July 2005

Reformation or Civil War?

The jihadists cannot be reasoned with, only defeated. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Remember how shortly after September 11 Mohammed Atta’s lawyer father sounded worried in his cozy apartment? He stammered that his son did not help engineer the deaths of 3,000 Americans. Share This

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Doublespeak Unveiled

Muslim “moderates” are true to spirit of Islam by Bruce S. Thornton Private Papers As stalwart as the Bush administration has been in the current conflict with Islamic jihadists, judging from the op-ed in last Saturday’s New York Times by National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley and Homeland Security Advisor Frances Townsend, it still entertains dangerous illusions about

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Enough is Enough

Civilization has two choices when facing jihadists. by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services After the July 7 London bombings, some in the United Kingdom wondered if the bombing was in retaliation for Britain having troops in Iraq. Perhaps, they suggested, a withdrawal, emulating the Spanish appeasement after the March 2004 bombings in Madrid, would

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And Then They Came After Us

We’re at war. How about acting like it? by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online First the terrorists of the Middle East went after the Israelis. From 1967 we witnessed 40 years of bombers, child murdering, airline hijacking, suicide murdering, and gratuitous shooting. We in the West usually cried crocodile tears, and then came up with

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Elegant Nonsense

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Nearly 24 centuries ago, Plato warned not to confuse innate artistic skill with either education or intelligence. Share This

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Our Wars Over the War

“The fault is not in our stars.” by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Ever since September 11, there has been an alternative narrative about this war embraced by the Left. In this mythology, the attack on September 11 had in some vague way something to do with American culpability. Share This

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Dishonest and Deadly

Why does the West entertain such a wrongheaded notion as multiculturalism? by Bruce S. Thornton Private Papers The news that the London terrorist attacks were carried out by second-generation Muslim immigrants should not surprise us. Share This

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