December 2009

The Summer of 1683

by Victor Davis Hanson First Things (October 2009) A review of The Enemy at the Gate: Hapsburgs, Ottomans, and the Battle for Europe by Andrew Wheatcroft (Basic, 368 pp). Share This

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A Fairer Verdict On Bush

A reassessment of the 43rd president has already begun. by Victor Davis Hanson Forbes Magazine Critics are tallying the Bush administration’s pluses and minuses, and some consensus is emerging that in time George W. Bush, like Harry Truman, will be seen in a far more favorable light than his low poll ratings reflected. Share This

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Learning From Abdul Mutallab

by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner Coming on the heels of the killing spree by Maj. Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood, the latest terrorist “incident,” involving Abdul Mutallab on Northwest Flight 253, is yet another isolated but tell-tale sign that we must learn from: Share This

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The War Against the Wannabe Rich

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services There is class warfare going on in this country — but it’s not against the established rich. It’s against those who are trying to become wealthy. Share This

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Where Did These Guys Come From?

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media The Origins of Obamism I do not think it will be easy to delay Obamism. It is not just that both houses of Congress are under liberal leadership with ample majorities, with a White House and captive media egging them on. Share This

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Orwell Couldn’t Make This Up

by Victor Davis Hanson NRO’s The Corner Our Moments: Today’s Paradoxes Various Norwegians are said to be miffed that Laureate Obama snubbed the traditional lunch with their King Harald. Are they surprised? Share This

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Why Are We Tiring of Obama?

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media The China Presidency I have an heirloom china pitcher on my mantle that has dozens of glued cracks — so much so that it is now purely ornamental and will not hold water. Share This

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The Long March From California to Copenhagen

by Victor Davis Hanson PJ Media The Great Debate Oddly Is Not Over We are still in a great public debate between capitalism and socialism, and individual freedom versus statism — odd since hundreds of millions worldwide have escaped poverty the last 30 years due to the spread of Western-inspired free markets. Share This

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Our Flip-Flopping Wars

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services We don’t hear all that much about Iraq these days, do we? Share This

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