November 2007

The Oil Hydra

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Oil is nearly $100 a barrel. Gas may soon reach $4 a gallon. And Americans are being bitten in almost every way imaginable by this insidious oil hydra. Share This

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Dictators and Democrats

Stick with principles–not personalities by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online I don’t think many Americans would argue that the answer for the sometimes lethargic, elected Karzai government in Afghanistan should be a coup by a Pashtun warlord and his battle-hardened lieutenants. Share This

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Liberal Racism

The assault on skilled, independent, intelligent blacks by Bruce S. Thornton Private Papers When Barack Obama accused Hillary Clinton of “playing the gender card,” the hypocrisy that typically defines our public discourse on race descended into the surreal. Share This

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Squaring Off: Part II

Hanson replies to criticisms of Ltc. Bateman by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media I suppose “devil” is not as bad as “pervert” or “feces” Share This

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Squaring Off

Hanson replies to criticisms of Ltc. Bateman by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media I used to have a great deal of respect for the Chronicle of Higher Education. Share This

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Please–Not Another Farm Bill

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services The House this July passed another five-year, multi-billion-dollar farm support bill. The Senate now has its own version under discussion. And we can probably expect that the compromise bill that passes will be at least the $286 billion allotted by the House. Share This

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