Donald Trump

Colluders on the Loose

Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Comey, McCabe, Clapper, Brennan, Lynch, Andrew Weissmann, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, Harry Reid, Samantha Power, Clinton attorney Jeannie Rhee . . . If collusion is the twin of conspiracy, then there are lots of colluders running around Washington. Robert Mueller was tasked to find evidence of Trump and Russia

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Donald Trump, Tragic Hero

Victor Davis Hanson // National Review His very flaws may be his strengths The very idea that Donald Trump could, even in a perverse way, be heroic may appall half the country. Nonetheless, one way of understanding both Trump’s personal excesses and his accomplishments is that his not being traditionally presidential may have been valuable

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Mueller at the Crossroads

Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Robert Mueller was appointed special counsel in May 2017 in reaction to a media still gripped by near hysteria over the inexplicable defeat of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. For nearly a year before Mueller’s appointment, leaks had spread about collusion between Russia and the Donald Trump

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Swamp Things in the Russia Investigation

Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness “The Swamp” usually refers to the vast federal bureaucratic machinery of mostly unelected top officials who exercise influence and power without worry about the appearance of conflicts of interest. They are often exempt from the consequences of the laws and regulations that affect others. The chief characteristics of the

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Trump Syndromes

Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Trump creates hysteria, both rabid antipathies and fervent support. General chaos surrounds President Trump. Few dispute that. All argue over the origins, causes, and nature of these wild reactions to our president. The Left’s Hatred Take the Left’s loathing of Trump that arises from three sources. First, Trump supposedly

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Trump’s Generals Are Too Valuable to Be Dismissed

Victor Davis Hanson // Town Hall Near-daily gossip surrounds Donald Trump’s three marquee generals. The media sometimes blare out rumors that Gen. John Kelly, the White House chief of staff, is proving to be a loose cannon and might soon be fired. Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, Trump’s national security adviser, is occasionally rumored to be

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The Real Russian Disaster

Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Donald Trump has said a lot of silly stuff about Russia, from joking about Vladimir Putin helping to find Hillary’s deleted emails, to naïve musings about the extent of Russian interference into Western democratic elections. But far more important than what he has said is what Trump has done.

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Rethinking Watergate

Victor Davis Hanson // Hoover Institution The Watergate break-in is now 45 years old. The scandal is as distant from our own time as it was once from 1928. The median age of Americans is about 38 years old. Half of all Americans were likely born after the break-in. But Watergate is hardly ancient history.

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