
Tweets Won’t Stop Modern Barbarians 

Boko Haram and the Sultan of Brunei couldn’t care less about Western outrage. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online  Nigeria’s homegrown, al-Qaeda linked militant group, Boko Haram, brags openly that it recently kidnapped about 300 young Nigerian girls. It boasts that it will sell them into sexual slavery. Those terrorists have a long and […]

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Nigerian ‘Sex-Slaves’ Disrupt Obama Narrative on Islam

by Raymond Ibrahim // Islamic law permits the possession of concubines, or sex slaves.  This has been demonstrated countless times, including through Islamic clerics quoting Islamic scriptures, and through ordinary Muslims, past and present, acting on it. That said, Islamic sanctioned sex-slavery does not perturb the Western world simply because the powers-that-be—specifically academia, media, and government—ignore it, and all other

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New York Times Biased Coverage on Muslim Persectution

by Raymond Ibrahim //  The New York Times has finally found a victim of Islamic aggression in Nigeria worth reporting on: homosexuals.   In a big spread complete with pictures appearing last week, the NYT’s Adam Nossiter wrote “Wielding Whip and a Hard New Law, Nigeria Tries to ‘Sanitize’ Itself of Gays.” Share This

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