November 2010

The Obama Fabulists

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online During the 2008 campaign, Barack Obama was billed as a cool rationalist — a sober and judicious intellectual so unlike the inattentive and twangy “smoke ’em out” George W. Bush, so rational in contrast to the herky-jerky and frenetic John McCain. Share This

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Stay Worried

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Economics 101 What worries me about President Obama is really one general issue: his very concrete enjoyment of the good life as evidenced by his golf outings, Martha’s Vineyard vacations, and imperial entourages that accompany him abroad, and yet his obvious distrust of the private sector and the success

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The Inexplicables

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media I. More Debt, Please? Please explain this: Barack Obama entered office; nationalized healthcare; ran up record $1 trillion deficits; promised to hike taxes on the rich; pushed cap and trade through the House; took over large chunks of banks, insurance companies, and auto corporations; made hard-left appointments from Van

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