
China’s New Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review   China is following the same path to regional hegemony that Japan did in the 1930s.   A few weeks ago, Chinese president Xi Jinping offered a Soviet-style five-year plan for China’s progress at the Communist Party congress in Beijing. Despite his talk of global cooperation, the themes were …

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What If South Korea Acted Like North Korea?

By Victor Davis Hanson National Review If it threatened to destroy its neighbor — China — the neighbor would act. Think of the Korean Peninsula turned upside down. Imagine if there were a South Korean dictatorship that had been in power, as a client of the United States since 1953. Share This

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Throwing Away the Russian Card

By Victor Davis Hanson National Review The love-hate relation with Putin, from the Obama-era red reset button to the current collusion hysteria, has been a disaster. “They [the North Koreans] will eat grass but will not stop their program as long as they do not feel safe.”— Vladimir Putin, Beijing, China, September 5, 2017 China …

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The Korean Games of Thrones

by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review   The time for pious American lectures is over.   North Korea North Korea seeks respect on the cheap — and attention and cash — that it cannot win the old-fashioned way by the long, hard work of achieving a dynamic economy or an influential culture.   Over the …

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West Can Neither Live with nor Take Out North Korean Nukes

by Victor Davis Hanson// National Review   It’s time for the U.S. and its allies to prepare for a tough, messy confrontation.   North Korea recently test-launched a long-range missile capable of reaching Alaska.   When North Korea eventually builds a missile capable of reaching the U.S. mainland, it will double down on its well-known …

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Regime Change by Any Other Name?

by Victor Davis Hanson Truth or consequences? Obama skated for far worse misdeeds. Election machines in three states were not hacked to give Donald Trump the election. There was never a serious post-election movement of electors to defy their constitutional duties and vote for Hillary Clinton. Nor, once Trump was elected, did transgendered people begin …

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