First Term Policies

The Ancient Foreign Policy

 by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review Nations are collections of human beings, and human nature has not changed, despite Obama’s pleadings. For the last eight years, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Samantha Power, Ben Rhodes, and Susan Rice have sought to rewrite the traditional approach to foreign policy. In various ways, they have warned […]

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Assessing the Obama Legacy—Against His Own Mileposts

by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review The president’s stated priorities have not turned out well. In his 2016 State of the Union address, President Obama summarized his achievements. That same night, the White House issued a press release touting Obama’s accomplishments. Now that he will be leaving, how well did these initiatives listed in

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For Obama, Inconvenient Law Is Irrelevant Law

The president dismantles immigration law that he finds incompatible with his own larger agenda. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online There is a humane, transparent, truthful — and constitutional — way to address illegal immigration. Unfortunately, President Obama’s unilateral plan to exempt millions of residents from federal immigration law is none of those

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The Madness of 2008

A nation became unhinged by trivialities like “hope and change.” It has now awakened.   by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online America is suddenly angry at the laxity, incompetence, and polarizing politics of the Obama administration, the bad optics of the president putting about in his bright golf clothes while the world burns.

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2014: Obama’s America

Scandals now come so fast that each new mess makes us forget the previous one. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online The summer of 2014 will go down in history as the season when America fell apart. Let’s take a tour of the disasters.  Germany in 2008 enthusiastically hosted candidate Barack Obama for

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How Obama Lost the Middle East

The president put politics and ideology ahead of preserving hard-won gains in the region.  by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online In his first term, Barack Obama all but declared victory in America’s Middle East struggles. As he precipitously pulled out all U.S. peacekeepers from Iraq, the president had his own “Mission Accomplished” moment

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The Federal Octopus

Federal agencies now exist not for the public good but for their employees’ benefit and Obama’s agenda. by Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Online When IRS Commissioner John Koskinen arrogantly told Congress that he had no apologies for an agency that has targeted conservative groups for special scrutiny, had a top-ranking bureaucrat take the Fifth Amendment,

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It Can Happen Here

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media Shortly before the second-term inauguration of Barack Obama this January, I wrote [1] the following of my worries over the Obama way of doing business: Share This

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