December 2005

Delium: The Battle Only One Man Wanted–Part V

by Victor Davis Hanson Military History Quarterly [Delium will appear this week in a five part series: 1)The Battle, 2) The Aftermath, 3) Armor and Ranks, 4) Innovation and the Battlefield, 5) Coalition Warfare] Share This

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Delium: The Battle Online One Man Wanted–Part IV

by Victor Davis Hanson Military History Quarterly [Delium will appear this week in a five part series: 1)The Battle, 2) The Aftermath, 3) Armor and Ranks, 4) Innovation and the Battlefield, 5) Coalition Warfare] Share This

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Democratic Implosion

Can the party of the people be saved from itself? by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online The idea that we are going to win this war is an idea that unfortunately is just plain wrong. — Howard Dean And there is no reason… that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes …

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Delium: The Battle Only One Man Wanted–Part III

by Victor Davis Hanson Military History Quarterly [Delium will appear this week in a five part series: 1)The Battle, 2) The Aftermath, 3) Armor and Ranks, 4) Innovation and the Battlefield, 5) Coalition Warfare] Share This

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Delium: The Battle Only One Man Wanted–Part II

by Victor Davis Hanson Military History Quarterly [Delium will appear this week in a five part series: 1)The Battle, 2) The Aftermath, 3) Armor and Ranks, 4) Innovation and the Battlefield, 5) Coalition Warfare] Share This

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Delium: The Battle Only One Man Wanted–Part I

by Victor Davis Hanson Military History Quarterly [Delium will appear this week in a five part series: 1)The Battle, 2) The Aftermath, 3) Armor and Ranks, 4) Innovation and the Battlefield, 5) Coalition Warfare] Share This

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The Truth about Torture

by Victor Davis Hanson Tribune Media Services Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., recently proposed an amendment to a defense appropriations bill in an attempt to plug loopholes in already existing anti-torture laws. The amendment, which President Bush opposes, is a good idea for America — but not necessarily for the reasons cited by most critics of …

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A Moral War

The project in Iraq can succeed, and leave its critics scrambling. by Victor Davis Hanson National Review Online Almost everything that is now written about Iraq rings not quite right: It was a “blunder”; there should have been far more troops there; the country must be trisected; we must abide by a timetable and leave …

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