Trump Buries The Old-World Order

Victor Davis Hanson // Hoover Institution The present continuance of institutions such as the EU, NATO, UN, and others suggests that the world goes on exactly as before. In fact, these alphabet organizations are becoming shadows of their former selves, more trouble to end than to allow to grow irrelevant. The conditions that created them […]

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Peter Beinart’s Amnesia

Victor Davis Hanson // National Review NATO’s problems, Putin’s aggression, and American passivity predate Trump, who had my vote in 2016 — a vote I don’t regret. Peter Beinart has posted a trademark incoherent rant, this time against Rich Lowry and meover our supposed laxity in criticizing Trumpian over-the-top rhetoric on NATO. At various times, I

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A Year of Achievement: the case for the Trump presidency

Victor Davis Hanson // National Review As President Trump finished his first full year in office, he could look back at an impressive record of achievement of a kind rarely attained by an incoming president — much less by one who arrived in office as a private-sector billionaire without either prior political office or military

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Who Watches the Watchmen?

by Victor Davis Hanson Originally published in the National Review. Read the original article here.  History shows that special counsels almost inevitably overstep their mandates. Former FBI director Robert Mueller was supposed to run a narrow investigation into accusations of collusion between the Donald Trump campaign and the Russian government. But so far, Mueller’s work

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In Defense of ‘the Generals’

The Corner The one and only. by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review   Recently there have been a number of quite different critiques from all political sides of Trump’s generals (Kelly/McMaster/Mattis), and also from a variety of angles (too narrow experience, an unhealthy overdose of military thinking, a “sellout” for working for the likes of

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Trump — And the Use and Abuse of Madness

By Victor Davis Hanson National Review Fiery and unpredictable rhetoric can be a powerful strategic tool, but only if it’s not habitual. Occasionally insanity, real or feigned, has its political advantages —largely because of its ancillary traits of unpredictability and an aura of immunity from appeals to reason, sobriety, and moderation. Rogues often try to

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Lord Ismay, NATO, and the Old-New World Order

by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review   What has become of the prescient post-WWII dictum ‘Russians out, Americans in, Germans down’?   The accomplished and insightful British general Hasting Ismay is remembered today largely because of his famous assessment of NATO, offered when he was the alliance’s first secretary general. The purpose of the new

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The Old German Problem

By Victor Davis Hanson National Review Germany’s negative attitude toward the U.S. long predates the rise of Trump. Berlin — Germans do not seem too friendly to Americans these days. According to a recent Harvard Kennedy School study of global media, 98 percent of German public television news portrays President Donald Trump negatively, making it

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