
President Nobama

by Victor Davis Hanson//National Review   Trump is commonsensically undoing, piece by piece, the main components of Obama’s legacy.   Donald Trump continues to baffle. Never Trump Republicans still struggle to square the circle of quietly agreeing so far with most of his policies, as they loudly insist that his record is already nullified by …

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Trump Threatens to Deal Another Blow to the Palestinian Cause

by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review   By cutting off hundreds of millions in American aid to the Palestinian Authority, the president could radically alter the Middle East.   President Trump set off another Twitter firestorm last week when he hinted that he may be considering cutting off hundreds of millions of dollars in annual …

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Why Trump Should Consider a Post-Twitter Presidency

by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review   By now, the president’s record has transcended his social-media idiosyncrasies.   Almost every supposedly informed prediction about President Donald Trump’s compulsive Twitter addiction has so far proved wrong.   He did not tweet his way out of the Republican nomination. Spontaneous social-media messaging did not lose Trump the …

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America’s Indispensable Friends

By Victor Davis Hanson// National Review   As long as the U.S. remains good to weaker but humane states located in dangerous neighborhoods, it will remain great as well.   The world equates American military power with the maintenance of the postwar global order of free commerce, communications, and travel.   Sometimes American power leads …

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In Defense of ‘the Generals’

The Corner The one and only. by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review   Recently there have been a number of quite different critiques from all political sides of Trump’s generals (Kelly/McMaster/Mattis), and also from a variety of angles (too narrow experience, an unhealthy overdose of military thinking, a “sellout” for working for the likes of …

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Are Wars Caused by Accidents?

by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review   History shows that a lack of deterrence, not loose rhetoric, spurs aggression.   As tensions mount with North Korea, fears arise that President Trump’s tit-for-tat bellicose rhetoric with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un might lead to miscalculations — and thus an accidental war that could have been prevented. …

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The Need For Missile Defense

by Victor Davis Hanson // Defining Ideas America’s great advantage when it entered world affairs after the Civil War was that its distance from Europe and Asia ensured that it was virtually immune from large sea-borne invasions. The Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans proved far better barriers than even the forests and mountain ranges of …

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What If South Korea Acted Like North Korea?

By Victor Davis Hanson National Review If it threatened to destroy its neighbor — China — the neighbor would act. Think of the Korean Peninsula turned upside down. Imagine if there were a South Korean dictatorship that had been in power, as a client of the United States since 1953. Share This

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The Fire And Fury Of Presidents

by Victor Davis Hanson // Defining Ideas   Image credit:Barbara Kelley “We could, obviously, destroy North Korea with our arsenals.” —Barack Obama, April 2016 The media recently went ballistic over President Trump’s impromptu promises of “fire and fury” in reply to the latest North Korean threats—and even more so when he later doubled down under …

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