
How Islamic Absurdities Prove Islamic Violence

by Raymond Ibrahim The other day I saw a video of a sheikh warning Muslims against disregarding Muhammad’s sunna, or the rules and customs the prophet prescribed for Muslims. Share This

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Bin Laden and the Eternal Hydra of War

by Raymond Ibrahim Hudson New York As we ponder the significance of Osama bin Laden’s death, it is well to reflect that Islamists are not the cause of hostilities; they are but symptoms of a much greater cause. Share This

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Tough Times for Radical Islam

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Osama bin Laden is dead. The Middle East is in chaos. And radical Islam is floundering Share This

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The Secularist Delusion

by Bruce S. Thornton Advancing a Free Society The dubious received wisdom rationalizing our current intervention in Libya was crystallized in Senator John Kerry’s recent essay for The Wall Street Journal. For Kerry, the rebels in Libya are the same as those in Egypt, “peacefully demanding freedom and dignity.” Share This

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