to listen to the VDH stories about growing up on the farm and the wonderful family members who have lived there for generations. The in-depth historical/military discussions on the podcast are important and steeped in sound analysis, depth and wisdom. Thank you so much!
I have one small criticism – on one of the most recent discussions with SW, your dogs were barking throughout without let up…..not only distracting but was wondering what was making them so distraught?
Re yesterday’s podcast, you continue to paint Matt Gaetz as some scoundrel when it was clear the scoundrel was Kevin McCarthy who you still defend bails out again for the money he’ll now personally make as an inside consultant or agent for all those donors he was actually working for, not his district nor as Speaker the rest of US – he went back on his word to Gaetz et al and paid the proper price for his political sins…
and Jack says the vote for Trump was a reactionary thing…BS…we actively, directly voted for him each time as he offered what no prior politician has ever offered before, a transparent doer actually doing and accomplishing his political promises, and did them quickly – that’s never happened before, ever!
You 2 are very slow at getting it right, or are you operating out of fear of being cancelled, hedging your comments?
And Victor, why so shy about not naming Gen Mattis as an anti-Trumper, calling him a Nazi in that spring time Atlantic article. He is a Hoover Instit ‘colleague’ but Hoover should have terminated his involvement there after he wrote such an insubordinate work and advocated him to be prosecuted/court matrialled for violating his Military conduct rules about the CiC! Trump was always right about the MidEast, and Mattis was wrong!
My wife and I have noticed a severe lack of Christmas Cards this year. You know the kind you receive from your friends who live in different areas of the country. Usually they have pictures of the whole family on the card, with their pets, or sometimes just with the pets; wishing you well during the Christmas season. Just wondering if any of the members have noticed the same. Personally, our family won’t be sending any out this year as we just don’t have the extra money to do so, and we have many friends doing the same. I’m wondering if this is a nation wide phenomena, another result of Bidenomics. Hopefully some members will reply with what they’ve experienced.
Rilie J. Morgan
Fargo, ND
Just listened to the podcast with Steven Quay and VDH of a few days ago regarding the Covid
vaccination debacle and all I can say is that it totally confirmed what I suspected all along. It looks like we were all duped……
Thank you for your GREAT podcasts!!!
Great podcast with Dr. Quay yesterday. He confirms what I (a layperson ordinaire) have known since 2020 bc I was paying attention: The MRNA gene therapy was experimental & the population of the world became the lab rats. You and he used the “ship billions off to the moon analogy”. But it was more like sending billions to the Island of Dr. Moreau. I remember listening to the analysis of Dr. Lee Merrit who explained how the MRNA therapies had never been successfully tested in animals! All the cats died! I learned most of the people dying on ventilators were vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D. The FDA was a corrupt captured agency. ) I remember listening to the original dark horse interview w Bret Weinstein, Dr. Robert Malone and Steve Kirsh & learned what Dr. Quay discussed: The lipid nanoparticles from the “vaccine” didn’t stay in the deltoid muscle as we’d been told. It traveled throughout the body to organs & what would that do? They didn’t know! . What was not touched on was there was treatment for covid. Doctors were saving lives w off label drugs. But there would have been no EUA so it was hidden & the brave doctors who were saving lives were attacked & it cost them dearly. Drs. Piere Kory, Ryan Cole, Merrill Nass, Peter McCullough. You should talk to them. Thanks 4 discussing WHO “treaty.”
I am currently enjoying the ‘office hours’ series of discussions recently posted – like an early Christmas present. Thank you Victor Davis Hanson and Merry Christmas!
Victor, I very much enjoy listening to your podcasts. You and Jack discussed the portrait artist today, so I looked at the screen shot while you talked. The pencil side took me back to the sketches that my dad would do sitting at the dinner table. He was really good, but did not have any formal training. He left school after the tenth grade because he missed so much school that he did not keep up. He was the oldest of 8 children, born in 1929, on a rural farm in central Michigan. He was constantly missing school to plow the fields, plant the crops, maintain the fields or harvest the crops. Anyway, the man was my hero, still is. Not because he was a Korean War veteran that still had 3 pieces of shrapnel in his body when he died because the shrapnel was too close to internal organs, but because he was actually my step-dad. My mother was a 25 year old widow with 3 boys under the age of 7. What else can you call someone that steps in 4 years later to raise another man’s 3 sons other than a hero. Anyway, the pencil sketch reminded of my dad, so thank you.
Really enjoyed the bit on Greek Lyric Poetry! Curious if Dr. Hanson could spend a few minutes on Roman Lyric Poetry (Catullus and his friends). As a former Latin major in a different life, it would be groovy fun!
Dr. Hanson- You are like a voice crying in the wilderness of our dissolving nation to make the paths straight back to a foundation of sanity and civilization. I cherish your wisdom and insights. There is a resonance in your worldview that inspires each of us who desire that our nation would repent to a condition of rational normalcy. Hand wringing and nostalgia are no solution to our current state of collapse as a nation but the voices of warning must be heard and yours is one of the finest and irrefutable. If you inspire me and other much smaller voices to speak out against those who cherish tyranny over freedom, and irrationality over sanity, perhaps some will listen, and with prayer and divine intervention, God may show us Mercy and turn us to repentance. May He strengthen your voice in this dark hour.
Dear Dr. Hanson,
My wife and I are recent listeners to your enlightening podcasts and sincerely thank you for sharing your thoughts on the numerous topics/subjects you are able/willing to share.
I prefer not to be recognized for my request which I feel will increase the strength of your comments.
My ask is for articulating, whenever possible, a dollar value. to the “costs” of poor judgment of our government (local, county, district, state and fed). As an example, for the 8,400 military service members who refused covid vaccinations; what was their average rank, years of service, cost of their training. New recruits cannot possible fill the void of the experience they gained. Another example, what is the expected cost to NYC, Fulton County, etc for Trump’s farse cases?
I feel bringing cost visibility to our pocketbooks will further your comments of the stupidity of these actions.
Thank you for your consideration and keeping up with factual based comments.
Sincerely and respectfully,
Jerry M of Colorado
That is a very good question–same with the police and fire departments.
The cost of being a sanctuary city or state is another.
Lawrence Jones was interviewing a resident and a city councilor in Boston the other day about the city taking over a local community center for immigrants. I do not know if this councilor voted for Boston to be a sanctuary city, but she said she did not realize what the cost could be.
I see the cost effecting the citizens of (the country), the state and cities and towns (taxes x 3). With more immigrants being spread out across the state, school systems will be paying a price. I am sure many do not have all of the needed services for the new non-English speaking students.
I would like to begin by saying how much I enjoy and appreciate all of your podcasts and writings. I can’t get enough!!
I have been reading quite a bit on the Later Roman Empire and was wondering what you think of the thesis that The Germanic tribes after they settled in the Western Empire they in many ways revised/preserved Roma Civilization. Then in the 7th ands 8th Centuries the invasions of the Arabs throughout the Med. actually ended Classical Civilization.
Dear Dr. Hanson.
Please accept this minor criticism. The conservative pundits as a group are pounding Biden and his regime on a daily basis. But the problem is not Biden. The problem is the Democrat Party as a whole and specifically the puppet masters. In my opinion the puppet master is Obama. Why not continually blame Obama for such things as racial tension, the Middle East, the economy, the war on fossil fuel, gas ranges, air conditioners, and finally the insanity of electric car mandates.
One major point. Did VP Biden work in a vacuum when he fired the Ukrainian prosecutor? When he made the business trips to China with Hunter? When he ignored State Department advice related to Hunter’s business dealings with Burisma Energy? Simply put, “What did Obama know, and when did he know it.
With Michelle warming up in the bullpen we need to remind mind her and him that they are going to take a pounding their attempt to continue the dynasty. Last question? Did the Obamas get any of the goodies? Just a question. No proof.
It really is a Board of Shadowy Figures.
I don’t like Executive Orders by either side. Obama used his pen, then Trump used his pen, and then Biden used his pen. I’m sure it goes back many years before Obama.
I find Congress very lazy. They jumble up bills so that this one will vote for that and that one will vote for something else. So if we jumble it up, we can possibly get it passed whereas each bill on its own the way it is written won’t pass because the Rs don’t like it or the Ds don’t like it. And they are all interested in sound bites.
If you take Biden’s own comment (well SOB they fired him) and recall he told the Ukrainian President to call Obama, I would place a bet that Obama was 100% behind the grift and bribery scheme.
In fact that may be the second reason Obama picked Biden as his VP. The first being similar to having a Kamala Harris as a VP, nobody wants to remove the sitting POTUS with such incompetence at VP.
Dr. Dr Hanson,
regarding the border: We all know that Biden has a lot of power to impede the flow of illegal immigrants without any new legislation. Enforce the current laws. The problem is that the Biden Administration’s priorities have not been to stop the flow of illegal immigrants, but to control it. In classic “big state” fashion, the Biden Administration wants more money to manage the flow, not to stop it. Until he reverses his policies and stops facilitating the illegal entry and relocation of and financial assistance to illegal aliens, Congress should not provide any more funding to support the Biden Administrations policies.
I have been listening to your podcasts for several months and I cannot express how much I enjoy listening to your wisdom and intellect on everything you chose to comment on. I only wish that you had more podcasts each week. Four is not enough! I always try to catch you on TV but I enjoy these podcasts so much more.
I wish I could have been one of your students, though I consider myself one now.
Thank you.
You may consider me an Angry Listener, at least to the Jack Fowler podcasts. Getting the podcast 4 days after it is recorded often leaves the commentary OBE (overcome by events). In a world moving at light speed what happened last Saturday is becoming or already has become old news.
Then there are the numerous commercials. Before we even hear the Professor, we are 5 or 6 minutes into the podcast. That might be acceptable but then Jack breaks for more commercials throughout.
Jack closing promoting his own writings is understandable; but if not for his ramblings during the podcast one might decide his pieces worth following.
So I will be one passing on the two Jack Fowler/VDH podcasts and still to the more relevant weekend podcasts with Sami Winc. Even though most of the historical references are hard to remember, I figure if I hear the names more often I may remember the Xeres, Xenophons and others rarely taught. It has peaked my interest in learning more ancient history.
I thoroughly enjoy the podcasts, even though they are not available until several days after they are recorded. As with most “news,” I find it best to wait a few days after an event has occurred in order to “let the dust settle” before coming to conclusions. I believe the current co-host format makes this podcast work well, with respect to VDH’s style of speaking and his ability to relate historical facts to current events.
Wow, I had lunch once with the Australian historian, Geoffrey Blainey that Victor mentioned on the The Larry Arnn Show. Having worked in publishing for nearly 40 years, I’ve met many authors but
Blainey was a stand-out. Instead of speaking a single word about himself, or his work, he spent the entire two hours enticing our family histories from our names and a few questions about where we were born. He is still living, (93) and I remember him from that one meeting as a prince of men.
i am a Canadian and enjoy the podcasts immensely. Regrettably i am not a historian, but i have some family based knowledge of the first world war. My grandfather was one of the founders of the reserve regiment “Seaforth Highlanders of Canada” and fought with then in that war. He was promoted to Brigadier General in the process. My reason for writing is that my grandfather served under Sir Arthur Currie, the general who led the successful assault at Vimy Ridge, which was not only important for my country but it seems to me was a turning point in the war. In that battle., Canadian forces introduced the tactic of “the moving barrage” and other battlefield tactics that contributed to changing the course of the battle and the war. After Vimy, General Currie continued to lead allied troops and specifically led them through the last three battles of that war which were fought at a rate of one per month. He was successful in each. I think that is unbelievably impressive given the long history of unsuccessful leadership in that war. I do not know for certain, but I do not think General Currie was ever defeated in battle. After the war he returned to civilian life and served as president of McGill University. His country has never properly recognized his achievements. I raise this because I wonder if Dr. Hansen considered General Currie’s accomplishments as a general in the first world war when assessing the best general.
Prof Hanson – I decided to write this because while I enjoy your podcasts and writing you have one annoying piece of data that is repeated over and over again that I find frustrating. Ashley Babbit was not shot while she was trying to crawl through a broken window. The window may have been broken and she may have been near it, but she was not crawling through it or even trying to crawl though it when she was shot. I looked at the video and took another look at it before writing this. Please quit saying that unless you have seen some video those of us in the public have never seen. Thank you.
I listened with relish to Victor’s dialogue with Sami about the Greek rhetoricians. VDH’s application of it to English, to Lincoln’s magnificent rhetoric (the Second Inaugural in particular, never exceeded in our American history for its confluence of moral and rhetorical power), and to the problems generated by Greek sophistry and by the corruption of language so precisely and powerfully skewered by Orwell — it made for an exhilarating and uplifting morning. As a reader of Hebrew and Aramaic, the imprint that language makes on thought is a topic that I think of often, and VDH’s comparison of languages and their strengths and weaknesses is something a appreciate.
May I offer respectfully Churchill’s own words about the study of classic languages versus the study of English as an addition to what VDH said about Churchill’s mastery of language and rhetoric and his relation to the classical tongues? This is from his autobiography, My Early Life:
[B]y being so long in the lowest form I gained an immense advantage over the cleverer boys. They all went on to learn Latin and Greek and splendid things like that. But I was taught English. We were considered such dunces that we could learn only English. Mr. Somervell — a most delightful man, to whom my debt is great — was charged with the duty of teaching the stupidest boys the most disregarded thing — namely, to write mere English. He knew how to do it. He taught it as no one else has ever taught it. Not only did we learn English parsing thoroughly, but we also practised continually English analysis. . . Thus I got into my bones the essential structure of the ordinary British sentence — which is a noble thing. And when in after years my schoolfellows who had won prizes and distinction for writing such beautiful Latin poetry and pithy Greek epigrams had to come down again to common English, to earn their living or make their way, I did not feel myself at any disadvantage. Naturally I am biased in favour of boys learning English. I would make them all learn English: and then I would let the clever ones learn Latin as an honour, and Greek as a treat. But the only thing I would whip them for would be not knowing English. I would whip them hard for that.”
Mr. Hanson, simply stated, you are the new Rush Limbaugh.
I’m 76 years old and didn’t miss a Limbaugh radio show or podcast. Same now with you and yours.
Surely hope advertisers are signing up to support your show, but you really deserve to be a live show on a major radio network, maybe 2 to 3 hours, taking calls. Perhaps you’ve been offered such a position?
I am a huge fan, have listened to your podcasts for years. Recently, listening to your views on Ukraine and Israel, I am beginning to think you are a little stuck in outdated military strategy. I urge you to listen to I would really be interested in learning your thoughts and will continue to download your podcasts. Thank-you.
Dear VDH,
Avid listener but you need to stop.
You need to stop with your mental ‘laundry list’ of points that support a thought.
You need to stop with the overused “what I am trying to say” or “the point I am trying to make” that coincidentally follows the ‘laundry list’.
You need to stop with the how you would conduct yourself if you were TRUMP as we approach the ’24 General.
You need to stop suggesting the marques of queensberry rule as a strategy for TRUMP yet in almost the same breath no longer a strategy for the RNC to use when fending off the rabid left.
You need to stop highlighting the lefts outrageous abuse of power no justice lawfare against TRUMP. .I get it and if I need to hear more of it (which I don’t) I can by tuning into the mass medium of lies out there. Highlight the corrupt judges and litigators instead.
Finally stop interrupting you hosts both Jack and Sami I know you don’t mean too but you need to stop that.
signed, don’t lose me.
Four things:
My wife and I are avid listeners and love the programs.
You often mention the leaning of Obama toward Iran. Could it be his short time in Jakarta, in that country is 87% Muslim population, and the close association Iran. Maybe influenced by his Nanny?
Loved your rendition of a Swedish funeral. It reminded me of my youth having all immigrant grandparents. Maternal Swedish and Norwegian, Anderson and Davidson. Always remember there was a pot of coffee brewing and pastries from Andersonville(chicago), and my grandparents wondering why a five year old boy would be a little hyper after consuming two or three cups of coffee along with sugared pastries. Most of the relatives landed in Minnesota, I am told they were looking for somewhere as cold and miserable as back home.
I will end with one of my mother and her self deprecating humorous jokes. Remember when automobiles had the switch for the bright lights on the floor board. After the changed it to the steering column, they had to change it back for the Swedes, because the kept getting their feet caught in the steering wheel.
I have come to rely on your podcasts and blogs more heavily as time goes by. I personally get the sense that no commentator I am familiar with has a more accurate grasp of American politics and especially, geopolitical reality, than yourself. There are tough, brilliant American minds in their own fields of journalism, politics and society out there and I follow them religiously – Julie Kelly for example, whom you recently interviewed. But your scholarship and academic work that you bring to bear on the general state of world affairs are unique.
But I want to note the point you raised in your “Iran’s Nine Lives” blog and your podcast released today, April 25. Until I saw and heard them I thought that Biden’s plea to Netanyahu to “take the win” after Israel’s retaliatory strike on Iran was just one more stupidity in the apparently endless stream of stupidities emanating from Biden over the last three years. And not just stupid, but arrogant and condescending. But in fact as you said, Israel had in response to the failed Iranian barrage sent the Teheran regime a subtle but unmistakable message. So, given Iran’s attack and Israel’s response, there is a sense in which Israel can chalk up a win, and a big one. As for Biden, the old saying that a broken clock can be right twice a day holds up.
I rely every week on your insights, pithy observations and the humor that you are not at liberty to express as freely on your TV appearances. I am 66 and deeply saddened by the decline of our national civility and, as you have so clearly articulated, the purposeful efforts of the left to dismantle the foundations of western civilization. I have fallen into the cycle listed below but I have not lost all hope that your cry in the wilderness will be heard. Thank you for all you do!
Read your articles. Listen to the VDH podcast > weep inconsolably for 15 minutes > repeat next week
I am a fan since 2003. You were on BOOK TV a c-span program. Which I will never forget. A listener phoned in a question about crossing of the Alps by Hannibal and was it wise after crossing the Rhone river? I thought it was a prank call. Who could possibly speak to that? You, of course went on for 10 minutes. Joke was on me.
Now 21 years later, I even pay $50 to Sword site. Here’s my message to you.
Often you say don’t go to college now. Be a tradesman. But you do not explain the reasons. You are missing the reasons behind your accurate advice; and the listener hears that the lower status of trades, unions, labor is better choice. Intuitively young people know a doctor, lawyer, banker is higher earnings, status, and sexier.
You need to present it thusly. Hey, 20 somethings, what do you really want in a job or an education for a career, in general, your future? You want a job to make money. That’s it, the primary motivation to work, to get paid. Then you can have freedom to live happy and successful with personal fulfillment.
Take a close look at the numbers. Going for highest status and money would be a doctor, preferably a surgeon. Now add up the costs in time and money. College plus medical school, and 8 to 12 years of your time. Say, 8 years of formal education at $80k per, total 640,000. Add opportunity cost, lost wages going to school, for even low level shoe store assistant manager $40,000 X 8yrs $320,00 . there you go $ 320 + 640 = $960,000.
TG. continued…. Is it worth the price? One million dollars and 12 years
The other fellow named Cole studied electrical contracting in technical school for one year. By age 20 he got a union job, apprentice, and in 3 years earns $94k, true story. How about the doctor, starting at $38/hr is $80/yr, age 30. With more specialty training and 15 year experience he could make $300 -500,000 age 50.
However our young contractor, smart as any other professional 15 years later builds homes and sells each at a $300,000 profit. If you are intelligent enough to be a doctor or lawyer be an entrepreneur. You will earn much more, with less competition in another career. It is well know that the highest paid in any field is the salesman on commission.
In sum: Post-classical history teaches that guilds were prized and prosperous profitable craftsmen. With a subset for women in textiles and yarn-spinning. This is coming around again. Jobs not transferable to China.
Of course if the lost youth chooses to be a classics professor, all bets and prospects are off the table. No status or money will tempt him. There are fallback opportunities for such a lackluster fellow such as piano player in a whorehouse.
The way Victor handled euthanizing his beloved dog, Rollo was very poignant. As a fellow animal lover who has had to say goodbye to many fur family members, it has always been very difficult and sad to make a decision to humanely end pain and disease. Governor Noem, on the other hand, revealed a callousness and lack of empathy that was both disturbing and revealing – something that she has only been defensive about – also revealing. I have known many farmers and ranchers who would never have – in such a dismissive and cruel manner – shot their dog or goat after dragging them off to a pit, because they were ‘stupid’ and they had hated them. For my friends who farm and ranch, it has sometimes been necessary to put down an animal for multiple health and behavioral related reasons….but it has never been easy and has always been done with a heavy heart, as humanely as possible.
I’ve been in the process of downsizing and moving over the past month and haven’t had the opportunity of catching up on your posts. It was delightfully entertaining therefore to read the comment from Angry Reader, chastising your for your allegedly liberal use of the “f” word throughout your published writings and public commentary. I appreciate that you took great pains to safeguard your honor on that point. As someone who is shamefully without filters on that same point, I assure you that I’ve never heard you use it either. Somehow, your gravitas and dignity seem to shield you from this deficiency. I’m sure if you were ever sufficiently stirred to anger, you might let loose. And, then your loyal readers would studiously overlook it and urge you onward in defense of civilization. You may proceed unmolested. I will be glad to champion your defense and tell that miserable little cretin to….* off should you require assistance. V/R
Always enjoy your podcasts. As a retired Marine, I read Carnage and Culture years before you became a media personality.
I want to convey one story. With all your California horror stories, there is one benefit. I too owned a Ram Ecodiesel and had all the problems you had with the turbo and EGR system. You benefitted from California’s strong Lemon Laws. I got a lemon law lawyer here in Nevada and was forced to settle for $3,000. After that, I dumped it for a loss and got a Toyota Tacoma (before they put a turbo in it).
All the best,
Colonel Gerry Nalepa
Las Vegas, NV
Do you have any opinion on the coincidence of timing of modern terrorist attacks occurring on dates of historically significant victories for Western Christendom? E.g. September 11 being turning points battles of Siege of Malta, Zenta and Siege of Vienna or October 7 being Lepanto…
Do you think this is mere coincidence, or perhaps a coordinated plan to overshadow past western triumphs with recent memories of defeats?
I love your podcasts and have been listening since the early days.
I propose modifying your proposals concerning personal remittances sent from the U.S. to foreign countries as follows:
(1) If you are here illegally, you cannot send money back to your home country or any other foreign land, regardless of whether or not you are receiving state or local assistance and you are strictly prohibited from receiving any federal assistance. If you try to send money overseas, your attempt to do so will be flagged and ICE will be alerted and use the associated information to track you down. Financial institutions that facilitate such overseas transfers will be severely penalized.
(2) If you are here legally but are not a citizen and you are getting government assistance, then you are prohibited from sending money overseas and financial institutions that facilitate your doing so will be stiffly fined. If you are not receiving government assistance, then you may send money overseas, but if it is going to designated (uncooperative) problem nations, such as Mexico, then it will be taxed at 20 percent. Federal assistance for legal non-citizens will be very limited.
(3) If you are a citizen on government assistance, you cannot send money overseas. If you are a citizen and not receiving government aid, then you may do as you please.
Dear Mr. Hansen,
Just a note…I’ll be on the Regents Cruise ship with you to Italy in July.
Also, when Covid broke out, I bought a tube of Horse ivermectin paste, just in case it was approved as a treatment for Covid. And 2-3 years later, I tested positive with a home-test kit. So I proceeded to eat about a half-inch of the paste from the tube every 2 hours. The next day, I no longer tested positive on my home-test kit. Now my doctor advises my labs show I have double immunity from Covid!
See you on the Grandeur!
Hey Victor. It seems that during the episode “Subverting Israel, RFK Jr., and the US” you avoided commenting on Trump’s proposal to give a green card to anyone who graduates from a US college. Many potential Trump voters were freaked out by this proposal. You always say that there are many radical Hamas supporting foreign students sponsored by Middle East oil money at US colleges. Trump would be giving green cards to these people upon graduation.
I know it is election season and you might want to avoid criticizing Trump given that it is more important to defeat Biden. But this just feels manipulative. If there are important red flags about Trump, I think they should be openly discussed. Trump does not have a clean slate in the realm of politics, unlike 2016. Would he put his daughter and son-in-law as his right hand man again? It is now obvious that Kushner was a pernicious influence and a major saboteur. What about him succumbing to deep state manipulation and failing to pardon Snowden, Assange and Ulbricht, or declassify the JFK files? How can we trust him to succeed this time? Why did he have a fall-out with Bannon, his most ardent supporter and competent subordinate, firing him and calling him Sloppy Steve? Was it due to mainstream media manipulation, by portraying Trump as a puppett controlled by Bannon? If Trump was so prone to MSM manipulation, how can we be sure that he has changed?
Also, is the American system even salvageable at this point? How are you going to de
Also, is the American system even salvageable at this point? How are you going to deport 50 million people without going full Nazi? Would it be better to put Biden back in and let the system collapse ASAP so that reconstruction can start? What is the point of delaying the inevitable?
Mr. Hansen – Over the past few days, quite accidentally, I came across a number of your discussions about “The End of Everything”. It immediately resonated and so I became somewhat familiar with the book and its themes.
Last night, with those themes well present in my mind, I watched what can only be called the most outrageous example of a country, maybe an entire civilization, at its most decadent and deluded. I watched the debate. I watched it through the eyes of those who would want to end everything. I have never seen a situation that warned of such imminent destruction.
If I thought at all like Alexander, Rome, the Ottomans, Cortes . . . how is it not obvious that, until America is passed back into control of the person on the left side of the screen, it will be in control of the person on the right, and if that is the case, does that not make it the time now – between July and November – to “end everything”? The enemy knows that the person on the left of the screen is Hannibal, who will soon be back to harry them. On the right is the equivalent of the disarmed Carthage.
Hard to believe that, given the history you have clearly exposed, there would not be an attempt to exploit such foolish weakness so prominently exposed.
I first saw VDH on the Fox News channel. I knew immediately that this was an analyst that I’d want to follow further. Mark Levin is another commentator on the channel that, like VDH, should be followed more closely by viewers if they want a more intelligent in-depth understanding of the events occurring today in society.
Dear Prof. Hanson,
A guy named Rudyard who runs a YouTube channel called ‘Whatifalthist’ (What-if-alt-hist) mentioned you recently on his podcast alongside Neil Oliver, Niall Ferguson and himself as figures in ‘the pipeline from historical public intellectual to conservative pundit’. He said this in the context of explaining Byzantine history and how relieving it is to talk on such a publicly obscure, depoliticized topic. On his main channel, he used to present alternate history/counterfactual history scenarios, but recently has shifted to describing the world we live in to understand current events. Would you be interested in talking on his podcast? And do you have any favorite counterfactual history series?
Thanks, from a 26 year-old Aussie listener (you’ve got some young cats in your audience).
I love your show but what on earth is going on with the episodes hosted by Jack Fowler? How many “important messages” do we have to sit through, every 10 minutes?? Soon there will be more ads than the actual show. Please talk to him, I’d love to keep following the show but the ads are getting out of control!
Thank the Lord. Pelosi is spilling the beans on why she has treated Trump as she has. Why she has been the all-powerful Oz and everyone jumping to her whims. Can’t wait to see what You have to say about it all Victor. Personally I think she’s getting all that money for her book and is so far gone that she doesn’t care anymore about hiding the fact just how much control she has had over every one to make them follow the piper. I’ve been praying for the last 6-7 years that Trump would drain the swamp. Well…the crap always floats, and I hope this brings all of it floating up with Pelosi.
Hurry up and write about it Victor. You say and write it better than anyone can. God Bless you and our great Country! Shirlene Phelps
Re: The interview with “A Soldiers Journey” Master sculptor Sabin Howard (I’ve listened twice). I live about 45 minutes from the DC Mall area and Sunday Aug 4 I took a visiting relative to visit the area. I have been multiple times; a goal this trip was to see the WW1 Memorial.
Found it very close to the WH (thanks to Google). It’s still fenced and “netted” so can’t get very close..
The following day I received my Aug 2024 issue of the American Legion magazine. In it is an excellent 4-page story of the sculpture. Last page is titled “First Illumination” and has details of the ceremony, which takes place Sept 13.
I can’t legally copy and paste from the article however all details are at
Wouldn’t it be a treat if Mr. Hanson were to attend? I’d love to meet him there.
Ralph Richards, Ellicott City, MD
Mr. Hanson, God Bless You! I hope and pray our President see’s what you wrote and understands what he must do.
I tried posting a couple of Pelosi’s interviews that I can’t find on there now and was kicked off of Face book. lol It’s no big deal. I am still concerned about Mr. Trump. I ‘m think the man who shot at him was hired to do it. I fear for his life.
Prayers for you and our President tonight.
Warm regards, ‘
Shirlene Phelps
Victor I wanted you to know I just subscribed to your website and have been listening to all the podcasts and interviews you have done. I also read your book A Case for Trump which was amazing and now waiting for the revision to read when it comes.
You give me hope when I am worried about what is happening to our country. Plus I enjoy your farmer information as I was born and raised on a pig farm and can relate to your comments.
I am so afraid that if Trump does not focus more and discipline him self we may not win. I love him and his policies but there are those that do not want to vote for him because of his ranting etc. I do not understand why he keeps doing the rally’s since they are MAGA and we know they are already voting for him. He needs to appeal to those that have concerns about him.
I agree with what you said about he needs to bring Kemp up on the stage and Desantis and Haley etc and show how united we are. But he keeps making it about him and its not. Its about us and America.
I do not know if you can try to get through to him. .I hope he or some of his people hear your podcasts because you have laid it all for him and what he needs to say. So you could probably pick up the phone and advise him. I hope you would consider. Or another idea is do a podcast with some of us- your listeners sharing with you the concerns we have.
Any way Bless all that you do and God Bless America
Joyce Benjamin
From a farmer to a Family Nurse Practitioner
Dear Professor Hanson. I’m just taking a few moments to write and tell you that I admire you a great deal. I think you are one of the great minds of our current Republic and I am hoping that if President Trump wins his third term that he reaches out to you for an advisory position. Now that (sadly) we have lost the Great Walter E Williams (may he rest in peace) and both Dr. Thomas Sowell (who is 94) and Mark Steyn (who had a legal battle with the phony climatologist) seem to have reduced their public commentary, I am afraid it falls upon you to remind us what this country really means. I read everything you publish (Books and Articles) and watch your guest spots wherever they occur. I think you are a great man and not just a great mind. I just purchased in Hardcover and on Audio Book (The End of everything) and look forward to listening to it on an 8 hour drive I have coming up real soon. That’s all I wanted to say.
Dear Professor Hanson,
While you are a man for all seasons, I believe your most consequential season and your most important destiny is at the present where you provide your country and the globe with reasoned and cogent guidance through times of inverted and incoherent policies and proselytizing. Thank you for all the wisdom and common sense. I wish there were time for you to do a podcast seven days a week instead of three.
Love your podcast, period. Just leaving a suggestion, because every time I hear you or Jack or Sami say this, it (dare I say:-) annoys me…when will you stop clarifying X as formerly twitter. It’s been X for well over a year!
Keep up (all of you) sharing all your incredible wonderful work and insights.
Why is it that the Republicans are so bad at taking advantage of the literal treasure trove of debunking points against Democrats? Republicans are sitting on a T-Bone steak starving to death. I don’t know if Trump doesn’t have the cerebral presence to discuss these things, but on energy and climate alone the hypocrisy of the Left couldn’t be more apparent – as it is on most everything these days. On climate, the Left has this “weird” form of vicarious clinical hypochondriasis and apocalyptic fear mongering which in turn severely marginalizes the most economically marginalized. For the most part, this is due to Biden’s policies on energy. Unequivocally, the fastest way to destroy the most economically marginalized – who the Democrats so vainly say they serve as priority – is to raise energy prices. It goes without saying that If anyone can absorb higher energy prices on the “fast track to climate utopia” it’s the upper class and upper segments of the middle class (not that I like paying more at the pump). Same on inflation, same on taxes, same on illegal immigration which sucks away tax dollar benefits from lower income legal citizens or legal immigrants..
I bristle again… and again.
Thanks, Victor – I really appreciate your show and all that you share.
You nailed it Victor. Anita Dunn, as per CNN…”Longtime Biden aide Anita Dunn is leaving the White House next week, according to a source familiar, and joining a super PAC supporting Vice President Kamala Harris.
This marks the first big departure from the White House in the wake of President Joe Biden’s decision to step down from the 2024 Democratic ticket.”
Love your shows and insights (current and historical)
The issue of the devisiveness of social media technology (providing an anonymous platform for hateful loners to share their misery) brought to mind the basic technological reason for America’s happiness and progress 1950’s through the 1990’s namely the automobile and our highway systems.
That technology brought people/cultures together to share foods, music, humor, and many other components of a cohesive society. It is no surprise the supporters of social media latch onto reasons to limit automobiles (energy, pollution, climate change, limited travel due to virus’s et al).
Please check my logic.
I know you have a vast amount of technical knowledge in all fields, but several times when I have been listening to you on various platforms, you have noted that the US left a lot of rifles at Bagram Airbase. A very true statement, however you refer to them as semi-automatic rifles. If so they would be the same as the AR-style rifles that the Biden-Harris regime wants to ban. It is my belief that the rifles left to the Taliban were, in fact, current military issue rifles. These are select fire, meaning the selector switch can be in the safe position, the semi-auto position, or the full auto position.
As a note: The M16A1 is safe, semi-auto, full auto.
The M16A2 is safe, semi-auto, 3 shot burst.
The M4A1 Carbine is safe, semi-auto, full auto.
I am pretty sure I am correct on this information, but if you disagree, I will certainly change my mind!!
Victor and Jack,
Your podcast is an island of sanity in a world gone mad. You have single-handedly kept me sane all these years of lowered standards, debased values and political corruption. Your conversations set a high standard for intellectual integrity. I commend Jack for reading on air the request by a listener that he “stop swearing”. His ability to hear this comment and issue an on air apology reflects Jack’s values, self-awareness, maturity; that forthright honesty is something the other side has lost complete touch with. Victor, Jack and Sammi, you have inaugurated a new American institution. We need you , Mike Ferris
My wife and I thoroughly enjoy your in-depth podcasts. Please keep it up ! I have heard you speak extensively on the current state of college education. We have 5-year old twins and started home schooling them this fall. My wife, a nurse practitioner, DNP, and college professor, was able to go part-time in order to stay with the children and teach them.
The next time you do a Q&A, could you discuss your thoughts on home-schooling? We know of some great success stories, most of which used a classical curriculum which we are also taking part in. So far, so good, but we have only gotten started.
As an added bonus, if you have anything positive I can pass along to my octogenarian parents who think we have totally lost it, please add that also!
Please keep up the good work. Greeting from the deep south and God Bless.
I enjoy your excellent podcasts, columns, and books. Your Hillsdale online courses are fantastic as well!
Since you speak extensively about the war in Ukraine, I would like to share my observations as a dual US/Estonian citizen living in Tallinn. By the way, I agree wholeheartedly with everything you have said about the war.
I would like to offer some “on the ground” observations, and hope to hear your comments at some point.
1. Many military age Ukrainian men have moved to Estonia.
2. Ukrainians here drive expensive cars (UA license plate) and live in expensive apartments.
3. They behave just like Russians!
4. Estonia gives military aid equal to 1.3% of its GDP to Ukraine.
If you set aside other territorial aspirations Putin might have, this war more closely resembles a war between 2 mafia families than a war between a dictatorship and a so-called democracy.
I’m a big fan of your podcast and writings. I was wondering your thoughts on the Biden Admin DoD Directive quietly reissued, on 9/27/24, authorizing the military to use lethal force against its civilians over “national security” conditions. And your thoughts on the timing of this?
Dear Professor Hanson,
Listening to your podcast of 9/20/24 and the idea that Harris has no agenda and that is why she parrots Trump, I would like to suggest that she has a very firm agenda and that is why she is guided how she is by her handlers; to present herself as an enigma whose falsehoods and bargain basement rhetoric are pleasing to the ear and seemingly without guile compared to the “evil” Trump. Her presentation deflects the masses from her real intent which is to rule over the continued decline and ruination of the United States of America. I can recall how the country was so enamored over the idea that we should and needed to have a black president to atone for slavery/discrimination that we paid little attention to Obama’s slogan of fundamentally changing America. Shame on us. As the newly ordained Marxist puppet, whose vanity and narcissism voids all sense of personal morality, Harris is happily willing to fiddle while Rome burns. Thank you so much for your dedication to truth.
I am a regular listener to your podcasts. I really enjoy your in-depth analysis, articulate discussions, and levelheaded treatment of turbulent and controversial subjects.
I also like very much your support cast: hosts Jack Fowler and Sami Winc. Mr. Fowler should never worry about comments critical to his on air behavior, as he is just fine! So is Sami.
However, I do have a request to them: occasionally you make mistakes, as all people do (and surely I would do if I talked about sophisticated topics as much as you do!). However, sometimes I think that it would be wise if your host corrected you immediately on air, even interrupting you temporarily, rather than letting it slide. The only reason for this is that the Left may have people monitoring your podcast, catching the occasional mistake, and using it against you. An example: a few months ago you talked about the Pennsylvania governor as a possible VP candidate and called him “Ben Shapiro” rather than “Josh Shapiro”. Sami should have corrected you immediately (in my opinion), but let it slide. Of course we listeners all figure out what you really mean (and meant), but again, someone on the other political side might grab onto this and use it to ridicule you. I could cite other examples but I hope that you get the point.
Otherwise keep doing your 5-star podcasts! They are great!
I have enjoy all your work and commentaries, included your books. Sadly I feel that you must feel like the voice crying in the wilderness.
I have been reading much in my retirement. I read your book about “the End…”, two or Jordan Peterson’s books, just finished Mollie Hemingway’s Rigged and Miranda Devine’s The Big Guy. It is so sad what has happened to our republice. I am part way through Douglas Murray’s The End Of Europe.
It is clear that immigration per se is not necessarily a bad thing, but three things must happen to make it work. 1). Immigrants must adapt to their new country’s culture. 2). they must enter legally with no criminal background. ) They must follow all of the laws of their new land or be deported.
With this comes the responsibility of our government: First would be to follow the constitution and insure that migrants follow the laws, arrested if they don’t and deported in a timely manner. Second would be that law enforcement be given all the tools that is needed to keep the country totally safe and that the court system be responsive to law abiding citizens to insure the safety. and third that the government provide the finances to insure the immigrants they let in are not a drain on local economies and put strain on Americans.
I mr. Murray’s book it is clear that the UK government and those member of Think-Tanks and academica, all with a liberal bent, cared none about the lawlessness about to be unleashed.
Dr Hanson,
While I enjoy all your podcasts, articles and books, I did want to comment on the Friday and Saturday podcast hosted by Sami Winc. In my personal opinion, Ms Winc is the perfect host for you. In addition to having a very smooth and melodious voice, she helps keep the podcast focused and remembers it’s the Victor Davis Hanson podcast, not the Sami and Victor podcast. She does a great job of bringing out your opinions and thoughts. It makes for very enjoyable and informative listening.
I feel so fortunate to be able to sneak into your history / philosophy ( Truth/ Wisdom) classes. I truly am thankful that you have helped me believe there is a Truth about the past, ( World / Me). Unlike in with education, it’s not all Relative. Aztecan Nazism ideals and not the same as Western ideals. Those conquered by the Western nations acquired more equality of benefits in the long run compared to those conquered by non Western nations acquired sacrificial mutilation, decapitation, slavery, (sex /labor) etc.
I ramble here>
As a teenager I always loved history and science (Why/How) but this interest never got me anywhere, no titles. I got lost and swept away by our culture of ‘ Doubts, Criticisms to Withdraw ‘ which propelled me to wander for years ‘ looking for myself ‘. The 70’s because of the above D&C people were moving ‘ Away ‘ going to Canada, Eastern religions or the woods. A culture that states its core is LOVE / UNITY but constantly seeds Doubts about Oneself (Who am I ?), Family, Religion, Country (History/Foundation), its economical system only drives HATE for others or Oneself. I believe those most vulnerable are from separated families, poor etc. In listening to you my hope is to articulate the ideas of your and others. My concern is I’m in the Kamala Harris camp of ‘ Word Salad ‘ expression. My vocabulary is low. Thus not being a reader isn’t helping, only a visual / audio listener. I believe I need to practice reading out loud. Thank you again…
I enjoy listening to your podcast every week. I learn so much and value your insight into current events and history.
In light of the recent decisive victory by President-elect Trump, did it work out better (for the country and the President himself) that the election of 2020 had gone down the way it had? Or would it have been better for the country if Trump had two consecutive terms? Though President Trump had to pay dearly for being dragged through the mud between 2020-2024 with lawfare (on top of everything he had to deal with in his first presidency), is it better that he had skipped a term which showed the true colors of the Left and ultimately led so many people to wake up finally?
I wanted to hear your thoughts. Thank you in advance, and I wish you a happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas! Stay healthy!
Victor – LOVE your show! But please:
“eTcetera” – not “eKcetera”
“Nuclear” – not “nukelar”
“Articulate” – not “articulant”
“Normality” – not “normalicity”
“Liz Cheney” – not “Lynn”
LOL. I think it’s endearing. Especially if you consider the fact that we all know that he knows, and it would be flawless if he were writing it vs speaking it…”Juicy” Smollet might be the best ever. What a great loss if we were to pronounce it correctly!
I am seventy-seven years old and got hooked on readable history via “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich”.
I read it first when I was about fourteen and boys at that time period were fascinated by battles and military operations. I read the entire book about three times but the non-military chapters made me a devotee of Mr. Shirer’s journalistic style of writing. I also enjoyed again multiple times his “The Collapse of The Third Republic”. My question I wish to ask you is how do you rate the works of William Shirer, Robert Payne , John Toland , John Hersey and others as valuable historic works even if they are not strictly “academic ” in nature.
Before I read these authors I found history to be as exciting as reading “The Statistical Almanac Of The United States”. I value your opinions as you are familiar with both academic and “popular” styles.
Mr. Hanson:
I look forward to your Podcast every day. Your wisdom and insight is remarkable. I have a question aboutt the music that Jack Fowler has for his opening. It reminds me of the song “Garry Owen”‘ and we all know what happened to George Custer.
I agree that Putin is a thug. However, the Devil you know, is beter hen the Devil, you don’t know. Russia will NEVER be a Democratic country. They have NO history of it. There will always we a Strong Man in charge. It’s in there DNA. The best that we can hope for, is a Strong Man that wants to can deal with.
Thank you for what you do.
Victor………….. Just finished watching your December 26th (12/21/2024) “podcast” with Jack on You Tube. You were in rare form, very funny with some “impressions” thrown in………. I had no idea there was that side to you…….
Years ago I resided in Capitola and couldn’t believe that You of all people graduated from UC – Santa Cruz! You, the man who lectures on the histories of the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, and even George S. Patton. Lord, America’s Renaissance Man might have actually tread on the S.C. Boardwalk once in a while………..
Just wanted to thank you for being the Voice for millions people in our country and maybe squeeze a little time in at the Trump White House…..
Hi Victor, avid listener here. Recent news Elon Musk wants to significantly increase H1b visas .. I understand the short term need, but what are your thoughts how the current tide could be reversed so more of our youth want to learn skills such as engineering, science, computer technology, etc. reducing our dependency on temporary/imported workers? Or will out-sourcing continue which I believe weakens as opposed to strengthens our country. Thank you!!!
Hello Victor. I hope that after New Year, you can think about the very un-judicious comments made by Musk on the H1B program. But before you do, please allow me to weigh in with my opinion, and I hope that you can speak to these issues.
• His comments were in reaction of the Trump supporters’ reaction to Vivek’s criticism of America’s educational system made Dec 26. I think that Vivek’s criticism was correct, that the US education has a) not been putting the right emphasis on academics necessary for competent engineers, and b) teaching all kinds of garbage as filler, including the DEI and CRT agendas.
• Secondly, America once had great educational rigor as evidenced by relying on American engineers to put a man on the moon in 1969!
• However, admitting the education system as the problem, the H1B visa program is not a solution. It’s a band-aid. It’s a corrupt band-aid to boot, since the problem with American education will just continue to get worse and the oligarchs will just keep demanding more cheap engineers from overseas if it is expanded endlessly. Expanding the H1B program will not solve the basic educational problem.
* • Third, Mr. Musk’s comments were absolutely shocking, making him look like a petulant, immature, arrogant, unwise, unrestrained man-child who is utterly unused to anyone disagreeing with him.
I don’t have space here to make a total analysis. Your thoughts? Thank you Victor!
Some more comments: Mmentioned “going to war” with the people opposing the H1B expansion and cursed at one X poster.
• These harsh/vulgar comments were extremely unwise, seeing as Republicans/conservatives have just won a massive victory on November 5, and Mr. Musk seemed to be unwisely rushing to destroy that momentum before Trump is sworn in to the White House.
• We did not vote for Mr. Musk. We voted for Trump and for congressional Republicans. Mr. Musk is in an advisory role. If he becomes unstable or has terrible advice, then he can be fired from his job. If he recovers from this massive gaffe and starts giving great advice to the President, then everything is fine.
• Our country is not run by oligarchs (at least in principle). I realize that Mr. Musk has an exceptionally disproportionate influence on the President, but Mr. Trump also has the obligation to his electoral base, the millions of ordinary people who voted for him. It will be interesting to see how the President will navigate these conflicts of interest. I solicit your learned opinion on this conundrum: will he bend to the oligarchs or to the people’s vote?
• Perhaps a compromise is appropriate. Perhaps the H1B visa program can be marginally increased (so as not to flood the system with foreign labor, similar to what happened to agricultural or construction labor in California) with a promise to fix our education?
I read the Land Was Everything when it first came out and still your very best work
This needs to be republished as I have given away a half dozen copies and the price now is over $ 40 usd.
I promised the Sec of Agriculture in New Hampshire a copy and don’t want to give up my remaining.
The good news is that you do not need to write anything new, maybe a new preface at best
Have you ever written a systematic analysis of Trump’s so-called 2020 election denialism and the multiple actions he took to challenge what he thought were invalid state elections?
I want to know whether Trump had any legally valid claims that some state elections were conducted contrary to state election laws or state constitutions. For example, in many states my understanding is that the percent of rejected mail-in ballots supposedly dropped ten-fold relatively to historic rejection rates.
Were there legally valid changes to the rules for what constituted an acceptable mail-in ballot or how poll watchers were allowed to view or challenge ballots? Or were there legally questionable changes in these rules that Trump was prevented from challenging, possibly due to partisan judges who blocked his challenges. Given the egregious behavior of so many partisan or feckless judges in the multiple 2024 lawfare attacks on Trump, I think it is worth revisiting all the judicial rulings that went against Trump in his 2020 challenges.
Also, some seem to contend that Trump’s post 2020 election legal maneuverings were unprecedented and antithetical to a constitutional republic. Is there merit to this claim, or were his legal maneuverings similar to those which Democrats have used in the past?
I tried to see if you had already written about these issues soon after the 2020 election, but I couldn’t find any Feature articles from you in 2020.
What do you think about setting up private NGOs to act as clearinghouses for vetting citizen tips about illegal aliens to support Tom Holman’s full deportation of Biden era illegals? The vetting (by birth certificates or naturalization records) would hopefully filter out both mistaken and malicious tips allowing mostly validated tips to be passed on. 10 million illegals in a country of 330 million citizens is a ratio of 1:33. If citizen tips can reduce this ratio to say 1:3, that might significantly reduce the government’s identification work and cost.
First, this program might shore up the current public support for a full deportation plan. And their active participation might ensure continued public support despite the expected demonization from Democrats and the MSM.
Second, setting up a temporary private surveillance state to identify illegal aliens might be preferable to setting up a government surveillance state, which is likely more difficult to sunset.
Finally, I thought financing might be achieved through public donations, including from the wealthy trying to establish their non-woke bona fides. For example, maybe Zuckerberg would donate $400 million to show true accountability and contrition for suppressing free speech at the government’s behest.
President Trump’s executive order “Putting People over Fish: Stopping Radical
Environmentalism to Provide Water to Southern California” sounds like one of your signature issues. I do not know if he is speaking with you directly, or if this comes to him via Devin Nunes. He mentioned a congressman. In any case, someone has President Trump talking about the delta smelt.
I know you do not disclose your private conversations, and that is admirable, but if he did get this straight from you, would you mind one day giving a wink to the camera? On top of being hilarious, it would reassure us, your fans, that the Trump orbit is listening to your wisdom.
Dear Mr. Hanson,
I want you to know that I found your podcast during the darkest days of 2020. It seemed that our country was lost. I had no experience with fearing the government and so felt like the rug had been pulled from beneath my feet in one quick Marxist movement. I simply could not, and still cannot, believe that the country I grew up in had flipped so suddenly and completely. There was a point when I walked my neighborhood near Olympia, WA and talked with men about the possible need to defend our neighborhood. It felt surreal and, frankly, I felt a little foolish. But it seemed wise to have a plan in place. If it had not been for your perspective and your knowledge of history I would have sank into despair. But slowly I began to see that others felt like me and I began to renew my faith. I fear we have more dark days ahead of us; but, I believe the old America, the America full of strong, responsible men and women will prevail. You’re right – this woke movement will crumble under it’s own weight. Hopefully we are witnessing the demise of progressivism and pseudo Marxism as we watch these people drown in their own madness.
Thank you for being the voice of reason when I needed it most.
Scott Walker
Very Respectfully,
//signed Robert W. Freniere//
Your letter describes my frame of mind perfectly. I fight depression when I look around and see what destruction has been wrought on our country and civilization. I have been reading VDH on Rip McIntosh’s Newsletter but felt I had to reach out further to VDH’s website for reassurance that there are others out there who feel as I do. His is a voice crying in the wilderness and I am listening.
2020 democrats changed the way we vote. Very little media attention is focuses on how corrupted mail in ballots are. No matter how many Americans hate the left and vote if all they have to do is sign up illegals they will win. Mail in ballots they interpret signature verification and can throw our ballots or counterfiet from China who has our election data.
Professor Hanson, your geopolitical analysis from the perspective of a military classicist and Inductive reasoning has revealed the current state of affairs starting with a former President of the United States. It would appear that a bevy of politicians, bipartisan to a lesser degree but most assuredly partisan, and are being compelled to act in a manner favorable to another country, or countries.
I joined this website purely out of respect for VDH and his scholarly tone/tomes & a conservative viwepoint I could identfy with – along with his astonishingly wide grasp of History both BC and AD. Growing up somewhat bookish, I too beame obsessed with Eurpean History facts & figures. The Crusades were one of my favorite subjects, from the knights & nobility who led & fought in them. But the story of Alexander the Great & Roman Empire vs Carthage(North African/Tunisian tie-backs). My parents were French Algerian pied-noirs who emigrated to the USA in 1955 & and our family heritage consisted of Italian, French, Spanish & Basque colonists who came early on to French Algeria in the 1870 thru 1890s. So I also became fascinated with the colonial periods in Europe & Africa/Asia, and how our ancestors came to be thrown out of Africa and southeast Asia. Both mon pere & grandpere, served in the French Army, my grandfather in WWI & my father was stationed in a post in Algerie Francaise. He became friends with an officer in La Legion Etrangere who later fought at Dien Bien Phu, the last shameful betrayal of the Legion by an increasingly liberal (aka anti-colonial) French govt & citizenry. So I had a colorful background – mostly told to me by my now long deceased family members as a young man. Looking fwd to my newly acquired VDH Blade of Perseus mbrship, & to listen to, share & swap stories about times now long since shadowed in antiquity.
“I simply could not, and still cannot, believe that the country I grew up in had flipped so suddenly and completely.”
As the character Mike Campbell said in The Sun Also Rises, “gradually and then suddenly.”
Our decline as a nation didn’t happen overnight. It began in earnest in 1910. The risk that all mature “free” societies face is the threat posed by those who will abuse that freedom for corrupt purposes. The Roman Empire wasn’t destroyed by the Goths, it was destroyed by corruption.
The real force behind all that has been wrong in America for the last 110 years is “The Fed,” The Federal Reserve System. Excellent branding job there, makes it sound so official but actually it is a private for profit corporation which was granted a franchise in 1913 to create the nation’s currency and charge interest on national debt.
The idea of creating The Fed was so onerous at the time that in 1910 the group of globalists (yes, they were around back then) that intended to create this crime syndicate purchased the 22 largest newspapers in the country and placed another 4000 editors at smaller papers on their payroll with strict instructions not to carry any stories regarding pending “Fed” legislation that had not previously appeared in one of the papers they directly controlled.
The American people are just copper-tops living in The Matrix ever since.
Over the ensuing three years they used their control of the media to drive off legislators who opposed their plan and ensure tha
Tom C,
Thank you so much for your comment. I found it very informative and at the same time frightening.
“Mega dittoes” as the Great Rush used to say. Accurate and intense and positively true article by VDH. I would like to add that we nearly lost the House of Representatives and the Senate through Democrat cheating and fraud. In my opinion–and I assume in hundreds of thousands of others if not tens of millions–without honest, fair and safe elections NOTHING ELSE REALLY MATTERS because democrat cheating is now a cause and not a crime. The same goes for thousands of 501(3)c NGO’s that assist the Democrat Party in rigging elections. We lost four Senate seats in November (including in Wisconsin) that easily should have gone Republican. And dozens of Representative seats especially in California. Unless we rectify this immediately–and it CAN be done–we are going to lose our majority in the House in 2026 which means the end of any economic or financial reforms. Cleaning up our state voter records must be an immediate priority. Democrats are not “searching for who they are,” they are searching for answers why their massive cheat wasn’t effective enough. As we celebrate and breathe sighs of relief, democrats are conspiring stealthily while we sleep. Major Republican donors are stupefied how NGOs can raise more money then they did. This is all explained on and Common Sense Elections in order to know, learn and act upon how the “steal” is in effect and has been for decades.
Thank you very much for your time and attention.
Albert l. Smith, Ph.D.
(Reagan Ranch Member
Strong and rowdy is much preferred – only warriors will do at present, no time for pretenders.
Hi Dr Hanson,
I recall some years ago you drawing a comparison between the collapse of empires, Rome and Constantinople. It went something like this. If you lived in Rome in such-in-such year it doesn’t exist anymore, you just don’t know it yet and you went on to describe Constantinople in a similar way.
I think I must have heard this particular talk around the start of Obama’s Presidency.
Shelby Steele, in an interview with Peter Robinson around the time A Bound Man was published, commented that “…too many horses have been let out of the barn” as a way of describing America’s decline.
So, I’ve been wondering for the longest, if you’re ready to describe the U.S. in the way you did with Rome and Constantinople? If you lived in America in 2021, it doesn’t exist any more you just don’t know it yet.
Hi Eric,
I agree with the collapse of empires, Rome and Constantinople. The world I lived in 2000 in the bay area somehow died. I moved to Maui to get away from the traffic, politics, regulations (building contractor) taxes all the California requirements.
I ended up in Alaska for 6 winters and there were no regulations. I could build any structure I so desired up to a 4 plex. Then some basic electrical and mechanical permits were required. The contrast was amazing. It slowly became like California an when I returned to California in 2013, and renewed my ID as required, I was hit with a tax levy for some gas from 97 of all things. Welcome home. California is not the place to be, hope to move to Mexico to live out my retirement and leave my grandchildren behind. Just not the same place..
Thanks just my rant,
Dr. Hanson,
Thank you providing such a great resource. Your research is so accurate, extensive, and first-rate. It has provided me with the facts, perspectives, and intellectual firepower to navigate through the sea of troubles we find ourselves in.
As a teacher I’m sure you are aware of the following three different learning styles: (1) Cognitive: (2) Psychomotor; and (3) Affected. I would say that I am definitely a cognitive learner. I love reading and self-study, but I don’t do well with my hands and I can’t fix much, as much as this pains me to admit. You seemed to have mastered both worlds. What do you think are the reasons for this? I sense from everything you have said and written about in the past that growing up on a farm required a lot of practical knowledge in order to survive. It also sounds as if you had a stable family structure which is essential to a child’s growth and development. You have mentioned that your mother was a Stanford Law School grad and an appellate court judge. She must have been a very bright person. Perhaps the dichotomy between nature and nurture is what ultimately defines us?
N.B. Was your mother at Stanford Law School at the same time as Justice Sandra Day O’Connor? I read O’Connor say she had a difficult time finding a job despite her impressive credentials. I hope your mother didn’t suffer the same sort of discrimination. BTW, my great, great grandmother, Julia Waldrip Kerr, was the first female judge in Washington state.
Correction: My great, great grandmother was Julia Waldrip Ker (one R) and was the first female magistrate/police court judge in Thurston county and the city of Olympia’s first female lawyer.
I was writing previously from memory and got a few details wrong.
In 2021 Atlas not only stumbled, he fell on his face and may have incurred a hernia.
Victor, you have provided him with full resolve. Thanks to your clarity of thought, comprehensive selection of topics, and cogent expression, although his face is still in the mud, he is now showing motion and emotion.
Let’s all hope for a better 2022 for ourselves, our children and our grandchildren.
Auld Lang Syne!
Fred Biolchini
Dear Mr. Hanson, I love your work and I agree with you 95% of the time. However, as Prof. John Mearsheimer points out (here:, Putin is not Hitler or Stalln, he does not want to recreate the USSR, and his invasion of Ukraine is not a dominoes-style 1939 attack which will lead to further aggression, but an attempt by Putin to recreate his sphere of influence. Just like the US would not allow Chinese or Russian missiles in Mexico (Monroe Doctrine), Putin won’t allow US missiles in Ukraine. You seem to ignore this legitimate concern of his. Putin had 20 years, for example, to “take the Baltics,” but did nothing. Also, Zelensky is not a great democrat. He is funded by an oligarch and is more like the Trudeau of Ukraine. And he is good at PR and playing Americans.
If you read and believe anything in The New Yorker, you are a sucker, subject to Leftist propaganda. Putin is the equivalent of Stalin, whose armies shelled and destroyed all of Berlin in 1945, not a building left standing. Compare that to the artillery and missile damage in Ukraine.
Putin was tricked into invading Ukraine by Biden leaking that Ukraine was about to join NATO. This was Putin’s Cuban Missile Crisis, so he felt he had to act now, or be utterly surrounded, with no buffer country. Once Putin secured the eastern separatist regions, twice he offered a truce. Biden and Zelensky refused. Zelensky is likely a $Billionaire now, thanks to taxpayer money and munitions he’s sold. I don’t think Putin is the bad guy that he is made out to be. No saint, to be sure, but he was provoked into this war.
Agreed 100%. Putin is no Stalin, he actually wants to be liked. He can be ruthless at times, to be sure, but nothing like the twisted paranoid mentality of Stalin! If this was not true, the path to Stalin-like practices would be quite simple. Don’t forget that Stalin & some of his hand picked successors/henchmen ruled without once a widespread popular rebellion. (except Ukrainian Cossacks in the gr8 wheat famine). Stalin was a very complex megalomaniac(driven by fears & hate/suspicion). And the Russian ppl are not producing(IMHO nor will they) a George Washington like figure, an ex-military leader to lead a wave of democratic fervor, demanding popular elections. Putin is a showboat, and anyone who has read about Stalin’s life in detail can tell you that he was secretive, manipulative, a seething cauldron of hate, jealousy & FEAR. This is not Putin. He wants to bseen & liked, if not admired by his citizens. And of course an ex-KGB man such as Putin knows the techniques of fear & banishment or torture – that is a certainty as well. But still no Stalin, no Katyn massacre has he masterminded. Stalin, who wanted to be liked, but was too deathly afraid of rejection, so he settled for fear. But he manipulated other greedy evil men, puppets hungry for favor or power or just to survive Stalin’s many purges. It was almost a certainty that a country with such a history of brutality oft exercised, would shy away from ousting an entrenched leader like Putin. But maybe 1 day such a man..
Thanks for an excellent summary of what’s going on. The US is mucking up everything and will pay dearly.
Hi Professor. We love your podcasts and are happy subscribers. I have trained my wonderful 14-year-old daughter to be a great reader and a good student. We have started her on classics like Antigone based on your most recent podcast. My daughter is going to be a sophomore in high school but has a reading level of a senior in college. She wishes to be a lawyer someday. Could you give me a reading list for her and me to grow to love the classics? We can read these during the summer and discuss them. I know you referenced that you cannot read everything but a good starting list of classics to be a reference point is appreciated. Personally, I have an engineering and business background with a great love of history. So, everything you recommend I will read as well, unless we already read it. Thank you kindly for your time.
Mark from Marco Island Florida.
Yes Sir. I am 55 I went to Clement Jr. High . Remember the Explore Scouts , Remember the Hitch hiker who lost her Arms .If God was going to Cleanse the world he would stick the hose in San Bernardino.
Dr. Hanson,
I’d like to read your opinion on renaming the Fresno State Library. Do you believe that
the recent revelations of this person’s pro-Nazi positions is sufficient to make the current name an embarrassment to the university (and the state of California)?
Dr. Hanson,
I’d like to hear your take on renaming the Fresno State library.
J. Sheff
Dr. Hanson,
I have been an admirer of yours for over 20 years. I have fond memories of hearing you speak in libraries in California as well as at events like Restoration weekend. I could go on forever from the books, the two decades at National Review, the Peter Robinson interviews however I want to respect your time so I will get to my point.
You have enlightened, educated, forewarned, & provided direction to myself & so many others for decades. This weeks podcast The Turning Tide episode brought me to tears. When you talked about “your 40 year quest” to remodel & renovate your treasured family homestead I could hear the love in your voice for that place. As you detailed all the renovations, upgrades, & improvements that were needed to resurrect your 150+ year old family home I just pictured your Mother & great great Grandfather looking down at you with such pride. Decades after your mothers passing you allayed her greatest fears & saved her beloved home.
You have often spoken of your uncle Victor that was tragically killed in WW2. Make no mistake Mr. Hanson you have in every possible way honored his name & his legacy. You have lived up to the lofty demands & expectations that were laid at your feet. Lastly, you mentioned casually, almost off the cuff how a future generation will probably just sell the farm. I hope & pray that you are wrong. I do know if you can impart even 5% of your love for that place to your descendants it will remain the Hanson farm forever.
I don’t agree with your recurrently stated optimism for a Repub landslide outcome for this Nov, in the US House and Senate…I fear that our elections and their tabulated results are not secure in the 6-7 swing states that seem to matter most every 2 yrs…
It’s become ‘who counts the votes’ as far more important than who was intended to be voted for…the 2020 results are emblematic of the actual end tabulation and legal validation problem that exists in our dark and unrepresentative electoral processes in these key swing states.
Since 2016, Dems and their “Soros funded DAs”, have become despotically dangerous, desperate adversaries of free and open elections. They now cannot afford to be otherwise as they would likely forfeit their own freedoms – indicted, convicted and jailed – for their many and obvious crimes committed the last 6 yrs!
Department of Disinformation?
Dr. Hanson,
Did Orwell get the year wrong? Straight from George Orwell’s masterpiece, the Ministry of Truth is the propaganda and censorship department of Oceania, the fictional setting for Orwell’s dystopia. The Ministry of Truth symbolizes the Party’s belief that power is the most important commodity that they have access to. And the power over what people believe (which includes power over the past) is part of that equation (project 1619?) The Ministry of Truth controls the media; the Ministry of Peace oversees war, the Ministry of Plenty suppresses the distribution of resources (supply chain, sound familiar?) and the Ministry of Love tortures political dissidents. I am looking forward to joining the Ministry of Love!
“Did Orwell get the year wrong?” That is a great line Robert! Sums up the whole Biden presidency so far…
No your podcasts are not to long, they are too short. It is tough to always be on the wrong side.
Hi Dr. Hanson,
I have enjoyed your opinions for many years going back to Thursday nights on the John Batchelor Show. Since then, I have been listening to your podcasts through Just the News and then directly from your website. All of what you share is relatable common sense and you always come up with these enlightening and unique details that I never seem to find anywhere else. There is always a dictionary tab open for when you break out the big words! I also wanted to write you to tell how much I enjoy your remodeling updates before the serious analysis of national and world affairs. I have been a remodeling carpenter (with six employees) since 1986. Thank you for spreading the truth from from Selma CA! Diesel just hit $6.49 in spots today near Albany NY. I filled up every diesel canister and vehicle I had last Sunday at $5.29 as it was clear the price was going to spike. 87 Octane is very near $4.50 today. If this surge continues, that will lock the economy down faster than Powell’s timid half point measures. So much of the construction economy runs on diesel! My company is up 69% YTD for fuel.
Anyway thank you for your gifted perspective and I look forward to catching up on this week’s podcasts over the weekend!
I grew up in Niskeyuna hope you guys are well!
Mr. Hanson.
In my pantheon of heroes who might be called “thought leaders” or “public intellectuals”, two elicited in me what I would refer to as epiphanies. The first was Charles Krauthammer, specifically his written response to the 9/11 attacks (in Time magazine, I think–back when it was sane), and the second was VDH’s syndicated column which ran in our AJC (Atlanta Journal Constitution) in the early aughts.
I became an instant devotee and remain so to this day.
I was trained in science and had little interest in history until more recent years. VDH is to blame for most of this.
On a side note, you mentioned Richard Boone (“have gun, will travel”) in your last podcast. My father was an anesthesiologist in Orlando, Fl who treated Mr. Boone late in his life. He said Boone was an alcoholic bum living on a Florida beach by this time–tragic.
Lastly, I cast my vote for you for President in the 2016 election as I knew Hillary would be disastrous and didn’t believe Trump would advance any conservative, small (er) government policies. At the time I said: “I will enjoy 15 minutes of schadenfreude and then drink poison”. That went better than anyone could have known (Trump, not the poison part).
It is a great blessing that fate called you into this career, from which we all learn and benefit. Thanks for everything,
Russ Bozeman
Hey Russ,
Did building the wall, energy independence, $3.2 trillion in tax relief and a massive amount of deregulation slip by you? Trump campaigned on all four.
Scott Walker, your comment was great. Change the neighborhood and state and it’s me! One of the topics that lifted my spirits (among every one) was Victor’s favorite movies. I got sentimental when I was reminded of some of the classics from a long ago America (The Searchers et al), and it made me remember when my 7th grade NYC classmates and I would pass around Puzo’s “The Godfather”, because in an early chapter Sonny and a woman are having a hurried encounter, and we were rocked back on our heels. It’s hard to believe that even in late 60’s Manhattan we were still so relatively innocent. I think I strayed off topic but it somehow relates.
Dr. Hanson,
Are you familiar with the memoirs of Ralph Moody collected in a series called Little Britches? There’s also a wonderful audiobook edition — must be about 50 CDs all told, and I bet they’d get you through quite a few drives to Stanford. The books were published in the 1950s, and Moody himself lived 1898-1982.
I’ve just discovered Moody’s memoirs with my own children, and think of your works and the life experiences you share in your podcast while I read. I think you and Mr. Moody would have been great friends with so many remarkable, poignant stories between you and a shared appreciation of hard work and gratitude.
We’ve followed Ralph Moody from 8 years old through to his early 20s and have laughed and wept along the way. Just in case you haven’t encountered these works, I think they’d be balm for your spirit. Thank you for everything you do.
I read Little Britches in grade school and it helped to mold my character and develop my conscience. Thanks for recommending and reminding me.
Dear Mr. Hanson,
Just finished listening to the recent podcast about your favorite movies and books. I’m about your age (70 in November) and my wife and I are also lovers of movies, TV, and books. I wanted to give you a heads up about two westerns that we thought were excellent. The first is only available on blu-ray as a french edition (but has an english soundtrack option). You can find it on eBay or Amazon. Don’t get the DVD as the picture quality is lacking. It is Open Range (2003) with Kevin Costner and Robert Duvall. It may be my favorite Western. The second is Hostiles (2018) with Rosamund Pike, Wes Studi, and Christian Bale. It is also terrific. If you can handle the horrific profanity Deadwood (2004) is the best TV Western series ever. If you ever find yourself in Utah we would love to treat you to dinner and a movie at our home theater. It is known as the Sparta Theater; we even have a little neon sign above the door entering the ten seat theater. Long story as to the name. Thanks for your podcasts and website, don’t know what we would do without them. Lee and Cindy Cheney
I saw a Doc with long Covid who treats Covid patients. Her and all her colleagues had symptoms of Long Covid because of constant exposure. She tried HCQ and Ivermectin which helped. She then tried CDP Choline. Much better after 4 or 5 days. Over the counter supplement.
So Vitamin C, D, zinc, and CDP Choline.
Hope you are feeling better.
Thanks for the wisdom.
John Reddick
Hey Victor
Your accounts of the ongoing renovations to your family’s homestead and the way you lift up the skills of the journeymen who are doing the work is a real spiritual lift to us common men. 22 years on destroyers sailing in 6 of the 7 seas makes me think of the daily briefs on Operations Intelligence Status of Engineering and the Navigation picture.
What you cover in a superb and granular way is a well calibrated summary of where we actually are and where we are going
I especially like the mental image of a shrieking woke Democratic lady lashed to the railway of an evil capitalist railroad with the ropes of her own inflexible ideology and a diesel train (like the one in Atlas shrugged) barreling down the tracks with Donald J Trump Et Al in the cabin carrying cars loaded with 10,000 tons of facts and common sense
And off in the grass embankment a great debate over the wisdom of cutting a few ropes goes on
Keep it up great stuff
Dear Dr. Hanson,
As a retired US cavalryman, my spirits lift every time I hear ‘Garry Owen’ (even though it sounds odd played at 1.5-1.8x). And, having grown up in a farm family, certainly those tales are nostalgic, too.
But your lectures tying history to today are most enlightening. You have encouraged me in my own history project of the hidden history of modern Japan as seen through the life and times of Kanō Jigorō, the polymath, multilingual educator who chose the language spoken today as “Japanese”, founded Japan’s amateur sports organization, and joined the International Olympic Committee as its first Asian member where he hatched a successful plot to enlist Mussolini’s support for the 1940 Tokyo Olympics (later canceled as combat in China spun out of control). His exploits in inventing jūdō were noted by both Hitler, who he met in the 1936 Berlin Olympics, and by Mao. His education of over 7000 Chinese students at the request of the Q’ing Dynasty helped establish China’s modern education system. Many of those students became leaders in the Communist, Nationalist, and puppet Wang Jingwei regimes (Wang himself was a Kanō favorite).
Just before his 1938 death, Kanō warned that Japan had entered the most dangerous period in its 2400 year history as fighting in China spread.
I find the parallels with today’s situation in the Far East stunning.
Thanks for everything!
Lance Gatling, LTC, US Army Reserve (Retired)
The Kanō Chronicles
Professor Hanson,
I enjoyed your latest podcast episode (as I enjoy all of them) wherein you told the story of your father giving it to the Japanese mother who called the American acts in WWII “barbaric.”
I say, by way of background, that I am half-Japanese. My mother was born in the Poston Arizona internment camp where my maternal grandparents were interned. That said, I fully agree with your father’s view of the matter and attitude with respect to fighting the Japanese in WWII. A Japanese national calling the U.S.’s actions in the pacific “barbaric” while not clarifying that Japanese’s conduct during and before the war was orders of magnitude worse is, at best, ignorant. Indeed, the conduct of the Japanese was unsettlingly close to the actions of the Nazis. Was the fire-bombing of Tokyo (or Dresden) “barbaric” in a sense? Yes. But it was a nothing relative to what those countries did. She was out of line.
Internment was a great wrong, obviously. But it should not be used to whitewash the actions of the nation of Japan during WWII. So, while I probably wouldn’t publicly confront a mother at her son’s graduation regardless of what she said, on content, he was spot on. I have nothing but respect and gratitude for him and the men he fought with.
From a fellow Banana Slug (Stevenson, class of ’00).
Professor Hanson:
I just listened to “Current and Past Military Strategies”. Your story of your father confronting a Japanese lady about WWII had me spitting out my coffee. As much as I enjoy your podcasts, you usually don’t make me bust my gut laughing.
I have been a paid subscriber for several months and it has been well worth it. You were actually the first online resource that I subscribed too.
Great story.
John Reddick
I enjoyed deeply Current and Past Military Strategies, especially anecdotes from his Dad’s banquet participation. We may never see a generation like that again. Too bad for us.
Dr. Hanson,
This article offers a counterpoint to President Trump running again in 2024. It contains bullet points of his shortfalls during his administration.
(not changing the subject) I have read articles pertaining to the possible resignation of Pope Francis, for which I am hopeful. I believe Frances has “Bidened” the Church, which has been historically and should be currently the strongest bulwark against Islam and Abortion. But like Biden, he is weak and compromised.
The church is considering a “conclave” to consider Francis’ replacement. The thought has occurred to me that such a conclave might be convened by conservatives to hand select the Republican candidate for President and avoid bloody debates and smear campaigns by the media on those they THINK are being considered. Yep, a non-tobacco “smoke filled room” on a larger scale.
Those who would interest me are Fla Governor Ron DeSantis, SC Senator Tim Scott, Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Rep Jim Jordan of Ohio. The conclave could be convened and possible candidates be individually interviewed on selected issues with no open debate. And a vote of the conclave would select the candidate with zero leaks to the MSM.
I am very much a Trump MAGA guy, bit I think it’s time to hand the baton forward.
I’m just now listening to today’s podcast, “Equal Protection of the Law?” In the middle of this podcast Jack and you respond to a comment re Trump’s demeanor and statements of the obviously fraudulent Jan 6 Dem narrative, and you still tend to decry Trump in harsher tones and terms than the true insurrectionists in our midst of the immediate Left, most of their supportive and supplicant Academy (Stanford Univ included) and the totally corrupted MSM!
I know you two are walking on tightropes of tolerance for your continued ability to express your far more accurate narratives of our national nightmare but jeez, lay off President Trump’s ways and means of expression and communication. He is not a politician but is an active, innovative and accomplished doer, a developer executive of and for what needs to be done. Stand with him for once and stop apologizing for his long term sometimes brash but always honest manners. He’s not going to change into a partial lying hypocrit trying to keep their gigs relevant and remunerated.
Staying true to himself and his promises are why we achieved so much in his first 3 yrs of his Presidency for far more of us than any prior POTUS, while losing significant amounts of personal wealth – and all those accomplishments were done under a constant set of seditious activity by the Swamp and all its evolved mutants of the Admin State and DOJ-FBI, the latter a gestapo poisonous org. Trump should not change his tactics. They’re not why he “lost” in 2020!
Dear Prof Hanson,
I hear all about the lengths the Dems will go to keep Trump out of the next election but I never hear why they don’t want him in. What is it about Trump that drives them with such zeal to keep him from running and possibly winning in 2024?
hate, that’s all it is. they absolutely hate him. he circumvented their ongoing (and going well!!) agenda, which will ultimately bring them power, control, and globalism. they care not for any of us. unfortunately, most politicians of any party, care not as well. We The People must rise against this onslaught and fight for America. start at the local level and get involved in the elections; run for office or work campaigns. go to county, city and school board mtgs regularly. and pray!
I’m listening to this AM’s podcast on “…Blueprint for the Future” and you still pull your punches on everyone politically but their victim, President Trump, who near daily states his “blueprint” and deployed it successfully like no otrher pol or POTUS in our history…why the asymmetry, still
as “2000 Mules” clearly reveals, very, very conservatively, Trump did overwhelmingly beat creepy basement un-campaigner Joe, yet you continue the propaganda PC ‘approved’ narrative that his tweets defeated himself…no, just the opposite! …his tweets and tweeting succeeded, they did not defeat him!
since he got his first twitter acct in March of 2009, until he was unlawfully silenced and cancelled in Jan 2021, that account was his very successful, unprecedented ways and means to bypass the MSM and partially cowering commentators like you still choose to be, so that his very clear agenda, ‘a blueprint’, was told over and over again (MAGA to KAG), and implemented very successfully from 2017 to 2020 against vicious and seditious attacks from the entire bipartisan funded, weaponized swamp and all its embedded un-redressible bureaucratic parts, and foreign brought and bought onslaughts of slander, lies and biologic viral mayhem!
our US government was overthrown, the AM of Nov 4, 2020, not Jan 6, 2021! what was Ashli Babbit really doing in that stairwell? proof is available – eg :
“Why Elites Dislike the Middle Class”
Victor frequently mentions the dislike the elites have for the middle class, voicing as a reason that they are simply unlike the elites, and the elites tend to gravitate to those like themselves. But below is a quote from an article by Paul Craig Roberts in which he states the following:
“But as Madeline Albright would say, our rulers think that the price–the destruction of the middle class which serves as a constraint on government– is ‘worth it’.”
I thought this made a great deal of sense, but was unable to independently confirm it.
Below is the link to the article. The quote, if I counted correctly, is in the 19th paragraph.
Duncan Mason
Love all VDH and wondering what Victor thinks about the 2000 Mules film.
The entire covid fiasco is about two things; money and control.
Did you ever think that Americans would follow exactly what the government said with questioning it?
Masks for example have NEVER been proven to have any effect but people like sheep would wear them. I have spoken to people in the mask business and they have told me that the virus is so small (.1 microns) that those phony paper and cloth masks offer no protection at all. And he even told me that they put a disclaimer on every package that says the masks offer no protection against covid and other viruses. Yet people wear them like fools.
Same for the jab. People would spend weeks researching the purchase of a new car or tv, yet would stick their arms out for a jab that was rushed to market in 9 months (normally takes 5-8 YEARS!) and took the government’s word for it where they skipped proper protocols for safety, animal testing, placebo groups and limited human trials.
We knew from the beginning that covid affected the elderly and people with comorbidities with the top 3 being obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease. These are the people we should have protected. Not children or otherwise healthy people.
By the way, (Pfizer still says their vax is a “prototype”)
It will be interesting to see how gullible America will be when the next pandemic happens (which Biden has already said WILL happen).
Again control and money are the watchwords. God help us.
Dear Doctor Hansen. I first found you quite a while back from one of your appearances on Tucker or Laura fell in love with you like so many of your fans.
I didn’t think I could like you any.more than I did, but now you have gotten quite “grouchy” since your affliction with long Covid. Sorry about the long Covid but I love the “grouchy” VDH even more. More great humor. More great “knifing”.
God bless you and hope your good farmer health comes back to you soon.
Listening to the podcast with Jack broadcast 7 July 2022. Jack criticized that the Army is lowering the standards to accept those without a high school diploma.
Jack ignores the fact that many dropping out of high school do so for many reasons other than lack of intelligence. If an individual has high entrace test scores, previously called the ASVAB scores they can excell in the military.
During every US conflict many serving in battles did not have HS diplomas.
We have numerous accounts of HS graduates unable to read or write above the 8th grade level yet have been awarded the diploma. A travesty to be sure but having a HS diploma means very little today. I know many college graduates who would have trouble passing the exams to enter military service.
Bottom line is the standard must be the tests one must pass to enter the military rather than completing 12 years of high school.
Dear Dr. Hanson,
I am a big fan of yours and look forward to reading your articles and podcasts. I have never disagreed with you, until you passed judgement on a woman wanting to abort a fetus who will develop into a disabled child.
We have a 37 year old son the the autism spectrum. He is relatively high functioning but has extremely limited executive functioning skills. As we approach 70, my husband and I are tortured daily thinking about how he is going to navigate live without us.
David lives in a group home and received government entitlements. We are constantly on top of staff to make sure he and his room are clean, he has fresh linens and towels, eating balanced meals, and his medications are in order. But once we are dead, who is going to step into our place? He has two very good sisters, one of whom lives out of town, one of whom lives out of the country. They each have their own careers and families. They will be his guardians but will not be able to manage his daily affairs. Truth be told, growing up was not easy for them. Who knows what resentment they harbor toward David, and us.
Do not be so quick to criticize those parents who do not want to go through what we have. There is an underlying sadness in our lives: not because of the son we never had, but because of his not being able to have his own family, a satisfying career, and friends. We are haunted daily, and sadly, would encourage anyone to have an abortion in this situation.
Dear Dr. Hanson,
The corporate media, making their fortunes on our partisan divisions, continues to distract us so we fail to notice the increasing degree to which all our elected officials, Rep or Dem, are marionettes. As you have ably demonstrated, self-appointed, non-elected, corporate-affiliated and media-enabled elites are pulling the strings in political theatres all around the world. Where that leaves “we the people” will remain to be seen, but the political class in the West has completely and totally failed, and I think it’s up to us, somehow, to tell them that. But I don’t see how that can be done with an election. The only thing an election can say is that we are unhappy with the current government. But we have to communicate somehow that we’re sheep without shepherds, and that the lot of them are failing to defend us against the wolves’ playbook: create a crisis, and then put forth their carefully calculated solution as the only one, mandate it with severe financial and social penalties for all who refuse to comply. (Forgive my pessimism, I’m Canadian.) Build Back Better is just the current name for this kind of utopian vision, and you know as well as anyone, no utopian vision exists that isn’t accompanied by mass graves. I’d love to see you interact with this piece by Jordan Peterson: It is a long form essay at DW, but I’m glad he made it available in this format, not behind the paywall. Resonant with your analysis.
Dear Dr. Hanson,
After listening to your podcast “The Real Insurrectionists” as usual your have a special talent for absorbing and articulating through thoughtful analysis. Very good explaination of the adverse path our “Beloved County” is taking. You perked my interest when talking about the problems you have working on your 100 plus year old ranch house. Stating how difficult it has been to get workers to perform the trade tasks, there are many factors at play here. I certainly agree with the items you went over regarding the absence of workers available at this time.
I recently closed my business after 46 years working as a Ceramic Tile & Stone Contractor in San Diego County. A quick explanation let me say, I attended USC School of Business with a Finance major. I dropped out with only one semester left, so never completed my studies required for a degree. (That’s a story for another time). I started working for a Tile Contractor as an apprentice helper . That was 1973, when I worked for $3.00 per hour. Became a Tile Contractor at a young age, so off I went embarking on my career. After starting with repair tile work, my wife and I grew into a major company specializing in commercial and industrial tile applications. There were many years our company employed 50 to a 100 people. My point is that during that long career the problems with labor went from adequate to difficult to challenging to unworkable. The labor market changed greatly before Covid.
Just in case you aren’t aware, the docs at are having great success treating long haul COVID patients. (
Hope you feel better soon, love your work.
I hope you are feeling better.
The world is way too polarized, and the bad actors in the current world are doing that to all of us. I can tune into any MSM or thousands of SM outlets to make me angry at the other side.
Your gift is your education in history and classics. And giving us an analogy of that to what we are living through today.
I know at some point, when the shit hits the fan, you have to pick a team, and I am there as well. But I still look to folks like you to give me historical perspective.
That is your gift, and I hope you keep giving.
Semper Fi,
John Reddick
Victor, fascinating comments on Japan/state control against the US/innovation. I’m sure you know about The Battle of Milne Bay (mid 1942) where the Japanese invasion force were totally defeated (for the first time in WWII on land) because the Japanese lost the initiative against a coordinated and innovative air and land defence.
Dear Mr. Hanson
With all of the gnashing of teeth by the left on eliminating fossil fuels from use in America, almost all of their focus seems to be on getting rid of all of the gas guzzling SUV’s and pickups. (Both of Which I proudly own) and replacing them with electric vehicles and at that point all of our problems will be over.
This naivety they are selling is foolish and doesn’t resonate with the working middle class and I expect the message will be sent to them this November.
My comment is about all of the other uses and materials we depend on everyday and year that is directly and indirectly produced from fossil fuels.
Fuel oil for heating all of those homes and businesses, especially in the NE.
Plastics, asphalt and many other construction material?
If you have covered this already in an article or podcast about please forgive me for over looking it.
It’s summer right now and nobody is thinking about heating your home but as we continue down this track Biden has us on I suspect this winter that fuel cost is going to start getting a lot more attention.
Will that be a Putins fault too?
Bryant Frazier
Although I have sympathy with Mr Hanson’s ‘long covid’ ordeal, I cannot fathom why the thought has not reached Mr Hanson that maybe, just maybe, his symptoms might be ongoing adverse effects due to the novel vaccine.
Every single aspect of the corona response was a disaster of collateral damage: lockdowns, masks, ventilators, business closures, putting covid patients in nursing homes, suppression of contrary views on social media. Why would the novel, untested vaccine roll out (with mandates, mind you) be any different?
The pathophysiologies of many of these adverse effects (including recurrent Infection with every subsequent Sars CoV2 variant) have been proposed if one cares to look for it.
However, I suppose once one considers the vaccine collateral damage possibility, a big can of worms is opened, putting not just the likes of Fauchi, Bourla and Collins in the middle of a possible genocide, but Trump as well.
Anyway, I sincerely wish Mr Hanson well. Thanks for a good show.
Victor I enjoy hearing about farming and military history. Recently read Brian Kilmeades book about Barbary Pirates and the first US Naval activity under President Thomas Jefferson, very interesting, love to learn more about that. And anything other than the madness of todays politics. One thing I have to add, I have been a Ford 4X4 F-250 owner since 1978, every truck I owned got oversized tires when replacement was needed. I Highly recommend it when the time comes with your Dodge diesel, by oversized If LT265 is stock go with up two sizes to LT285…. Recently I put on very aggressive Good Year Wrangler Dura Track and my mileage went from 12 to 15 mpg around town and 15 to 18 highway powered by a 6.2L V8 gas. Just be sure to rotate them every 3-4 thousand miles for even tread wear. PS my every day driver gets 28 mpg- 2021 BMW X5. Also, You Sound like the stupid Covid is behind you. Keep getting stronger.
As I just finished relistening to several VDH podcasts from the previous week, it occurred to me how both Jack and Sami are never remiss in praising the accomplishments, well deserved no doubt, of Dr. Hanson. I also realized we know much about Jack in his role of the Civil Society and other associations but we know very little about Sami Winc. Her pointed questions are vital to Dr. Hanson’s discussions, in particular regarding history. I get the impression Sami is extremely knowledgeable on history and stays current on todays topics.
Okay Sami, before introducing the Professor, tells us a little about yourself!
Hi Dr. Hanson
You and some others have expressed support for the dispersing of the D.C. bureaucracies due to their “incestuous” nature. This would be a huge undertaking, but worthwhile if it can be done.
I have a recommendation of another huge undertaking that will have an equally or even greater profound positive effect. (VDH you have said that you read all the comments at your website. I surely hope you read this, and believe in its merit.)
My recommendation is simply this: We legally ban all political contributions to candidates except from people with a pulse, and then only those people eligible to vote for that candidate. Such contributions should be limited to some reasonable amount. For this to happen it would probably take a constitutional amendment because I believe it would violate what the SCOTUS has ruled is free speech. Such an amendment is justified. I believe true anti-establishment MAGA politicians would agree.
Just what would it mean if my idea was actually implemented? For one thing “Goodbye George Soros money” . We would still have lobbyists (we need them), but they would be *WITHOUT* check books. No more corporate or union money. A lobbyist’s impact on a politician would be determined by voters they represent, not the money they contribute. U.S. senators and representatives would be more focused on the interests of their constituents, not the out of state big money donors as in the past. They would cease to exist.
I hope this resonates with you, VDH.
Re the rhetorical question posed in this week’s Sami Winc podcast with Prof Hanson on what was Nancy Pelosi’s purpose in going to Taiwan, consider that it was on the behest of the CCP, knowing her politically incorrect ‘trespass’ to Taiwan, without the Biden administration’s approval, was not really a personal threat against her by China, but a false flag sort of misdirection so that a prominent Dem, pre-midterms, gets to look bold and almost patriotic and might help the internationally weak and corrupted Dems, but also that China would really not harm her personally but use her faked proTaiwan ruseas a provocation to escalate and test the globe’s response to their heightened aggression that appears to be following her visit. As Peter Schweiser’s research proves, Nancy’s husband and son have earned $millions thru investments with CCP investment firms for yrs, so that Nancy and the CCP have a colluded wink-wink, win-win posturing act that gets both nefarious and favorable results……this explanation makes the most sense to me!
Prof Hanson, you mentioned in favorable terms comments on AG Bill Barr who has recently rec’d a special prosecutor to investigate Hunter Biden’s laptop(s), which of course Bill Barr’s DOJ and FBI sat on by his considerable ‘good repubican’ ass! He’s corrupt, and clearly seemed to be protecting his 7 figure book deal that ensued following Trump’s ‘defeat’. Of course, that sort of lucrative deal would have been totally gone if he’d done his sworn AG job in late 2019-20!
Your comment was direct and on target.
Prof. Hanson is a giftd classicist and historian. A a man of the highest civility and character. A man who battleground would never be the gutter.
But, in Demennber of 2022 the narrative of coconservative pundits points to our current situation as being dire. The time for intellects is passed. It’s time for Republican hardball players.
It’s difficult to overcome the growing tyrannical acts of our government.
When the New House convenes, and begins investigating, what government agency will enforce referrals for contempt or crimes?
The Republicans better fix their unity issues before they’re wept side by democrats. Cut out the bs and get behind Kevin McCarthy. Fight him and lose.
The main chance of overthrowing this Democrat yoke, I’s through a case in SCOTUS now for certiorari which calls to reverse the 2020 election and kick 385 members of Ongress ot of power.
Brunson v. Adams is the case. Set for Court conference on 1/6/23.
What Pelosi accomplished on her Taiwan trip was business opportunities for Paul Pelosi Jr.
Dear Victor: High educated, math, well traveled, on death bed. I fully enjoy all of your presentations, but stay away from the civil war, 20 years of research. I agree with everything else, so great to converse with smart people again. My advice, rent that farm, go to another country, maybe South America, or like me, Asia. Life here is sweet, unlike what the US has turned into. I can go on, and on, like the prof I was, but let’s see if I get a response from you. EP.
Victor, I find most famous and successful people are basically nice. Sorry if I did not peak interest. Your interview about Muslims was very informative, something I missed. Mathematicians like me, are mostly artistic, sad you are not.
As obvious, VDH does not read the back seat’s query, even the dying ones, I address any and all who actually read these comments. VDH is a real Californian, i.e. only money and appearance count, so I will ignore him. Here is the truth, if you can take it. US people lost most of their freedoms, in 1865. Ironically, the same people fought. The people won the first one, the people lost the second one. Any who doubt, read the real ‘reconstruction’, if you can find it. Reformed history at it’s best. So, the civil war was the reclamation of the US, by the totalitarians, now referred to, as the ‘Woke’. What can you do? I spent my 8 decades, fighting them, and had a few wins. When I said ‘follow me’, I forged ahead, only to see a host do it, some very virulent. You can do the same. 20 years ago, Doctors told me, you got 2 years, so I ran to my cave. Now, as I lay dying, with nothing to lose, I again rise to speak. You, the USA, can either do as the 1930’s Jews did, ignore, and deny reality, or rise as Israel has, and fight. Compare the two. If you want, get advice from (Nerahu?), 4 term Israel’s PM. The call for peace gets you nothing but death, and no peace. You must take action, and don’t be surprised, as a host rises behind you. Action varies, if you are lame, do not try to run, if you are ignorant, read. If you take action, if only to rise at a meeting, you are winning. BUT, when in the course of human events, ETC, a real tea party may become a ’cause de celebrity’. Fini.
Just so you know.
You are not alone in having wanted to be heard and perhaps a personal response from Victor.
My query was: That given his conclusion from writing “The End of Everything” that the last thing a civilization does before it is annihilated is to hold onto the hope that someone or something will come to save them, would he contend or conclude that as we wait for the next presidential election to save this country, won’t this be our whimsical HOPE that will doom us?
I believe you are correct. If people don’t rise up to defend the Constitution which they are both entrusted and obligated to do, then what?
I wish you well and peace.
Dear DR. V.D.Hansen,
With all due respect, Sir:
Kick the habit of saying “could care less” when gauging your take after an opposing argument.
Try “couldn’t care less” it is as low to caring as it gets. Sorry, but I’m ate up that way.
I listen to every one of your podcasts and interviews so much so I purchased a years subscription. You are my leveler against insanity
and I thank God for your voice.
sincerely 🙂
Joey MC.
Hi Dr. Victor,
I enjoy your articles and podcasts a great deal. You tend to reflect what the majority of us conservatives are thinking out here in real America. I was listening to your recent podcast “The Eclipse of the Rule of Law and Universities” and wanted to challenge you a bit on your observation that Trump doesn’t hold grudges. It’s my observation that he does when it comes to the 2020 election/Jan. 6. His actions toward Pence reveal this. Pence is one of the few politicians in this whole fiasco the last two years who did the right thing and prevented total chaos by upholding the Constitution. The idea that a single current office holder, on the election ticket, could decertify any states electoral votes is not in the spirit of our Founders. Trump may give the appearance publicly that he and Pence are fine, but he always has to throw in a dig here or there about Jan. 6. Then there is GA Gov. Brian Kemp. He definitely holds a grudge against Kemp, even going so far as to stay that GA would have been better off during the pandemic with Stacey Abrams as governor, which Republicans in GA know is an absurd statement. Trump did some great things for the American people (the TCJA and appointing qualified justices) while he was President; however, his greatest strength, not being a career politician, was also his greatest weakness. That, and not knowing when to stop talking. If he had a little more political savvy, he’d be stronger today. Thanks for the excellent insights.
I thought you might want to read this concerning some of you Covid and probably issues stemming from your vax shots:
Hi Victor.
Thanks so much for your podcasts.
I’m struck that we’re dealing with a significant portion of the population who lies. That is, dishonesty is rampant and makes it very difficult to have a healthy functioning society. We couldn’t do business with people who regularly lie, and we can’t send our kids to school with teachers and administrators who lie. And so if the media lies then how can we listen to or trust them? In effect lying seems to be the one virtue that we can’t have in citizens. Perhaps it should be the basic qualifier for anybody in politics. And for those who do lie, maybe they should be treated like social pariahs. Or possibly imprisoned?
My take: The US revolutionaries of the ’60s and ’70s who are committed to overthrowing the United States at any cost…they now sit in positions of power. They invented COVID (using China) as a way to destroy conservatives. They funded the BLM. They started the war in Ukraine and use the fake media to act like Russia is doing things that actually the US-funded Nazi section of the Ukrainian army is doing. You may think Mr Putin is a dictator but one thing is that he tells the truth… not like US leaders.
I believe that a Constitutional Republic needs mostly honest people. Mr. Franklin said we might not be able to keep it, and I think we lost it due to lying. RIP.
Could you please do a show based on the immorality-caused-decline in the Greek Empire as documented in Thomas Cahill’s book, Sailing The Wine Dark Sea?
Mr Hanson,
I very much enjoyed your music choices. In 1984 I was in a large hotel bar in Hong Kong listening to the piano player. I asked him if he knew any Bob Wills music. He went straight into “San Antonio Rose”. Check out Mr Wills’ “My Abobe Hacienda” and ‘Deep in the Heart of Texas”, among many.
Thanks. Just went to his 50th year reunion in Turkey, Texas.
You have a great show.
And thank Sami and Jack, too.
Dallas, TX
Leftists now talking about “Soul of the Nation.”
We need to heal the “Soul Sickness in our Nation.”
Professor Hanson: After hearing snippets of Joe Biden’s screed last night in which he demonized MAGA republicans, it occurred to me that totalitarian regimes always seem to need an adversary to rail against.
Nazis had Jews. Democrats have MAGA’s.
I wonder if you might comment on this phenomenon in an upcoming podcast.
I watched the Biden Philadelphia speech and was perplexed by its optics. Do you think there is anything in the idea that there was a deliberate alignment here with the look of the film ‘V for Vendetta’? Meaning that insurrection and chaos is ok, so long as the ‘good’ people are doing it?
Your comments about Sherman were interesting. You might have mentioned that Sherman respected confederate serial retreater General Joseph Johnson above all other Confederate Generals. Johnson ironically died from pneumonia that he contracted while attending the funeral of Sherman
Dear Victor, I have become a VDH junkie. Everyday I log in to read (1/2 thru the dying citizen) or listen to your insights into todays world. Your breadth of knowledge never ceases to amaze me. I also took your course from Hillsdale on WWII. I hope you can keep sharing your wisdom with the rest of us for many years to come.
Your conclusion that the electorate will say they have had enough of the woke world and “vote the bums out” this fall gives me confidence to keep my chin up, counting the days until our country returns to so some kind of normalcy.
I am from the Midwest and when you talk about the transformation of CA over your lifetime, I too can identify because there are many parallels to my own upbringing.
One suggestion, it maybe because your verbal skills are superior to Sami and Jacks, however I can’t give Sami’s performance any higher than a C-. I am sure Sami is a great person however there is such a contrast in your ability to communicate and hers it’s embarrassing for her. I have found the interviewer for the Tre Gowdy podcast struggles with the same issue as Sami. Its time to find another interviewer. Jack seems to be much more on par with you so he gets a B. You set the bar at A+.
Thank you and keep up the great work
Dear Victor;
I just listened to “Beyond the Blinkered Blueprint”. Brilliant as always. I would like to add my thoughts on the Orange Godzilla. I didn’t like Trump before it was cool. 30 years ago. When he ran in 2016 I thought it was a joke. If a Republican black female LGBTQ+++ would have defeated Hilary, they would have been demonized her just like Trump. It is just easier to believe the bad stuff with Trump because some of it is true. Maybe most of it. His policies were the best since Reagan, maybe better, IMHO.
But what won my admiration and respect was how he stood up to the left. i have never seen anyone stand up and fight back like he did. The shots he took would have destroyed anyone else several times over. He bounced back stronger.
The night of the election in 2020, I sat at the local VFW with 4 friends. 1 Republican, 2 Democrats, and 2 Independents. None of us had ever donated to a political campaign, 2 had NEVER voted. 3 of us, including me, donated to Trump, and all 5 voted for Trump, enthusiastically. This was in an ultra liberal college town in WA State.
I will give Orange Man Bad some slack on the election, and the Congressional Medal of Honor if I had the authority.
John Reddick
former Marine
Dear Victor;
I just listened to Post-Modern Rhetoric. You are the first person I paid as a subsciber. I have a few more, and feel guilty for not paying for half a dozen others. You are only older than me by 10 years, but the wisdom you impart is decades longer.
Keep putting it out there. You will “throw” your wisdom past your lifetime. Some of your collegues like Thomas Sewell are off the wall as well. I wish I knew of him earlier. Some others like Dr. Scott Atlas should be.
Keep it up. We are listening.
John Reddick
former Marine
Dear Dr. Hanson
I’m a big fan of yours sir.
I’m a military veteran (Enlisted Man -Army & Air Force), active wartime in-country service, from Vietnam to Iraq (2003-2004), and 5 overseas operations-other-than-war. Retired now, I try to maintain geopolitical situational awareness of national security, defense issues in general, as well as economic dynamics that affect our country. You are a well-vetted, trusted source for me as I attempt to understand our world, and I thank you.
My question involves your candid impression of Dr. Rebecca Grant, FOX News contributor, Defense & National Security expert, previously a civilian employee of the Air Staff of the US Air Force.
I find her knowledge, scholarship & perspective on my areas of interest on-point and thought-provoking.
I’m just wondering if you were aware of her, and if so, what your valued opinion would be.
With respect, thank you.
John Albertson MSG, USAF (ret)
Professor Hanson, I am a huge fan and love listening to your podcasts on Spotify. I recently subscribed on your website. On one of your podcasts over the summer, you commented on how the House could impeach Biden and Harris after the November elections based on their total disregard for enforcing immigrations laws. I believe this to be a very predictable event. That being said, why wouldn’t the Republican party vote Donald Trump to be the Speaker of the House? It is my understanding that there are no rules that state the Speaker must come from within the House. Since the Speaker is third in line with regard to succession of the presidency, doesn’t this make sense? Would love to hear your opinion.
Dear Mr. Hanson, I enjoy very much listening to your analyses of various wars throughout human history, particularly the modern ones. However, I’ve never heard you analyze the Suez Crisis of 1955-1956. I would also be particularly interested in your view on a controversial, in my opinion, Paul Johnson’s short book The Suez Crisis. Looking forward to listening to the subject in one of your upcoming podcasts. Thank you. Isaac
Yes Gary Oldman was phenomenal as Drexel in True Romance. One of his best performances by far. there is a video on YouTube him talking about preparing for the role that’s fantastic. iGoogle Gary Oldman interview true romance And you can’t miss it it’ll come right up 👍
In today’s podcast, “Polling and Podcasts”, early on Victor and Jack profess dismay and disparagement of Pres Trump’s use of “Coco Chow” in referring to “Cocaine Mitch’s” chinese wife. He’s consistent and courageous in his appropriate attack on Sen McConnell and gets likely at why he behaves in inexplicable ways and means when the senator doesn’t fight loudly enough for those things the Trump admin fought for, successfully deployed economically and what his admin bravely revealed about the dark and dirty swamp of DC politics, including Mitch’s wife’s family business found shipping coccaine from China to America, a few yrs back! Hence I believe the nickname “Coco” for Ms Chao, who also stabbed Trump in the back inaccurately describing what happened on Jan 6, as she resigned, loudly with indignancy, Jan 7, over the MSM inaccurate protrayal of what transpired that historic day. Trump is ‘Mother Teresa’ by comparison, and boldly if not too baldly honest. The Dems w/ > $100 million of taxpayer money and 6 yrs searching have yet to find even a rolling stop violation on Mr Trump.
Btw, VDH’s cont’d wish for Trump to talk about the political issues – he does, daily and especially for a non-candidate during his unprecedented, well attended, now weekly rallies!
Such misrepresentations are unbecoming of both of you.
Otherwise, keep up the good work. Such unbecomings don’t dissuade me from tuning in, reading and listening. VDH remains the best political voice in America!
Actors and Musicians
Most people think John Wayne’s first feature length movie was Stagecoach. It was actually The Big Trail in 1930 when John Wayne was only 23 years old. The 108 minute film didn’t play as well domestically as it did internationally. One of the characters in the film was Tyrone Power senior. Although, the acting was mostly one dimensional the film is worth seeing as it paved the way for the westerns that followed.
I can’t begin to tell you how much I enjoy your podcasts. They have truly entertained, enlightened and motivated me. Sammi and Jack are also priceless.
I feel the need to support your efforts financially by subscribing to your website however, the only option I see is PayPal. I do not have PayPal. Is there any other way to join?
Thank you for all that you do.
Kindest regards,
Santiago Perez
Followed VDH for awhile. He would say right things until he is talking about Russia (any time period), Putin, Ukraine, etc.
I was watching a documentary film about Patton on Newsmax where RDH was talking about how Americans treated Germans, vs Russians. He declared that 75% of German POWs died in the Russian hands. Which is a blatant lie. Most prisoners returned to Germany and this is millions. They then became a core of the East German army. Only war criminals were executed.
If VDH talks about 90K POWs from Stalingrad, the high number of death there was not the harsh treatment but the simple fact that these POWs were already sick, hungry, with frozen limbs, and they already were on the way of their end. And then somehow they had to be transferred to a non-existent prison or camp, which survivors had to build themselves. Out of this group more have died than survived simply due circumstance under which they became POWs. Had fieldmarshall Paulus surrendered earlier, these prisoners would survive.
Bottom line here, VDH has a lot of work to do in Russian history or WW2 history for that matter.
Re the October 12th podcast:
As usual, your points are very accurate. And while I’m no longer the fans of the folks at The Dispatch that I used to be, was it fair to say that they no longer hold any conservative views? I still listen to their podcasts from time to time as well as reading their free articles and it’s pretty clear that David French is not pro choice. Was that a bit of an overgeneralization?
Please keep up the good work. You help keep me sane.
The US plans to deploy up to six Boeing B-52 Stratofortress bombers capable of carrying nuclear weapons at an air base in Northern Australia. This is reported by Reuters with reference to a source familiar with the situation.
This decision was made against the background of complications in relations with the Chinese authorities, Reuters stressed. We are talking about the Tindal base 300 kilometers south of Darwin, the capital of the Northern Territory of Australia.
As the agency reminds, earlier a representative of the Australian Defense Ministry told The Wall Street Journal that the United States is also financing the construction of a parking lot for aircraft near the city of Catherine. It will be able to accommodate up to six such bombers.
In addition, the BBC reported that the United States will build a base in Australia for six of its B-52 strategic bombers, which are capable of carrying nuclear weapons. The publication did not specify whether this is due to the activity of the PRC in Southeast Asia.
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Victor, I really do think your take on things is always worth listening to . . . but the discussion on ranked voting was not very sophisticated. In Australia, at both federal and state levels, we have a combination of ranked (preferential) voting and proportional voting. But our elections are not chaotic or confused in the manner you were suggesting. And, I do not believe that our electorate is any more informed than the US electorate.
I’m not arguing that preferential voting is a superior system of voting. There are always swings and roundabouts on these matters. But I am saying that your insight into this was very limited. Perhaps you could interview someone from my country who has some expertise and history with the system?
[For me, Beginning of USA involvement with Vietnam Conflict]
Every February 28th, the National Archieves shows the Telegram
from Ho Chi Minh to President Truman as the Document of the Day.
Ho Chi Minh communication to Truman – February 28, 1946.
Did Truman actually receive telegram?
Could have Vietnam War been prevented if USA hadn’t sided with the French?
Intercepted by CIA or deep state?
[per Email Replies]
Truman Library – no record of Truman receiving telegram from Ho Chi Minh.
National Archieves – no records other than image of telegram.
Dr. Davis-Hanson, the voice of the master:
Tho now visually impaired, I subscribed. “Thank you for your trust,” you say. In God I trust. All others must prove themselves. You have. You’re the American e-oracle I most frequently seek, usually you’re a guest on another’s podcast. I ‘read’ you stuff here with the aid of a text-to-voice app. But its no-hesitancy British drone is weirdly wrong. I miss your voice, your contemplative pauses, at times, to choose well a word. Thoughts expressed such that they engender thinking in the listener. Thank you for sharing your gift.
In general, a reminder. For decades Rush Limbaugh informed us that this mess caused by the Left will not be solved in one election. But will take many, many elections.
Dear Mr. Hanson.
I have been a huge fan for many years and am a subscriber to your web channel. Obviously you have a tremendous grasp of American and world history and I listen to your analysis every day regarding the events surrounding us.
Unfortunately, you seem completely blind to the causes and consequences of events occurring between Russia and Ukraine. I find it very interesting and quite a bit sad because there is so much history leading up to our current crisis yet it’s completely ignored by the Western media and many intellectuals such as yourself included. I am a proud patriotic American and a 20 year veteran of the US Navy who lives in Russia. Say what you will about Vladimir Putin, but what he is doing in Ukraine is absolutely necessary and long overdue.
Please protect your legacy and report the truth about Ukrainian nationalism, the U.S. led Orange Revolution, the Maidon and the U.S. orchestrated Coup of a democratically elected government that led to the open oppression of the historically Russian population of Ukraine that had been effectively enslaved by the Ukrainian majority leading to this current situation that is destroying Ukraine and only benefits the American Military Industrial Complex.
I’m waiting, Sir. Thank you and Godspeed.
Great podcast 11-28-2022, “Scott Atlas: Ordeal and Triumph” It caused me to think of all the causes that led to rejection of clearly superior thinking from Atlas, the Great Barrington Declaration signers, and others. Some contributing causes of such destructive rejections included self-serving #MainstreamMedia, #MobMentality, #USOrganizations (#NIH, #CDC, #DOJ, #FBI, #DNC, #RNC,…). Their biases resulted in destructive pandemic responses and massive damages to US and world economies and populations.
Looking for root causes, two came to mind:
1) With Trump in place and badgering Ds any way he could, they became completely unhinged with Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) and rejected anything that could possibly look like common sense from the Rs or anyone else. That included any sensible pandemic responses. So Ds’ TDS caused them to support ill-advised pandemic responses no matter how much damage was likely, as their automatic rejections of anything conservative, possibly Trumpian. America and world suffered the consequences.
2) Our broken electoral processes that caused corrupt #MainstreamMedia to give most air time to the two worst 2016 POTUS candidates. Clinton, their D favorite, and Trump their bet for an R loss. But Clinton had loads of well-known negative baggage in previous administrations, so the apparent lesser-of-two-evils Trump won that time.
#2 may be a root cause to be corrected. @Pol_Innovation has solutions. What am I missing?
(First of all, thank you Dr. Hanson. We don’t always see eye-to-eye but I always respect what you have to say.)
Trumps accomplishments came with a lot of collateral damage. Dividing the country benefited no one. Worse, because a lot of Christians supported Trump millions of anti-Trump people are now (often very) anti-Christian. When people talk about the great things Trump did for Christians they generally overlook this.
If Trump is a Tragic Hero then he’s a new brand of Tragic Hero.
Shane only shot the bad guys. Not everyone who annoyed him, including war heroes, Gold Star families and schoolgirls. Shane didn’t goad the local townspeople into gunning for each other like the Hatfields and McCoys. And Shane rode off into the sunset, wounded and bleeding, ignoring cries for him to stay. He didn’t hang about for years whining non-stop about his injuries and feeling sorry for himself.
It’s time for Trump to hang up his guns and ride off into the sunset.
Hello Dr. Hanson,
Love your books and the podcasts. You and I are the same age and I am a California native from Richmond. My family is part of the Oklahoma “diaspora” as you put it. It is of great interest to me when you comment on this because it is a piece of American history that doesn’t get much mention other than for John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath. I heard you recently talking about how scorned the okies were. I was not aware that they were such social outcasts. I had inklings of it but did not realize it was so profound. Perhaps you have written about the okies at length in the past, If so I would love to read what you have written. If not, could this perhaps be a topic in the future for a series of essays? It was a migration that was such an important part of the history of California and Oklahoma. It needs to be documented. Love listening to you and Jack. I have something in common with Jack as well. I was a summer intern at National Review in 1979 when WFB was at the helm. God bless you Professor and Jack and Sami as well.
Oh great learned one,
Thank you for sharing you wisdom and knowledge. You have enriched my life beyond measure.
You talk of having long COVID. Have you considered that you might be suffering from long COVID vaccine?
Just a thought,
Phillip Madonia
I have long read your articles and listened to your podcasts. I wanted to get a subscription to your Ultra content but was not willing to pay using Paypal. Occasionally I would check to see if a new payment option was made available. I consider it a Christmas present to me that here on December 24th I was able to get my subscription started.
Merry Christmas and the very best to you and yours!
Cliff Ravenscraft
Dear Prof. Hanson,
I have been a subscriber for 1 year and gleaned much from your observations, perspectives and teachings. You have a detailed, nuanced and historically comprehensive approach to many of the most pressing geo-political and economic issues facing the US today.
Having grown up in the Midwest in the 1960s/70s and recently returned from 30 years of living & working in Japan, I am shocked to see the increasing societal, political, and ideological polarization that plagues so much of our country. Citizens’ inability to contemplate alternative perspectives is exacerbated (caused?) by MSM news and information sources that are only considered relevant if consistent with pre-held beliefs (e.g. Fox vs. CNN viewers). The number of programs that feature debate between competing ideologies is limited/absent, resulting in citizens having largely lost their ability to consider and weigh alternatives.
While your interviews with Sami/Jack/Megyn Kelly are great, I wonder if you might consider—in addition to your current programming—a secondary podcast format where you invite a well-known/well-versed Democrat, left-leaning or even Woke thought leader to discuss and debate a range of current or historical topics?
No doubt many invitees (think Katie Hobbs) would decline and be loath to engage you on facts, but perhaps a few brave souls would accept. I imagine many of your listeners—including me!—would find this to be a fascinating addition to your portfolio.
Re the podcast “McCarthy, Trump and Musk…” you and Jack hugely missed (or should that be YUGELY) the real, most important Trump announcement, Dec 15, 2022, which was not the humorous and playful Trump digital card promotion but rather the very serious 2024 campaign promise on reclaiming our 1st A and its guarantee of free speech…you 2 still too easily can’t say anything nice about the guy, precisely because you require him to be a politician, which he is not and can’t be, but missing the primary data of one of his more important releases is unfathomable:
And, you continue to pander to the notion that Trump was defeated in Nov 2020, or that Kari Lake didn’t win the AZ governorship, both just not rational conclusions given UNprecedented vote ct stoppage the early hrs of Nov 4, 2020 and the severely compromised chain of vote tabulation legitimacy in AZ, but, I guess, it’s easy to go along to get along.
I do appreciate though what you do take on that MSM won’t…kudos for that!
Hello Dr. Hanson,
I listen to your podcasts every week, really enjoy them.
I wanted to give my opinion on why the media designated the Republicans as red. When you look at a military map, red designates enemy forces, blue friendly forces. I think that was an inside joke on their part. I remember when I first saw those maps that was my first thought.
Looking forward to listening in the new year.
A Champion for anti-racism.
Wardell Anthony “Ward” Connerly (born June 15, 1939) is an American political and anti-affirmative action activist, businessman, and former University of California Regent (1993–2005). He is also the founder and the chairman of the American Civil Rights Institute, a national non-profit organization in opposition to racial and gender preferences,[1] and is the president of Californians for Equal Rights,[2] a non-profit organization active in the state of California with a similar mission. He is considered to be the man behind California’s Proposition 209 prohibiting race- and gender-based preferences in state hiring, contracting and state university admissions, a program known as affirmative action.[3]
Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are taught falsehoods in school. And the person that dares to tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and fool.
I am my Blue Heeler’s 4th owner. I adopted her from the Humane Society of Utah. She is very much as you described heelers. She is sublime, and I adore her. Side note…I am my German Shorthaired Pointer’s 3rd owner. Another tough breed. She’s sweet and docile. Best regards! -Caroline
I enjoy your podcasts but your comments on yesterday’s show revealed – VDH and Jack – your growing insipient animus toward Donald J Trump and the 20 House members who held up Kevin McCarthy’s House speakership vote success. Those comments were off tune with reality and parroted more the MSM inaccurate narrative; Rep Gaetz tactics, et al. worked and changed the anti-representative House rules for the better for that part of Govt but too, for all of us…and always pro-McCarthy DJT did influence that favorable outcome…I recommend you stop seeing DJT as an expected PC pol – he is not…he’s our developer-in-chief, he has no political handlers (!) and represents what Hamilton and Madison best wanted in our ‘chief magistrate’! We like DJT’s feistiness and pertinent rudeness because it is appropriate and truly ‘politically correct’ about the total crap going on in that swampy mess,
Otherwise, keep up the good work – I don’t miss a podcast!
DR Hanson
I’d be interested in your comments regarding the record snowfall in Mammoth Lakes, CA.
On the news – they say 28 feet of snow is a record and will last until July.
Being from Chicago, I do not understand the geography issues here.
Will this bounty of snowfall NOT replenish reservoirs, or will the runoff all be headed to the ocean?
Trying to understand CA insane water policies. I have followed your comments/articles closely on
CA water.
Perused your site and checked the angry reader comments. Only a confident person would allow some of those comments to remain.
Also follow Dan Bongino.
Today he went into an examination of the Biden classified material and gave an in depth explanation of the affair. His commentary was penetrating but seems it left out some substance. If Ukraine is a large pot of gold for the taking, what politicians have their beeks in the pot?
Can you address Ukrainian corruption?
Ukrain is receiving Patriot missile batteries and it’s military is being trained in Germany on operating this system. It would not be a surprise if Russian military gets critical access to Patriot in exchange for DENGI (money)
Dr. Hanson,
You are the master of all in defining the truth. As an American, these facts you expose of the democratic party trouble me immensely.
The problem is the Conservatives (Republicans) do nothing about it. They have ammunition right in front of them but the majority stay cowards and do nothing. Starting with the leader Mr. McConnell.
I ask if you could expose the incompetency of the Republicans to stand up for their party and country in your research and writings. I stand as an Independent leaning right and I fear we may need a new party.
Thank You for your wisdom,
Brett J
Rush Limbaugh and Victor Hanson like-minded thinker present and accounted for. Just signed up on The Blade of Perseus. Enjoyable.
My suggested future topic. China has been buying property in the USA but have we seen China involved in US infrastructure development? Ecuador, Pakistan, Angola and Uganda have partnered with China on housing and hydroelectric projects respectively. Wouldn’t you know it quality issues are popping up. We need to ensure our politicians do not sell us out to the communists and line their pockets.
Keep up the good work Victor.
When I went to work at Caltrans in 1970, CA had the best roads in USA.
Jerry Brown became governor in 1972 and announce the ”Era of Limits”
and brought in a college classmate Adrianna Gianturco to be Caltrans director.
They caused all kinds of changes for the worst.
Now CA roads are among the worst in nation.
The special road fund drives legislators/politicians nuts that the money is earmarked for transportation.
So Pete Wilson borrowed money from the fund.
There were 28 lawsuits about this that Pete knew he would lose but the time for use of the money was on his side.
Pete also got money from the Trucking Industry and he allowed the truckers to use one more lane to the left.
Note – Highways are built thicker on the right lanes for trucks,
Truckers pay a lot for licenses but nowhere the millions of damage caused by wear and tear.
Truckers with marginal contracts may be tempted to overload,
I’m not sure the weighting stations catch all of them.
Caltrans was proud that all our roads were free.
Exception: the private “17 Mile Drive“ by Carmel.
Pete implemented a toll road in Southern CA.
I ‘m not sure of its status now.
Nixon during the 1973 oil embargo had the national speed limit at 55 mph.
This was overkill.
Drivers started passing on the right to give appearance of not speeding
because passing was only supposed to be on the faster left lanes.
Now we are left with this bad habit.
Dear Dr. Hansen:
When Charles Krauthammer passed away I had to find another commentator to stimulate my synapses or what’s left of them. Then I found you. You are truly a great thinker and a great teacher. It would be an honor to sit in on one of your lectures.
I taught American History for 41 years at the high school level and loved doing it. I developed my own style of teaching history to my students using something I called SYNAPSE PACS stressing the connection between the forces that had to be in place for major events in history to occur much like the way our brains synapses must fire for learning to take place.
I used Thomas Bailey and David Kennedy’s textbook, THE AMERICAN PAGEANT, in my class and thought it a most excellent source. I think they both taught at Stanford and have wondered for a long time if they taught you or were you a colleague.
Finally, I have to ask you this question out of left field: Have you ever seen the film BADLANDS starring Martin Sheen and Sissy Spacek? The sound track coursing through the film is the same soundtrack for your podcast with Sammi Winc. That film, for me at least, is one of my favorites that a lot of folks never seem to talk about? I’m thinking you must appreciate the film if not the haunting music. Thank you for everything you do to keep US from slipping into chaos.
Dan Blaschak
Havertown, PA
Prof. Hanson: Have you spoken on one of the recent podcasts about the federal government restriction on mining. I saw an article about it last weekend. Maybe compare our regulations and rules compared to the cobalt mining in Africa. Having been in Great Decisions group discussions, I had learned that African nations had taken loans from China and their natural resources were tied to the repayment of the loan. One other is the immigration laws to move to Canada. From what I see, you cannot move to Canda without a language test, medical and financial records. Thank you.
I sense you’re trying to stay in play perhaps but in yesterday’s “VDH: Things a Little Murky in Politics” you and Jack were quick again to misrepresent Pres Trump claiming he doesn’t but rarely about discuss policy issues but dwells on the retaliatory nasty quip, etc. His primary discourse is the most easy to be read or heard. His repeated policy stances are plainly said and read, in every rally, video or ‘TRUTH’ – the most of any candidate ever. Maybe if you reference only CNN or Fox on what he said bombastically – he will do that only in ‘fair play’ retalliation- as their headline grabber but please, his very public and daily missives are replete w/ policies that he advocates and that clearly worked like no prior POTUS – and the world was never more peaceful in his 4 yrs in ofc because of it…just saying…o/w keep up the good work as you’re both braver and more honest than most!
Hi Prof. Hanson:
I’m not a paid member but I just saw your photo and the beginning paragraph of the BS Pinewood Derby. My grandson and his father made the car together last week for my grandson to enter over the past weekend. This is his first year in Boy Scouts. His father was an Eagle (as was my other son-in-law) My grandson’s car came in third in the first race and he now moves along to the next location. My daughter filmed it–the look on his face when his car won was priceless. He was totally surprised and pleased.
Old General – Never Right – Never in Doubt.
[via bribes]
Peter Schweizer: China’s Main Strategy to Win Is ‘Elite Capture’
Jan 29, 2022″They’re not looking for, you know, leaders to be clones.
There’s a strategic concept they use that loosely translated means ‘big help with a little bad mouth,’
and what that basically means is, you know,
if somebody says occasionally things about the Uyghurs or about human rights,
they may get irritated about it, but that’s not a big deal.
Thank you for your comments on the killing of Dr. Mammone. The incident was assumed to be road rage; local newspapers didn’t mention the cries of “white supremacist.” The Daily Mail, Toronto paper and NY Post (far away from Dana Point, California ) reported this, and included rants from the killer’s fb. Road rage made little sense…he smashed his car into Dr. Mammone, got out and knifed him with a machete. There was a news blackout locally, first reports neglected to mention the racial component.
Dear Prof. Hanson,
I am an avid follower of your podcast and have listened to almost all the episodes from the Fall of 2020 until now. I am a naturalized US citizen who emigrated from India in 2000 to pursue my Masters’s degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Since my teenage years, I have always been a keen reader of political news, political strategy, etc.
Of late, I couldn’t help but notice that you often mention India as possibly allying with China, Russia, and Iran against the US. I want to express my reservation against that line of thought. Please bear with me as I lay out some of India’s geopolitical predicaments concerning China and Russia.
India has always viewed the US as an unreliable military partner because of its past military deals with Pakistan, economic ties to China, and previous US posture toward India during the India-Pakistan wars in 1965 and 1971. India also considers the US a force for good in the world and prefers US dominance in world affairs to Chinese hegemony.
Given the above-described ambivalence toward the US, India cannot afford to antagonize Russia and force it into a strong alliance with China. India’s biggest nightmare is a strong Russia-China alliance that moves against Indian interests in the region, especially considering the unreliable nature of the US military and political support to India, should a military confrontation occur. India would rather have Russia in its camp during a confl
Contd.- India would rather have Russia in its camp during a conflict with China than entertain the prospect of taking on both Russia and China militarily. India feels the US will most certainly not ally itself with China, so the real geopolitical danger is only the possibility of Russia aligning with China. Hence, the tacit support from India to Russia in the ongoing Ukraine war. Unfortunately, the Biden administration is making life difficult for India geopolitically and by lecturing the Hindutva right-wing Indian government on human rights when its record on fundamental human rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press can only be charitably described as chequered over the past two years.
India is a big oil importer, which is critical to keep its economy going. If there is a discount or fire sale on oil in the market, it is just good business on India’s part to buy the oil on sale. Also, India’s oil purchase from Russia will help alleviate Russia’s dependence on China for its economic needs. The fact that the US does not mind India importing discounted Russian oil is likely an indication of a wink-and-nod understanding between the Indian and US governments on this issue.
contd. – Indian people view the USA more favorably than China, and that was even before recent border skirmishes with China. Neither the right-wing BJP and its allies nor the centrist/left-of-center Congress and its allies will entertain any alliance with China as long as China keeps supporting Pakistan and building naval/military bases around India in nearby places such as Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Iran.
India has a growing population, with a considerable proportion in the 18 to 30 years age group. India needs to develop its manufacturing base and provide millions of jobs for its youth over the next several years, making India a direct economic competitor to China.
For these reasons, I don’t think India will align itself with China, and any overtures to Russia are solely for maintaining friendly leverage with Russia relative to China.
Your loving fan,
Jensen John
Dear Dr Hanson
During your last talk with Jack, he mentioned the Amazon series:Clarkson’s Farm.
I too, strongly recommend it if you can find the time in your incredibly busy schedule.
Last week you and Jack referenced a poll “of a 1000 repubs” showing DeSantis leading Trump in the 2024 race, which if credible, is an extremely rare result…I’ve seen dozens of polls of far more credible sources showing DeSantis no closer than 20 % pts. Be balanced.
Dr. Hanson – what do you consider the best books on the end of the Roman Republic and the end of the Roman Empire?
Just heard DVH interview w/Cleeta Mitchell
….reminded me of a chapter lead Stalin quotation in S. Kotkin’s (1st volume, I think) of his Stalin biography…. paraphrasing, ‘it is of little importance who votes and how but it is extremely important who counts the votes and how.’
First, I have to express my profound gratitude to Professor Hanson. I am so grateful that he is willing to spend hours every day absorbing the news from a broad spectrum of sources and synthesizing it for my benefit. Since I have faith in his intelligence, his judgment and his values, I feel like I can stay abreast of the important things going on the world without the confusion and frustration of sifting through endless and misleading reports. In a very real way, VDH’s podcasts have been a lifeline that keeps me informed and tethered in the world. I do have one question, the answer to which may be of interest to many of his listeners and fans. On numerous occasions, I have heard VDH express optimism about the future of the United States. My question is simply, what is this optimism based upon? The Academy seems poisoned beyond repair, the news and entertainment media seem completely hopeless, our government seems as corrupt as it is incompetent, our economy seems to rest on the precipice of an unprecedented disaster and our military has never been less prepared to defend this nation in my lifetime. Add an energy crisis, a looming food crisis, spiraling crime and a non-existent border and I am hard-pressed to see any hopeful signs on the horizon. If there are empirical bases for optimism, I would love to know what they are and I would trust Professor Hanson to point them out for me. Thank you for reading my comment.
Could the esteemed Professor add the Virality Project (see Matt Taibbi’s Twitter Files) to his ever-expanding list of reasons why Stanford is on a downward trend? Stanford is at the center of government censorship efforts. It would be great to hear his thoughts on this topic.
I’ve enjoyed listening to the VDH podcast daily for some time now. As I was listening to yesterday’s podcast, I was reminded of the time I walked out of my door and saw something puzzling. It was a garter snake with the back half of a small frog in its mouth. The frog, evidently unaware of what was happening to it, didn’t move or try to escape as the small snake struggled to complete its task. I did not intervene or continue to observe the event, but I liken the imagery to folks that do not agree with the direction of the country as driven by the left. We all listen eagerly to reports of our cities being overrun by criminals, our borders being erased, even our lives being taken – yet we, as a group, seem to be paralyzed or hypnotized by it all. I am as bad as most anyone else on this. Other than donate to conservatives’ political campaigns (which I always end up regretting) I have done nothing. The left has successfully intimidated us into inaction. I wonder sometimes if a typical German citizen during the rise of Naziism felt the same way – seeing what’s going on but don’t know how to counter it. Somehow, we’d all better figure it out and quick – the snake’s still swallowing.
So the Marxists did it. They indicted Trump. If they get their mug shot, Trump can create a huge poster for one of his speeches down the road.
Professor, I am delighted I can find a way to communicate with you.. For some time, I have list ended to podcasts where you were a guest or read articles and decided you are the Dean of conservatives thought in this country. Thank you for all you do. Discovering your podcasts and website is a blessing. Yes I know with my law school education, I should have discovered all earlier.
Watching the Final 4 basketball game, I have a thought. If we apply DEI to its logical consequences, why is there such a high percentage of Blacks? Would LeBron James be ok if we only had 20+ % of the NBA for Blacks. You know the answer. You know how to spell hypocrisy. Thank you
I enjoy all your podcasts and the articles on your website. Your total recall abilities are very impressive and I love the way you connect with your fellow conservatives. Please make me feel more comfortable with myself and tell me you have once in awhile forgotten what day of the week it is or what you walked into a room to retrieve. Please stay healthy as we need your voice to speak for us.
I think the best way to describe what is going on in this country is to say that “We are re-arranging chairs on the Titanic”. Ignoring the serious problems and burning cities over nonsense. The captain has left the ship to save himself while the country is headed straight for an iceberg.
People are running for the exits in the Blue states hoping to find a safe harbor in a red state. They are really taking this seriously. Covid and the January 6th situation sent me over the deep end. Trump is the only one that will take action. This is the great reset on steriods.
Wish I knew where this was going to end. I’m your age and wondering if my retirement account is going to be worthless. Anyway, your show makes us feel a bit of comfort knowing there is a voice of reason out there.
thanks, Jan
Ever since the advent of Covid, I’ve stop watching the news because I find it depressing probably a design of Russian propaganda. My one link to sanity is your podcast. It creates an inspirational event. You see, I have an old dog who is on his last legs but when he wants to go out to walk, I put on my headphones and listen to your podcast. I learned and I am inspired. God bless you, Victor Davis, Hanson.
Professor Hanson has often remarked on the common (and perhaps endangered) profile of white rural (often Southern) military tradition. It came to mind when I watched the documentary “Operation Anaconda,” and heard/saw SSGT Vance, US Air Force Combat Controller, soldier on the ground in the battle of Takur Ghar (Roberts Ridge) in Afghanistan. This young, white, likely rural young man (having a distinct “country twang”) was in this grim battle with seven dead and more wounded, and said: “I don’t look at myself as a combat vet or anything like that. I don’t think of myself like that. None of us that were in that battle want it to be a big deal. I’m just out there doing my job. That’s what I signed up for. Other people join the military for college money. I came in because I wanted to fight. I wanted to defend the country“”
Interesting read.
I’m retired and have time to listen to various podcasts.
Each skillful podcast broadcast a sense of impending doom; an America on its last legs; a nation frozen by a faith in our history’s history while ignoring the suicidal natute of the Biden administration.
At what point is enough, enough? Confronted by our current situation, the MINUTEMEN would have marched on CONCORD long ago. WASHINGTON would be apoplectic.
We have a treasonous presidential coward, a marxist administration and time heading rapidly to 1984. When do we get off our asses, or am I missing crucial present facts?
In the weekend show with Sami, you mentioned that Robert Kennedy was involved in the oil business. It is not Robert, it is Joe–
“Citizens Energy Corporation was founded by former U.S. Congressman Joseph P. Kennedy II in 1979 to make life’s basic needs more affordable. In the past 43 years, we have provided over $600 million in charitable benefits through our profits from dozens of successful businesses.”
David I love you but the Russian BS you talk someties realy pisses me off . If you really think More Russians ave died than Ukrainians you ARE DELUSIONAL just listen if you are True TRUTH Seeker you will listen to this if not I am about to Dump you for Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!
incase you need more info
With the study of history seeming to be a dying art, can you comment in one of your podcasts on Edward C. Smith? I just learned about his passing. Thank you.
Robert Hall
Bozeman, Montana
Hello Professor Hanson,
Hope you’re having a good day. Just wanted to know what you think about upcoming presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy – he talks about bringing back meritocracy, increasing energy production, removing the administrative state, and so on, which I think is part and parcel of the solutions that you have previously proposed – compared to the current front-runners and leading figures in the race. Would really appreciate your thoughts, thank you!!
– Jin
Hi Victor
Greetings from one of your Australian fans. I am a relatively recent devotee, having initially come across your fantastic work in my social feed a few months ago. I have been catching up on all of your previous podcasts and look forward to your new shows each day. I am an avid reader of history, particularly military history, and am very impressed with the depth and breadth of your knowledge and expertise in the subject. The way you can tie contemporary political and military affairs back to similar events in history is remarkable and proves that there really is nothing much new under the sun. I also very much enjoy your commentary and astute insights on all things culture war related (along with Jack and Sami’s as well), as we are grappling with many of the same crazy issues here in Australia. It was great to note your connection to Australia through your dogs and your mention of the film Breaker Morant, which is one of my all-time favourites. I was wondering if you had time on one of your future podcasts to comment on the contributions of the Australian military in the various conflicts of the 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries? Australia has been involved in every major armed conflict from the Boxer Rebellion all the way through to Afghanistan and Iraq. As a matter of interest, I think it is probably a little-known fact that the Australian Army was the first of the allies to inflict defeats on both the German and Japanese Armies in WW2 (Tobruk in April 1941, and Milne Bay New Guinea in September 1942). Even lesser known is that amongst the earliest engagements by units of the US Army in WW1 were fought under Australian command (the Battle of Hamel in July 1918). Thank you Victor for all you are doing in standing up for traditional values against all of the current cultural madness. Hopefully we will have hit as you say “peak woke” and we can start to dispense with all this lunacy and we can all get back to making the Western World “great again”.
All the best, Rick Sinclair
I worried, years ago, if this absurdity can be simply voted in, despite our Constitution, and now see that the answer is in the affirmative. It is clear that a civil war is underway, or a revolution, with our laws, morals, and our Constitution fading away to mere suggestions of yore?
The overarching question is what is going to stop it? Will the Democrats steal yet another election? Will they just intensify the Marxism, pack the Supreme Court, eschew the Constitution, install even more of a police state than we have now? Or will conservatives– and I don’t mean statist RINOs– win the election and restore sanity, integrity, and morals back into our country? If they don’t, what’s left? An armed battle to save the U.S. of A, or quietly retreating into our no-longer-funny sitcoms and iPhones and accepting neo-totalitarianism, a la, Beijing?
Thank you for your leadership on addressing the loss of true American education. I had retired after 15 years of teaching high school US History, US Government, and 7 years of teaching AP History at a formerly solid college preparatory school. I finally left in disgust in 2016. Locally, some who remember what US education USED to be started a classical academy and I am finishing my fifth year teaching middle school and high school US history. Ten families will begin a history tour with many of us to learn more by touring Gettysburg, Antietam, Harpers Ferry, and some chosen places in DC including paying our respects at Arlington. Our founder has a great working relationship with Larry Arnn and we use Hillsdale’s BCSI curriculum even though we are not a charter school (unions still too powerful here). I just wanted you to know that there are many fighting back. Also, after parents found out what is REALLY going on in the classroom after COVID Zoom classes exposed the woke nonsense. It doubled our enrollment in two years.
So, keep the faith. It’s small but growing. Meanwhile, what we MOST need is for traditionalists to WRITE CHECKS. Our founder did not take a salary for most of the existence of our school so that it would succeed. I am tired of people COMPLAINING about education but not opening their checkbook to help us survive. It people want to know who to support, call Larry Arnn’s office. They know of the schools that are using their materials.
Its always great to see you on tv and read your articles.
I haven’t noticed you call out what were seeing/living specifically and wondered why.
You mentioned “… And the Maoist results are often as absurd as they are terrifying.” 5/25.
I may have missed it seems to me that we are living obama’s “fundamental change”.
Seems to me more and more should be calling it that too.
Reference the statements on 2 June podcast on alternate treatments: “For FDA to issue an EUA, there must be no adequate, approved, and available alternative to the candidate product for diagnosing, preventing, or treating the disease or condition.”
If the government said that alternate treatments (HCQ, Ivermectin, etc.) were valid, then, at least to me, the EUA could not have been issued. They wanted, at all costs, to run a mRNA shot test.
And, I believe that the existence of alternate treatments would also be cause for revocation of the EUA: “FDA may revise or revoke an EUA if the circumstance justifying its issuance no longer exist, the criteria for its issuance are no longer met…a material change in the risk/benefit assessment based on evolving understanding of the disease or condition and/or availability of authorized [medical countermeasures]”
My theory on why the left is banging on white supremacy. I believe the elite know that we know how corrupt the system has become. They know we know who they are. So painting whites into being evil is the way for them to be ahead of any dramatic push back against the evil they have brought onto America. When the push back comes the whites will be viewed as supremacy nut cases.
into today’s podcast with Jack, you erred in stating Merrick Garland was AG in 2020 during the BLM true terrorist and true insurrectionist riots – that was your defended buddy, ‘the respected Bill Barr’, the fat ass insider for the Bush/Cheney/Romney/Ryan-ian swamp, and he did nothing to prosecute the 1000s of Antifa/BLM rioters, and sat his ass on the lap top from hell! why? OBVIOUSLY to still have a post Trump remunerative relevance and save his multi-7 figure book deal promised to him for release in 2021!
you missed it, yugely – btw, Trump IS NEVER careless but quite calculated as most successful huge developers are and do!
also, for such a great wordsmith, historian and classicist that you are, you fail to use the MOST appropriate words in describing what’s currently happening and that is that the dems and DOJ and neverTrumpers HAVE already committed treason, multiple times – there are never 2 systems of justice in our old US Constitutional Republic and in that that is the case, now many times against Pres Trump, IS prima facie evidence our Govt WAS overthrown, Nov 4, 2020, early AM, not Jan 6, 2021…accuracy in portrayal of our unprecedented dramas is requested – they have and continue to perpetrate capital crimes and deserve the most severe punishment allowed after military tribunals, not civil – we are already in post overthrow America, which you define and outline daily – CALL IT LIKE IT IS!!!!
we do not have much time left!
Victor I am a new subscriber to your newsletters, and I am right leaning. It is an interesting thought when discussing the failure of all historical great empires that went before the United States great experiment in democracy. When history looks back in 25, 50, or 75 years will the United States even be here; or will be it gone and replaced by two nations with two groups of people with similar thought, now partitioned but getting along. Will there be comments on why the downfall for a country that lived for 250 years. Will the reasons become more clarified in 50-75 years where they are not clear now. If we knew as a nation that we are on the road to failure would the citizens of the US change their behavior. Is a nation’s failure just as assured as its birth? Smart people founded this nation, are we not that smart anymore to maintain.?
Victor, love ya, can you comment on something good? I like listening to your podcast. I’m same age, remember the hula hoop? What and how did this effect our American history? Contemplate THAT! More Sami, less Jack.
Truely yours,
Dave C
Mr. Hanson, appreciate your insight and wisdom on all of the topics covered in your podcasts and articles. Was a mite disappointed, however, in the overview of the Revolution in the June 17th podcast. There was no mention of the role of The Overmountain Men in the decisive battles of Kings Mountain and Cowpens in the overall outcome of the War. Believe these battles generally get overlooked in most appraisals of the efforts of the Patriots as a whole.
Just wanted to bring a little bit of awareness of that portion of the Revolutionary War effort in hopes of honoring those men who helped cut off the British and Tories from gaining control of the backcountry with much blood spilt on both sides in the process.
Dear Mr. Hanson,
Last weekend, I was listening to your podcast with Sami about the American Revolution and the history of your farm tractors. At the same time, I was involved in a texting discussion with my 3 siblings. I have 2 brothers and a sister and our ages range from 59 to 71. We grew up on a farm in Iowa raising corn, soybeans and hogs. Our topic of discussion was recollecting and reminiscing about our dogs throughout our childhoods and how many experienced untimely and often gruesome deaths. The one that is seared into my memory was a dog named Pooch. I was 5 years old when Dad accidently cut Pooch’s hind leg off with a sickle mower while cutting alfalfa. I remember seeing Pooch sitting next to door of our house licking his limb. Dad said just leave him alone and let him tend to his wound. No bandages or anything like that were administered. He never considered taking Pooch to the vet back in those days. (It might have cost $40 or $50!!). Pooch did recover and lived several more years. My older brother’s recollection was when he was riding with Dad on the fender of our 806 Farmall. He parked the tractor in the shed and lowered the rear-mounted V-plow used to move snow on top of another dog and crushed it. Unfortunately, there were numerous other traumatic events we brought up. About 10 minutes after we closed our conversation, you mentioned that one of your dogs got caught in a PTO shaft and broke its neck. I thought that was such a coincidence! Thank you for sharing.
Dear Mr Hanson,
I, as usual, enjoyed todays podcast and Sami did a great job.
Near the end you mentioned possible VP candidates on the republican side. Why shouldn’t they do something different and run a Trump / Tulsi Gabbard ticket? This idea has been on my mind for quite a while. She has so much to offer and I believe would attract many new voters to the party.
Thanks for your consideration.
I agree with Chuck Spittel, Tulsi Gabbard would be a good VP, also Luna from Florida!
Victor, I listen to all of your podcasts without exception. I think both Jack and Sami do a terrific job. Sami seems very modest and does not mention her background and education. I would be interested to know her background that supports her perspective/views. Thank you and keep up the excellent podcast.
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Dear Hanson,
I would like to get your take on the two recent Supreme Court Decision on the Colorado Web Firm.
In my view this opinion is yet another case of US Amendments that are extended by default down to the states and then shoved to private individuals.
The first amendment restricts Congress – and only Congress – from making laws establishing religion or abridging the freedom of speech. It says nothing about the States, which is precisely the reason why a number of them instate very similar claims in their own State Constitutions.
Whether the Colorado Constitution protects the freedom of speech or if such amendment should be adopted in the Colorado Constitution is a question for another day, but the main takeaway is that this lawsuit should have not reached the Supreme Court at all, let alone the 9th Circuit or any federal court for the matter.
Hello Dr. Hanson. I’m a big fan of yours and take as gospel your comments and observations.
Recently I listened to an interview with Col. Douglas McGregor that greatly troubled me. Is he a “loose cannon” or does he have some credibility? I would very much appreciate your comments on Col. McGregor’s remarks. Here is the YouTube of his interview. Maybe you could comment on some of it on one of your future blogs.
Best regards,
Gerry Brown
an Inver Grove Heights MN fan
Realizing I’m mostly writing to the choir, as a mostly liberal, leaning toward early 1900s progressive, it seems important to let others of the left know that, whatever you may think of Dr. Hanson, one must read his books and listen to his podcasts if you hope to have any reasonably complete understanding of what is going on around us.
While I have, of course, a few issues with some of his podcast comments, the information surrounding those questionable (to me) comments is well worth my time. And, those comments help me better understand those on the other side of many issues.
Apart from the podcast, I have no issues with, only praise for, for his books.
Thanks for reading,
Dr. Hanson,
Thank you for all that you do. You are a national treasure and a source of reason and critical thinking in these tumultuous times.
Dear Sir
I heard you say, for the second time, on your last podcast “Investigations and Foreign Visits” of 14 July, that only Britain fought in WWII from beginning to end.
Britain declared war 11 am 3 September 1939. PM Menzies declared Australia was at war as a consequence 9.15 pm (Australian time) 3 September 1939 which was 15 minutes after Chamberlain’s declaration. With a population of just 7 mllion and half a world away from the start of the confict in Europe Australians fought in WWII from the beginning to the end.
I was curiousas to why you did not include Australia as a country that fought for the duration of WWII.
Doctor Hanson, I trust you are enjoying your well-deserved vacation.
On your recent podcast, Conservatism, Education, and Small Towns July 25, 2023.
I was reminded of a speech given by Martin Luther King. In Memphis, TN on April 3, 1968 — the day before he was assassinated.…. “We are asking you tonight, to go out and tell your neighbors not to buy Coca-Cola in Memphis…”
We have enormous power of the purse as you have recently stated. That particular speech is very powerful, inspiring words, and is both underrated and not very well-known.
Joe Biden should be impeached in the House even under the assumption that he is likely to skate in the Senate. It’s the right thing for the House to do even if the Senate won’t. Lay down the marker for the sake of American honor and as a precedent if nothing else. Let the chips fall where they may, and pray we have legal and fair elections going forward.
I hope you will give RFK Jr the same fair consideration you gave to DJT in the run up to November 2016. RFK Jr is admittedly an unlikely candidate and he is well aware of that, but all the things you rightly praised about Mr. Trump–in spite of his boorishness, past infidelities, questionable moral character, foolish narcissistic tendencies etc–at great cost to yourself, are equally true of RFK Jr, only he is more disciplined and statesmanlike. He is more knowledgeable than any other candidate on the apparatus of the bureaucratic state, he is courageous, and he genuinely identifies with ordinary Americans in the middle class. Last night I attended a virtual meeting he held with farmers from across the country, listening to their concerns and their insights. There were nearly 7000 people listening to that conversation. His first astonishing book about Fauci has been superceded by his second book, The Wuhan Coverup, which exposes with meticulous documentation how the military industrial complex has been running our medical establishment for decades. I would think that you, both as a military historian and as someone who has suffered a serious vaccine injury (aka “long Covid”), might be more interested in a candidate who not only aligns with so many of your own criticisms of the USG, but is ready to die to defend us. If he combines with a conservative on a No Labels ticket… It seems to me the time is ripe for something like that!
LOVE VDH. And Jack Fowler. LOATHE “sami” (awful name) “wink” (awful name). She interrupts Victor’s art and listener enjoyment EVERYTIME! She has zero tact. Her interruptions and words and sounds destroy Victor’s words & thoughts. She is fingernail on chalkboard. Why oh why do you have her???
Jack Fowler is perfect.
I cannot be the only one who feels this way.
Trump is a germaphobe which might have influenced his COVID actions.
I love hearing your assessments of current events; however, I think you muss a crucial piece of information, which causes your conclusions to be incorrect. For example, the idea of Lawfare in our current political climate. I don’t think the left is very worried about retaliation because the establishment, swamp, deep state… are all of the same mindset. The people being attacked are hated by the deep state, both parties. The swamp has also figured out how to render elections more and more irrelevant through early voting and massive get out the vote organizations. This was proven in 2020 and confirmed in 2022. People seem to think the right is going to come roaring back in 2024, and I simply don’t see that happening. The left has massive organizations in most, if not all states and they know how to take advantage of early voting and all the loopholes to affect outcomes. I see nothing being done on the right to combat this, or to play the game too… I live in CO, and since mail in voting was fully implemented about 10-15 years ago, this state has gone from reddish-purple to deep blue. Republican presence is nowhere to be seen. I’ve even tried to engage with the Republican party here and they are a dysfunctional disorganized mess.
I signed up and find the site to be difficult for me to navigate. Also I don’t know how to change my password to other than the “strong” codes assigned to me. I’m 78 years old and find it to be daunting to use a passcode that is 24 characters long with symbols caps and lowercase. Is it possible to create my own passcode that would be easier for me to remember. A simple suggestion would be to have a comment box at the top of the comment page with all comments following with most recent on top. I have been listening VDH podcasts for several months now and find his clarity and common sense most refreshing. His plain language speaks to me directly. I wish to continue and hope that I can find it easier to use. Thank you.
Hello VDH, Jack, & Sami. I just wanted to let you know how much I ENJOY your podcast! I appreciate Victor’s insight on current events and military history. I look forward to every episode. VDH, you are extremely well read, as well as a SOBER and JUDICIOUS gentleman!
I would like to make a guest recommendation. Prof. Daniel J. Mahoney has recently written a timely book, “Statesman As Thinker”. I think it would be an interesting discussion, especially the chapters on Churchill, DeGaulle, and Lincoln. I have heard Prof. Mahoney on other podcasts and I think he would be a great guest on your podcast. I really think your listeners would enjoy it and make more people aware of this wonderful book.
Keep up the good work and God bless you all! A Loyal Listener.
Newly subscribed! I’ve been listening to VDH podcast for about a year. It is one of the only sane resources available to get some “news” and perspective. I round VDH out with The Wright Report, Dave Rubin, Illinois In Focus, Jordan Harbinger, Verdict, American Thought Leaders, some Peter Zeihan, various Reason outputs, and some satire from Bee Radio! After digesting all this, I feel our country is so far down the wrong path, that it’s nearly hopeless for life as we know it. The cards are stacked too far left and it will take grass roots across the nation to be bold and vote these awful Democrats out of office.
I live in Illinois. Our terrible Governor has signed bills that goes against the very nature of American values, social norms and puts good Illinoisans in jeopardy (No Bail law, “Assault Weapons” ban, amending the ILC allowing more rights to government unions, etc.). We also have sanctuary cites in the area. There appears to be no accountability to the bad things that are happening.
I hope to leave Illinois when I’m closer to retirement (w/in 10 years), as cost of living where I live is super high. I’ll be free and can live a fraction of the cost. Any recommendations? I just travelled to Wyoming; beautiful state!
Dr. Hanson:
I am a former history teacher (MA in Ancient History) who very much enjoys your writings and podcasts. I am currently manage 130 acres outside of Lawrence Kansas (mowing…lake upkeep…trail upkeep etc) so I also enjoy all the discussions of your property and life on the farm. 2 hours of my day on the mower are passed listening to you!!!
My question…you mentioned a book by Daniel Greenfield entitled Domestic Enemies…is there a chance that it is under a different title because I can’t find it anywhere.
Thanks so very much and have a great day!!
Mr. Hansen, possible column?
I was made aware of a funding push by George Soros to financially support the campaigns of revolutionary partisan DA’s several years ago. I instinctively knew at the time that it wasn’t a good thing, but I also knew their only way to inject their radical ideas is through laws that are on the books. The thought that social pressure would moderate their effects.
The goals George Soros is trying to achieve in expending this number of resources (people, money, time) is coming into focus for me.
The first two thoughts I had were that they would use novel legal theories to prosecute crime and they would NOT prosecute crime. We have been seeing these things in abundance the last couple of years such that they are not outliers. And finally, the most insidious observation is that this revolutionary activity is meant to divide the populace and create the conditions in which the union destroys itself from within.
George Soros could never create an army to defeat the US. He knows that it must be destroyed from within. This is his method to do it. And the media is no help in this because they foment the division for the sake of ratings. They are useful idiots and/or willing pawns.
After listening to you and Jack go off on the Oliver Anthony segue, I hadn’t listened to it – then did on youtube and also found this as a follow up. I thought you and Jack would be interested:
After listening to you and Jack go off on the Oliver Anthony segue, I hadn’t listened to it – then did on youtube and also found these as a follow up. I thought you and Jack would be interested:
and then a similar one – connecting ‘chords’ of our US sinew that have been separated and cut apart since O ascended to the WH:
The facial expressions and recognition by both young men during the song was profound and moving – the ‘chords’ are the same ‘US’ all!
Is this song going to be our Attorney Welch moment of “At long last, Senator…have you no sense of decency?” Only Donald J Trump had ever did anything about the “rich man north of Richmond” and raised all economic gender and racial classes, like no other, and why he should be #47!
And DJT should in no way debate these bottom feeder candidates with no following of note – no way that they deserve his elevation of their very weak candidacies. No way! He will debate the Dem candidate, of course!
Hi Dr. Hanson…
I’m not sure if this is the correct place to ask this question.
I just read Ilkka Syvanne’s book on Caracalla and am bout to startSyvanne’s his book on Gallienus. I was wondering if you had read any of his works and if so your thoughts on his scholarship. I liked some of the parts on Caracalla as I’ve always thought Dio and Herodian’s accounts needed some rethinking. However, Dr. Syvanne’s work at times seems a bit self motivated and makes huge leaps. I was just wondering if you had read any works and your thoughts.
Thanks so much
Dear Mr. Hanson
Was wondering if at some point you could discuss any parallels to the current war in Ukraine and the German/Soviet experience on the same territory during WW2? How was the Wehrmacht able to capture Kiev in September 1941 and the Russians unable to do so in 2022? How did the Soviets defend then conquer Ukraine in 1944 and can the Ukrainians do so in the current conflict?
With great respect,
Regarding Mr. Stahl’s comments about Britain: to paraphrase the great David McCullough: You are “an historical illiterate.” Some of the issues faced back then: very poor communications; lack of readiness and preparedness for war, not only in Britain’s case, but also on the part of the United States; both countries’ economies were recovering from the Great Depression; the armed services were regarded as poor stepchildren by the respective governments. One of the only statesmen who recognized the evils represented by Hitler and his ideologues was Winston Churchill. He saw the issues more clearly than any other leader. One of the most significant events which occurred prior to his reinstatement as Prime Minister, happened on Sept, 3, 1939, when he became First Lord of the Admiralty and a signal was sent out around the world on the Navy’s wireless system:”Winston is back.” Thus began the great adventure known as World War 2. My father served in the Army and was recalled during the Korean Conflict in 1951. He was a Counterintelligence Officer based in Frankfurt-am-Main. My second grade was in Germany; we lived in Offenbach, suburb of Frankfurt across the Main River. Please do not degrade the memory of WWII, especially if you have never seen what I saw and smelled in Germany during that school year abroad. The sights are impressed into my memory.
Dear Dr Hanson
How I look forward everyday to listen to your podcasts with Jack or Sami. I enjoy listening while I take my dogs for a walk around the neighborhood. You said today that you are a fraternal twin. I am also a twin, and a doctor once asked my twin brother if he and his twin sister were identical!!! Sometimes it is good to laugh when things seem almost hopeless. Listening to you gives me hope.
very interesting, but nothing sensible
Dear Proffesor Hansen,
I just finished reading Volume One of the Revolution Trilogy ‘The British are Coming’ by pulitzer prize winner, Rick Atkinson. Reading his in-depth historical account of the Revolutionary years, 1767 thru 1777, I couldn’t help but notice the similarities of the Bostonians and the Colonists struggle i.e. what they referred to as the “Cause” against the British to address the grievances they had about the Coercive Act, the taxes etc. with what is happening today in America.
King George and Parliments entransigents against governing fairly the Colonists as British subjects and rather as revolutionaries and second class British Subjects created ‘The Cause’ (the American Revolution). I wonder if what is now happening in our country, with all of the tyranny now thrust upon us from the progressive ruling class, might be producing ‘American Subjects’ with a new “Cause”… i.e. an overwhelming Peaceful Revolution at the Ballot Box next year. I fear though in order to have a Peaceful Revolution you need most Americans to be united against the Regime, but in Reality we are politicaly divided against one another, and instead of a peaceful revolution at the ballot box there will eventually, instead to be a civil war. A’m I being too pessimistic or is there hope for a good outcome for our country next year?
Could you possibly, In one of your upcoming broadcasts or writings expand on these similarities if any
Thanks for all your writings and broadcasts!
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Dear Professor Hanson,
I’ve been following many sources of information outside of the mainstream media regarding the Ukraine war, such as Col. Anthony Macgregor and Russian oriented blogger Simplicius The Thinker, among many others. It seems to me that the Ukraine war is very similar to the Spanish Civil War, in that it’s a proving ground for new military weapons (drones), tactics, etc. Do you think that the U.S. military will learn the lessons from this war and adapt to them?
Professor Hanson,
I have enjoyed your podcasts and the ability to let you fully clarify your analysis of current events and teach us what history tells us as it relates to current events including politics. I also so much enjoy your writings. When I first became aware of your outstanding scholarly analysis and thoughtfulness, I was frustrated with commentators forcing you to short, bullet like replies without letting you elaborate and clarify. The podcasts are just what I wanted a full, detailed analysis supported by your outstanding scholarship. Thank you so much for offering solutions rather than an endless, noisy shouting of “headlines” to get your emotional attention rather than engaging our intellects and reasoning.
Message to jack fowler
please refrain from long topic set-ups (and interjecting/interrupting with your thoughts). we want to hear vdh express his unique thoughts on current issues. you two are not sitting on bar stools at the local pub having beers with near equal back-and-forths. a straight man in a comedy act doesn’t step all over the talented star attraction. your past comments indicate you are aware of this and it seems you can’t help yourself, but please try to be only the referee keeping track of time and BRIEF topic intros. the fans pay to see michael jordan and tom brady, not the (sincerely no offense intended) third string reserve. william f buckley’s show had a different format, but the moderator was seldom heard.
I’ve been a subscriber since August of 2021. Love the podcast. Really like Sami Wink as your co-host. I’m having a bit of a problem. I have been unable to get to the Ultra content on the website since the last subscription renewal on August 17th. I’ve sent several emails to the website contactus address, but have not gotten any responses and the problem continues. Does anyone monitor that email account? Help!
Professor Hanson:
Your work is a marvel and so are you. I have appreciated you and reveled in your writings for over twenty-five years.
But today’s remarks on J.R.R. Tolkien and his work, while perceptive, are a bit off. Tolkien like you, had a tragic view of life. As you note, his Middle-Earth is a fallen world. But, the victors in the war of the Ring did not use the Ring, as some had wished (consider Boromir). They are not tainted by it: those who lust for the Ring, such as Denethor and Saruman, lose out (they are traitors).
Some of the victors go to the West because the time of the rule of men has arrived with Aragorn, and without the powers of the Elvish rings (their potency had been lost with the destruction of the one ring), the Elves have no place in the world to come. They are the last survivors of the Noldorean return to Middle Earth anyhow. That’s why Galadriel and Elrond leave for the West. Some, like Frodo and Bilbo, need healing from their long travail as ringbearers. Gandalf, being a Maia, is returning to his natural home, from which he was sent as an emissary, to contest the power of Sauron. They all have remained sound morally and spiritually. But the victory was costly to the Elves particularly, but they were willing to bear the consequences because they knew it was right. Sauron had to be brought down.
The victory, though, is providential. To understand all this better, read the Silmarillion.
Tolkien was no antisemite! See:
I love VDH. But he is going eeyore on me about election day voting. I am the same age as VDH. I always loved election day. I remembered going with my parents to vote and watching them go into the booth and the curtain closing in the voting booth. I always wanted to know what was going on in there. But today is today. I live in Virginia close to the WV border. In early November, it can be cold, rainy, or just miserable on election day. I remember voting in 2016 where it was rainy and freezing and they ran out of ballots. So you waited 2 hours while they got more ballots from the registrars office. Glenn Youngkin just established a process that we can sign up for absentee voting. The registrar will send me a ballot a month before the election. I can mail it back in, take it to the polls and put it in the voting container, or vote the traditional way. This way I don’t have to worry about the weather or my health or whatever. This is how you win elections.
I am a long-time listener, new subscriber very interested on what Victor’s take is on the Convention of Sates. (Article 5) I searched the Blade but didn’t get any hits. I see it is promoted on Can you point me to one of Victor’s books where he covers this topic or perhaps consider addressing its viability in a future podcast? Thank you!
I would love to hear you interview Thomas Sowell about his new book.
Dear VDH…
I listen to your podcasts and have been a fan of yours since I first saw you on the History Channel years ago.
It’s amazing how many people don’t realize that we’re reliving history but think somehow we’re immune from the mistakes of the past.
My early morning before sunrise walks are enhanced with fresh air and your insights… and by the way… Jack Fowler and Sami Winc are also outstanding and make it a great overall experience when paired with my coffee after my walks.
It’s an insane world out there now and you help bring some peace and sanity to my day.
Ed Favinger
Folsom, Ca
I am a new member to this website, after first seeing you on TV and then listening to your podcasts for the last 6 months. As a 74 year old retired IT consultant and amateur political scientist I deeply appreciate your knowledge, YOUR FACTS, and most of all your perspective. You must be good at puzzles because you make the bits and pieces of history and today’s events fit into a coherent, although very depressing, picture. THANK YOU.
I recommend you comment in a future podcast on this article from Foreign Policy painting the Republicans as the evil protagonists in the world for the past 50 years.
Alone at the Top
He always endeavored to win alone
And over the years, his methods he honed.
He projected strength and never seemed evil,
But others (to him) were throw-away people.
Most were people he barely knew,
And some were souls whose use was through.
A few were kinfolk that he knew well.
But in the end, they also fell.
People resented his wiles and ways
That he achieved his selfish goals each day.
He lied, cheated, and encroached upon rights,
So that he could win his impossible fights.
Lives were destroyed and futures were lost,
Leaving many with deep emotional costs.
But now he’s alone after merciless toils,
With no one to love and share his spoils.
He is an ostracized soul who won alone,
Now emptily reaping what he has sown.
Written the morning of 01/10/2018.
Victor, you and I were born about a year apart in the United States of America. But we now live in the Disunited States of Anomie. The poem that I just sent you (Alone at the Top), I wrote in 2018. It describes a combination of several people that I have known in my life, not just one person.
But, if you ask an American today who that poem best describes, they will immediately say Donald Trump if they are a Democrat. But, if that person is a Republican, they will say Joseph Biden. That is how far apart we, as a country, have grown.
One word: anomie, best describes our failing country. SAD!
Dear Dr. Hanson,
This is mostly just fanmail. Thank you so much for your media presence and principled stand on so many things. It has done much to give me hope for the possibility that American academia may have some integrity intact.
Just one small comment to consider. In several recent posts about the current abhorrent situation, you have characterized the conduct of Hamas as “pre-civilizational”. I think this does the reputation of our paleolithic and neanderthal forebears a great disservice. There is no evidence in the archaeological record that pre-civilizational peoples behaved with the level of barbarity that we see beginning in the Neolithic. In fact, mass brutality and killing is a defining feature of the arrival of civilization, along with agriculture, division of labor, etc.. These are the important insights brought forward by a fellow of yours from The Farm, my good friend John Zerzan. I think you might like some of his writings if you’re not already aware of them.
Thank you again for being a voice of sanity in these times, you are much appreciated,
Kind Regards,
Jeffrey L. Benjamin
PhD, Archaeology, Columbia University
Recently, there appeared an article describing newly found evidence, described by scientists, that early humans cannibalized one another. If true, is that not pre-civilizational?
Mr. Hansen,
How about a condensed history up to today, of why is there conflict between Palestinians and Jews. over Israel and Gaza? Who is in the right or wrong?
Mr. Curry, please consider purchasing a copy of “From Time Immemorial” by Joan Peters. It is a thorough treatment of the time period at the end of the British mandate of “Palestine” and Transjordan. She includes a respectable bibiography and some informative appendices. Quite an eye-opener.
Agra question for Victor. My wife and I have a concord grapevine approximately 3 years old that is pretty good setting fruit but about 1/3 of the grapes fall off soon after. Over-all not too bad and the grapes that are left are good size without much rot. How can we improve for a better harvest?
Wish you all a peaceful 2024.
Jon and Kim Vasquez
My last four-line comment pertains to what the leaders of Communist China were thinking while they were deciding how to handle the Tiananmen Square problem regarding the students demanding more Democratic rule in 1989. (Keep in mind that forty to fifty years earlier, those same communist leaders were young idealistic students who were demanding that Communism replace the Nationalist government regime of General Chaing Hai Chek.) In the end, the CCP trucked in provincial army soldiers who massacred the big city students and squelched the student demonstration at Tiananmen Square, which was fired up mainly by liberal foreign journalists. (Gee, who’d a thunk it?)
History rhymes ironically. What goes around eventually comes back around. Only now, it has a different twist. Radical Left Wingers (Collectivists at best?) are USA Cancel Culture students of 2023 who are cancelling conservative free speech at universities. And they are getting a lot of traction with modern-day liberal journalists. (Again, who’d a thunk it?)
As a classical historian, what do you think of this ironic twist? Is Donald Trump becoming a modern-day Alcibiades? God help us if Trump becomes another Alcibiades who was a Greek rock-star raised by his godfather Pericles in ancient Athens! Alcibiades eventually left the Syracuse battle force to join Sparta. Then he went to Persia to advise them on how to defeat Athens before being called back to Greece. Who is the modern-day equivalent of Socrates in the USA?
I just started listening to the podcast posted today (10/28/23) with Sami. Today is Saturday. The first portion of the podcast was devoted to how bad the Republicans were for not selecting a new speaker of the House when, in fact, they picked him on Wednesday. I understand you have a lot on your plate, but perhaps these segments can be edited out when they no longer speak to the facts as they exist.
Your recent comments criticizing Republicans for failing to have a “plan” for how to deal with Trump if and/or when he is convicted and suggesting he should not be considered or nominated as the presidential candidate are short-sighted. If Trump withdraws or voters fail to consider him because of these corrupt proceedings, then the left simply will continue to do it to every candidate thereafter. At some point, we need to take a stand against it and establish that we will not allow the left to select our candidates. You may not like Trump, and it appears that you would prefer somebody else, but we need to stop it before it becomes an established practice. An analogous situation is the corruption of the Supreme Court nominations by Republican presidents. It began with Clarence Thomas and has crescendoed to the Kavanaugh fiasco. There is never any similar treatment of leftist nominees. No sense in continuing to treat the leftist’s nominees with respect and kid gloves while expecting a different outcome for our nominees. That’s the definition of insanity.
Dear Professor Hanson – I enjoy your podcasts. I do hope you will pass the following information to Jack Fowler and Sami Winc. Here are some synonyms for “wisdom”: judgment, judiciousness, prudence, reason, sense, sagacity, astuteness, discernment, penetration, foresight, comprehension, enlightenment, understanding, knowledge, learning, erudition. In addition to these words, there are other words they could use as a variation of their oft repeated “thank you Victor for your wisdom.”
…as a farmer and caretaker of the land, i would appreciate your thoughts and view of the work of kentuckian wendell berry?…
Dear Professor Hanson
I have been following your podcasts withe Sami Winc and Mr Fowler, have read many of your books. Your books, interviews and podcasts over the years has helped me understand the changes in the USA from afar. I live in Cape Town South Africa.
The changes Ihorrify me and its unbelievable that my “champion”country is in such trouble. They say that when America sneezes the rest of the world catches a cold.
That the western world is going through another phase like “The Beatles” “Presley” “Woodstock'”- I get it, but “woke” phase, which I hope is temporary, is so destructive eg the Supreme Court, indicting a past president, kangaroo courts, inflation, energy prices etc etc etc.
Could you perhaps explain or comment as to why there are varying phases and how do they start or who starts them and why with special reference to the current woke culture.
From afar I see movies with excessive “fbombs”in the dialogue sometimes in front of kids. Excessive violence and sexuality unrelated to the movie content. I don’t think I am over conservative but enough is enough.
Eelections, both in our country, and USA are going to be crucial.
Here in South Africa we have an administration that tried to broker a peace in the Ukraine/Russia conflict and declared they were neutral in their efforts. Yet they have backed the Palestinian cause with vigor. Being a white Jew in South Africa is scary.
Thank you for your insightful commentary
-Regards Dr Irvine J Eidelman
I would love it if you, Mr. Hanson, could point me to an objective modern history of Israel. The mysterious part to me is what happened in this area in the 19th and 20th centuries. As it is stated in The History of Modern Times by Paul Johnson the state of Israel was drawn up by the United Nations (dominated by Britain, France, the US and Russia) in 1947. At that time, within the borders, as then drawn, there were 50K Jews and 500k Arabs. And, most of the Jews at that time had arrived in the prior 50 or so years. It has been hell ever since. The question for me is what exactly is wrong with the Arab claim that it is their land and was taken over (settled) by the Jews. The Jewish claim that it is their historic land going back two thousand years is not much different than the Indians claiming Manhattan today.
To be perfectly clear I also think any Arab claim at this point is analogous to the IRA’s claim to Northern Ireland. You may have a claim but it is way too late. I am also aware that Hamas, Arafat et al and Iran have never had peace or the two state “solution” in mind at all.
Have you covered this anywhere and can you point me to a correct, unbiased history?
Hey Dr. Hanson…
I”ve been a fan for a long long time… been listening to your podcasts after hearing you on Laura Ingraham’s morning radio show back in the day during Trump’s first campaign in 2016… VDH was always a great interview and then I”ve been on your podcasts daily… Thank you IHeart Radio
I’ve learned a lot of history while doing my early morning 2 mile walk here and how much of it is repeating in our time now.
I just learned today after hearing the Podcast from November 11th that you had a relative that fought in the Battle of the Aleutians where my own father also was a bombardier in that war zone… War changes you from what my mother said… that after my dad came back he wasn’t the same guy…
I’m a couple of years older than you and was in the Air Force in 67 along with my dad… his comment about the war between Israel and Egypt was interesting when he said I should have read the bible more because the Jews had never lost a war with the Egyptians..
Anyway… Take care of your bad self… I know the stinking lefties are after you but we’ve got your back…
Oh by the way… I appreciate Jack and Miss Sami too….
Ed Favinger, Folsom, Ca
Apologies that I simply cannot afford the time to review all 203 comments above in an effort to avoid repetition, but as a medical school professor, having treated over 50 seriously ill hospitalized (ICU) patients with SARS-CoV-2 ARDS patients on ECMO, I was naturally curious to the study referenced in your November 23 New COVID Vaccine Study podcast. I’ve listened twice, went online to Blade of Perseus, and simply cannot find the medical journal reference to any study which supports your allegations of a lack of safety, less efficacy than what was initially published in the NEJM, nor the direct mortality (or even indirect mortality) risks of the vaccine. I do agree completely, and have stated publicly on social media, that the mRNA vaccine is not a vaccine but represents gene therapy in that viable viral mRNA is introduced into and hijacks the cell’s protein synthesis to create unnatural spike proteins (i.e. NOT found in Nature) and receptor binding domains, and the body’s immune response to these proteins are what renders immunization, which HAS been demonstrated in randomized trials to improve the risk of death and severe disease (ventilator, ECMO requirements). Parenthetically, it’s the innocent bystander injury from the body’s immune system on cells which express these spike proteins/RBDs that causes myocarditis, for instance. Please: give us the name of the journal article, authors, publication date, etc. so that we can pass this on. M. A. Wait MD
Dr. Hanson, though I feel you are “Victor” to those of us with like mind who love you so. I have a critical question that I am hoping you might address in a column or piece.
At Thanksgiving, many of us enjoyed deep conversation with our young adult children aged 24- 30 or so. So much has happened to us all in the last year, they are becoming more mature young adults yet seem still addled with the baggage of being raised in the social media era of vast indoctrination. Even Christians schooled in the south. Specifically, many voted strongly against President Trump in 2020, and are still committed to voting against him. They dislike President Biden, say he’s too old and feeble, don’t like the direction of the country, yet they are not willing to consider the issues at all so long as the opponent is President Trump.
I feel this must permeate the vastness of the never Trump movement, but can you help the otherwise rational and productive youth specifically who cannot see past the demon of Trump. They lack historical perspective and remain optimistic for America. They just won’t consider Trump. These seem discordant? How can we move past this? Thank you.
Daniel Plager, Tampa
Dear Dr. Hanson,
I am so pleased to read your posts on “X” now. As a supporter I have access to your other writings, podcasts, interviews, etc. Now I look forward to reading your opinions on X. True to form, they are always informative and well thought through.
I’m sure you have noticed that as much as X fosters free speech, it also amplifies the attitudes of the loudest voices in the room. Legacy Media has its approved narratives that to my mind are restrictive for a society. X is full of tricky “influencers” who have figured out how to keep their opinions up front and in your face in order to get the most clicks and followers.
The methods of these influencers may make them valuable to the X platform, but voices like yours are what truly make the platform itself valuable to a thinking person.
I’ve been meaning to write for a long time because I enjoy your podcasts and writing so much. I love hearing stories of your family and the farm. I especially like it when you veer off topic and bring interesting side bars to the conversation. It’s entertaining to see how your co-hosts try to steer you back on track.
You have a rare personality combination that reflects humanity, humility and brilliance. Anyway, that’s how I see it. And I hope you continue to bring your touch of class to X.
Thank you,
Jan K. Vroman
In all honesty, my only interest in becoming an Ultra Member, was to peruse through the “Angry Reader” content. I hope all members will agree the true gold is where VDH responds to those readers. There is even an angry phone caller reply, which put a big smile on my face. Thank you for the pleasant surprise Victor. You mention on your podcast that you write back, but I did not realize you publicly posted it. Thank you also for taking up some public spaces through print, social media/internet, and television. Keep Striving.
Rilie J. Morgan
Fargo, ND
“There’s been more men killed over water than women”
It is a joy to listen to the VDH stories about growing up on the farm and the wonderful family members who have lived there for generations. The in-depth historical/military discussions on the podcast are important and steeped in sound analysis, depth and wisdom. Thank you so much!
I have one small criticism – on one of the most recent discussions with SW, your dogs were barking throughout without let up…..not only distracting but was wondering what was making them so distraught?
Re yesterday’s podcast, you continue to paint Matt Gaetz as some scoundrel when it was clear the scoundrel was Kevin McCarthy who you still defend bails out again for the money he’ll now personally make as an inside consultant or agent for all those donors he was actually working for, not his district nor as Speaker the rest of US – he went back on his word to Gaetz et al and paid the proper price for his political sins…
and Jack says the vote for Trump was a reactionary thing…BS…we actively, directly voted for him each time as he offered what no prior politician has ever offered before, a transparent doer actually doing and accomplishing his political promises, and did them quickly – that’s never happened before, ever!
You 2 are very slow at getting it right, or are you operating out of fear of being cancelled, hedging your comments?
And Victor, why so shy about not naming Gen Mattis as an anti-Trumper, calling him a Nazi in that spring time Atlantic article. He is a Hoover Instit ‘colleague’ but Hoover should have terminated his involvement there after he wrote such an insubordinate work and advocated him to be prosecuted/court matrialled for violating his Military conduct rules about the CiC! Trump was always right about the MidEast, and Mattis was wrong!
My wife and I have noticed a severe lack of Christmas Cards this year. You know the kind you receive from your friends who live in different areas of the country. Usually they have pictures of the whole family on the card, with their pets, or sometimes just with the pets; wishing you well during the Christmas season. Just wondering if any of the members have noticed the same. Personally, our family won’t be sending any out this year as we just don’t have the extra money to do so, and we have many friends doing the same. I’m wondering if this is a nation wide phenomena, another result of Bidenomics. Hopefully some members will reply with what they’ve experienced.
Rilie J. Morgan
Fargo, ND
Just listened to the podcast with Steven Quay and VDH of a few days ago regarding the Covid
vaccination debacle and all I can say is that it totally confirmed what I suspected all along. It looks like we were all duped……
Thank you for your GREAT podcasts!!!
Great podcast with Dr. Quay yesterday. He confirms what I (a layperson ordinaire) have known since 2020 bc I was paying attention: The MRNA gene therapy was experimental & the population of the world became the lab rats. You and he used the “ship billions off to the moon analogy”. But it was more like sending billions to the Island of Dr. Moreau. I remember listening to the analysis of Dr. Lee Merrit who explained how the MRNA therapies had never been successfully tested in animals! All the cats died! I learned most of the people dying on ventilators were vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D. The FDA was a corrupt captured agency. ) I remember listening to the original dark horse interview w Bret Weinstein, Dr. Robert Malone and Steve Kirsh & learned what Dr. Quay discussed: The lipid nanoparticles from the “vaccine” didn’t stay in the deltoid muscle as we’d been told. It traveled throughout the body to organs & what would that do? They didn’t know! . What was not touched on was there was treatment for covid. Doctors were saving lives w off label drugs. But there would have been no EUA so it was hidden & the brave doctors who were saving lives were attacked & it cost them dearly. Drs. Piere Kory, Ryan Cole, Merrill Nass, Peter McCullough. You should talk to them. Thanks 4 discussing WHO “treaty.”
I think the word you were after was “Gaslighted ” 🙂 Hugs Victor 🙂 God Bless and A Merry Xmas . 🙂
I am currently enjoying the ‘office hours’ series of discussions recently posted – like an early Christmas present. Thank you Victor Davis Hanson and Merry Christmas!
I’m a faithful listener to Mr. Hanson on a podcast.
I love to hear him speak! I just saw this video about airlines and immediately thought of him!
God bless you, Mr. Hanson!
Victor, I very much enjoy listening to your podcasts. You and Jack discussed the portrait artist today, so I looked at the screen shot while you talked. The pencil side took me back to the sketches that my dad would do sitting at the dinner table. He was really good, but did not have any formal training. He left school after the tenth grade because he missed so much school that he did not keep up. He was the oldest of 8 children, born in 1929, on a rural farm in central Michigan. He was constantly missing school to plow the fields, plant the crops, maintain the fields or harvest the crops. Anyway, the man was my hero, still is. Not because he was a Korean War veteran that still had 3 pieces of shrapnel in his body when he died because the shrapnel was too close to internal organs, but because he was actually my step-dad. My mother was a 25 year old widow with 3 boys under the age of 7. What else can you call someone that steps in 4 years later to raise another man’s 3 sons other than a hero. Anyway, the pencil sketch reminded of my dad, so thank you.
Really enjoyed the bit on Greek Lyric Poetry! Curious if Dr. Hanson could spend a few minutes on Roman Lyric Poetry (Catullus and his friends). As a former Latin major in a different life, it would be groovy fun!
Love the show.
Dr. Hanson- You are like a voice crying in the wilderness of our dissolving nation to make the paths straight back to a foundation of sanity and civilization. I cherish your wisdom and insights. There is a resonance in your worldview that inspires each of us who desire that our nation would repent to a condition of rational normalcy. Hand wringing and nostalgia are no solution to our current state of collapse as a nation but the voices of warning must be heard and yours is one of the finest and irrefutable. If you inspire me and other much smaller voices to speak out against those who cherish tyranny over freedom, and irrationality over sanity, perhaps some will listen, and with prayer and divine intervention, God may show us Mercy and turn us to repentance. May He strengthen your voice in this dark hour.
Dear Dr. Hanson,
My wife and I are recent listeners to your enlightening podcasts and sincerely thank you for sharing your thoughts on the numerous topics/subjects you are able/willing to share.
I prefer not to be recognized for my request which I feel will increase the strength of your comments.
My ask is for articulating, whenever possible, a dollar value. to the “costs” of poor judgment of our government (local, county, district, state and fed). As an example, for the 8,400 military service members who refused covid vaccinations; what was their average rank, years of service, cost of their training. New recruits cannot possible fill the void of the experience they gained. Another example, what is the expected cost to NYC, Fulton County, etc for Trump’s farse cases?
I feel bringing cost visibility to our pocketbooks will further your comments of the stupidity of these actions.
Thank you for your consideration and keeping up with factual based comments.
Sincerely and respectfully,
Jerry M of Colorado
That is a very good question–same with the police and fire departments.
The cost of being a sanctuary city or state is another.
Lawrence Jones was interviewing a resident and a city councilor in Boston the other day about the city taking over a local community center for immigrants. I do not know if this councilor voted for Boston to be a sanctuary city, but she said she did not realize what the cost could be.
I see the cost effecting the citizens of (the country), the state and cities and towns (taxes x 3). With more immigrants being spread out across the state, school systems will be paying a price. I am sure many do not have all of the needed services for the new non-English speaking students.
Dear Dr. Hanson:
I would like to begin by saying how much I enjoy and appreciate all of your podcasts and writings. I can’t get enough!!
I have been reading quite a bit on the Later Roman Empire and was wondering what you think of the thesis that The Germanic tribes after they settled in the Western Empire they in many ways revised/preserved Roma Civilization. Then in the 7th ands 8th Centuries the invasions of the Arabs throughout the Med. actually ended Classical Civilization.
Thanks so very much
Bill Gollier
Dear Dr. Hanson.
Please accept this minor criticism. The conservative pundits as a group are pounding Biden and his regime on a daily basis. But the problem is not Biden. The problem is the Democrat Party as a whole and specifically the puppet masters. In my opinion the puppet master is Obama. Why not continually blame Obama for such things as racial tension, the Middle East, the economy, the war on fossil fuel, gas ranges, air conditioners, and finally the insanity of electric car mandates.
One major point. Did VP Biden work in a vacuum when he fired the Ukrainian prosecutor? When he made the business trips to China with Hunter? When he ignored State Department advice related to Hunter’s business dealings with Burisma Energy? Simply put, “What did Obama know, and when did he know it.
With Michelle warming up in the bullpen we need to remind mind her and him that they are going to take a pounding their attempt to continue the dynasty. Last question? Did the Obamas get any of the goodies? Just a question. No proof.
It really is a Board of Shadowy Figures.
I don’t like Executive Orders by either side. Obama used his pen, then Trump used his pen, and then Biden used his pen. I’m sure it goes back many years before Obama.
I find Congress very lazy. They jumble up bills so that this one will vote for that and that one will vote for something else. So if we jumble it up, we can possibly get it passed whereas each bill on its own the way it is written won’t pass because the Rs don’t like it or the Ds don’t like it. And they are all interested in sound bites.
If you take Biden’s own comment (well SOB they fired him) and recall he told the Ukrainian President to call Obama, I would place a bet that Obama was 100% behind the grift and bribery scheme.
In fact that may be the second reason Obama picked Biden as his VP. The first being similar to having a Kamala Harris as a VP, nobody wants to remove the sitting POTUS with such incompetence at VP.
Dr. Dr Hanson,
regarding the border: We all know that Biden has a lot of power to impede the flow of illegal immigrants without any new legislation. Enforce the current laws. The problem is that the Biden Administration’s priorities have not been to stop the flow of illegal immigrants, but to control it. In classic “big state” fashion, the Biden Administration wants more money to manage the flow, not to stop it. Until he reverses his policies and stops facilitating the illegal entry and relocation of and financial assistance to illegal aliens, Congress should not provide any more funding to support the Biden Administrations policies.
I have been listening to your podcasts for several months and I cannot express how much I enjoy listening to your wisdom and intellect on everything you chose to comment on. I only wish that you had more podcasts each week. Four is not enough! I always try to catch you on TV but I enjoy these podcasts so much more.
I wish I could have been one of your students, though I consider myself one now.
Thank you.
You may consider me an Angry Listener, at least to the Jack Fowler podcasts. Getting the podcast 4 days after it is recorded often leaves the commentary OBE (overcome by events). In a world moving at light speed what happened last Saturday is becoming or already has become old news.
Then there are the numerous commercials. Before we even hear the Professor, we are 5 or 6 minutes into the podcast. That might be acceptable but then Jack breaks for more commercials throughout.
Jack closing promoting his own writings is understandable; but if not for his ramblings during the podcast one might decide his pieces worth following.
So I will be one passing on the two Jack Fowler/VDH podcasts and still to the more relevant weekend podcasts with Sami Winc. Even though most of the historical references are hard to remember, I figure if I hear the names more often I may remember the Xeres, Xenophons and others rarely taught. It has peaked my interest in learning more ancient history.
I thoroughly enjoy the podcasts, even though they are not available until several days after they are recorded. As with most “news,” I find it best to wait a few days after an event has occurred in order to “let the dust settle” before coming to conclusions. I believe the current co-host format makes this podcast work well, with respect to VDH’s style of speaking and his ability to relate historical facts to current events.
Wow, I had lunch once with the Australian historian, Geoffrey Blainey that Victor mentioned on the The Larry Arnn Show. Having worked in publishing for nearly 40 years, I’ve met many authors but
Blainey was a stand-out. Instead of speaking a single word about himself, or his work, he spent the entire two hours enticing our family histories from our names and a few questions about where we were born. He is still living, (93) and I remember him from that one meeting as a prince of men.
i am a Canadian and enjoy the podcasts immensely. Regrettably i am not a historian, but i have some family based knowledge of the first world war. My grandfather was one of the founders of the reserve regiment “Seaforth Highlanders of Canada” and fought with then in that war. He was promoted to Brigadier General in the process. My reason for writing is that my grandfather served under Sir Arthur Currie, the general who led the successful assault at Vimy Ridge, which was not only important for my country but it seems to me was a turning point in the war. In that battle., Canadian forces introduced the tactic of “the moving barrage” and other battlefield tactics that contributed to changing the course of the battle and the war. After Vimy, General Currie continued to lead allied troops and specifically led them through the last three battles of that war which were fought at a rate of one per month. He was successful in each. I think that is unbelievably impressive given the long history of unsuccessful leadership in that war. I do not know for certain, but I do not think General Currie was ever defeated in battle. After the war he returned to civilian life and served as president of McGill University. His country has never properly recognized his achievements. I raise this because I wonder if Dr. Hansen considered General Currie’s accomplishments as a general in the first world war when assessing the best general.
Does anyone know how to change the login picture in the oval?
When I upload a photo – it changes the background image but not the image in the oval.
Prof Hanson – I decided to write this because while I enjoy your podcasts and writing you have one annoying piece of data that is repeated over and over again that I find frustrating. Ashley Babbit was not shot while she was trying to crawl through a broken window. The window may have been broken and she may have been near it, but she was not crawling through it or even trying to crawl though it when she was shot. I looked at the video and took another look at it before writing this. Please quit saying that unless you have seen some video those of us in the public have never seen. Thank you.
I listened with relish to Victor’s dialogue with Sami about the Greek rhetoricians. VDH’s application of it to English, to Lincoln’s magnificent rhetoric (the Second Inaugural in particular, never exceeded in our American history for its confluence of moral and rhetorical power), and to the problems generated by Greek sophistry and by the corruption of language so precisely and powerfully skewered by Orwell — it made for an exhilarating and uplifting morning. As a reader of Hebrew and Aramaic, the imprint that language makes on thought is a topic that I think of often, and VDH’s comparison of languages and their strengths and weaknesses is something a appreciate.
May I offer respectfully Churchill’s own words about the study of classic languages versus the study of English as an addition to what VDH said about Churchill’s mastery of language and rhetoric and his relation to the classical tongues? This is from his autobiography, My Early Life:
[B]y being so long in the lowest form I gained an immense advantage over the cleverer boys. They all went on to learn Latin and Greek and splendid things like that. But I was taught English. We were considered such dunces that we could learn only English. Mr. Somervell — a most delightful man, to whom my debt is great — was charged with the duty of teaching the stupidest boys the most disregarded thing — namely, to write mere English. He knew how to do it. He taught it as no one else has ever taught it. Not only did we learn English parsing thoroughly, but we also practised continually English analysis. . . Thus I got into my bones the essential structure of the ordinary British sentence — which is a noble thing. And when in after years my schoolfellows who had won prizes and distinction for writing such beautiful Latin poetry and pithy Greek epigrams had to come down again to common English, to earn their living or make their way, I did not feel myself at any disadvantage. Naturally I am biased in favour of boys learning English. I would make them all learn English: and then I would let the clever ones learn Latin as an honour, and Greek as a treat. But the only thing I would whip them for would be not knowing English. I would whip them hard for that.”
Mr. Hanson, simply stated, you are the new Rush Limbaugh.
I’m 76 years old and didn’t miss a Limbaugh radio show or podcast. Same now with you and yours.
Surely hope advertisers are signing up to support your show, but you really deserve to be a live show on a major radio network, maybe 2 to 3 hours, taking calls. Perhaps you’ve been offered such a position?
Thanks for all you do. Please keep it up!
Dave Willadsen
I am a huge fan, have listened to your podcasts for years. Recently, listening to your views on Ukraine and Israel, I am beginning to think you are a little stuck in outdated military strategy. I urge you to listen to I would really be interested in learning your thoughts and will continue to download your podcasts. Thank-you.
Dear VDH,
Avid listener but you need to stop.
You need to stop with your mental ‘laundry list’ of points that support a thought.
You need to stop with the overused “what I am trying to say” or “the point I am trying to make” that coincidentally follows the ‘laundry list’.
You need to stop with the how you would conduct yourself if you were TRUMP as we approach the ’24 General.
You need to stop suggesting the marques of queensberry rule as a strategy for TRUMP yet in almost the same breath no longer a strategy for the RNC to use when fending off the rabid left.
You need to stop highlighting the lefts outrageous abuse of power no justice lawfare against TRUMP. .I get it and if I need to hear more of it (which I don’t) I can by tuning into the mass medium of lies out there. Highlight the corrupt judges and litigators instead.
Finally stop interrupting you hosts both Jack and Sami I know you don’t mean too but you need to stop that.
signed, don’t lose me.
Four things:
My wife and I are avid listeners and love the programs.
You often mention the leaning of Obama toward Iran. Could it be his short time in Jakarta, in that country is 87% Muslim population, and the close association Iran. Maybe influenced by his Nanny?
Loved your rendition of a Swedish funeral. It reminded me of my youth having all immigrant grandparents. Maternal Swedish and Norwegian, Anderson and Davidson. Always remember there was a pot of coffee brewing and pastries from Andersonville(chicago), and my grandparents wondering why a five year old boy would be a little hyper after consuming two or three cups of coffee along with sugared pastries. Most of the relatives landed in Minnesota, I am told they were looking for somewhere as cold and miserable as back home.
I will end with one of my mother and her self deprecating humorous jokes. Remember when automobiles had the switch for the bright lights on the floor board. After the changed it to the steering column, they had to change it back for the Swedes, because the kept getting their feet caught in the steering wheel.
Dear Prof. Hanson:
I have come to rely on your podcasts and blogs more heavily as time goes by. I personally get the sense that no commentator I am familiar with has a more accurate grasp of American politics and especially, geopolitical reality, than yourself. There are tough, brilliant American minds in their own fields of journalism, politics and society out there and I follow them religiously – Julie Kelly for example, whom you recently interviewed. But your scholarship and academic work that you bring to bear on the general state of world affairs are unique.
But I want to note the point you raised in your “Iran’s Nine Lives” blog and your podcast released today, April 25. Until I saw and heard them I thought that Biden’s plea to Netanyahu to “take the win” after Israel’s retaliatory strike on Iran was just one more stupidity in the apparently endless stream of stupidities emanating from Biden over the last three years. And not just stupid, but arrogant and condescending. But in fact as you said, Israel had in response to the failed Iranian barrage sent the Teheran regime a subtle but unmistakable message. So, given Iran’s attack and Israel’s response, there is a sense in which Israel can chalk up a win, and a big one. As for Biden, the old saying that a broken clock can be right twice a day holds up.
I rely every week on your insights, pithy observations and the humor that you are not at liberty to express as freely on your TV appearances. I am 66 and deeply saddened by the decline of our national civility and, as you have so clearly articulated, the purposeful efforts of the left to dismantle the foundations of western civilization. I have fallen into the cycle listed below but I have not lost all hope that your cry in the wilderness will be heard. Thank you for all you do!
Read your articles. Listen to the VDH podcast > weep inconsolably for 15 minutes > repeat next week
I am a fan since 2003. You were on BOOK TV a c-span program. Which I will never forget. A listener phoned in a question about crossing of the Alps by Hannibal and was it wise after crossing the Rhone river? I thought it was a prank call. Who could possibly speak to that? You, of course went on for 10 minutes. Joke was on me.
Now 21 years later, I even pay $50 to Sword site. Here’s my message to you.
Often you say don’t go to college now. Be a tradesman. But you do not explain the reasons. You are missing the reasons behind your accurate advice; and the listener hears that the lower status of trades, unions, labor is better choice. Intuitively young people know a doctor, lawyer, banker is higher earnings, status, and sexier.
You need to present it thusly. Hey, 20 somethings, what do you really want in a job or an education for a career, in general, your future? You want a job to make money. That’s it, the primary motivation to work, to get paid. Then you can have freedom to live happy and successful with personal fulfillment.
Take a close look at the numbers. Going for highest status and money would be a doctor, preferably a surgeon. Now add up the costs in time and money. College plus medical school, and 8 to 12 years of your time. Say, 8 years of formal education at $80k per, total 640,000. Add opportunity cost, lost wages going to school, for even low level shoe store assistant manager $40,000 X 8yrs $320,00 . there you go $ 320 + 640 = $960,000.
TG. continued…. Is it worth the price? One million dollars and 12 years
The other fellow named Cole studied electrical contracting in technical school for one year. By age 20 he got a union job, apprentice, and in 3 years earns $94k, true story. How about the doctor, starting at $38/hr is $80/yr, age 30. With more specialty training and 15 year experience he could make $300 -500,000 age 50.
However our young contractor, smart as any other professional 15 years later builds homes and sells each at a $300,000 profit. If you are intelligent enough to be a doctor or lawyer be an entrepreneur. You will earn much more, with less competition in another career. It is well know that the highest paid in any field is the salesman on commission.
In sum: Post-classical history teaches that guilds were prized and prosperous profitable craftsmen. With a subset for women in textiles and yarn-spinning. This is coming around again. Jobs not transferable to China.
Of course if the lost youth chooses to be a classics professor, all bets and prospects are off the table. No status or money will tempt him. There are fallback opportunities for such a lackluster fellow such as piano player in a whorehouse.
I really like Sami. I enjoy her laugh / giggle.
The way Victor handled euthanizing his beloved dog, Rollo was very poignant. As a fellow animal lover who has had to say goodbye to many fur family members, it has always been very difficult and sad to make a decision to humanely end pain and disease. Governor Noem, on the other hand, revealed a callousness and lack of empathy that was both disturbing and revealing – something that she has only been defensive about – also revealing. I have known many farmers and ranchers who would never have – in such a dismissive and cruel manner – shot their dog or goat after dragging them off to a pit, because they were ‘stupid’ and they had hated them. For my friends who farm and ranch, it has sometimes been necessary to put down an animal for multiple health and behavioral related reasons….but it has never been easy and has always been done with a heavy heart, as humanely as possible.
Dear Mr. Hanson,
I’ve been in the process of downsizing and moving over the past month and haven’t had the opportunity of catching up on your posts. It was delightfully entertaining therefore to read the comment from Angry Reader, chastising your for your allegedly liberal use of the “f” word throughout your published writings and public commentary. I appreciate that you took great pains to safeguard your honor on that point. As someone who is shamefully without filters on that same point, I assure you that I’ve never heard you use it either. Somehow, your gravitas and dignity seem to shield you from this deficiency. I’m sure if you were ever sufficiently stirred to anger, you might let loose. And, then your loyal readers would studiously overlook it and urge you onward in defense of civilization. You may proceed unmolested. I will be glad to champion your defense and tell that miserable little cretin to….* off should you require assistance. V/R
Always enjoy your podcasts. As a retired Marine, I read Carnage and Culture years before you became a media personality.
I want to convey one story. With all your California horror stories, there is one benefit. I too owned a Ram Ecodiesel and had all the problems you had with the turbo and EGR system. You benefitted from California’s strong Lemon Laws. I got a lemon law lawyer here in Nevada and was forced to settle for $3,000. After that, I dumped it for a loss and got a Toyota Tacoma (before they put a turbo in it).
All the best,
Colonel Gerry Nalepa
Las Vegas, NV
Do you have any opinion on the coincidence of timing of modern terrorist attacks occurring on dates of historically significant victories for Western Christendom? E.g. September 11 being turning points battles of Siege of Malta, Zenta and Siege of Vienna or October 7 being Lepanto…
Do you think this is mere coincidence, or perhaps a coordinated plan to overshadow past western triumphs with recent memories of defeats?
Perhaps Donald Trump should seek asylum with an ally such as Israel and run his campaign from there.
Dear Prof. Hanson,
I love your podcasts and have been listening since the early days.
I propose modifying your proposals concerning personal remittances sent from the U.S. to foreign countries as follows:
(1) If you are here illegally, you cannot send money back to your home country or any other foreign land, regardless of whether or not you are receiving state or local assistance and you are strictly prohibited from receiving any federal assistance. If you try to send money overseas, your attempt to do so will be flagged and ICE will be alerted and use the associated information to track you down. Financial institutions that facilitate such overseas transfers will be severely penalized.
(2) If you are here legally but are not a citizen and you are getting government assistance, then you are prohibited from sending money overseas and financial institutions that facilitate your doing so will be stiffly fined. If you are not receiving government assistance, then you may send money overseas, but if it is going to designated (uncooperative) problem nations, such as Mexico, then it will be taxed at 20 percent. Federal assistance for legal non-citizens will be very limited.
(3) If you are a citizen on government assistance, you cannot send money overseas. If you are a citizen and not receiving government aid, then you may do as you please.
Best Regards, Pete from Seattle
Dear Mr. Hansen,
Just a note…I’ll be on the Regents Cruise ship with you to Italy in July.
Also, when Covid broke out, I bought a tube of Horse ivermectin paste, just in case it was approved as a treatment for Covid. And 2-3 years later, I tested positive with a home-test kit. So I proceeded to eat about a half-inch of the paste from the tube every 2 hours. The next day, I no longer tested positive on my home-test kit. Now my doctor advises my labs show I have double immunity from Covid!
See you on the Grandeur!
Hey Victor. It seems that during the episode “Subverting Israel, RFK Jr., and the US” you avoided commenting on Trump’s proposal to give a green card to anyone who graduates from a US college. Many potential Trump voters were freaked out by this proposal. You always say that there are many radical Hamas supporting foreign students sponsored by Middle East oil money at US colleges. Trump would be giving green cards to these people upon graduation.
I know it is election season and you might want to avoid criticizing Trump given that it is more important to defeat Biden. But this just feels manipulative. If there are important red flags about Trump, I think they should be openly discussed. Trump does not have a clean slate in the realm of politics, unlike 2016. Would he put his daughter and son-in-law as his right hand man again? It is now obvious that Kushner was a pernicious influence and a major saboteur. What about him succumbing to deep state manipulation and failing to pardon Snowden, Assange and Ulbricht, or declassify the JFK files? How can we trust him to succeed this time? Why did he have a fall-out with Bannon, his most ardent supporter and competent subordinate, firing him and calling him Sloppy Steve? Was it due to mainstream media manipulation, by portraying Trump as a puppett controlled by Bannon? If Trump was so prone to MSM manipulation, how can we be sure that he has changed?
Also, is the American system even salvageable at this point? How are you going to de
Also, is the American system even salvageable at this point? How are you going to deport 50 million people without going full Nazi? Would it be better to put Biden back in and let the system collapse ASAP so that reconstruction can start? What is the point of delaying the inevitable?
Mr. Hansen – Over the past few days, quite accidentally, I came across a number of your discussions about “The End of Everything”. It immediately resonated and so I became somewhat familiar with the book and its themes.
Last night, with those themes well present in my mind, I watched what can only be called the most outrageous example of a country, maybe an entire civilization, at its most decadent and deluded. I watched the debate. I watched it through the eyes of those who would want to end everything. I have never seen a situation that warned of such imminent destruction.
If I thought at all like Alexander, Rome, the Ottomans, Cortes . . . how is it not obvious that, until America is passed back into control of the person on the left side of the screen, it will be in control of the person on the right, and if that is the case, does that not make it the time now – between July and November – to “end everything”? The enemy knows that the person on the left of the screen is Hannibal, who will soon be back to harry them. On the right is the equivalent of the disarmed Carthage.
Hard to believe that, given the history you have clearly exposed, there would not be an attempt to exploit such foolish weakness so prominently exposed.
I first saw VDH on the Fox News channel. I knew immediately that this was an analyst that I’d want to follow further. Mark Levin is another commentator on the channel that, like VDH, should be followed more closely by viewers if they want a more intelligent in-depth understanding of the events occurring today in society.
The End of Everything was a fascinating read – almost like a novel.
You make history come alive.
Thank you for the wonderful book.
Dear Prof. Hanson,
A guy named Rudyard who runs a YouTube channel called ‘Whatifalthist’ (What-if-alt-hist) mentioned you recently on his podcast alongside Neil Oliver, Niall Ferguson and himself as figures in ‘the pipeline from historical public intellectual to conservative pundit’. He said this in the context of explaining Byzantine history and how relieving it is to talk on such a publicly obscure, depoliticized topic. On his main channel, he used to present alternate history/counterfactual history scenarios, but recently has shifted to describing the world we live in to understand current events. Would you be interested in talking on his podcast? And do you have any favorite counterfactual history series?
Thanks, from a 26 year-old Aussie listener (you’ve got some young cats in your audience).
Dear Prof Hanson
I love your show but what on earth is going on with the episodes hosted by Jack Fowler? How many “important messages” do we have to sit through, every 10 minutes?? Soon there will be more ads than the actual show. Please talk to him, I’d love to keep following the show but the ads are getting out of control!
Thank the Lord. Pelosi is spilling the beans on why she has treated Trump as she has. Why she has been the all-powerful Oz and everyone jumping to her whims. Can’t wait to see what You have to say about it all Victor. Personally I think she’s getting all that money for her book and is so far gone that she doesn’t care anymore about hiding the fact just how much control she has had over every one to make them follow the piper. I’ve been praying for the last 6-7 years that Trump would drain the swamp. Well…the crap always floats, and I hope this brings all of it floating up with Pelosi.
Hurry up and write about it Victor. You say and write it better than anyone can. God Bless you and our great Country! Shirlene Phelps
Re: The interview with “A Soldiers Journey” Master sculptor Sabin Howard (I’ve listened twice). I live about 45 minutes from the DC Mall area and Sunday Aug 4 I took a visiting relative to visit the area. I have been multiple times; a goal this trip was to see the WW1 Memorial.
Found it very close to the WH (thanks to Google). It’s still fenced and “netted” so can’t get very close..
The following day I received my Aug 2024 issue of the American Legion magazine. In it is an excellent 4-page story of the sculpture. Last page is titled “First Illumination” and has details of the ceremony, which takes place Sept 13.
I can’t legally copy and paste from the article however all details are at
Wouldn’t it be a treat if Mr. Hanson were to attend? I’d love to meet him there.
Ralph Richards, Ellicott City, MD
Mr. Hanson, God Bless You! I hope and pray our President see’s what you wrote and understands what he must do.
I tried posting a couple of Pelosi’s interviews that I can’t find on there now and was kicked off of Face book. lol It’s no big deal. I am still concerned about Mr. Trump. I ‘m think the man who shot at him was hired to do it. I fear for his life.
Prayers for you and our President tonight.
Warm regards, ‘
Shirlene Phelps
Victor I wanted you to know I just subscribed to your website and have been listening to all the podcasts and interviews you have done. I also read your book A Case for Trump which was amazing and now waiting for the revision to read when it comes.
You give me hope when I am worried about what is happening to our country. Plus I enjoy your farmer information as I was born and raised on a pig farm and can relate to your comments.
I am so afraid that if Trump does not focus more and discipline him self we may not win. I love him and his policies but there are those that do not want to vote for him because of his ranting etc. I do not understand why he keeps doing the rally’s since they are MAGA and we know they are already voting for him. He needs to appeal to those that have concerns about him.
I agree with what you said about he needs to bring Kemp up on the stage and Desantis and Haley etc and show how united we are. But he keeps making it about him and its not. Its about us and America.
I do not know if you can try to get through to him. .I hope he or some of his people hear your podcasts because you have laid it all for him and what he needs to say. So you could probably pick up the phone and advise him. I hope you would consider. Or another idea is do a podcast with some of us- your listeners sharing with you the concerns we have.
Any way Bless all that you do and God Bless America
Joyce Benjamin
From a farmer to a Family Nurse Practitioner
Dear Professor Hanson. I’m just taking a few moments to write and tell you that I admire you a great deal. I think you are one of the great minds of our current Republic and I am hoping that if President Trump wins his third term that he reaches out to you for an advisory position. Now that (sadly) we have lost the Great Walter E Williams (may he rest in peace) and both Dr. Thomas Sowell (who is 94) and Mark Steyn (who had a legal battle with the phony climatologist) seem to have reduced their public commentary, I am afraid it falls upon you to remind us what this country really means. I read everything you publish (Books and Articles) and watch your guest spots wherever they occur. I think you are a great man and not just a great mind. I just purchased in Hardcover and on Audio Book (The End of everything) and look forward to listening to it on an 8 hour drive I have coming up real soon. That’s all I wanted to say.
Dear Professor Hanson,
While you are a man for all seasons, I believe your most consequential season and your most important destiny is at the present where you provide your country and the globe with reasoned and cogent guidance through times of inverted and incoherent policies and proselytizing. Thank you for all the wisdom and common sense. I wish there were time for you to do a podcast seven days a week instead of three.
Love your podcast, period. Just leaving a suggestion, because every time I hear you or Jack or Sami say this, it (dare I say:-) annoys me…when will you stop clarifying X as formerly twitter. It’s been X for well over a year!
Keep up (all of you) sharing all your incredible wonderful work and insights.
Why is it that the Republicans are so bad at taking advantage of the literal treasure trove of debunking points against Democrats? Republicans are sitting on a T-Bone steak starving to death. I don’t know if Trump doesn’t have the cerebral presence to discuss these things, but on energy and climate alone the hypocrisy of the Left couldn’t be more apparent – as it is on most everything these days. On climate, the Left has this “weird” form of vicarious clinical hypochondriasis and apocalyptic fear mongering which in turn severely marginalizes the most economically marginalized. For the most part, this is due to Biden’s policies on energy. Unequivocally, the fastest way to destroy the most economically marginalized – who the Democrats so vainly say they serve as priority – is to raise energy prices. It goes without saying that If anyone can absorb higher energy prices on the “fast track to climate utopia” it’s the upper class and upper segments of the middle class (not that I like paying more at the pump). Same on inflation, same on taxes, same on illegal immigration which sucks away tax dollar benefits from lower income legal citizens or legal immigrants..
I bristle again… and again.
Thanks, Victor – I really appreciate your show and all that you share.
You nailed it Victor. Anita Dunn, as per CNN…”Longtime Biden aide Anita Dunn is leaving the White House next week, according to a source familiar, and joining a super PAC supporting Vice President Kamala Harris.
This marks the first big departure from the White House in the wake of President Joe Biden’s decision to step down from the 2024 Democratic ticket.”
Love your shows and insights (current and historical)
The issue of the devisiveness of social media technology (providing an anonymous platform for hateful loners to share their misery) brought to mind the basic technological reason for America’s happiness and progress 1950’s through the 1990’s namely the automobile and our highway systems.
That technology brought people/cultures together to share foods, music, humor, and many other components of a cohesive society. It is no surprise the supporters of social media latch onto reasons to limit automobiles (energy, pollution, climate change, limited travel due to virus’s et al).
Please check my logic.
I know you have a vast amount of technical knowledge in all fields, but several times when I have been listening to you on various platforms, you have noted that the US left a lot of rifles at Bagram Airbase. A very true statement, however you refer to them as semi-automatic rifles. If so they would be the same as the AR-style rifles that the Biden-Harris regime wants to ban. It is my belief that the rifles left to the Taliban were, in fact, current military issue rifles. These are select fire, meaning the selector switch can be in the safe position, the semi-auto position, or the full auto position.
As a note: The M16A1 is safe, semi-auto, full auto.
The M16A2 is safe, semi-auto, 3 shot burst.
The M4A1 Carbine is safe, semi-auto, full auto.
I am pretty sure I am correct on this information, but if you disagree, I will certainly change my mind!!
Thanks for all you do.
Victor and Jack,
Your podcast is an island of sanity in a world gone mad. You have single-handedly kept me sane all these years of lowered standards, debased values and political corruption. Your conversations set a high standard for intellectual integrity. I commend Jack for reading on air the request by a listener that he “stop swearing”. His ability to hear this comment and issue an on air apology reflects Jack’s values, self-awareness, maturity; that forthright honesty is something the other side has lost complete touch with. Victor, Jack and Sammi, you have inaugurated a new American institution. We need you , Mike Ferris
Dear Professor Hanson,
My wife and I thoroughly enjoy your in-depth podcasts. Please keep it up ! I have heard you speak extensively on the current state of college education. We have 5-year old twins and started home schooling them this fall. My wife, a nurse practitioner, DNP, and college professor, was able to go part-time in order to stay with the children and teach them.
The next time you do a Q&A, could you discuss your thoughts on home-schooling? We know of some great success stories, most of which used a classical curriculum which we are also taking part in. So far, so good, but we have only gotten started.
As an added bonus, if you have anything positive I can pass along to my octogenarian parents who think we have totally lost it, please add that also!
Please keep up the good work. Greeting from the deep south and God Bless.
Dear Professor Hanson,
I enjoy your excellent podcasts, columns, and books. Your Hillsdale online courses are fantastic as well!
Since you speak extensively about the war in Ukraine, I would like to share my observations as a dual US/Estonian citizen living in Tallinn. By the way, I agree wholeheartedly with everything you have said about the war.
I would like to offer some “on the ground” observations, and hope to hear your comments at some point.
1. Many military age Ukrainian men have moved to Estonia.
2. Ukrainians here drive expensive cars (UA license plate) and live in expensive apartments.
3. They behave just like Russians!
4. Estonia gives military aid equal to 1.3% of its GDP to Ukraine.
If you set aside other territorial aspirations Putin might have, this war more closely resembles a war between 2 mafia families than a war between a dictatorship and a so-called democracy.
Please continue to be the voice of reason!
Hi Prof. Hanson,
I’m a big fan of your podcast and writings. I was wondering your thoughts on the Biden Admin DoD Directive quietly reissued, on 9/27/24, authorizing the military to use lethal force against its civilians over “national security” conditions. And your thoughts on the timing of this?
Thank you,
Rachel C
Professor Hanson,
do you think vice-president kamala harris will certify the election if donald trump wins?
thank you for all your insights, and keep up the good work!
With Respect,
Jim Erickson
Dear Professor Hanson,
Listening to your podcast of 9/20/24 and the idea that Harris has no agenda and that is why she parrots Trump, I would like to suggest that she has a very firm agenda and that is why she is guided how she is by her handlers; to present herself as an enigma whose falsehoods and bargain basement rhetoric are pleasing to the ear and seemingly without guile compared to the “evil” Trump. Her presentation deflects the masses from her real intent which is to rule over the continued decline and ruination of the United States of America. I can recall how the country was so enamored over the idea that we should and needed to have a black president to atone for slavery/discrimination that we paid little attention to Obama’s slogan of fundamentally changing America. Shame on us. As the newly ordained Marxist puppet, whose vanity and narcissism voids all sense of personal morality, Harris is happily willing to fiddle while Rome burns. Thank you so much for your dedication to truth.
Hello Dr. Hanson (may I call you Victor?),
I am a regular listener to your podcasts. I really enjoy your in-depth analysis, articulate discussions, and levelheaded treatment of turbulent and controversial subjects.
I also like very much your support cast: hosts Jack Fowler and Sami Winc. Mr. Fowler should never worry about comments critical to his on air behavior, as he is just fine! So is Sami.
However, I do have a request to them: occasionally you make mistakes, as all people do (and surely I would do if I talked about sophisticated topics as much as you do!). However, sometimes I think that it would be wise if your host corrected you immediately on air, even interrupting you temporarily, rather than letting it slide. The only reason for this is that the Left may have people monitoring your podcast, catching the occasional mistake, and using it against you. An example: a few months ago you talked about the Pennsylvania governor as a possible VP candidate and called him “Ben Shapiro” rather than “Josh Shapiro”. Sami should have corrected you immediately (in my opinion), but let it slide. Of course we listeners all figure out what you really mean (and meant), but again, someone on the other political side might grab onto this and use it to ridicule you. I could cite other examples but I hope that you get the point.
Otherwise keep doing your 5-star podcasts! They are great!
I have enjoy all your work and commentaries, included your books. Sadly I feel that you must feel like the voice crying in the wilderness.
I have been reading much in my retirement. I read your book about “the End…”, two or Jordan Peterson’s books, just finished Mollie Hemingway’s Rigged and Miranda Devine’s The Big Guy. It is so sad what has happened to our republice. I am part way through Douglas Murray’s The End Of Europe.
It is clear that immigration per se is not necessarily a bad thing, but three things must happen to make it work. 1). Immigrants must adapt to their new country’s culture. 2). they must enter legally with no criminal background. ) They must follow all of the laws of their new land or be deported.
With this comes the responsibility of our government: First would be to follow the constitution and insure that migrants follow the laws, arrested if they don’t and deported in a timely manner. Second would be that law enforcement be given all the tools that is needed to keep the country totally safe and that the court system be responsive to law abiding citizens to insure the safety. and third that the government provide the finances to insure the immigrants they let in are not a drain on local economies and put strain on Americans.
I mr. Murray’s book it is clear that the UK government and those member of Think-Tanks and academica, all with a liberal bent, cared none about the lawlessness about to be unleashed.
Dr Hanson,
While I enjoy all your podcasts, articles and books, I did want to comment on the Friday and Saturday podcast hosted by Sami Winc. In my personal opinion, Ms Winc is the perfect host for you. In addition to having a very smooth and melodious voice, she helps keep the podcast focused and remembers it’s the Victor Davis Hanson podcast, not the Sami and Victor podcast. She does a great job of bringing out your opinions and thoughts. It makes for very enjoyable and informative listening.
I feel so fortunate to be able to sneak into your history / philosophy ( Truth/ Wisdom) classes. I truly am thankful that you have helped me believe there is a Truth about the past, ( World / Me). Unlike in with education, it’s not all Relative. Aztecan Nazism ideals and not the same as Western ideals. Those conquered by the Western nations acquired more equality of benefits in the long run compared to those conquered by non Western nations acquired sacrificial mutilation, decapitation, slavery, (sex /labor) etc.
I ramble here>
As a teenager I always loved history and science (Why/How) but this interest never got me anywhere, no titles. I got lost and swept away by our culture of ‘ Doubts, Criticisms to Withdraw ‘ which propelled me to wander for years ‘ looking for myself ‘. The 70’s because of the above D&C people were moving ‘ Away ‘ going to Canada, Eastern religions or the woods. A culture that states its core is LOVE / UNITY but constantly seeds Doubts about Oneself (Who am I ?), Family, Religion, Country (History/Foundation), its economical system only drives HATE for others or Oneself. I believe those most vulnerable are from separated families, poor etc. In listening to you my hope is to articulate the ideas of your and others. My concern is I’m in the Kamala Harris camp of ‘ Word Salad ‘ expression. My vocabulary is low. Thus not being a reader isn’t helping, only a visual / audio listener. I believe I need to practice reading out loud. Thank you again…
Dr. Hanson,
I enjoy listening to your podcast every week. I learn so much and value your insight into current events and history.
In light of the recent decisive victory by President-elect Trump, did it work out better (for the country and the President himself) that the election of 2020 had gone down the way it had? Or would it have been better for the country if Trump had two consecutive terms? Though President Trump had to pay dearly for being dragged through the mud between 2020-2024 with lawfare (on top of everything he had to deal with in his first presidency), is it better that he had skipped a term which showed the true colors of the Left and ultimately led so many people to wake up finally?
I wanted to hear your thoughts. Thank you in advance, and I wish you a happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas! Stay healthy!
Victor – LOVE your show! But please:
“eTcetera” – not “eKcetera”
“Nuclear” – not “nukelar”
“Articulate” – not “articulant”
“Normality” – not “normalicity”
“Liz Cheney” – not “Lynn”
LOL. I think it’s endearing. Especially if you consider the fact that we all know that he knows, and it would be flawless if he were writing it vs speaking it…”Juicy” Smollet might be the best ever. What a great loss if we were to pronounce it correctly!
Mr. Hanson,
I am seventy-seven years old and got hooked on readable history via “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich”.
I read it first when I was about fourteen and boys at that time period were fascinated by battles and military operations. I read the entire book about three times but the non-military chapters made me a devotee of Mr. Shirer’s journalistic style of writing. I also enjoyed again multiple times his “The Collapse of The Third Republic”. My question I wish to ask you is how do you rate the works of William Shirer, Robert Payne , John Toland , John Hersey and others as valuable historic works even if they are not strictly “academic ” in nature.
Before I read these authors I found history to be as exciting as reading “The Statistical Almanac Of The United States”. I value your opinions as you are familiar with both academic and “popular” styles.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
Mr. Hanson:
I look forward to your Podcast every day. Your wisdom and insight is remarkable. I have a question aboutt the music that Jack Fowler has for his opening. It reminds me of the song “Garry Owen”‘ and we all know what happened to George Custer.
I agree that Putin is a thug. However, the Devil you know, is beter hen the Devil, you don’t know. Russia will NEVER be a Democratic country. They have NO history of it. There will always we a Strong Man in charge. It’s in there DNA. The best that we can hope for, is a Strong Man that wants to can deal with.
Thank you for what you do.
Victor, I love your podcast’s. They are the highlight of my day. I especially love your co host Sami Winc. Where might I find a photo of her?
Victor, Where might I find a photo of sami winc your fine co host?
Victor………….. Just finished watching your December 26th (12/21/2024) “podcast” with Jack on You Tube. You were in rare form, very funny with some “impressions” thrown in………. I had no idea there was that side to you…….
Years ago I resided in Capitola and couldn’t believe that You of all people graduated from UC – Santa Cruz! You, the man who lectures on the histories of the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, and even George S. Patton. Lord, America’s Renaissance Man might have actually tread on the S.C. Boardwalk once in a while………..
Just wanted to thank you for being the Voice for millions people in our country and maybe squeeze a little time in at the Trump White House…..
Thanks again……
Hi Victor, avid listener here. Recent news Elon Musk wants to significantly increase H1b visas .. I understand the short term need, but what are your thoughts how the current tide could be reversed so more of our youth want to learn skills such as engineering, science, computer technology, etc. reducing our dependency on temporary/imported workers? Or will out-sourcing continue which I believe weakens as opposed to strengthens our country. Thank you!!!
Hello Victor. I hope that after New Year, you can think about the very un-judicious comments made by Musk on the H1B program. But before you do, please allow me to weigh in with my opinion, and I hope that you can speak to these issues.
• His comments were in reaction of the Trump supporters’ reaction to Vivek’s criticism of America’s educational system made Dec 26. I think that Vivek’s criticism was correct, that the US education has a) not been putting the right emphasis on academics necessary for competent engineers, and b) teaching all kinds of garbage as filler, including the DEI and CRT agendas.
• Secondly, America once had great educational rigor as evidenced by relying on American engineers to put a man on the moon in 1969!
• However, admitting the education system as the problem, the H1B visa program is not a solution. It’s a band-aid. It’s a corrupt band-aid to boot, since the problem with American education will just continue to get worse and the oligarchs will just keep demanding more cheap engineers from overseas if it is expanded endlessly. Expanding the H1B program will not solve the basic educational problem.
* • Third, Mr. Musk’s comments were absolutely shocking, making him look like a petulant, immature, arrogant, unwise, unrestrained man-child who is utterly unused to anyone disagreeing with him.
I don’t have space here to make a total analysis. Your thoughts? Thank you Victor!
Some more comments: Mmentioned “going to war” with the people opposing the H1B expansion and cursed at one X poster.
• These harsh/vulgar comments were extremely unwise, seeing as Republicans/conservatives have just won a massive victory on November 5, and Mr. Musk seemed to be unwisely rushing to destroy that momentum before Trump is sworn in to the White House.
• We did not vote for Mr. Musk. We voted for Trump and for congressional Republicans. Mr. Musk is in an advisory role. If he becomes unstable or has terrible advice, then he can be fired from his job. If he recovers from this massive gaffe and starts giving great advice to the President, then everything is fine.
• Our country is not run by oligarchs (at least in principle). I realize that Mr. Musk has an exceptionally disproportionate influence on the President, but Mr. Trump also has the obligation to his electoral base, the millions of ordinary people who voted for him. It will be interesting to see how the President will navigate these conflicts of interest. I solicit your learned opinion on this conundrum: will he bend to the oligarchs or to the people’s vote?
• Perhaps a compromise is appropriate. Perhaps the H1B visa program can be marginally increased (so as not to flood the system with foreign labor, similar to what happened to agricultural or construction labor in California) with a promise to fix our education?
Your thoughts Victor? Thank You!
I read the Land Was Everything when it first came out and still your very best work
This needs to be republished as I have given away a half dozen copies and the price now is over $ 40 usd.
I promised the Sec of Agriculture in New Hampshire a copy and don’t want to give up my remaining.
The good news is that you do not need to write anything new, maybe a new preface at best
best /gpa
Dear Dr. Hanson
Have you ever written a systematic analysis of Trump’s so-called 2020 election denialism and the multiple actions he took to challenge what he thought were invalid state elections?
I want to know whether Trump had any legally valid claims that some state elections were conducted contrary to state election laws or state constitutions. For example, in many states my understanding is that the percent of rejected mail-in ballots supposedly dropped ten-fold relatively to historic rejection rates.
Were there legally valid changes to the rules for what constituted an acceptable mail-in ballot or how poll watchers were allowed to view or challenge ballots? Or were there legally questionable changes in these rules that Trump was prevented from challenging, possibly due to partisan judges who blocked his challenges. Given the egregious behavior of so many partisan or feckless judges in the multiple 2024 lawfare attacks on Trump, I think it is worth revisiting all the judicial rulings that went against Trump in his 2020 challenges.
Also, some seem to contend that Trump’s post 2020 election legal maneuverings were unprecedented and antithetical to a constitutional republic. Is there merit to this claim, or were his legal maneuverings similar to those which Democrats have used in the past?
I tried to see if you had already written about these issues soon after the 2020 election, but I couldn’t find any Feature articles from you in 2020.
Archipeligo Leach
Dear Dr. Hanson,
What do you think about setting up private NGOs to act as clearinghouses for vetting citizen tips about illegal aliens to support Tom Holman’s full deportation of Biden era illegals? The vetting (by birth certificates or naturalization records) would hopefully filter out both mistaken and malicious tips allowing mostly validated tips to be passed on. 10 million illegals in a country of 330 million citizens is a ratio of 1:33. If citizen tips can reduce this ratio to say 1:3, that might significantly reduce the government’s identification work and cost.
First, this program might shore up the current public support for a full deportation plan. And their active participation might ensure continued public support despite the expected demonization from Democrats and the MSM.
Second, setting up a temporary private surveillance state to identify illegal aliens might be preferable to setting up a government surveillance state, which is likely more difficult to sunset.
Finally, I thought financing might be achieved through public donations, including from the wealthy trying to establish their non-woke bona fides. For example, maybe Zuckerberg would donate $400 million to show true accountability and contrition for suppressing free speech at the government’s behest.
Curious to know your thoughts.
Archipeligo Leach
Dear Dr. Hanson
President Trump’s executive order “Putting People over Fish: Stopping Radical
Environmentalism to Provide Water to Southern California” sounds like one of your signature issues. I do not know if he is speaking with you directly, or if this comes to him via Devin Nunes. He mentioned a congressman. In any case, someone has President Trump talking about the delta smelt.
I know you do not disclose your private conversations, and that is admirable, but if he did get this straight from you, would you mind one day giving a wink to the camera? On top of being hilarious, it would reassure us, your fans, that the Trump orbit is listening to your wisdom.