VDH UltraWhat Becomes of the FBI?

Victor Davis Hanson Can the FBI be saved in its present form? Should it be disassembled, and its bureaus farmed out to other agencies? Should its headquarters be transferred to Kansas City, or maybe Fresno, Dayton, or Boise? Given its record of transgressions and lapses, would we miss its absence? Or are its Washington hierarchies

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He Did It, Not Me!

Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness There is something Kafkaesque about the current round of investigating possible FBI, CIA, National Security Agency, Justice Department, and National Security Council wrongdoing during the 2016 election, Trump transition, and early presidency. Special Counsel Robert Mueller had been permitted to range well beyond his mandate of “Russian collusion.” He

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Should the FBI Run the Country?

Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Since the media would doubtless answer that loaded question, “It depends on the president,” let us imagine the following scenario. Return to 2008, when candidate Barack Obama had served only about three years in the U.S. Senate, his sum total of foreign policy experience. And he was running against

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Comey Continues to Display His Lack of Credibility

Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Fired former FBI director James Comey is at it again. Last week, Comey testified before members of the House Judiciary Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. In a single appearance, Comey, on 245 separate occasions, while under oath, stonewalled questions with “I don’t know,” “I don’t

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One Ford Narrative Too Many

Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness In the end, the Christine Blasey Ford accusations collapsed. With them went the last effort to destroy Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the United States Supreme Court. After thousands of hours of internal Senate and FBI investigations of Kavanaugh, as well as public discussions, open questioning, and media sensationalism, Ford

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Kavanaugh’s Testimony Was His Joseph N. Welch Moment

Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Christina Ford’s testimony did not alter, positively or negatively, the facts of her allegations. She still cannot adduce where or when the alleged assault of 36 years prior occurred, or how she arrived at, or departed from, the alleged, but unnamed, location of the assault, or how many people

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Demonization of Nunes Is a Window Into Our Times

Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Much of what we now know about the unethical and often illegal behavior of the FBI, CIA, National Security Agency, and Department of Justice emerged due to the efforts of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Its chairman during its stunning disclosures has been Representative Devin Nunes (R.,

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The Reexamination of Security Clearances Was Long Overdue

Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Much has been written about former CIA and FBI official Philip Mudd’s recent unhinged outburst on CNN against Paris Dennard for the latter’s credible suggestion that many ex-officials have monetized the fact that they have retained their security clearances. Dennard was suggesting that those with security clearances, with a

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