Mitt Romeny

Allegations of Foreign Election Tampering Have Always Rung Hollow

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Blaming foreign influence on an election loss has become a habitual practice for unsuccessful presidential candidates, but such allegations have never rung true. On her current book tour, Hillary Clinton is still blaming the Russians (among others) for her unexpected defeat in last year’s presidential election. She remains sold […]

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Silicon Valley Billionaires Are the New Robber Barons

by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Progressives forget their history of breaking up mega-corporations as they lionize tech giants such as Apple, Google, and Facebook. Progressives used to pressure U.S. corporations to cut back on outsourcing and on the tactic of building their products abroad to take advantage of inexpensive foreign workers. During the 2012

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Trump’s Russia “Reset”?

by Victor Davis Hanson// Defining Ideas   Throughout the 2016 election, the American Left venomously attacked Russian strongman Vladimir Putin. He was rightly accused of diminishing freedom both inside Russia and within neighboring nations, of gobbling up Crimea and Eastern Ukraine, and of eyeing the NATO member Baltic states for his next intervention. But Putin’s

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The Election Fables of 2016

  by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review Clear choices on the issues in 2016 have been far more distinct than in 1960, 1968, or 1992. Most of what we read about the election of 2016 was untrue. Here are the most glaring of the election fables. Hillary would have been better off politically to come

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Log Cabin Candidates

By Victor Davis Hanson // Tribune Media Services Which presidential candidate was born the poorest? Whose log cabin birthplace was the most ramshackle? Hillary and Bill Clinton are worth well over $100 million, largely due to years of leveraging their government service to pull in astronomical speaking and consulting fees from Wall Street, foreign investors

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